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and Deviance
A person’s social existence is
determined by a set of goals
prearranged by society and
through the process of socialization
Socialization, becomes a self-embraced goals.
Conformity, and
Deviance When goals, rules, and
expectations of society are
internalized, conformity is the
anticipated behavior that follows.
➢ a behavior that violates expected rules
and norms. Deviance is more than
nonconformity from social expectation.
It has social contexts and it looks at

group processes, definitions, and
➢ Deviance is socially constructed. It lies
not only in the behavior but in the social
responses of groups to the behavior of
➢ Societal reaction to deviant behavior
suggests that social groups actually
create deviance by making and
applying rules to a particular people
and labeling them as outsiders.
➢ Structural Functionalists (inherent benefits) believed that deviance
promotes unity, serves as moral compass, and provides
opportunities where there are none. It performs an important
function in the overall operation of society.
➢ Historical conflict perspective (change-initiating) considers
deviance as a form of civic action which aims to rectify the unfair
and unjust problems of social inequality.
➢ Critical interpretivism (influence) views deviance as a result of the
exercise of power.
of Deviance
Structural Strain Theory
Robert Merton

➢ classified people into five

general categories based
on their relationship with
culturally accepted goals
and means to achieve
this goals. The includes
conformists, ritualists,
innovators, retreatists,
and rebels.
Modes of Cultural Goals Institutionalized
Adoption Means
Conformity + +

Innovation + -

Ritualism - +

Retreatism - -

Rebellion +/- +/-

Labeling Theory

➢states that definitions of criminality or deviance are

established by those in power through the formulation
of laws and the interpretation of those laws set by
different social institutions like the government and the
Social Control Theory
(Travis Hirschi)

➢suggests that deviance occur when a person’s or group’s

attachment to social bonds is weakened.
➢Effective socialization makes conformity an internally-
driven motivation; while the externally-driven conformity
always engaged the mechanism of social control.
➢The pursuance of common good should not be a cause
for the violation of the human rights of the individuals.

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