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Discussion 7

Question 1

In-page videos are standalone video ads which normally do not have streaming content

connected with them. They offer more content opportunities and are cost effective. In- page

videos need the advertiser to charm the audience and a lot of creativity is required. Level of

involvement shows how someone or customers are interested in purchasing a product or service

and how much information they need to make a decision. Low level involvement category are

those product that consumer do not need a lot of convincing to buy. That means that, consumer

have quick decision making when purchasing low level involvement category and service. In

connection to in-page videos, low level category product and services do not need in-page videos

because in-page videos involve a lot of convincing to make a decision which is unnecessary with

low level category products and services.

Question 2

The radio is termed as the theatre of the mind in advertising because all the dramas and

audiences that happen there engages with the imagination of the listener more than in a visual

theatre. The importance of the selected elements in radio for selected audiences is because it

reaches large and diverse audiences, it maximizes the frequency, it targets particular audience

and it leverages influence.

Surname 2

Question 3

Elements of good radio commercials include the following:

Consistency – As an advertiser, if you want to create a memorable ad, you must have

consistency in your advertising. This encompasses the voice, the music and the message

Familiarity – Besides consistency, the structure and the approach of your radio ads should

remain the same so as to stick in the listener’s mind

Focus – Every ad should have as single focus in its development

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