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Nursing Research:

The current study has laid the groundwork for a retrospective quality assessment of
nursing care. To increase overall individual performance, the application of research findings
should be included in the quality assurance evaluation. RECOMMENDATION: Based on the
findings of the study, the following recommendations can be made: Conduct a comparable study
with a large number of samples. It is possible to do a comparison study of urban and rural
communities. A study helps to provide better nursing care for children with acute gastroenteritis.
Comparative research on children of various ages may be undertaken. Different age groups, as
well as males and women, might be studied in comparison.

Nursing Education:
The current study underlines the importance of encouraging staff nurses to participate in
continuing nursing education programs, specific courses, or training addressing the care of acute
gastro enteritis in order to keep their expertise up to date. The leader in nursing care was
challenged to meet the health requirements of the most vulnerable people through excellent
organization and administration. The nurse administrator should participate actively in health
policy development, drafting protocol, process, and standing orders for the treatment of acute
gastro enteritis. When providing training on the treatment of children under the age of five with
acute gastro enteritis, the nurse educator should provide opportunities for the children to build
skill and attitude.

Nursing Practice:
Nurses' primary responsibility is to offer care and comfort while doing particular nursing
responsibilities. The planned nursing intervention is to be scheduled in the community on a
specific date and time, for both the children and the caregivers or family members. According to
the study, nurses should assist youngsters in regaining their usual condition through the healing
process. Although therapeutic skills that promote physical recovery are crucial to caregivers, it
signifies the need for change that the nursing profession must implement. Orientation session for
new employees to learn about acute gastroenteritis and how to handle it. The current trend in
health-care delivery stresses both preventive and curative treatments. The study raises nurses'
awareness of the issues and complications associated with acute gastro enteritis.

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