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Thiết lập cuộc hội thoại đb gì đấy, t với m là hai thằng chủ tịch công ty bảo vệ môi

trường đang trong cuộc họp đưa ra phương án hợp tác hai cty để bảo vệ môi trường

T: Welcome to our Ocean corporate meeting room

M:Ok, thank you. Let's start with the main work, right?

T:OK, We are all commissioned by UNEP about the recent water pollution problem.

So what do you think about working together to solve it?

M: Why should i work with you?

T: Come on, I know, you can't handle this alone. The recent problems with your
company must have made you very tired

M: okay, tell me your plan

T: As you know, recently there are many risks leading to water pollution.

M:Such as?

T: According to statistics, there are two main causes of water pollution: natural
phenomena and man causes.

T: Natural phenomena can be caused by melting ice, floods, storms, etc., causing
accumulated dirt to flow into people's living water areas.

T: As for humans, they litter indiscriminately into the water environment, especially
agricultural and industrial activities

M: Statistics from the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) show that more
than 60% of the water sources in the rivers of Asia, Africa and Europe are polluted.
According to UNICEF, the five countries with the most serious water pollution are
Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, China and Vietnam. This problem is difficult to
solve. Are you confident that you can do it?

T: You don't have to worry, I already have a plan

M:You serious? Water pollution causes many harmful effects. It harms human health,
causes aquatic organisms to lose their habitat, makes plants have no water to grow,
and also causes great harm to the economy of society. You really have a plan to solve
those problems?
T:Of course. These are mostly problems caused by the people, so first we need to
raise people’s awareness on the issue of water environment protection. Firstly, we
must encourage people to treat wastewater, waste, and garbage in accordance with
regulations.Besides, we must always save water in daily life to ensure that we do not
run out of water. Moreover, we should ask the government to come up with policies
and laws on the protection of the water environment, thereby propagating,
mobilizing, and raising people's awareness of environmental protection. Finally, let's
create a clean water campaign. People will participate in protecting the water
environment around their area and the sea area.

M: Sound great! Respect your plan is very elaborate, I will cooperate with your

T:I’m looking forward to a successful working relatiónhip in the future.

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