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Total Acid Number (ASTM D 974)

Preparation of TAN solvent (2 litres)

1000 ml of Toluene + 990 ml of Isopropyl alcohol + 10 ml of Distilled water

Preparation of 0.1 N alcoholic KOH

5.6 g – 6 g of solid KOH is to be dissolved in 1 litre of anhydrous

Isopropyl alcohol and boiled gently for 10-1 5 mins. Allow it to settle for 24 hrs
and filter it.

Standardisation of 0.1 N KOH

Take 10 ml of alcoholic KOH in the conical flask and add phenolphthalein

indicator. Titrate alc. KOH against 0.1 N standardised (against sodium
bicarbonate) HCl acid till the colour changes from pink to colourless.

Calculation of normality of KOH

V1 N1 = V2 N2

N1 = (V2 N2) / V1

Where V1 = Volume of KOH in ml

N1 = Normality of KOH

V2=Volume of HCl consumed

N2= Normality of HCl

Determination of TAN of the sample

Take 10 ml of TAN solvent in the conical flask add 2 drops of p-

napthabenzene (indicator) and titrate against alcoholic KOH for colour change
(few drops).

This solution is to be added to the weighed quantity (10 g) of sample.

The mixture (TAN solvent + Sample) is to be titrated against alcoholic


TAN = (Vol. of KOH x Normality of KOH x 56.1) / weight of sample

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