Che211l 1

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Experimental Report

CHE 211 lap

Name : Suror Mahmoud Al-hishrey

Reg. number : 022170715
Group :4
Departmen : chemical engineering
”Title experiment : experiement one “1



The absolute density of a liquid or solution is the mass of unit volume of the
substance. The relative density at a given temperature is the density relative
to that of a standard substance (water).
It is easily determined by means of a vessel of accurately defined volume
Called ostwalde pyknometer is showing in (fig .1.).


A) - Determination of the relative and absolute densities of a liquid or

solution by

1) – Wash the Byknometer with distilled water & drying by alcohol.
2) – Weigh the Byknometer empty.
3) – Fill the Byknometer with freshly boiled and cooled distilled water by
Gently through a rubber tube fitted to the end of the limb (b) dip in
4) – suspend the Byknometer in the thermostat and leave it to acquire the
temperature of the bath (10-15minutes).the amount of water in
the Byknometer
Must be adjusted so that it fills it from the end (a) up to the mark on the
limb (b).
To equivalent mark (a) with mark (b) taken some drops of water by
.Record the weight of the water at equivalent between (a & b) – )5
6) – Remove the water from Byknometer and drying.
7) – Repeat steps (3 to 6) by using (ethanol as liquid).

# Calculation:-

1) – Weight the Byknometer empty, w=31.75 gm.

2) - Weight the Byknometer with Water, W=81.45gm.

# Weight of water, W1=W-w=49.7gm.

3) – Weight the Byknometer with ethanol W=72.58gm.

# Weight of ethanol, W2=W-w=40.83gm.

# Density of the water @ equal=0.997gm/cc.

The relation between density and Weight as follows:

# calculates density of ethanol:
Fig (1): Byknometer

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