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Crisis To Action 👋

I am exited to deliver my proposal, I hope you

enjoy and understand all the details.
If there are any confusions you can consult me.

Main Idea
As was decided due to current conditions, we are considering tree planting.
However our twist lies in ‘where’ we plant these trees.
I was suggesting we plant trees, that don’t require any sunlight, in our classrooms and
corridors. Small beautiful air purifying plants.

We are already trying to improve our classrooms. Plants can be just that classical
My plan is the easiest and I believe we can get most fund along with a good activity. Its
pretty simple, we hold a ‘lottery’ session.

Its something interesting for students and they will most likely participate.

Second Option
We can always go one the traditional method of bake sale. Ask some students bake
something, some to sell with us and we can keep profit for plants.

Everyone would be willing to give their money for some sweets.

Or we could just do Both!
Handling both would just mean extra money.

If you agree we can discuss the specifics on a call.

Thank You!

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