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KII4003 Working With Spreadsheets Assessment 2

KII4003-AT-V1.22052018 Downtown Australia Pty Ltd t/a Kingsford International Institute

RTO:45363 | CRICOS: 03689D 1

KII4003 Working With Spreadsheets Assessment 2

Assessment Information
Welcome to your Student Assessment Workbook for KII4003 Working with Spreadsheets.

Unit of Competency
BSBITU402 Develop and use complex spreadsheets

This Student Assessment Workbook is where you will write all your responses for the knowledge questions
and simulation tasks. Please refer to the Student Assessment Guide for more information.

This assessment has the following two events:

Assessment Event 1 – Knowledge Questions
There are five questions that will provide us with evidence of your general knowledge of concepts in
relation to ergonomics, work organisation strategies, energy and resource conservation techniques, and
spreadsheet functions.
Assessment Event 2 – Simulation: Milk Daily Fresh
You will complete a number of tasks associated with designing and developing an automated spreadsheet
template. These tasks will be based on your role of Document Management Specialist in a simulation for
Milk Daily Fresh, an organisation that retails fresh milk products.

To complete the Simulation, you will need to refer to the following resources:
Project Brief.pdf Outlines the business needs and provides a paper design prototype to give you
an idea of how the Sales Report Template must look. You will produce the
Template based on the requirements specified in this document.
Current Sales Data.xlsx Spreadsheet that holds raw data for the current year’s sales performance per
quarter for the entire range of products. You will use this data to retrieve the
current sales performance for the selected range of products as specified in the
Project Brief.
Historical Sales Data.txt Text file that holds raw data for the previous year’s sales performance per
quarter for the selected range of products. You will import this file into your
spreadsheet environment as per the requirements given in the Project Brief.
Organisational Milk Daily Fresh company logo. You will use this media file as stipulated in the
Logo.png organisational Style Guide.
Milk Daily Fresh Organisational Style Guide that provides the standards for spreadsheet
Style Guide.pdf production. You must conform to these standards when designing and
producing the Sales Report Template.
Ergonomics and Work A policy and procedures document that outlines Milk Daily Fresh’s organisational
Organisation Policy and ergonomic, energy, and resource saving practices for document production. You
Procedures.pdf will demonstrate yours understanding on these in Task 1.

Please note that your responses for both assessment events can (where appropriate) use dot point format.
See below an example of a dot point response and a full sentence response.

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KII4003 Working With Spreadsheets Assessment 2

Dot point format Presentation Plan includes the following:

 outcomes
 needs of the audience
 context.
Full sentence format When you are preparing for a presentation, there are a number of tasks that
must be carried out. These are listing the outcomes that you want to achieve,
followed by the identification of the needs of your audience. When you have
completed these two tasks you then check on the room that you will be
conducting the presentation

Important Information:
Remember, you do not type your answers in the Student Assessment Guide but use this Student Assessment Workbook
instead. The Student Assessment Guide is simply a guide to explain what you are required to do, and by doing so, this will
assist you to perform at your best.
Please type your answers for the questions in Assessment Event 1 in this Student Assessment Workbook. In Assessment
Event 2, you are required to produce a spreadsheet template and a PDF export of this template as the output of the
simulation. Your Assessor will need electronic copies of these files in order to assess your performance in these
assessment tasks; therefore, you will not use the Student Assessment Workbook for this purpose, rather, you will upload
these files to the web-based cloud storage platform which you will have created in Task 2.2. Please refer to Task 2.2 in the
Student Assessment Guide for specific instructions.
However, note that Task 8 will require you to produce screenshots of your cloud platform with folders and files, and then
attach to this Student Assessment Workbook as an Appendix.

To Achieve Competence
To be deemed competent for this unit, you will need to meet the following requirements:

• complete all of the questions and tasks listed in the Student Assessment Workbook
• meet all the requirements listed in this Student Assessment Guide
• your responses to the questions and tasks must be relevant, accurate and specific
• submit your completed Student Assessment Workbook to your Assessor within the set timeframes
• your work must be in your own words
• where you use an external source of information, you must provide citation.

KII4003-AT-V1.22052018 Downtown Australia Pty Ltd t/a Kingsford International Institute

RTO:45363 | CRICOS: 03689D 3

KII4003 Working With Spreadsheets Assessment 2

Pre-assessment Checklist
Your assessor will go through the assessment for this subject, KII4003 Working with Spreadsheets. It is important that you
understand this assessment before taking on the questions and tasks. To confirm that you have been given this overview,
we ask you to complete the following Pre-Assessment Checklist.
You are required to carefully read each checklist item provided below and tick either ‘Y’ to confirm your understanding or
‘N’ if you disagree. In case you disagree with an item, please provide your reason under the ‘Comments’ column.

When you have done this, we ask you to sign this Pre-Assessment Checklist. This acknowledges that your Trainer/Assessor
has discussed all of the information with you prior to undertaking this assessment.

Pre – assessment Checklist Comments

Y✘ N I, the student, understand the purpose of the assessment.

I understand when and where the assessment will occur, who will
Y ✘ N assess and in what format the assessment will be submitted.

Y ✘ N I understand the methods of assessment.

I understand what resources are required to complete this

Y ✘ N assessment.

I understand the performance level required for each assessment

Y✘ N event.

I understand that it must be my own work. I have been explained

Y ✘ N and understand the serious consequences in case this work is found

Y ✘ N I understand the process if I am deemed not yet competent.

Y ✘ N I understand the feedback process and the appeals process.

The assessor has discussed with me if I have any special needs and if
Y ✘ N so what arrangements have been made.

Student Full Name Student ID Student Signature Date

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RTO:45363 | CRICOS: 03689D 4

KII4003 Working With Spreadsheets Assessment 2

Assessment Event 2 – Milk Daily Fresh

In this assessment, you will undertake a number of tasks associated with formulating evidence-driven strategies to
improve the business performance of a local coffeehouse chain, Milk Daily Fresh, utilizing its corporate knowledge.
As stated earlier, these tasks are spreadsheet based and will be performed using Excel; therefore, you will not be
inserting any response into this Student Assessment Workbook for Assessment Event 2.
However, note that Task 8 requires you to produce screenshots of your cloud platform with folders and files, and
then attach to this Student Assessment Workbook as an Appendix.
See Task 8 in your Student Assessment Guide for detailed instructions.

Task 1: Prepare to Develop Spreadsheet

In this task, you will demonstrate your interpersonal skills in listening and questioning to clarify spreadsheet design and
task requirements. Also, you will demonstrate your knowledge and ability to follow organisational work practices in terms
of ergonomics, work organisation, and energy management in accordance to Milk Daily Fresh’s organisational policy and

Task 1 requires you to interact with a stakeholder (Milk Daily Fresh Sales Manager) to clarify spreadsheet requirements
and demonstrate your ability to apply organisational policy and procedures related to ergonomics, work organisation
strategies, and energy management. Task 1 is divided into the following two areas:

 Task 1.1: this task is focused on your interpersonal skills to effectively listen and question the Sales Manager to clarify
spreadsheet requirements. Your Assessor will observe your interaction with the Sales Manager in a total duration of 20
minutes and document their feedback using Observation Check Sheet 1 in Appendix B.

 Task 1.2: these tasks are centred on your ability to organise your work environment in accordance with Ergonomics
and Work Organisation Policy and Procedures. Task 1.2 will occur straight after the completion of Task 1.1. Total
duration for Task 1.2 is 25 minutes. Your Assessor will observe your interaction with the Sales Manager in a total
duration of 25 minutes and document their feedback using Observation Check Sheet 2.
Please see Simulation Background section further in this document for more detailed instructions.

1.1 Clarify spreadsheet specifications

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KII4003 Working With Spreadsheets Assessment 2
R 1. hold a 20-minute session with the Sales Manager to clarify spreadsheet design and task requirements.
R 2. demonstrate sound understanding for the Project Brief and Milk Daily Fresh Style Guide.
R 3. actions must meet all the criteria in the Observation Check Sheet 1 in Appendix B.

To: Milk Daily Fresh Sales Manager

From: 20210208
Subject: Milk Daily Fresh Sales Data Spreadsheet
Date: February 9, 2022

Dear Mr. Sussman,

Through your most kind and requested office, I would like to introduce myself. I am __________, a Data
Management Specialist who will design and develop the Sales Report Template based on your company’s
requirement. The Milk Daily Fresh Sales Team had already conferred with me the issues encountered.
Furthermore, your sales Manager conveyed that the team are having difficulty in analyzing the sales
performance based on current and historical raw data stored in spreadsheet and text file formats. Therefore,
let me propose to you an innovative program that would keep track the sales performance for each individual
product. Moreover, this program is user friendly since it utilizes spreadsheet and will provide easy calculation
and analysis of the sales report represented in graphs. Hence, at a glance the report will be easily

The staff who will use the template can automate a statistical sales performance analysis and visualise the
outcomes accordingly. Let me explain to you the following characteristics that the staff should possess to meet
the criteria:

- a good overall understanding for the Excel environment

 can enter data accurately
 can undertake simple data entry tasks but not complex data analysis
 can write simple formulas
- knowledgeable about the different features in Excel
- can run macros in a spreadsheet
- can create charts using excel

To sum it up, the template is viable because aside from its easy use it is eco-friendly since it does not require
consumption of papers, metals, or plastics. Additionally, the template can be accessed offline for as long as you
have a gadget like laptop with you. The most significant feature of this template is that it is easy to use and has
no complicated commands that needs to be mastered because it is working with spreadsheet. The template is
also practical because all your company’s data is stored on the cloud with security features.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you, Mr. Sussman.

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RTO:45363 | CRICOS: 03689D 6

KII4003 Working With Spreadsheets Assessment 2
Data Management Specialist

1.2 Organise work environment in accordance with organisational requirements

R 1. hold a 25-minute session with the Sales Manager and demonstrate your:
• ability to follow Milk Daily Fresh’s ergonomic and work organisation practices
• understanding for the energy and resource conservation techniques
R 2. actions must meet all the criteria in the Observation Check Sheet 2 in Appendix B.

To: Milk Daily Fresh Sales Manager

From: 20210208
Subject: Milk Daily Fresh Sales Data Spreadsheet
Date: February 9, 2022

Dear Mr. Sussman,

This is ________, the Data Management Specialist who is designing and developing the Sales Report
Template based on your company’s requirement. After discussing the Template, we came up with a conclusion
that we should also consider our work environment. We should guarantee the health and safety of the staff of
Milk Daily Fresh. Since, they will be working with computers for long period of time, guidelines should be set to
protect them from the tremendous effect of exposure to the computer. The following are the guidelines that
should be followed to minimize the risk:

 Computer screen - The ideal monitor height should allow the eyes to have a 15-30 degrees
downward gaze. The common monitor positioning mistake to avoid is placing the monitors in front of
windows because it will be harder to see the screen.

 Desk - This equipment is the foundation for all your work and where all your work devices will
live. On the market, there are the traditional desks that require you to sit, and there are standing desks
that prevent you from sitting your entire shift.

 Chair - This requirement is vital when working with spreadsheets because it will affect your
body. Therefore, you should adjust the seat height and depth, you must tilt the backrest to your comfort
and adjust the tension that it takes to recline or remain more upright via knob.

 Footrest - This is also important because will affect your lower legs, ankles, and feet. If your
feet are not planted firmly on the floor, it would even lead to lower back discomfort due to slouch sit. So,
you should lower your chair seat height then lower you keyboard and mouse height or you can use a

 Keyboard and mouse - The ideal keyboard and mouse should be located on the same level and
elbows should be 90 degrees. You should also keep wrists flat and avoid angle wrists back to prevent
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KII4003 Working With Spreadsheets Assessment 2
pressure within the carpal canal.

Moreover, posture plays a vital role when you are working. Sustaining an awkward posture may lead to tension and
discomfort. The postures to avoid are extending forward to reach keyboard and mouse, bending forward at the waist
during sitting or keeping shoulders shrugged upward. The solution is to maintain a neutral.

When you are a deskbound office employee, you are eligible to stand and stretch during your shift. The worker may
stretch their arms, rotate their hands or move their body to avoid muscle strain while working. There are many proper
ways to stretch in order to prevent discomfort, tension and pain. However, our eyes are one of the most important parts
of your body, so to prevent eye strain, we should follow the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet
away for 20 seconds. To keep our eye moisture, just do not forget to blink every 5 seconds.

Furthermore, according to Ombudsman our employees are entitled to work periods and breaks. A rest break allows an
employee to rest for a short period of time during work hours. Rest breaks are also referred to as “crib breaks”, “rest
pauses” or “tea breaks”. A meal break is a longer period of uninterrupted rest that allows the employee to eat a meal.

If you have further inquiry, please do not hesitate to send me a call or message on anytime convenient for you.
I’d be glad to assist you. Thank you.


Data Management Specialist

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KII4003 Working With Spreadsheets Assessment 2

Task 2: Prepare the Sales Report Template to Populate with Data

In this task, you will demonstrate your skills to utilise spreadsheet design software functions which are required to develop
the initial Sales Report Template to be populated with data in the tasks that follow.

2.1 Develop the initial Template

R 1. open a new worksheet and name the active sheet as The Sales Report
R 2. design the Template in accordance to the Project Brief and Style Guide:
• create the data ranges to be populated with data
• insert the header and footer
• layout must accurately reflect the specifications in both documents.

2.2 Establish cloud repository to name, save, and store the template
R 1. implement a web-based cloud storage platform
R 2. name, secure, version control, and save the template in accordance to the Style Guide R 3.
grant access to your folder hierarchy to the Sales Manager (Assessor).

Task 3: Use Lookup Function to Retrieve Data into the Template

In this task, you will demonstrate your skills to populate the Sales Report Template by importing data from an external
Excel spreadsheet (Current Sales Data.xslx), recording macros, and using complex Excel functions.

Look up data using the ‘Look Up Current Data Macro Button’

R 1. in the Template, implement Function 1 as per the Project Brief’s requirements:
• test the lookup function, the macro button, and all other functionalities for accuracy
• output must conform to the Style Guide standards
R 2. save and store the Template in accordance with organisational requirements
R 3. request feedback from the Sales Manager (Assessor) on the draft Template
R 4. after the receipt of this feedback, modify your draft template in light of the feedback received.

Task 4: Import Data from External File

In this task, you will populate the Sales Report Template by recording a macro that imports data from an external text file,
Historical Sales Data.txt. Also, your will edit this macro to handle errors using help resources.

4.1 Import data using the ‘Import Past Data Macro Button’
R 1. in the Template, implement Function 2 as per the Project Brief’s requirements:
• test the macro button and all other functionalities for accuracy
• output must conform to the Style Guide standards
R 2. save and store the Template in accordance with organisational requirements
R 3. request feedback from the Sales Manager (Assessor) on the draft Template
R 4. after the receipt of this feedback, modify your draft template in light of the feedback received.

4.2 Ensure error handling in macros using external assistance

R 1. research the “Run-time error ‘5’ Invalid procedure call or argument” error using help resources R 2.
edit the Import_Past_Data macro:
• apply the solution based on your research
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KII4003 Working With Spreadsheets Assessment 2
• at the top of your VBA code, add a comment which shows the source of their solution R 3. save
and store the Template in accordance with organisational requirements.

Task 5: Calculate the Changes in Sales Performance

In this task, you will calculate the changes in sales performance by comparing current and historical sales performance
data using a macro and applying Excel formulaes with cell referencing. To achieve this, you will need to perform a series of
Excel formulaes and functions using the Current Data and Last Year’s Data ranges as specified in the Project Brief.

5.1 Analyse performance change using macros

R 1. in the Template, implement Function 3 as per the Project Brief’s requirements:
• test the macro button and all other functionalities for accuracy
• output must conform to the Style Guide standards
R 2. save and store the Template in accordance with organisational requirements.

5.2 Highlight over performing and underperforming products

R 1. in the Change Analysis range, implement Function 4 as per the Project Brief’s requirements:
• test the results of conditional formatting for accuracy
• output must conform to the Style Guide standards
R 2. save and store the Template in accordance with organisational requirements
R 3. request feedback from the Sales Manager (Assessor) on the draft Template
R 4. after the receipt of this feedback, modify your draft template in light of the feedback received.

Task 6: Represent Numerical Data in Graphic Form

In this task, you will create charts to visually compare data and graphically represent the values you have calculated in the
previous tasks.
R 1. in the Template, implement Function 5 as per the Project Brief’s requirements:
• create two charts for the current year:
- chart 1 compares the highest performing product to the lowest by revenue achieved
- chart 2 shows the proportional revenue share for each product
• test the two charts and all other functionalities for accuracy
• output must conform to the Style Guide standards
R 2. save and store the Template in accordance with organisational requirements
R 3. request feedback from the Sales Manager (Assessor) on the draft Template
R 4. after the receipt of this feedback, modify your draft template in light of the feedback received.

Task 7: Export Data from The Sales Template

In this task, you will export data from the Sales Report Template using macros. To achieve this, you will need to accurately
preview, adjust and print the template.
R 1. in the Template, implement Function 6 as per the Project Brief’s requirements:
• record the macro and assign to the Import Past Data Macro Button
• test the macro button and all other functionalities for accuracy
• run the Export the Report Macro Button
• output must conform to the Style Guide standards
R 2. save and store the Template in accordance with organisational requirements
R 3. request feedback from the Sales Manager (Assessor) on the draft Template
R 4. after the receipt of this feedback, modify your draft template in light of the feedback received.

Task 8: Prepare the Sales Report Template for Future Use

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KII4003 Working With Spreadsheets Assessment 2
In this task, you will prepare the spreadsheet template for future use by others. To achieve this, you will need to clear all
the content in the template while recording your macro as required in the Project Brief.
R 1. in the Template, implement Function 6 as per the Project Brief’s requirements:
• record the macro and assign to the Clear Template Macro Button
• test the macro button and all other functionalities for accuracy
• run the Clear Template Macro Button
• run the Export the Report Macro Button
• output must conform to the Style Guide standards
R 2. save and store the Template in accordance with organisational requirements
R 3. request feedback from the Sales Manager (Assessor) on the draft Template
R 4. after the receipt of this feedback, modify your draft template in light of the feedback received
R 5. attach the screenshots of your cloud-platform with all the folders and files as an Appendix to your Student Assessment

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KII4003 Working With Spreadsheets Assessment 2

For Assessor Use Only

Task Outcome Sheets
The Outcome Sheet below is the assessment questions and tasks for each of the assessment events that the
student is required to complete. Assessors, tick ‘S’ if the student achieved a satisfactory outcome for an
assessment task and ‘NYS’ if the student does not meet these requirements. Also, you are required to write
comments on the quality of this evidence under the ‘Comments’ column. For your judgement on the
student’s overall performance, tick ‘Satisfactory’ if the student achieves a satisfactory outcome for all of the
tasks or ‘Not-Yet-Satisfactory’.

Assessment Event 2
Assessment Event 2 S NYS Comments

Sub Task
Task 1: 1.1
Prepare to Develop
Spreadsheet Sub Task

Sub Task
Task 2:
Prepare the Sales
Report Template
Sub Task
to Populate with

Task 3:
Use Lookup Function to
Retrieve Data into the

Sub Task
Task 4: 4.1
Import Data from
External File Sub Task

Sub Task
Task 5:
Calculate the
Changes in Sales
Sub Task

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KII4003 Working With Spreadsheets Assessment 2

Assessment Event 2 S NYS Comments

Task 6:
Represent Numerical Data in
Graphic Form

Task 7: Export Data from The

Sales Template

Task 8: Prepare the Sales

Report Template for Future

The student’s overall performance is  Satisfactory  Not-Yet-Satisfactory

Assessor Signature: Date:

KII4003-AT-V1.22052018 Downtown Australia Pty Ltd t/a Kingsford International Institute

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KII4003 Working With Spreadsheets Assessment 2

Assessment Outcome Sheet

Student ID Family Name First Name
KII4003 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Course Title
Subject KII4003 - Working with Spreadsheets

Unit Code BSBITU402 Unit Title Develop and Use Complex Spreadsheets

Assessment Outcome
Assessor, please tick and date the student’s final outcome of this assessment:
Initial Date Re-submission Date Re-submission 2 Date
Submission 1

C / / / / C NYC / /

Assessor’s Feedback
Assessor, please provide your comments on the student’s final outcome of this assessment:

Assessor Full Name Signature Date

Receipt of Student’s Assessment

Assessor, you must provide the completed copy of this receipt to the student as an evidence of submission
of their assessment to you.
Family First
Student ID
Name Name
KII4003 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Course Code
Unit Code BSBITU402 Unit Title Develop and Use Complex Spreadsheets
/ /
Date Extension Date
Due Date / / YN / /
Received Approved Approved

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KII4003 Working With Spreadsheets Assessment 2

Initial Submission  Re-submission 1 Assessor’s

Re-submission 2 
 Signature

Student Feedback Form

Dear Student,
We are keen to improve our products and services, and assessment tools are a key part of this. Therefore, we
would welcome your feedback on the assessment. If you could take a few minutes to complete the form
below, it would be greatly appreciated. Please provide thoughtful responses as your opinions are highly

Yes No Questions

Y✘ N Did the assessment cover the training you received for this unit?

Were the tasks in Assessment Event 2 based on realistic activities that you would expect
Y ✘ N
to be doing in a workplace?

Y ✘ N Did you understand the assessment instructions?

Y ✘ N Were the tasks easy to understand?

Y✘ N Did the Assessor set up and run the simulation professionally?

Y ✘ N Was the Assessor’s decision fair?

Y ✘ N Was the Assessor’s feedback specific?

Y ✘ N Was the Assessor’s feedback comprehensive?

Y ✘ N Was the Assessor’s feedback constructive?

Y✘ N Was the Assessor’s feedback timely?

Y ✘ N Were you satisfied with your effort in this assessment?

What would you change about this assessment?

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KII4003 Working With Spreadsheets Assessment 2

Assessor successfully explained this

What could the Assessor have done differently to improve the
assessment process and/or assessment feedback?

Making spreadsheet
Overall, what was the most significant challenge of this

Making spreadsheet
Overall, what did you like the most about this assessment?

Do you have any other comments?

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RTO:45363 | CRICOS: 03689D 16

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