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“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing.” —Wernher von Braun
What is research?
The word research is combination of “re” and “search,” which means a systematic
investigation to gain new knowledge from already existing facts. It is basically search for
truth. Research should always aim at providing efficient solutions to routine problems.
Researchers should carefully choose the appropriate research method and follow a research
process by referring to existing theories.

“Research comprises of defining and redefining problems, formulating the hypothesis for
suggested solutions, collecting, organizing and evaluating data, making deductions and
reaching conclusion and further testing the conclusion whether they fit into formulating the
hypothesis” (Woody,1924)

Objectives of Research:
 Propose and test certain hypotheses that provide causal relationships between
 Discover and establish the existence of relationship, association, and independence
between two or more aspects of a situation or phenomenon. (Such studies are known
as correlational studies)
 Understand different phenomena and develop new perceptions about it
 Study and describe accurately the characteristics of situations, problems, phenomena,
services, groups, or individuals. (This type of study/research is known as descriptive
 Explain unexplored horizons of knowledge
 Test reported findings and conclusions on new data and novel conclusions on
previously reported data
 Study the frequency of research that is connected with unspecified study. (This type
of study/research is known as diagnostic research)

Important Ingredients for Good Researcher:

Creativity, good written and verbal communication skills and in-depth knowledge of the
subject are essential for successful completion of research work. A researcher should have
sound fundamental knowledge of the domain to be undertaken. A querying attitude is one of
the important factors. Anything and everything is questionable; this questioning attitude is
essence of research and invention.


Domain Verbal
Knowledge Communication
for Good

Communication Patience

Types of Research:
Main research types discussed in this class include basic research, applied research,
descriptive research, analytical research, correlational research, qualitative research, and
quantitative research.
1. Basic Research
Basic research is pure or fundamental research; there is no immediate need, but new theories
can be added to the knowledge cluster. This type of research may solve problems but may not
have practical applications. It has a broader scope compared to applied research. Theories in
basic sciences and mathematics are examples of basic research.

2. Applied Research
Applied research tries to solve an immediate specific problem faced by industry or society. The
obtained solution can be deployed to solve the problem. The duration of applied research is
shorter as a quick solution is expected. An optimized search problem on the Internet is an
example of applied research in the computer engineering domain. “Analysis of cell/body organ
behavior in cancer” is an example of hybrid research. A researcher may use data analytics,
image processing, algorithms, and knowledge of the medical industry.
3. Descriptive research
Descriptive research is generally used in business analysis or social problems. This type of
research does not have any control over the parameters or variables. It just tries to represent or
analyze the previous and or current facts. Some of the examples of descriptive research include
an analysis of customer purchase patterns, that is, purchases from the mall, online, or retailer,
as well as the study of travel mode used by people. All kinds of correlational methods, survey
methods, and comparative studies are descriptive research. Various kinds of systematic surveys
are conducted, including the study of various cultural practices, the region-specific study of
particular decease, and an analysis of the development of particular businesses. This is also
known as ex-post facto research. Study of the effect of global warming on birds is also an
example of descriptive research. One specific example is: “To study socioeconomic
characteristics of residents of particular community during certain period for specific country

4 Analytical Research
Analytical research uses existing information to explain a complex phenomenon or to perform
a critical evaluation. The identified hypothesis can be accepted or rejected depending on the
analysis; from experience the hypothesis can be redefined. Analytical research is observed in
historical study, forensic work, food, in the medical domain, and so on. Analytical research
summarizes and evaluates the ideas in historical research for accessing both witness and
literature sources to document past events. Philosophical research organizes data that can be
presented to support the data in comprehensive model.
5 Correlational Research

Correlational research focuses on exploring the relationship or association between incidences,

variables, and so on. Examples of correlational research include “To study the effect of a
modern lifestyle on obesity” and “Analysis of the impact of technology on employment.” In the
first example, a modern lifestyle and obesity are two variables and researchers should study a
group of people living both a modern lifestyle and a nonmodern lifestyle. The groups should be
segregated on the basis of obesity parameters. Collected data may be analyzed to establish the
relationship between two variables: “obesity” and “modern” lifestyle. Similarly, researchers
need to study “employment” and “availability of technology.” From the collected data,
researchers may come up with number of observations and analytics.

6 .Qualitative Research

Qualitative research mainly deals with the quality or the types of the parameters considered for
the research. Here, it is assumed that the world is unstable and differences in the parameter may
occur with time. Research related to human behaviour is an example of qualitative research.
Everybody can react to the situation differently and it is difficult to propose the predictive
conclusions. This type of research is more complicated and requires more guidance.
7 Quantitative Research

Quantitative research involves measurements of quantities of characteristics that can be used as

features for the research study. Unlike qualitative research quantitative research assumes that
world is stable and uses statistical analysis on parameter values for conclusions. Statistical
quantities that can be measured are involved in quantitative research. Example of quantitative
research is “Finding number of individuals taking benefits of different government policies.”
This is a statistical report of various government policies and number of individuals and does
not involve any qualitative parameter. Another example is to conduct a survey every weekend
and a random question is been asked, “Who is your favorite actor?” and response of this
questions is self-controlled by providing a multiple choice question. The outcomes are provided
briefly in judgement form with statistical respective
8. Experimental Research

Experimental research focuses on the fieldwork and experiments that can control the
independent variable. Study of the effect of the new drug on a specific group of people or animal
is an example of experimental research in medicine domain. In computer engineering,
“Analysing performance of algorithms on various dataset” is an example of experimental result.
A researcher wants to examine changes in the land cover using satellite data. In this example,
to ensure the changes in the study area, researchers randomly place the area of changes
including change in the agricultural land due to land regradation, NH roadways, and so on,
which can be verified with quasi experimental research and can be tested and trained with pre-
and postexperimental research design.

9. Explanatory Research

Explanatory research tries to analyze and justify the reason behind the occurrence of
particular phenomenon or association between the variables. It basically answers the “Why”
type of questions. It aims to explain why a relationship, association, or interdependence exist.
Explanatory research is also called as a causal research with a three important components
like time-to-time sequences which will occur before the effect, concomitant variations, where
the variations will be systematic between two variables.

10. Exploratory Research

This kind of research generally explores the areas that have required meagre attention or it is
for checking the possibility of research in the particular domain or area. A small-scale study is
done to decide the further scope of advancement in domain. Depending on outcomes of
exploratory study, domain is further explored for in depth research on the specific topic.
Exploratory studies are also conducted to develop, refine and test procedures, policies, and
tools. Some of the examples of exploratory research are, “Why product sales are reduced, due
to already existing data or the products which have been acquired recently for the agricultural
company?” Generally, the research statements that span across multiple domains come under
exploratory research.
Research Process:

•Selection of research area

•Formulating a Research problem (tentative) &
Identification of Keywords
•Literature Review
•Redefining Research Problem & Objectives (Final) /
RESEARCH Formulating Hypothesis
•Preparing Research Proposal
PROPOSAL •Identification of variable / parameters & Research Design

• Data Collection & representation

• Testing of proposed design on collected data /Hypothesis
RESEARCH • Results & Analysis


• Present your findings

• Research Report / Theses writing / Publication / Patent

The importance of selecting research area that is appropriate for dissertation is often
underestimated by many students. This decision cannot be made in haste. Ideally, you should
start considering different options at the beginning of the term. However, even when there are
only few weeks left before the deadline and you have not chosen a particular topic yet, there
is no need to panic.
Characteristic of Research Problem
Any research is a difficult task to achieve and research needs to do a great effort. Selection of
research topic is the first step to success.

1. Research topic must be very clear and easy to understand. It should not distract
2. If a topic is well define is the only way to successful research. The topic should
not create doubt and double impression.
3. Easy language is a key to success. Use technical words if necessary otherwise
focus of simplicity.
4. Research title should be according to the rules of titling. There are different
rules of titling, a researcher must aware before writing a research title.
5. While selecting a research topic current importance of a researcher should also
be considered. Topic should not be obsolete and it should have great importance
in the current day.

General steps in selection of research problem is shown in following Figure.


The literature survey is a comprehensive study of technical and authorised content related to
research keywords. It is very important step in the initial phase of research, however, this step
is revisited by researcher number of times during research journey. Literature survey provide
details of research progress of particular domain. It helps the researcher to understand the
approaches, methodologies, algorithms, and datasets used by other scientists. Also, it is
important to identify where the gap is. Where can I contribute to an existing knowledgebase? It
helps the researcher to understand the progress of domain and state of the art in the domain.
Literature survey also helps to avoid duplication of work.

There are different strategies to search literature. One needs to first identify the keywords
related to the problem definition and searching articles using keywords is the more precise way
to search article. Backward and forward reference search is also popular and beneficial to
understand the background of the research area. One can choose the latest article from the
reputed journal written by good researcher and study all related references of that paper. This
is a backward reference. One can also find the important old article in the domain and find all
the papers that referred the article. This is forward reference search.

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