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Sofía Bellot Vera

1. FORMAL ANALYSIS (It is related to the shape,
dimensions and pieces that make up the object):

· Which shape has?

Its shape is triangular.
· What are its dimensions:
The most used scissors have these dimensions: 5.0” (13 cm),
5.5” (14cm), 6.0” (15cm) and 6.5” (16cm)

· How are the parts that compose it assembled?

Its parts are assembled with screws.
· Make a complete picture of the object
· Draw each of its pieces (exploded object)

2. TECHNICAL ANALYSIS (Wich refers to the material with

wich it is built, how is it manufactured):
· How many pieces make it up?
It is composed of five pieces, blunt tip, screw, stop and two
· What material is it made of?
They are made of nickel-plated carbon steel, an alloy of steel and
plastic for the thimble part.
· What other objects serve the same function?
Objects that have the same function could be a
cutter and a knife.
· On what physical principles is its operation based?
It used to cut things, for example, some paper, fabric textile and
other objects.
· Explain the manufacturing process
The first step is to make a design of the product, in this case,
with new technologies, 3D designs can be made, noting all the
After this, the die (or thimbles) will be made made of metal, Wood
or plastic, depending on the type of scissors.
Next we will use some steel rods, which are the starting point of
the scissors.
We hot forge the pieces of the thimbles and die-cut the pieces,
removing the parts that are not useful. We roughen the thimbles
and mold them into shape. We polished the pieces and assembled
the screws and scissors.
Afterwards, the scissors are checked to see if the scissors are
working correctly.
Then a laser marking is made, for example of the company's
brand, and finally it is packaged and stored.
· What dimensions of the objects must be normalized?
The standardized dimensions are the following: For school
scissors they must be 13 cm and for other types of scissors they
can be 18, 21 and up to 25 cm.
3. FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS (The object is made to fulfill
function, but does it fulfill it?):
· What is it for?
It is a manual tool that is used to cut different types of
materials, for example, cardboard, paper, adhesive
tapes, thread and rope.
· How does it works?
The scissors work by putting your fingers through the thimbles,
and putting the object we want to cut between the blunt tip.
When force is applied, the blades rub against each other in such
a way that when they close they leave no space between them,
thus cutting the object we wanted to cut.
· What are the risks that its handling has in terms of security?
As for safety, we can cut ourselves, we can also hurt ourselves if
we try to cut very hard and thick things.
· Do you need an instruction manual?
When buying scissors, you do not receive manual instructions,
but you must know how to use them correctly and know the risks
they may have.
4. SOCIO ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: (How this object is
received by society)
· What need does it satisfy?
Scissors help us cutting different types of materials,
for example, cardboard, paper, adhesive tapes, thread and
· Are there other objects that meet this need?
Yes, knives and cutters, shears, saws... these are all hand tools.
· How was this need resolved before the existence of this
Shears were used, which in two or three centuries later were
adjusted to the fingers, and scissors began.
· What enviromental consequences does its use have?
The negative impact that scissors have on the environment is
after throwing them away, their components fall apart and
with the passage of time and contact with water and light,
causing disasters on earth.
· How is this object marketed? What is the manufacturing cost?
This object is created in companies that are then marketed in
stores, bazaars and other stores. Its manufacture costs less than 5
· What is the real price in a shop?
Depending on the brand, there are different prices, some very
high and others very low, but approximately, its price is from 2
to 9 euros.
· What sensation does it produce in people?
For people, the usefulness of scissors is necessary, since they are
used every day.
· What is its texture, color and proportions?
Its texture is soft since it is made of plastic, there are scissors in
many colors, they can have flower prints or simply be a plain
color. Their proportions vary depending on their size.
For example:

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