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Meesho Assessment Candidate Experience

with Questions and Answers asked:

Meesho Screening Test All Details:

You need to login using your registered email id and mobile number on NextLevel
App and upload resume in that app. After that you can give the test on NextLevel

Camera and Mic will be ON.

You can give your test using your Smart Phone.

This test is like an AI screening in which AI is used to ask you questions and you
have to answer the questions verbally similar to interviews.
Questions like, what is polymorphism, time complexity of merge sort etc.
You have to answer them verbally like an interview.

Topics: OOPS, Operating Systems, Data Structures, Algorithms, DBMS,

Networking, Error Handling,

There will be MCQ based questions, Answer based questions and output based

Sequential and concept wise questions will be asked.

Don’t do any mistake like moving away your face out of camera (screen) during AI
Interview, etc. else your test will be auto submitted.

There will be in total 30 minutes for 26 questions.

Particular time is allotted for each question.

Questions with Answers asked:
Q1: Fix 'class Animal { / * some code */ };' for abstraction and inheritance?"
Class Animal { virtual void sound ()=0; };
class Animal { virtual void sound(); };
class Animal { void sound ()= 0; };
class Animal { void sound(); };
class Animal {
virtual void sound() = 0;

Q2: COPS "Ensure 'class Vehicle \ /^ * some code */ };' for inheritance and
class Vehicle { virtual void drive ()=0; };
class Vehicle { virtual void drive(); };
class Vehicle { void drive ()=0 };
class Vehicle { void drive(); };
class Vehicle {
virtual void drive() = 0;

Q3: Which layer of the OSI model is responsible for end-to-end communication?
Physical Layer
Data Link Layer
Transport Layer
Network Layer
Ans: The layer of the OSI model that is responsible for end-to-end communication is
the Transport Layer.

Q4: Error handling "Ensure 'throw std::overflow_error('Overflow!');' for throwing an

overflow error?"
throw std::range_error('Overflow!');
throw std::underflow_error('Overflow!');
throw std::overflow_error('Overflow!");
throw std::logic_error('Overflow!');
Ans: throw std::overflow_error("Overflow!");

Q5: throw std::length_error('Invalid Argument!');' catch (...) { / handle exception / }

catch (std::runtime_error e) { /* handle exception */ }
catch (std::length_error& e) { /* handle exception */ }
catch (std::exception e) { /* exception */ }
Ans: catch (std::length_error& e) { // handle exception }

Q6: What is the role of the SQL ROLLBACK statement?

Save changes permanently
Undo changes made during a transaction
Delete records from a table
Retrieve data
Ans: The role of the SQL ROLLBACK statement is to undo changes made during a
transaction. It is used to roll back or revert the database to the state it was in before
the transaction started, discarding any changes made within that transaction.

Q7: In SQL, what is the purpose of the LIMIT clause?

Filter records based on a condition
Sort records
Specify the maximum number of rows to return
Join multiple tables
Ans: The purpose of the SQL LIMIT clause is to specify the maximum number of rows
to return. It is commonly used in SELECT statements to limit the number of rows
returned by a query, which can be useful for pagination or when you only need a
specific subset of the result set.

Q8: Find the error lines in the following code:

1 #include <stdio.h>
2 int main() {
3 int arr[] = {1, 2, 100};
4 printf("%d prime\n", arr[2]);
5 return 0;
Corrected the function declaration by adding the opening brace { after int main().
Corrected the array initialization by adding the closing brace } after {1, 2, 100}.
Corrected the printf statement by replacing ^ with % and changing the array index
from [3] to [2].

Q9: Find the error lines in the following code:

1 #include <stdio.h>
2 int main() {
3 char name[100];
4 fgets(name, sizeof(name), stdin);
5 printf("Hello %s!\n", name);
6 return 0;
Replaced the deprecated gets() function with fgets() to avoid potential buffer
overflow issues.
Corrected the format specifier in the printf statement by using double quotes (")
instead of single quotes (').

Q10: Ensure 'list<int> myList; myList.clear();' for clearing elements in a list."

Ans: myList.clear();

Q11: Ensure 'unordered_map<int, int> umap; umap.empty();' for checking if an

unordered_map is empty."
Ans: umap.empty();

Q12: What is the purpose of a Bloom filter in data structures?

Sorting elements
Searching elements
Checking membership of an element
Storing key-value pairs
Ans: Checking membership of an element.
Q13: What is the main disadvantage of using a linear search algorithm?
Slow for large datasets
Requires sorted data
Inefficient for searching
Consumes excessive memory
Ans: The main disadvantage of using a linear search algorithm is inefficient for

Q14: Fix 'cout << setw(10) << setfill('0') << 25 : ' output?"
setw(10) << setfill('0')
setw(10) << right < 25
setw(10) << right << setfill('0')
right << setw(10) << setfill('0')
Ans: setw(10) << setfill('0')

Q15: "Ensure 'unique_ptr<int> ptr(new int(5));' declaration?"

unique_ptr<int> ptr
unique_ptr<int> ptr * (5)
unique_ptr<int> ptr = new int(5)
unique_ptr<int> ptr = make_unique<int>(5)
Ans: unique_ptr<int> ptr(new int(5));

Q16: `nth_element(vec.begin(), vec.begin() + 2, vec.end());' for finding the third

smallest element?"
nth_element(vec.begin(), vec.begin() + 3, vec.end());
nth_element(vec.begin(), vec.begin() + 2, vec.end());
nth_element(vec.begin(), vec.begin() + 3);
nth_element(vec.begin(), ver and vec.begin() + 3);
Ans: nth_element(vec.begin(), vec.begin() + 2, vec.end());

Verbal Questions:

Q17: Operating Systems Explain the concept of dynamic linking and its advantages in
OS design.
Ans. Dynamic linking is a concept in operating systems where executable code
references external libraries or modules during runtime, allowing for flexibility,
reduced memory usage, and easier updates.

Q18: What is encapsulation in OOP? Data hiding Inheritance Polymorphism.

Ans. Encapsulation in OOP involves bundling data and methods that operate on the
data into a single unit, providing abstraction, data hiding, and modularity.

Q19: What does the term "polymorphism" mean in OOP? Code reusability Multiple
inheritance One name, many forms Data hiding.
Ans. Polymorphism in OOP refers to the ability of objects to take on multiple forms,
allowing for one interface to represent different types or behaviors.

Q20: In SQL, what is the purpose of the LIMIT clause? Filter records based on a
condition Sort records Specify the maximum number of rows to return Join multiple
Ans. In SQL, the LIMIT clause is used to specify the maximum number of rows to be
returned in a query result, aiding in pagination and resource efficiency.

Q21: Database Management What is the role of a stored procedure in a DBMS?

Ans. A stored procedure in a DBMS is a precompiled collection of one or more SQL
statements, organized as a single program, designed to perform a specific task or set
of tasks within the database.

Q22: Explain the concept of ACID properties and their importance in a DBMS.
Ans. ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) ensure the
reliability and integrity of database transactions, guaranteeing that they are executed
reliably even in the face of failures or errors.

4 Questions are left

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