Notice of Q1 Board Meeting For Unaudited Financial Results

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July 5, 2019

lnduslnd Bank
'I'hc Asst. Vice Prcsident 'I'hc puty Gcncral Manage r
Listing I)epartmcnt Corporate ItclationshiP DeP1.
Nalional Stock Exchangc of India Ltd. BSE I,Id.
I.)xchangc Plaza, 5 ' Floor I'r l'loor, l.*cw l rading Ring
Plol No.C/1, G Block l{otunda Building, ['. J.'lirwcrs
Ilandra Kurla Complcx [)alal Strcct, Fort
llandra (East), Murnbai 400 001
Mumbai 400 05 I

NSI) Symbol: IN I)USIt.\l)IlK llSH Scrip Codc: 5321 tl7

Chief llcgulalory Officcr,

India International Ixchange
I 't I:loor, Unit No. l0l ,
'I'hc Signature 13uilding No.I3B,
Itoad lC, Zonc I, GII'f SEZ,
clI]T CII'Y, Gandhinagar - GJ 382355

Scrip Code: I 100027

Madam / I)ear Sir,

Unaudited l'inancial Rcsults - June 30. 2019

In compliancc with ltcgulation 29 of rhc Sl.)lll (l,isting Obligations and l)isclosure Itcquiremcnts)
Regulations, 201 5, noticc is hercby givcn that a meeling of thc lloard of Directors of thc llank will bc held
on lrriday, july 12, 2019, to consider and approve, intcr alia, thc [Jnauditcd Standalone and Consolidalcd
Irinancial l{esuhs for thc firs1 quartcr cndcd June 30,2019.

'l'hc Bank will hold lnvcstors' / Analysts' ()trnl'ercncc Call aflcr thc []oard Mecting.

'fhc transcript / audiocast of the Confcrcncc Call will be hostcd on thc IJank's websitc a1
www. ind us

The abovc intimalion is also availablc on thc llank's wcbsitc.

Kindly take the abovc infonnation on rccord.

Yours faithfully,

F'or Induslnd llank Limited

Ilaresh Oajr\ani
Company Sc$rctary

R€girtered Ofllce: 24O I Gen. Th im mayya Road, pu ne 4l I OO I
, Ind ia
,,t?;,.rrilrrrr%la : to2o) 26343iii visir us at

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