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Design and Fabrication of Sensors Assisted

Solar Powered Smart Wheelchair

“Shruti, Shubh Yadav, Swati, Shruti Singh “
Students of B-TECH in specialization of Electronics and Communications Engineering at, Guru Tegh
Bahadur Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India.

ABSTRACT detection system in the wheelchair detects

the same. All the detail can be shared with
Accessibility of health care services is hospital staff and the patient’s guardian
limited to people with physical disabilities. during a contingency condition, so that the
The utilization of solar powered staffs and guardians can take immediate
wheelchairs with excellent navigational actions. The safety of the patient and the
capabilities is one of the extraordinary wheelchair with respect to the incorporation
strides towards the incorporation of of solar power is highly given priority
severely physically challenged people. during this system design.
Motion, movement and localization are
significant issues for the blind, paraplegic INTRODUCTION
and handicapped people who are
Independence is a chief problem for bodily
accompanied by eminent tiresome work.
challenged humans, they need to take their
There exist different systems to override the
personal selections. Thus this wheelchair
problems described, allowing the end-user
gives them a loose dome to take their
to perform safe movements and complete
personal choices. Wheelchairs are used by
certain daily life tasks. Considering the said
people who've problems walking, muscular
issues as a motivation, this project presents
ache, and so forth. Different styles of
the design and development of Solar
versions consistent with specific issues are
Powered Multi-Controller Smart
to be had within the market ranging in value
Wheelchair. The developed smart
and charge. These have particular handling
wheelchair uses joystick/ Bluetooth/ hand
styles with joystick or headphone-driven,
gesture to steer the wheelchair for patient
rear-wheel, or the front-wheel-driven
with different kinds of disabilities. In
drives. Our assignment paper focuses on
addition, more liberty is provided to the
growing a way to all the issues. Our
disabled person by using additional sensors
proposed wheelchair is used for human
such as heartbeat sensor and GPS tracker
beings who are having on foot disabilities,
which continuously monitors various
folks who are in part blind (approximately
conditions of the patient. If the patient falls
50%-60%), folks who are aged having
down along with a wheelchair, a fall
muscular troubles, and those who are
paraplegic and quadriplegic. This SENSORS
wheelchair is a mixture of all wheelchairs
such as automatic wheelchairs, electric 1 Accelerometer
wheelchairs, sun wheelchairs, and so on. In this challenge accelerometer will provide
This is usually designed for the person who the movement direction to wheelchair in
has trouble operating a manual wheelchair two approaches i.e. head motion and
due o arm, hand, or shoulder disabilities. joystick movement to bend left or right or
The maximum crucial element is the ahead or backward. An accelerometer is a
sensors that experience obstacles either sensor that measures the physical
bodily or in sound wave shape which acceleration skilled with the aid of an item
include sound, we have covered an due to inertia forces or due to mechanical
emergency buzzer alarm to name for help in excitation. It sends analogue signals to
an emergency. The feasible pleasant final microcontroller and the microcontroller has
result of our mission paper is its built in analogue to virtual converter. While
multipurpose use for an expansion of issues. head motion works in three route E X-Y-Z
where the extra Z axis is for diagonal
movements. The execution of this system is
Solar Charged:
Most of the wheelchairs either requires AC
supply for charging the battery or fossil
fuels (for the fuel. engine type wheelchair).
This drawback can also be eliminated by
introducing a renewable source of energy
for supplying power, that is Solar energy.
Solar energy is one of the major source of
energy which is present in abundance and
free of cost. Rated solar radiation power accomplished by using a microcontroller
received by the earth surface is (global and relay circuit device. The strength
radiation flux) 1000 W/m² (AM 1.5, sun at supply is completed in two approaches as
about 48 °c from overhead position). referred to above via. Solar plates and
Availability of solar energy has encouraged batteries.
us to develop a solar driven wheel chair.
Motor and battery driven: Heart Rate Sensor
In addition to solar force, batteries are also In this project heart rate monitors are
attached to wheelchair in case of devices that can detect and track your heart
emergency. During night time time if the or pulse rate continuously. Most of these
sun rate got exhausted then batteries can devices are wearable, and many are highly
come into available. Two automobiles are accurate. While these devices can be
attached to left and proper facet valuable tools in monitoring your health,
respectively. The enter being 0.25 HP 12v they aren't as accurate as approved medical
devices, and you shouldn’t use them in directions. In different words, it is enough
place of medical care. to examine most effective the accelerometer
facts of axes: in this example, x and y. The
Your pulse and heart rate are two different
thresholds are accelerometer output values
ways to track your heart’s activity. Your
that the user defined at gadget startup.
heart rate is how many times your heart
These represent the angles in all guidelines
beats per minute. Your pulse rate is how
by using which the head/joystick wishes to
many times per minute your arteries expand
be leaned so that it will difficulty a
because of your heart beating.
command to the system.

4. Microcontroller
A microcontroller is the heart of our 5. SIM800L
venture. It is a small pc established on a In this project, we have used SIM800L to
single integrated circuit. It carries one or get SMS when a person is falling from a
more CPUs in conjunction with memory wheelchair. It is a miniature cellular
and programmable input/output peripherals module which allows for GPRS
accelerometer set up on the head or joystick transmission, sending and receiving SMS
offers eight feasible outputs to the and making and receiving voice calls. Low
microcontroller considering the x-y-z axis cost and small footprint and quad band
motion. Head movement reputation is based frequency support make this module perfect
on the pressure measurements yielded with solution for any project that require long
the aid of an accelerometer connected to the range connectivity. The board features
pinnacle. The same accelerometer may be compact size and low current consumption.
used in the joystick according to the want of
the consumer to have adjustable
connections. As noted, there are handiest
eight contributors of the movement set,
which constitute the head or joystick leaned
in 8 viable directions. This manner that the
set of rules needs to estimate when the
pinnacle/joystick is leaned in one of the 8
PIN DESCRIPTION: the essential properties to withstand stresses
and strains. The material is selected for this
5V: Power interface Power the module
application is MDF board. The necessities
to be satisfied maybe weight, balance,
GND: Connect to GND. tension, durability, bodily and chemical
homes and so on. Considering these types
VDD: TTL UART interface The TTL
of factors plates of 20cm X 25cm are
UART serial interface, you can connect the
connected at the lowest of the wheelchair to
MCU like 51MCU or ARM or MSP430
resist the burden of automobiles, batteries,
directly. The pin of VDD is used to match
circuit board, and other accessories. In
the voltage of the TTL. SIM_TXD: SIM
addition to this, we've used two rods of 8cm
module Transmitter.
X 2.5cm dimensions for sun plates
SIM_RXD: SIM module Receiver. becoming at a peak of 200cm from floor
GND: If this pin is unused, keep open.
RST: RST the module, if this pin is unused,
keep open.

6. XL6009
The XL6009 is a Buck-Boost switching
Regulator, meaning it takes in an Input
Voltage and then switches it to produce a
regulated output voltage which could be
greater or lesser than the Input Voltage.

The layout of the wheelchair is such that it
should withstand an excessive amount of
load which absolutely relies on its base
production. So the material must possess

CONCLUSION: [3]. Mishra, P. and Shrivastava, S., 2022.
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impart maximum facilities to the user- Arunachalam, B. and Divyaa, V., 2020.
handicapped human beings. The sun- AIbased smart and intelligent wheelchair.
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rate and energy. The solar plates can't be
extended because of less area on the roof.
Different type of sensors fulfills the want of
the user in exceptional approaches and the
head and joystick motion too for disabled
humans proves it to be a entire mobility
solution for handicapped humans in our

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