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Emergency Drill Execution Report

Section 3: Element 3.6

Project Title Construction of Industrial City-2 AL Sanabel Backup Connection Jeddah

Type of Drill: √ Fire Chemical Spill Heat Stress Others:
Drill Preparedness: √ Pre-Announced Drill Surprise Drill
Al Sanabel
From 8:05 AM to
Drill Location: Date: 14/01/2024 Time:
08:12 AM
Drill Participants (All personnel in the premises)
Participants Present Today Head Count Difference
Contractor 15 15 0
Subcontractor 4 4 0
HSE 01 01 0
Visitors (SEC consultants, Supplier etc.) 00 00 0
Total Participants 19 19 0
Drill Equipment’s Used: Fire Fighting Equipment (fire extinguishers)
Emergency Drill Scenario (Actual Description)
Evacuation fire drill at Construction of Industrial City-2 Sanabel Backup connection, Jeddah project site, The usual associated site
activity inside the project site. At around 8:05 AM of JAN 14, 2024, a call from area supervisor (Essam UL din) is received by the
assigned SafetyOfficer Rehan Hussain that, worker is absorbed unexpected fire at site activity area. The Safety Officer is charge in
immediately called attention of the site manager emergency coordinator and instantly found discover fire and use fire extinguisher to
put off the fire. ERT Team uses the whistles and arrived at the site and advise everyone in the area to evacuate and put out the fire
completely in by available potable fire extinguisher. In parallel call for further operation team to be called as for further assessment
care. All site trained to use portable fire extinguisher in case of fire.

Emergency Evacuation Drill (Fire) Drill Plan will start at 08:05 am and will complete at 08:12 am the time line
event are as follows:
08:05 AM Site Supervisor immediately sounded alarm and informed Site Foreman (Emergency Response Coordinator)
regarding the incident.
08:06 AM Site Emergency Coordinator will have received a fire incident information from the incident witness about the fire
incident & its location and activate emergency response procedure immediately so that All Site Emergency
Response team will move to the location of the fire. Site Engineer will inform the Site Manager and Safety via
phone. He will also call 911 for immediate support if needed.
08:06 AM Site Manager will inform this incident to Project Manager and relay the incident to SEC Project Manager. As well
as the Safety Engineer to SEC Safety Consultant.
08:06 AM Site Engineer will temporarily suspend the site work activities on the affected area only and He will also clear the
area for any obstruction prior to arrival of emergency response.
08:07 AM While waiting for the emergency response team, the Site firefighter will approach the fire area with dry chemical
fire extinguisher & will conduct the primary assessment.
08:08 AM Site firefighter realize the fire is controllable and will put out the fire using a dry chemical powder fire extinguisher.
08:09 AM At the same time, foreman will conduct a headcount in the assembly point area to make sure nobody is missing.
08:10 AM Upon arrival of the emergency response team, Site supervisor will guide emergency response team to reach the
fire area to conduct secondary assessment as needed.
08:11 AM The Safety Engineer will conduct initial investigation and ask for witnesses.
08:11 AM At the end, a tool box talk will be conducted for all site workers to create awareness about Fire Fighting &
08:12 AM Emergency Drill will be declared ALL CLEAR as per Emergency Coordinator advice, and inform the Site manager for
the resume of work.
08:12 AM Site Manager will inform the Site Engineer to resume work

Name Designation Signature:

Element Rev.
Prepared by: 3.6 Page No:
Rehan Hussain HSE Officer Reference No: No:

Approved by: Ashraf Bilal Site Manager SEC EHV FORMS 3.6 C 1 of 4 00

Emergency Drill Execution Report

Section 3: Element 3.6

Photo- Drill Scenario at

Fire discovered near the working area
Safety representative Whistling and Informed the HSE Officer

Time: 08:06 AM Time: 08:07 AM

Manual Alarm (whistle) sounded & guided the
Workforce is going to Assembly point.
personnel during evacuation

Time: 08:08 AM Time: 08:09 AM

All personnel evacuated All personnel evacuated

Time: 08:09 AM Time: 08:10 AM

Extinguishing the fire-by-fire fighters Head counted by company representatives

Name Designation Signature:

Element Rev.
Prepared by: 3.6 Page No:
Rehan Hussain HSE OFFICER Reference No: No:
Approved by: Ashraf Bilal Site Manager SEC EHV FORMS 3.6 C 2 of 4 00

Emergency Drill Execution Report

Section 3: Element 3.6

Time: 08:11 AM Time: 08:11 AM

EHS Representative explained importance of fire drill and what to do in real emergency Fire Warden declared ALL CLEAR

Time: 08:12 AM Time: 08:12 AM

Name Designation Signature:

Element Rev.
Prepared by: 3.6 Page No:
Rehan Hussain HSE OFFICER Reference No: No:
Approved by: Ashraf Bilal Site Manager SEC EHV FORMS 3.6 C 3 of 4 00

Emergency Drill Execution Report

Section 3: Element 3.6

Emergency Teams Responded? ✓ Yes No No of Members Responded: 19

Reportable Accidents During Emergency drill (if
Assessment: ✓ Satisfactory Fair Poor/Needs Improvement

Feed Back:
Good Point:
1. Upon hearing Whistling, all site staff and workforce were evacuated to the assembly place.
2. All steps were completed as intended.
3. The emergency crew rechecked the area following evacuation.
4. Head counted at assembly point.
Weak point:
1. Emergency back alarm (use of whistle).

Recommendations for Improvement:

1. The firefighting squad should look for personnel who are missing or did not hear the alarm.
2. Every three months, workers and staff should receive firefighting training to ensure safe use of fire extinguishers.
3. Conduct surprise/unannounced drills in the future.

Corrective Action Taken:

1. Emphasized the importance of evacuation drills for all employees.

2. Provided practical training on fire extinguisher use and type.
3. Demonstrated the real emergency to those who were not in the evacuation mood.
4. Firefighting training was completed and will be included in evacuation drill.
5. Future drills will be conducted without prior announcement.

Conducted By Reviewed By Approved By

Rehan Hussain Engr. Ashraf Bilal Engr. Abdel Azeem

Safety Officer Site Manager Project Manger

Name Designation Signature:

Element Rev.
Prepared by: 3.6 Page No:
Rehan Hussain HSE OFFICER Reference No: No:
Approved by: Ashraf Bilal Site Manager SEC EHV FORMS 3.6 C 4 of 4 00

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