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Exercise 1: Chuyển các danh từ sau sang số nhiều

1. a table -> ...................................
2. an egg ->…………………………
3. a car ->…………………………
4. an orange ->…………………………
5. a house ->…………………………
6. a student -> …………………………
7. a class ->…………………………
8. a box ->…………………………
9. a watch ->…………………………
10. a dish ->…………………………
11. a quiz ->…………………………
12. a tomato ->…………………………
13. a leaf ->…………………………
14. a wife ->…………………………
15. a country ->…………………………
16. a key ->…………………………
17. a policeman ->…………………………
18. a bamboo ->…………………………
19. an ox -> …………………………
Exercise 2: Chuyển các danh từ sau sang số nhiều
1. Chair _______
2. Rose _______
3. Dish _______
4. Banana _______
5. Orange _______
6. Watch _______
7. Fox _______
8. Witch _______
9. Boy _______
10. Cherry _______
11. Butterfly _______
12. Bus _______
13. Day _______
14. Knife _______
15. Wife _______
16. Leaf _______
17. Octopus _______
18. Hero _______
19. Piano _______
20. Criterion _______
21. Person _______
22. Tooth _______
23. Goose _______
24. Policeman _______
25. Child _______
26. Ox _______
27. Deer _______
28. Craft _______
29. Fish _______
30. Roof _______

Exercise 3: Select the correct options and fill in the blanks

1. They have ten __________. (ruler/rulers)
2. Mr. Kai is our Japanese __________. (teacher/teachers)
3. She saw a __________ (man/men) staying there.
4. There are many __________ (student/students) in the class.
5. I heard that there were a lot of __________ (mouse/mice) at the restaurant.
6. How many __________ (loaf/loaves) of bread are there on the table?
7. The school __________ (bus/buses) leaves early.
8. I ate a __________ (slice/slices) of pizza today.
9. __________ (Piano/Pianos) are expensive.
10. It is a __________ (phenomenon/phenomena) that people watch Tiktok a lot.
Exercise 4: Điền vào chỗ trống How much hoặc How many
1. ___________ beer is there in the fridge?
2. ___________ eggs do you want?
3. ___________ languages do you speak?
4. ___________ people are there in the class?
5. ___________ days are there in a week?
6. ___________ milk do you drink everyday?
7. ___________ kilos of rice do you want?
8. ___________ soda does she want?
9. We don’t have ___________ bananas, and we don’t have ___________ fruit juice.
10.How _____________ is this? It’s ten dollars.
11.How _________________ do you want? Six, please.
12.I wrote _________________ poems.
13.I visited _____________________ European cities.
14.She hasn’t got _________________ patience.
15.How ________ does the shirt cost ?
16.________ is a bar of soap?
17.________ books are there on the shelf?
18.How ________ oranges are there in the fridge?
19.………………………..soup is there in the fridge?
20.………………………..tomatoes do you want?
21.………………………..languages does your sister speak?
22.………………………..boys are there in her class?
23.………………………..days are there in a month?
24.……………………… do you drink everyday?
Đáp án các bài tập
Exercise 1:
1. tables 8. boxes 14. wives
2. eggs 9. watches 15. countries
3. cars 10. dishes 16. keys
4. oranges 11. quizzes 17. policemen
5. houses 12. tomatoes 18. bamboos
6. students 13. leaves 19. oxen
7. classes 20. children 21.
teeth 22. geese

Exercise 2: Change these words into plural form

1. Chairs 2. Roses 3. Dishes 4. Bananas 5. Oranges
6. Watches 7. Foxes 8. Witches 9. Boys 10.Cherries

11.Butterflies 12.Buses 13.Days 14.Knives 15.Wives

16.Leaves 17.Octopi 18.Heroes 19.Pianos 20.Criteria

21.People 22.Teeth 23.Geese 24.Policemen 25.Children

26.Oxen 27.Deer 28.Craft 29.Fish 30.Roofs

Exercise 3:Select the correct options and fill in the blanks

1. rulers 2. teacher 3. man 4. students 5. mice

6. loaves 7. bus 8. slice 9. Pianos 10. phenomenon

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