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International Relation

- Allows nation to cooperate with another countries, boundaries too, also pool of resources and share
information as a way of facing global issues that includes pandemic, terrorism and environment.


• SOCIAL MOVEMENT - can occur individual level in societal level, as they advocate for either minor or
radical changes to the society. It brings societal changes its either small or big changes to the society.

• POLITICAL ECONOMY - It focuses on relationship between individual government and public policy
internationally additionally it is also a relationship between market and state.

• NATIONAL AND ETHNIC INDENTITIVE - A tradition and the attitude to share with other state or a
country. Shared cultural characteristics such as language, ancestry, practices, and belief to share with.

• FORIEGN POLICY - Developing relations with other countries , especially major powers and immediate
neighbors. Safeguarding national security and geo-strategic interests, including Kashmir. Consolidating
our commercial and economic cooperation with international community, also a working template that
guiding how one country interact with one another.

•DEVELOPMENTAL STUDIES - A study that can help another country through research that enhance and
advance the country in terms of technology, infrastructure and even in the medical field and many more.
Politics, economics and law are interconnected throughout the world, states, and explores the
challenges facing developing and developed countries in the fight against global poverty.

• ENVIRONMENT - The relationship of environment to the International Relation is to enhance the

environmental issues in every country that deals with the global warming, greenhouse gas and many
issues, with that it help one another through researches.

• DIMPLOMACY - Nation, group or individuals conduct an affair in a way to safeguard their interest and
promoting economics, political, cultural and scientific relation and most especially to maintain the
peaceful relationship with the other countries . The primary function of diplomacy is to promote global
peace and stability.

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