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NARRATIVE REPORT ON IIEE-SA (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Standards Association)

WHAT: The IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) is a division of IEEE responsible for the

creation of international standards across a wide spectrum of industries. It is an operating

unit inclusive of power and energy, artificial intelligence systems, internet of things,

consumer technology and consumer electronics, biomedical and health care, learning

technology, information technology and robotics, telecommunication, automotive,

transportation, home automation, nanotechnology, information assurance, emerging

technologies, and many more.

OVERVIEW: The IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) serves as a distinct component

within IEEE that assumes responsibility for supervising and administering the creation of

technical standards. This constitutes a distinct branch or body within the broader IEEE

organization. IEEE-SA possesses a specialized function, primarily centered on

supervising and directing the complete process of formulating technical standards. It

serves as the primary governing body responsible for organizing and leading

standardization endeavors within IEEE.

HISTORY: For more than a hundred years, it has been creating standards through a program

that emphasizes equilibrium, transparency, impartial processes, and agreement among


MEMBERSHIP: Although participation anyone is welcome to participate, CORPORATE and

IDIVIDUAL membership gain more advantages from upgraded participation benefits.


STANDARDS BALLOT: Every year, IEEE-SA presides over a process by which, the

suggested standards undergo a vote based on their technical reliability and integrity.

Basically, for authorization of the standard, the IEEE-SA Standards Board first approves

a PAR (Project Approval Request), depending on the NesCom’s (New Standards

Committee) recommendation to the Standards Board, all before the mobilization of the

work group (working group meetings are open according to the rules). Then, from the

drafting of the standard (following the IEEE Standards Style Manual), to its finalization,

the draft is now ready to Balloting approval. The IEEE Standards Department sends an

invitation-to-ballot to any individual who has expressed an interest in the subject matter

of the standard forming a Balloting group. Finally, after getting 75% approval, the draft

standard, along with the balloting comments, are submitted to the IEEE SA Standards

Board Review Committee (RevCom). The standard now has a validity period of ten years

from the date of IEEE SA Standards Board approval.

BOARDS AND COMMITTEES: The makeup and individual committees within IEEE-SA can

change over time, and there may be the introduction of new committees or modifications

to existing ones.

 The IEEE SA Standards Board, Awards & Recognition Committee, Corporate

Advisory Group, Registration Authority Committee, and Strategic Planning

Coordination Committee.

PUBLICITY: The IEEE Get Program makes some standards publicly available for download:

This program grants public access to view and download current individual standards at zero


IEEE-SA VS PEC (Philippine Electrical Code)

Both standards, although distinct in their origins and scope, share a common purpose:

providing guidelines and standards for ensuring the safety and correct installation, operation, and

maintenance of electrical systems. In other words, The PEC (Philippine Electrical Code) is a

specialized set of electrical standards designed to meet the specific needs and conditions of the

Philippines while IEEE-SA (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standards

Association) handles the global authority. When producing a standard, both groups adhere to a

guideline that aligns with their respective sets of regulations.

Overview: These two aspects encompass a broad spectrum within the electrical industry,

particularly in the areas of safety, technological progress, and the legal framework for electrical

systems. Both maintain uniformity in quality and safety standards, serving as points of reference

for professionals and contractors to verify installations' adherence to their standards.

Conclusion: It's clear to state that the international group has a broader focus in terms of the

spectrum they encompass. IEEE-SA covers a broader spectrum of industries, including

telecommunications, electronics, power and energy, computing, and more, with a global reach,

while the PEC handles a wide range of applications, from residential to industrial, although

having a primary concentration on electrical installations inside the Philippines. The synergy

between these two standards has not only advanced electrical systems in the Philippines but has

also provided valuable insights for countries across the globe.


Importance: PEC and IEEE-SA serve as an educational tool to raise public awareness

about electrical safety and promote responsible electrical practices.

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