Academic Calendar 2022-23 031022

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Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University)

Dates Activity / Event Responsibility

18th July 2022 Commencements of the Term (MBA Sem I, MBA-HR Sem I, MCA Sem I students) Program Director/ Program
Coordinators, Class
18-28th July 2022 Induction Program(MBA Sem I, MBA-HR Sem I, MCA Sem I students) Program Director/ Program
Coordinators, Class
18th July 2022 Commencements of the Term ( BBA Sem III, BCA Sem III, V, MCA II Sem students) Program Director/ Program
Coordinators, Class
25th July 2022 Commencements of the Term ( BBA I, BCA I students)
25th July -4th August 2022 Induction Program(BBA Sem I, BCA Sem I students) Program Director/ Program
Coordinators, Class
8th August 2022 Commencements of the Term (MBA Sem III, MBA HR Sem III, BBA Sem V Students) Program Director/ Program
Coordinators, Class
8th Sept 2022 Seminar /Webinar - Marketing Marketing dept.
13th August 2022 Freshers Day for MBA Sem I, MBA HR Sem I, MCA Sem I students PD, PC, FC of MBA, MCA-II
15th August 2022 Independence Day NSS team/ All teaching and Non-
teaching staff members
16th August 2022 to 20th August Class Test I (MBA Sem I, MBA-HR Sem I, MCA Sem I students) Subject Teacher
16th August 2022 to 20th August Class Test I (BBA Sem III, BCA Sem III, BCA Sem V students, MCA Sem III) Subject Teacher
16th August 2022 to 20th August Class Test I (BBA Sem I, BCA Sem I ) Subject Teacher
18th August 2022 to 23rd August Class Test I (MBA Sem III, MBA HR Sem III, BBA Sem V) Subject Teacher
20th August 2022 Freshers Day for (BBA Sem I, BCA Sem I ) PD, PC, FC of BBA Sem I,
23rd August 2022 Seminar /Webinar - Operations Operations dept.
27th August Result of Class Test I (MBA Sem I, MBA-HR Sem I, MCA Sem I students) Subject Teacher
27th August Result of -Class Test I (BBA Sem III, BCA Sem III, BCA Sem V students, MCA Sem III) Subject Teacher
27th August Result-Class Test I (BBA Sem I, BCA Sem I ) Subject Teacher
29th August Result-Class Test I (MBA Sem III, MBA HR Sem III, BBA Sem V) Subject Teacher
September 2022-1st week Final Placement Brochure submission CRC DEPT
1st Sept 2022 Fresher Day BBA Sem.I BCA Sem.I PD/FC
2nd September 2022 Seminar /Webinar of HR Dept. Mr. Deepak Navalgund and All
PD, PC and FC
3rd September 2022 Parents Teacher Meet- I, IInd and III year students All Program Directors & Faculty
6th to 8th Sept 2022 IMED GEMS Dr. Mahadik/ Dr Vijay Phalke/
Dr. PallaviChopde/ Mr.
Dingankar/ Dr. Bharati
19th to 24th September 2022 Mid Term Examination (MBA Sem I, MBA-HR Sem I, MCA Sem I students) Program Director, Class
Coordinator, Program
Coordinator, all subject teachers.
10th Sept 2022 Seminar /Webinar - Marketing Marketing dept.
19th to 24th September 2022 Mid Term Examination(BBA Sem III, BCA Sem III, BCA Sem V students, MCA Sem III) Subject Teacher
19th to 24th September 2022 Mid Term Examination (MBA Sem III, MBA HR Sem III, BBA Sem V) Subject Teacher
16th September 2022 Ozone Day-Action Plan for Global Warming Dr V Phalke, Dr. SuchetaKanchi
and NSS team
17th September 2022 IIPS 2022 HR Dept.
10th September 2021 MCA / BCA First Project Progress Presentations Class Co-ordinator
21st September 2022 Seminar /Webinar of Fin. Dept. Finance Dept.
24th September 2022 Seminar /Webinar of IT Dept. MCA and BCA Dept.
26th September -1st October 2022 Class Test-II ( MBA Sem I, MBA-HR Sem I, MCA Sem I students) Program Director, Class
Coordinator, Program
Coordinator, all subject teachers.
26th September -1st October 2022 Class Test-II (BBA Sem III, BCA Sem III, BCA Sem V students, MCA Sem III) Program Director, Class
Coordinator, Program
Coordinator, all subject teachers.
26th September -1st October 2022 Class Test-II (BBA Sem I, BCA Sem I ) Subject Teacher
28th September -4th October 2022 Class Test-II (MBA Sem III, MBA HR Sem III, BBA Sem V) Subject Teacher
1st Oct 2022 Result-Mid Term Examination (BBA Sem I, BCA Sem I ) Subject Teacher
1st Oct 2022 Result-Mid Term Examination (MBA Sem III, MBA HR Sem III, BBA Sem V) Subject Teacher
1st Oct 2022 Result of Mid Term Examination (MBA Sem I, MBA-HR Sem I, MCA Sem I students) Subject Teacher
1 October 2022 Staff Development Program (SDP) FDP team
3rd oct 2022 Midterm BBA I and BCA I Year Exam dept
7th October 2022 Result of Class Test-II All program Program Director, Class
Coordinator, Program
Coordinator, all subject
08th October 2022 HR Professionals Meet CRC Team
14th Oct 2022 HR Webinar/Seminar Team HR
10th - 15th October 2022 Placement Week / Pre Placement Presentation. CRC
10th Oct 2022 IT seminar Dr. Mahadik
17th Oct 2022 SIP Persentation Compitetion Dr.Sachin A DR.Pravin
Mane Dr.Ranpreet Kaur
Dr.Deepali kadam & CRC
7th -12th Nov 2022 End Term Exam All program Dr. Ingawale , Mr. R
Mahadik and Exam Dept
7th -12th Nov 2022 FDP Team FDP
22nd October 2022 Parents Teacher Meet II- I, IInd and III year students All Program Directors &
Faculty Co-ordinators
24th -30th October 2022 Diwali Vacation
15th Nov 2022 Last Teaching Day All program All Subject teachers
16th to 23rd Nov 2022 Practicals /Viva -All program Exam dept
25th and 26th November Academic Audit/ Moderation All program Program Director/Class
2022 Coordinators
30th Nov 2022 Submission of overall academic report, Submission of Marks to university. MBA Sem I, MBA- Program Director/Class
HR Sem I, MCA Sem I Coordinators
5th December 2022 University exam - Exam dept
17th December 2022 Regional Alumni Meet I CRC
December 2022 third week 7 days NSS camp NSS Team
31st December 2022 Road Safety Awareness greetings Dr. V Phalke /Ms.Pratima
Gund /Dr.Kanchi/ Mr
3rd Jan. 2023 to 8th Jan 2023 Commencement of classes (BBA SemII, BCASem II, BBA IV, BCA IV, BCA Sem VI, MCA Subject Teacher
Sem IV, MCA Sem VI, MBA Sem II, MBA-HR Sem II, MCA Sem II students)
8th January 2023 Dr. Patangrao Kadam Birth Anniversary All Staff
9th January 2023 Dr. Patangraoji Kadam National Elocution Competition Dr.Pramod Pawar/
DrPadlikar/ Dr Sachin
Ayarekar/ Mr. U Desai/ Dr
Vijay Phalke
16th Jan. 2023 to 28th Feb. Sports Meet Dr.Netaji Jadhav/Dr.
2023 Pravin
Mane, Dr.Pramod Pawar,
Sonali Khurjekar/Mrs
23nd January 2023 International Students Meeting ISC
26th January 2023 Republic Day celebration Dr NetajiJadhav / All
Teaching and non teaching
27th Jan. 2023 to 31st Feb. Class test I (BBA SemII, BCASem II, BBA IV, BCA IV, BCA Sem VI, MCA Sem IV, MCA Subject Teacher
2023 Sem VI, MBA Sem II, MBA-HR Sem II, MCA Sem II students)
4th February 2023 E D CELL-CWTED COMPETITON Dr.Bharati Jadhav, Dr
Shradha and Team
10th February 2023 Results of class test for 1 BBA SemII, BCASem II, BBA IV, BCA IV, BCA Sem VI, MCA Program Director, Class
Sem IV, MCA Coordinator, Program
Sem VI, MBA Sem II, MBA-HR Sem II, MCA Sem II students)BBA Sem II, BCA Sem II Coordinator, all subject
17th & 18th February 2023 C-Googly Dr S.C. Hembade and
20th Feb. 2023 to 24th Feb. Mid Term Examination of BBA SemII, BCASem II, BBA IV, BCA IV, BCA Sem VI, MCA Subject Teacher
2023 Sem IV, MCA Sem VI, MBA Sem II, MBA-HR Sem II, MCA Sem II students
27th Feb to 4th March 2023 FDP FDP Team
28th Feb. 2023 to 5th March Parent Teacher Meeting -2 MBA Sem II, MBA-HR Sem II, MCA Sem II Program Director, Class
2023 Coordinato
28th Feb. 2023 to 2nd Class Test II All program Subject Teacher
March 2023
03rd March 2023 Result of Mid Term Examination of BBA SemII, BCASem II, BBA IV, BCA IV, BCA Sem Subject Teacher
VI, MCA Sem IV, MCA Sem VI, MBA Sem II, MBA-HR Sem II, MCA Sem II students
4th March 2023 Staff Development Program(SDP), FDPs, Seminars, Corporate days, Club activities etc Dr.Pramod Pawar and
Dr.Sachin Ayarekar
7th March 2023 National Seminar on Marketing Dr. Gurav/ Dr. Bharati
Jadhav and Team
8th March 2023 Women’s Day Celebration Bharati Jadhav/ Sonia
Sorte/ Yelikar
9th March 2023 Homage to Hon’ble Founder All Teaching and Non
Teaching Staff
9th March 2023 Result of class Test II All program Subject Teacher
22nd to 25th March 2023 International Management Fest / Expressions Cultural Program Dr. Pravin
Mane, Dr.Pramod Pawar,
nali Khurjekar/Mrs Bharati
Jadhav/MsSweta Jogalekar/
17th March 2023 National Seminar on Finance Dr. Dharmadhikari, Dr.
Ranpreet and Team
3th April 2023 to 8th April End Term Examination All Progaram Dr. Ingawale , Mr. R
2023 Mahadik and Exam Dept
3th April 2023 to 8th April FDP Team FDP
13th April 2023 Results of End Term Examination Dr. Ingawale , Mr. R
Mahadik and Exam Dept
10th April 2023 Last Teaching Day Subject Teacher
11th to 15th April 2023 Practical Exams for All Program Program Director, Class
Coordinator, Program
Coordinator, all subject
18th to 20th April 2023 Academic Audit/ Moderation for: All Program Program Director, Class
Coordinator, Program
Coordinator, all subject
24th April 2023 Submission of overall academic report, Submission of Marks to university. MBA Sem II, MBA-Program Director, Class
HR Sem II, MCA Sem II, MCA sem IV, VI Coordinator,
26th April 2023 Foundation Day of BVDU All Teaching and non
teaching staff/ Students
10th May 2023 Bharati Vidyappeth Foundation Day All Teaching and non
teaching staff/ Students
16th May 2023 Summer Training Joining MBA G and MBA HR first year CRC Department
16th May 2022 Summer Training Joining BBA second year CRC Department

Ongoing Activities/Events:
2nd and 4th Saturday of every ED Cell session ED Cell
1st and 3rd Saturday of every Corporate Day/Alumni Day CRC
Last Saturday of every month International Alumni Meet CRC
Once every month International Students Meeting ISC -Dr Ingawale, Dr Mirji
Two in each term 6 days Faculty Development Program FDP Team
Date Activity/Events Faculty responsiable
st Staff Development Program (SDP) Dr.Sachin A/ Dr.Pramod Pawar
1 October 2022
08th October 2022 HR Professionals Meet Mr.Deepak N and Team CRC, PD
14th Oct 2022 HR Webinar/Seminar Dr.Hema M, Dr.Pravin Mane & Team HR
10th - 15th October 2022 Placement Week / Pre Placement Presentation. Mr.Deepak N and Team CRC, PD
10th Oct 2022 IT seminar Dr.Hembade S, Dr.Mahadik and IT Dept
17th Oct 2022 SIP Persentation Compitetion Dr.Sachin A DR.Pravin Mane Dr.Ranpreet
Kaur Dr.Deepali kadam & CRC
7th -12th Nov 2022 FDP Dr.Sachin A/ Dr.Pramod Pawar
22nd October 2022 Parents Teacher Meet II- I, IInd and III year students All Program Directors & Faculty Co-
17th December 2022 Regional Alumni Meet I Mr.Deepak N and Team CRC, PD
December 2022 third 7 days NSS camp NSS Team and IMED Staff
31st December 2022 Road Safety Awareness greetings Dr. V Phalke /Ms.Pratima Gund
/Dr.Kanchi/ Mr Dingankar

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