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Tn : Gon mi P ane s . B OS TON . U 8 A

. . .

To those who aim

ntain the Fund amental Prin
ples, In alien ab le Ri gh ts and Royal P rero gatives

of manhood con ferred in creation i e individual

, , . .

independence of all forces of the universe co nce rn

ing choice and action with dir ec t and supreme re

spon si b ility to God the re for ; also to all who be

lieve in the perfect atonement made by Jesus Christ
for all sin w ithout the ne ed or possi bility of inter

fe rence or medi ation by any king priest church

, , ,

, or marty r To all such of eve ry race and

nation or reli gion of every people and of eve ry

, ,

clime and count ry thi s book is respectfully dedi


cated by








VI .


Pries ts in Ancient E gypt—T he

Priestly Caste in Ancient India

Priests in Babylonia and Assyria
VI Conte nts









Is ALL HARMO NI O US 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0






I .


Conte nts

. O O Q O O Q O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 . 0 . 0 0



Infalli b ility—T he Cel i bacy of the

Priests T ransubstantiation




What Constitutes a M an a P rot .

estant— T he T raitors Among the

Protestant Clergy and Laity th e
Chief O ffenders M o bs and
M urder Peculiar Ro anist Weap m

v iii Contents

Th e Baleful Influence of the
Jesuit Upon the German Nation
T h e Kaiser and H is Govern
ment CO Operated w ith the Jesuit




A Royal Exa m
fl Falsehood

e of

N O Faith w ith H e ret ics Con


AM a devout believer in God and in th e B i b le

I as the word of God and infallib ly t rue with
, ,

the exception o f a few errors in translation and

some unimportant erro rs o f the copyi st and po ss i b le ,

interlineation by the same writers .

T he Ev angelical ch urche s and their individual

me m bers accept the B i b le as the supreme law con
cerning reli gion and orals .

W ith these prefato ry remarks as a pou sto ,

foundation let us now proceed to examine the B ib


l ical account o f the Creation o f M an and the de ,

si gn Of God herein as fu rther developed i

n the O ld
and New T est a en ts . From this acc ount we de
duce the followin g p rinciples
M an h as the faculty for distingui shin g between
right and wrong ; and his responsi b ility to do the
one and not to do the other He is ab solutely inde

pe ndent Of all powers of the unive rse in h is choice

and ac tions B u t he is persona l ly dir ec tly and su

p e e ly respon si b le to God for h is choices and their


results Hence it follow s that no man h as the


ri ght o r power to s hift hi s re spon si b ilitie s to an y

pe rson or organization Conversely no man or or

g a niz atio n h as the ri ght o r power to assu e the te

sponsi b ility of any other pe rson whomsoe ve r .

Further because so m any of the best people of


m m
the ea rth have sufie red wrong to rtu re and death , .

Eve ry an has the ri gh t to d e and of h i s Creator

a personal and eternal j ud g ent according to h is


x I ntr oduction

deed s ; not according to his race h is religion or his


church .

T his ou r Lo rd con firms in the New T estament

Eve ry man shall rece ive the due rewards of his

deed s.

From the further teachin gs of the B ib le we

evolve the following principles : The people are in ,

a measure responsib le fo r the character and con


duct of their priests and kings and other le aders and

share their puni shment We see this in the case of

Eli and h is two sons tw o profligate youn g priests
, ,

Th e same lesson is tau ght in the case of D avid

and Jeroboa m
. T here is no D ivine Right of K ings
or prie st s or any other pe rson to do w ron g
, .

T he above ax ioms are fund amental principles in ,

alienab le ri ghts and royal prerogatives of manhood .

T he neglect to maintain these ri ghts h as been the

cau se of nearly all the woes of th e world .

When the Roman Governor asked ou r Lord

Are you a King then ? , Although the answer
might convince Pilate that He w as a reb el against
Caesar and would prob ab ly result in h is crucifie

tion yet he answered I am a King for thi s
, ,

cause ca e I into the world that I should bear wit

ness to the T ruth . In this sense of supreme loy
alty to T ruth it is the D ivine Right of eve ry man

to b e a K in g .

When Al ex ander th e G reat won a victo ry over a

b rave and capab le Indian King ; and took him
p ri so ne r ; he command e d the kin g to b e b rou ght into

his presen ce and asked him H ow do you th ink th at
I sh oul d treat you ?

W ith a look as h augh ty as
I ntr oduc tion xi

that of Alexander himself he answered : T reat
me royally for I a a King Al exander w as so i

pressed with the nob ility of the man he restored h i ,

to his kingdom .

T hi s is the status on which God intend s to t reat

every an royally But the dignity of man in his
, .

creation is seen not only in h is mental and sp ir itual

endowments b ut al so in this physical organization
, .

Ad am lived 93 0 years and Noah 95 0 In order .

that the human machine could run nearly one thou

sand years it mu st have b een a recent creation in a

perfectly healthy condition D arwin to the con .

trary no twith standing

, T he period from Noah to

Ab rah am when the span of life fell from 95 0 to I 75


years w as one of terri b le physical deterioration ;


and prob ab ly extended over five thousand ye ars or

more instead of as is generally b elieved four or five
, ,

hundred years .

T he cost of man s redemption and the b eauty ,

and glory Of h is eternal home ha r onize exactly ,

with the sto ry of h is creation .

Eve ry hierarchical church and ab solute monarch y

ruling b y the fiction of a special D ivine Right deny
and anathematize all the above named fu nd amental
principles inalienab le rights and royal prerogatives

of manhood T hey constitute a crime against man


hood and reb ellion against God They are naturally .

and necessarily the enemies o f all democracy in gov
e rn ent and Evan gelica l religion in the church es .

These two forces are di ametrically opposed and in

capab le of compromise ex cept by th e utter destruc

tion of one or the other .

I ntr oduction

B ecau se m
the Ger an people almost universally sus

rained the Kai ser in h s career of conque st
i b ru

tality and murder they will eventually b e almost
ruined In men and material God reigns not T hor

or Satan .


D enver Colo
, .

T h e D ig nity O f M an
H E Bible is the Great M agn a Charta of all
humanity Ages before the English people and

Barons wrung their M agna Charta from their

b i goted and pusill anirnous King John the Greater ,

M agna Charta of Human Li berty w as written into

the constitution of Adam at h is creation .

T o the devout Protestant the Bible is the very ,

word of God supernaturally revealed to h is earthly


children It is the Supreme Law It is the infall i

. .

ble rule Of Faith and M orals and it is the only in ,

falli b le thing on earth It is complete as written

. .

Hence it pronounces a curse upon any and all who

may b lasp hemously add thereto o r su btract there
from It is perfect infalli ble teaching Th e few
, .

errors that may have crept in throu gh the ope n door

of the Copyist or T ranslator are incidental and u n
important T he Bi ble stand s as a W hole today The
. .

Supreme Law of God and the infallible guide to

the human Race whether they accept it or rej ect it
, .

Whether they approve or disapprove they will stand

o r fall before this Supreme Court and Judge at the ,

final award to all men for Eterni ty on the b asis Of ,

th is Law .T his is because the Book is the Eternal

T ruth Of God Individuals may pass away Nations

may rise and fall but the Book of God the Etern al
, ,

T ruth will never pass away Political and reli gious


10 Th e D ig nity o f M a n

organizations may endure for a time but they w ill ,

fail and be destroyed except in so far as they main

tain the Eternal T ruth of God ; and the dignity Of
man as he w as originally created and as indicated

in the p recious sacredness of h is Redemption and ,

the gloriou s destiny prepared for him in the

Eternities .

It is said of M artin Luther that he resurrected

“ ”
the D octrine of Justification by Faith In a great
“ ”
measure this is true ; for in those D ark Ages Of
human depravity slave ry moral degradation and
, ,

rottenness the D octrine w as well nigh buried and


lost sight Of But T ruth though c ru shed to earth
, ,

will rise again It will never die A s well try to .

blot Jehovah out of the Universe as try to kill H is

truth Its final triumph is a bsolutely certain But
. .

it is the purpose of this writing to go b ack beyond

the l 6 th Century of our era b ack of King John ,

and h is b arons to the many thou sands of years pre


vi ous when man w as first created ; and show that

“ ”
the doc trine of Ju stification by Faith and all that ,

it implies w as origin ally written upon the consti

tu tion of man in h i s creation .

A aterialistic and false Evolutionism makes our


mother earth the origin of our race through innu e r
ab le gradations occu p ying thousand s even illio ns ,

O f years until he finally em erges a man a poor and

, ,

degraded specimen at that the lowest form of ,

savage life ; and since then by a constant m ysteriou s , ,

pressure Of some invisi b le natural power he h as

, ,

been forced up to h is present condition of freedom

and dignity as exemplified in the most f avored


G gave him powe r over all created things on the

OD s ays He mad e man in H is own image and

earth ; mad e h i mKing of all and conferred upon

him ce rtain Kingly pre rogatives and individual
r ights which he mu st maintain or he will in flict and

e nt a il untold miseries upon himself and h i s race .

Evolution d egrad es humanity God honors it with .

a Crown of Glory and imprints upon it H is own


celestial likeness .

But let us ex amine the D ivin e Record of the

Creation of man and a little analysis may throw

some light upon the matter .

Genesis says : Let us make man in ou r
ow n image after our likeness
, And when the phy

si cal nature w as formed He ( God ) , breathed into
h is nostrils the breath of life and man became a ,
“ ”
living soul . Some think the word living mean s
incapable of death .

T h e 8th Psalm sth verse says :

, T hou hast
made him a little lower than the A ngels T hou hast .

crowned him with glory and honor T hou hast put .

all things und e r h is feet etc Now let your gaze
, .

rest upon the splendid beau ty and perfection of h is

physical organism In Genesis we are told that

Adam lived 93 0 years And nearly all the A ntedi


luvian patriarch s reached an average Of this limit .

T oday the human machine is nearly worn out at 60

or 70 y ears ; and the ave rage limit even less .

M an M ade in God s I
ag e I3

Th e re was no scowl of wicked ness on Ad am s
brow T here w as no hereditary taint in his blood
. .

T oday the re are very few h uman lives without this

taint , which p ro claims in trumpet tones ; The
” “
wages of sin is death Even to the third and fourth

g eneration s .What a gr and personality Adam
must have been Th ere was no degr ading servility

bred in h is bo ne which takes generations of nobler
living to eradicate He bowed the head only to

God He w as King and Lord of all on the e arth


in the flush of joy and power of a p erfect physica l

organization and a soul bu t a little lower than the
personality of h is D ivine C reator What serenity ! .

What grandeu r ! Wh at nobleness ! What majesty !

Worthy progenitor Of the race ! A human machine
working in perfect order for nearly a thousand years
is an argument in favor of its recent creation which
is unanswerable D id God create the fi rst man with

the scowl Of se rvility o r wickedness upon h is brow ?

It is unthinkable D id He create the head of our


race with the taint of hereditary vice or pro fl igacy

in h is vei ns ? It would be a blas phemy and degra
dation of the Almi ghty to entertain such a suspicion .

And Eve ! the beautiful Eve ! the perfect form !

the face radiant with love ! fit co nsort for the stately ,

princely Adam What a perfect spec imen of vigor

, .

o us
, healthful graceful glowing glorious woman
, , ,

hood It is a marve l that Adam did not receive her


with devout reverence and worship her as a divinity .

T he great master painte rs of the world app ea r to

m m
have missed one o f the most Splendid su bjects of thei r
“ ”
art na ely : T he P resentation of Eve to Ad a .
1 4 The D ig nity f M an

m m
A f uture artist may i mortalize hi self by h is t reat
ment of the theme A lasting f ame awaits the artist

competent to handle such a S plendid su bjec t .

Sin soon ente rs D iso be dience b rings suspicion and


fear and death in its ghastly train Paradise Lost !


Well might the angels veil their faces and unive rsal

blackness hail the coming doom T he fall o f man


has been written in h is S in and slavery and misery ,

in all the ages since .

Alas ! poo r man quoth the pityin g spirit ,

D early ye pay for your primal fall .

Some fl owerets of Eden ye still inherit .

B ut the trail of the serpent is over all



UT there is also another ide to this question

B It is the moral and S piritual T he D ignity of


man is not only shown in the vi gor and endurance of

h is physical nature h is sp lendid person ality ; but

inex pressi b ly more so in the nature Of that Soul ,

breathed into him by h is Creator T he fi rst and .

ost fund amental element which introduces itself

into our consciousness is the co nscie nce with which
the first man is endowed h is se nse Of right and

wron g h is li berty to do as he pleases

, And Go d .

said to Ad am ; Of every tree Of the garden thou

mayest f reely eat b ut Of the fruit of the tree of the

knowled ge of good and evil thou sh all not eat ; for

in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die ,

Genesis Notice the pe rsonal and p ositive

“ ” ’
command ,thou shalt die Eve s share in the

transaction does not excu se Ad am He d isobeys and.

dies. He brea ks the law and su ffers the conse

q nces
u e .H e uses h is liberty to do as he pleases ; but
whether he pleases o r not he sufiers for it
, .

In h is creation God h as endowed man with the

li berty and power to do as he pleases God H i sel f . m
will not interf ere with this vested liberty and power .

There is therefore no power in the unive rse in earth , ,

or hell to compel a man to do anythin g he does not

m m
pref er to do or to do otherwise than as he ch ooses
, .

God can kil l a an but H e will not com p el h i to

1 5
1 6 Th e D ig nity o f M an

do anything against h is will or nature T his is .

written into man s constitution in h is creation and , ,

it is still there ; and will be eternally T his is the .

Kingly crown placed on the brow of every man .

T his constitut es the tr an scendent digni ty Of Human

ity T’hese are princely endowments royal p re ro

gatives inalienable rights fundamental laws of the

, ,

hum an co nstitution T alk of the upward trend of


the race ! Its evolution S kyward ! T h e trend h as

been downward s for thou sand s of years Instead of .

elevation it h as been depression T he tyrannies of .

Babylonia Egypt Persia Rome and the so called

, , ,

Christian nations of M edieval Europe completed the

“ ”
Paradise lost ; and established an Inferno upon
ou r beautiful world T he roy al prerogatives in

alienable ri ghts of M anhood may be briefly defined ,

as follows

First ; I ndividual Independence to do as he

pleases .

Second : D irect Individual Responsibility to

Go d for h is choices and their results .

T h e h uman soul is inde p endent of all forces in

m m
the Universe T here is no powe r in the Universe


to co pel h i to do othe rwise than as he pleases ,

prefers or chooses T his constitutes every human


being an Independe nt Sovereign before God How .

low humanity h as fallen ! Will Paradise ever be

Regained ? Sometim es he chooses lust appetite , ,

passion ambition war and murder T he furies are

, , .

let loose and earth becomes a Pandemonium Some .

tim es on the other hand he chooses p atience ternpe r ,

ance ri ghteousness and love This is an effort to

, .
Th e Sple ndid M ental a nd M oral E ndow m e nt I7

regain the lost Paradise Sometim es he is gener

ati ons ahead of h i s time and he i s to rtured hanged ,

or burnt by a narrow bigoted infernal tyranny, ,


Libe rty to do as he thinks best Freedom of con .

science i s engraved upon th e human constitution by

the hand of the Cre ator It is an inalienable right


and at all haza rd s S hould be maint ained .

William the Silent of the Netherland s adopted

this motto : I will maintain T his is a royal p re .

rogative A D ivine honor and responsibility N O

. .

man h as a right to abdicate h is manhood He is .

branding himself as a slave a tool a th ing He h as , , .

lost h is manhood sold h is birthright for a mess of


pottage He deserves the scorn and det estation of


m ankind He h as not even the respectability of a


decent snow shovel T he shovel accomplishes its


mission that for which it w as designed He abdi

, .

c ates h is prerogative that which distinguishes him


from all other animal life ; and in so doing falls

below the lowest animal life and he becomes a men
ace to h i s race becau se he voluntarily becomes the

willing tool of T yrants both political and eccl esiasti

c al to e ns lave h i
s race When he sells h is birthright

th at which constitutes him a man in th e S ight of

God he becom es a menace to h is f amily h is count ry
, , ,

and to all good people everywhere He should be .

ostracised driven out of decent society to dwell with


beasts of the field where he belongs except that he ,

is a meaner b e ast than any of them more cunning ,

and cold blooded Alas ! there are so many human


m m
be asts S o many vultures wolves etc ; but the
, ,

hu an wol f is the eanest and ost d angerous of

1 8 Th e D ig nity f M an

any .

So many historians poets orato rs and soldiers

, ,

have eulogized liberty as the most glorious prize of

M en And so far they are right but the majority

fail to emphasize it as a constitutional and inal ien

able right and prerogative o f M anhood without ,

which he fails in the most ess ential element of his

being a God given D ivine right which if he fails to
, ,

maintain he S inks himself below th e level of the

beast and dese rves o nly the indignation of the
Almi ghty and the pity or contempt Of mankind
, .
2 0 Th e D ig nity i
o M a n

Individual Responsibility is first and supremely

Weak erring humanity tries to lay the
to God .
, ,

bla e or responsibili ty on some one else T his he .

h as neither the right or power to do Adam tried .

to lay th e blame on Eve ; and their po sterity and even

the ground w as cursed on account of their dis

obedience By the sweat of h is brow he w as to

earn h is bread All the way through the Bible

this perso nal responsibility is resp ected and e ph a

sized . God means to impress it upon every sou l .

For their own sins they should die or su ff er In .

doing so H e acknowledges the D ignity of the man

He h as created An independent Sovereign T h e
. .

Lord and M aster of all other life on the Earth .

Independent of all forces of the universe to do as he ,

d ee ms right or act in obedience to passion and ap

petite which he knows to be wrong For that in .

dependence for that royal prerogative for that in

, ,

alienab le right and the use he makes of it he is

, ,

held to a strict accountability directly to God In .

the nature Of the c ase he cannot divest him se lf of

it ; nor can any other p e rson or organi zation rele ase
him from h is responsibility .

A few examples will illu strate this princi p le .

“ ”
T o the question Where is Abel thy b rother ?

Cain answers : I do not know And so he lies to
escape responsibility But God tells h im ; You do

kno w You murdered him and h is b lood cries to

me from the g round Personal responsibility and

personal punishment until Cain complains that h is,

punishment is greater than he can bear .

T here w as a judge in I srael before the estab lish ,

N 0 P ers on Can E vade H is Ow n Respo nsibil ity 2 1

, m
me nt of the Ki ngdom n a ed Eli He h ad two so ns .

who were priests and directly in cha rge of the Ark of

God T hese tw o young priests bec ame notorious

for their greed and pro fl igacy By their exa ple .

they were cor rupting the morals of the p eople .

T heir fath e r remonstrated T hey paid no attention . .

T hey believed their sacred o ffi ce a protection to their

vileness ; and Eli failed to use the authority of h is
o ffice and the authority of h is fatherhood and cornpe l
them to be decent T hen Go d sent him a m essage

by one of H is prophets and another by a child in


h is own hou se Behold I will do a thing in Israel

that will ca use th e ears Of every one who hea rs it to

ti ng le Because you knew the vileness of your sons

and restrained them not your house shall erish ,

from the Earth In one day your two sons sh a 1 die ;


and if any of your hou se survive they shall be be g

ga rs and d espised ”
And so it ca. e to pass In one m .

day their armies are defeated Hophni and Phinehas .

are both slain T he Ark of God taken and I srael


be came a prey to their enemies for many yea rs :

A nd when the news is told Eli he falls b ackw ard ,

in h is seat at the gate of h is City b reaks h is neck , ,

and dies for he w as an old an and heavy

, .

D avid the sweet sin ger of I srael w as guilty of

p ride adultery and murder God sends a p rophet
, .

to him who narrates the case of a rich an who

greedily takes the one lam b of a poor man to enter
tain h is guests and when D avid in h is righteous in
di gnation not perceiving the point of the para ble
, ,

declares that the greedy hound shall die for h is

in iquity the prophet turns to him with menacing
2 2 Th e D ig nity f
o M a n

finger and says ; Th ou art the an N O wonder m

m m
D avid in that penitential Psalm the S l at c ries ou t , ,

in agony of body and spirit : D eliver e f ro

” “
blood guiltiness O Lord ! and afterward : Restore

unto me the joy of T hy Salvation ! T he re is no
D ivine Ri ght of Kings or Pri ests to do w rong T h e .

so called D ivine Right of Kings and Pri ests di

d not
save them from the indignation of Heaven and the

divine judgments .

Elisha s servant Gehazi who followed N aa an , ,

after Elisha had healed him of his lep rosy and h ad

refused h is gifts told him h is master had sent

him to ask certain gifts of fine raiment etc ; and , .

received the same For h is covetousness and f alse


hood at Elisha s word he w as immediately stricken
, ,

with the dread disease .

Wh e n He tells us that He h as made of one b lood ,

a ll th Nation s that dwell upon the f ace of th e

Ea rth and He is the common Father of all H e is ,

no respe c to r of persons or ra ces T he wh ite th e .


black the yellow the rich the poor the king th e

, , , , ,

peasant the p riest the layman ; all are treated al ike

, , ,

and upon the common basis o f work and l ife .

T hose who have done good are d estined to e te rnal

life T hose who have done evil to eternal punish

ment M any more cases might be cited but ti e ,

and space for b id .


N thi s connection it is well to discriminate be

I tw een cases of direct punishment from the
A lmigh ty for sin ; and the indirect su ffering cause d
by the operation of natural law While the Laws

of Nature are the Laws of the Creator of Nature

and therefore the O perations of Nature or Natur al
L aw are indirectly the work of the Al mi ghty ; all
these operations may primarily and properly be re
ferred back to H im and we need particular caution

to forbear accusing of any special guilt those w ho

may have endured some special or extreme su fiering ,

or what is often called acc id e ntal su ffering .

O ur Lord te lls us that the eighteen on whom the

tower of Siloam fell and killed them were not ,

s inners above others in Jeru salem Job s co

forte rs accused him of secret S i ns hidden fro , the

light as the cause of h is extraordinary sufierings
T h e Lord rebuked them for their presum p tion —
, .

when He tells us that families and nations are de
stroyed for their i niquities o r the iniquiti es of their

kin or other rulers ; we accept those utterances as

fina Genesis tells us then began en to

call on the name of the Lord T he marginal

ref erence says : T hen be gan men to call themselves

by th e na e of the Lord T hat is sons or chi l dren

The descendants of S eth thus desi gnated the m

2 3
2 4 The D ig nity f
o M an

s elves and in so do in g prob ab ly distinguished them

selves from the d escendants of Cain T h e p romises

Of Redemption were to be fulfilled in the descendants

of Seth Cain after th e murder of Abel and the

punishment in fl icted upon him by the Almighty

probably renounced h is allegiance to God and as
sumed an attitude of opposition of hostility ,

In the very nature of the case Cain him self act

nally assumed this position H is descendants natur

ally followed the example of their progenitor ; and

prided themselves upon being e n indep endent of m
all relationship to God as so many in this modern

age are doing Lo gica lly and naturally the Cain

ites would call themse lves children of men sons and ,
“ ”
daughters of men in opposition to the Sethites

who called them selves S ons of God
A s the book of Genesis is a S ynopsis and a very
brief one at that ; eleven chapters giving us all that is
known of the Antediluvian world which included
a period of at least a bout 1 700 years according to

Archbishop Ussher s Chronolo gy T his period

however may have been lon ger ; for as this part of


the book is a ve ry brief synopsis of events the dur ,

ation of time hinges upon the qu estion ; whether
the genealogy from Ad a to Noah gives us all the
links in the ch ain or only principal ones ; and as

these chap ters present but a b rief synopsis generally ,

th e analogy would appe ar to hold good that in this ,

particular the synopsis also prevails ; hence the links

may be only the principal ones and not all of those

in the chronolo gical chain S till there are other


evidences that th is p eriod was not ve ry materially

Cities a nd N a tions P u nished 2 5

extended T he ter
. m ”
in the Bible means a

descendant or near relative although in one cas e one

, ,

thousand years intervene Christ is called the son

of D avid when one thousand years lay between .

Again as the time before Abraham is necessarily a

brief synopsis it is pro b ably morally certain that the .

Lord gave many instructions to Adam and Seth and

their descendants not recorded O ne of those in .

stru c tio ns in all pro bability forbade intermarriage

, ,

be tween the Sethites and the Cainites We know .

positively that such instructions were afterward

g iven . A b raham and h i
s des cendant s and the I s rael
ites in E gypt kept them selves apart from the Egy pt
ians in this way ; and after they entered Canaan
and became an independent people the same com
mands were emphas ized lest marrying into a god

less or idolatrous people they should be come de

graded to the same level physically morally and , ,

spiritually .Now this is exactly what h appened to

the Antediluvians .

A generation or two before the flood the Sons of ,

God the Sethites saw that the daughte rs of men

, , ,

the Cainites were fair and they took wives of th em

, .

T he r esult w as S imilar to what has often happened

s ince ; T h e whole earth became corrupt and filled

w ith violence T hat is all the i nhab itants ( both

S ethites and Cainites ) beca e corrupt and violent

and God resolved to destroy the whole in one cata
clys of horror ; except No ah and h is family .

It mu st be acknowledged that there are two other

“ ”
interpretatio ns of the phrase Sons of God O ne .

“ ”
is that the Sons of God we re su p ernatural E vil

2 6 The D ig nity f
o M a n

Spirits T his is evidently an e rror In the B ib le .

Sons Of God are invariably g ood Spi rits with

spe cial emphasis in the New T est ament T o assume .

“ ”
that the Sons of God mentioned in the Fi rst Chap
ter of Job were bad spirits is pu rely hypothetical
without a particle Of pro bability and Oppose d to the ,

known and pos itive meanings elsewhere .

T h e other is that they were supernatural g ood

spirits which in some mysterious and fabulou s man

ner assumed physical human natures and ma rried

these daughters of en T here is one fatal Obje ction

to this view namely that the union of good spirits

, ,

with ordina ry women would naturally produce a

race immensely improved both physically and spi rit
u all y But the very opposi te w as the result in this

case .

Further Is there any evi dence that any spirits good


or bad b ad the power per se to assu me physical

, ,

bodies so as to interma rry with our race ? T here

is not an atom of evidence in favor of this outside
O f the Pagan my thologies It is unthinkab le that

th e Lord Go d should so create good spirits in order

to corrup t and destroy a race .

T h e exposition a bove given is the only one that

will fit all the facts in the case T he two others do .

not harmonize with the known facts T herefore .

the evi dence is p resumptive if not conclusive of their

f alsity

Also is such a transfor ation in the nature of

, ,

th ings p robab le or possible ? T he whole supposition

is co ntr ary to the f acts contrary to reason and con
, ,

trary to th e design of the C reatio ns and th e Know n

2 8 The D ig nity f
o M a n

destruction until they had become SO degraded and

devilish that the good of the race demanded it .

In God s government through all human history
, ,

one life or a thousand or a million is of little con

, , ,

sequence when wei ghed in the balances against

Tr u th and Rig h te ousness T here is much Senti

mental Christianity ( so called ) Of th e milk and

water variety which does not unde rstand that God

hates sin with a perfect hatred T ho se people who

ignore conscience and abdicate their independent

sovereignty and inalienable rights need expect noth
ing but destruction When the measure o f their

iniquities is full with an unpitying eye and unspar


ing hand they are consigned to Oblivion or worse .

T h e wicked shall be turned into hell and all natio ns
” ’
that forget God But some will say I don t believ e

in your God I believe in fate and facts Yes !

. .

but your fate and facts are as unfeeling and merci

l ess as you think our God is .

But again we should discriminate between those

doomed to destruction by the Almighty ; and th ose

su ff e ring through the operation of natur al Law ,

and the great army of the martyrs slaughtered by ,

fiendish bigotry and Satanic hate in opposition to the

benevolent purposes of God B u t even here we have

H is promise that He will cause the wrath of man
to prai se H im ; and will restrain the remainder
” ’
thereof . A nd so it h as become a m ax im of God s
people . T he blood of the marty rs is th e seed of the
Ch urch He will not prevent H is own people from
su ffering under c e rtain conditions ; but will overrule

those conditions for righteousness .

Cities a nd N a tions P u nished 2 9

Truth and righteousness —

are eternal T ruth will
triumph and continue Everythin g opposed to

T ruth will be destroyed and pass away whether ,

in ch urch or state Every church not founded on

Eternal T ruth and Love —on God s word will


perish T hose who have done evil regardl ess of their


connectio ns racial national or religious are des

, , , ,

tined to Etern al infamy .

T his digression h as been for two purposes First .


to ju stify the ways of God with men ; and Second ,

to illu strate and enforce the fundamental princip les
of hu anity heretofore enumerated .

T he fate of Sodom and the other cities of the

p lain al so emphas ize the fact that moral and phys ical
degradation invite swift ruin T he case of Eli and .

h is so ns further proves the punishment of all the

people for the si ns of its priests T h e moral sense .

of the pe ople had sadly dimmed or they would not

have tolerated such priests Not only are the vile

priests slain but the whole pe ople are p unished T he .

Ph ilistines subdue them and rule th em with a rod

Of iron for yea rs T hey justly su ffer T here is no
. .

D iv ine ri ght of priests except to live righteously ,

ju st as other men .

In the case of D avid the nation suffered for the

pride adultery and murder of their Kin g T h e
, .

moral atmosphere of the nation should have been so

se ns itive that the king would not have dared to

commit such crimes God fiercely rebukes the so


called D ivine Ri ght of Kings and priests T here .

is no D ivine ri ght except to live and rule in

Obe dience to D ivine L aw ; and disobedience and
30 The D ig nity f M an

sin bring certain retribution to the tra nsgressors ;

and also to the peoples who tolerated them .

J e robo a the so n of Nebat h as the notoriou s dis

“ ”
tinction of being the man who made I srael to sin .

At the head of the ten tribes he seceded from the

splendid Kingdom of D avid and Solomon ; and to

prevent them returni ng to their allegiance to
Rehobo am and the temple wo rship at Jerusale
he made two calves of gold and instituted the old
Egyptian idolatry .

T he people submitted and too readily adopted


the idol worship But the Lord sent h is prophet to


warn Jeroboam that h is house should perish from

the earth which it shortly did T he people also .

cru shed and slaughtered by their enemies driven ,

from their count ry exiled scattered their identity

, , ,

completely lost ; for 2 5 00 years th ey h ave bee n

spoken of as t h e Lost T ribes While the King

is regarded as the chief sinner and his immediate

descendants meet a violent death yet the peop le ,

cannot release th emselves from personal responsi

bil ity by imputing it to their King O ne common

destru ction e braces all N 0 p eople can abdicate


their individual independence and respo nsibility and

try to place the bl ame on priest or King or any
one else without incu rring inevitable punishment ,

if not total destruction Nemes is is abroad in the


earth He never fails to vindicate h is claim s O nly

. .

two more illustrations will be introduced on th is

subject .



N the reign of Ze dekiah Ki ng of Judah

I N ebu ch ad nez za r King of B abylon captured th e

City and sack ed it T h e ol d men and women were

brutally u r dered ; the little children were dashed

to des th against the pavement ; the you ng e n and

wo e n were carried into captivity to Babylon where

they sp ent seventy years in abject slavery and e xile .

T he pr ophet s la ent in the I 3 7th Psalm is pa thetic

beyond descrip tion . B y the River of Babylon we

sat down yea we wept when we remembe re d Zion
, .

This effectually cured the Jews of idolat ry And .

now fo r over 2 5 00 yea r s they have kept them selves

cle an from this almost unive rsal degradation and
iniq uity .

T he other instance is that of Jeru salem destroyed

by the Ro an T i tus .

When the Apostate church

of Jerusal em rejected ou r Lord and decided to ki ll

Hi , H e wept over the doomed city and said : O
Jerusale ! Jerusalem ! thou that killest the prophets
an d sto nest the m wh o are sent unto thee how often

woul d I have gathered thy ch ildren togethe r as a

he n gathereth her chickens under her wings but ye
w ou ld not Behol d your hou se is left unto you

desola te . And w hen H is disciples cal led H is atte n
t ion to the grandeur of the temple building He sadly

answered : B ehold the time cometh when there
3 I
3 2 The D ig nity f
o M a n

shall not be one stone left upon another that shall

not be thrown down T h e awf ul account of the

siege and destruction of Jeru salem by Josephu s i s

ghastly and akes the blood run cold even to read

it at thi s late day T w o factions inside the City

were fiendish ly slaughtering each other while the
c om on enemy w as outside the w alls T h e f amine .

w as so terrible that they ate rats and mice ; anything

eatable no matter how disgusting Some soldiers .

catching the Odor of meat in the street ru shed into

the house and demanded it T h e mother turned

down a cloth revealing the body of her own child

already p artly eaten T hey left the house horrified
. .

So Josephus ! When the Jews were demanding Jesus
“ ”
death of Pilate crying crucify H im ! crucify H im !
he twice refused declaring the man innocent But .

when they reminded him that h e w as no friend

to Caesar if he let this man go ; for he claimed to
be a King which of course made him a rebel against
Caese r then Pilate weakened and took water and
washed his hand s and said to the Rioters and rep

ves of the Jewi sh church
rese ntati I am clean from

the blood Of this j ust man see ye to it ! T hey
“ ”

answered h is blood be upon us and our children
, .

About forty years afte rward s th is terrible i p re

cation had an awful realization in the utter destru c
tion of the City It is said that SO many were cru

ci fied outside th e wall Th e re w as no longer wood

enough to make crosses About ten yea rs after the

Cru cifixion Pilate w as recall ed to Rome to answer

accusations of tyranny and other crimes He w as .

banished to Gaul T here is now a mountain in

Jewish P unish m
e nt f or Idolatry 33

Switzerland rising f rom the border of Lake Ln

cerne called Pilatus ; and there is a legend that
Pilate tired of h is exile and misery cast him sel f into
, ,

the lake and h is spirit or ghost had been frequently

heard moaning in the mountains T he water which .

laved h is hands did not was h away either h is guilt

or h i s punishment He alone had the power to con

de n Christ to the death of the cross Tw ice he .

declared H i innocent H is wife sent a m essage


to him before th e judgment w as rend ered H ave ,

thou nothing to do with this j ust man for I have
su ffered many things in a dream becau se of H i

this ni ght He knowingly condemned an innocent

man He received a Providential warning Not

. .

withstanding all he condemned H im and fearfully

su ff ered f or it T here is no way to escape pe rsonal

responsibili ty and personal punishment It is vain .

to seek it .

In the nature of man s moral constitution it is
impossi b le All who have condemned to death

innocent people will su ffer a just p enalty The .

foll owing principle is equally tru e In the nature of .

man s moral constitution it is absurd and impossi b le
for any man or or ganization of men l ay or cleric , ,

to assume another s res po nsibility It is against .

nature as well as against God T hose wh o assume


to do so are lia rs and imposte rs Every falseh ood.

Of Philosophy or Religion will be swept into Obliv

ion Tr uth only shall endure Every unri ghteous

. .

nation and apostate church will either reform or

die Every edict law or cu stom intended to re
, ,

strict or destroy the independent sovereign ty o f an

34. The D ig nity f M an

hood h is individual li be rty and pe rsonal responsi


bil ity equ ally degrades humanity and dishonors


God . It is hostile to the constitution of man ern

bedded in h is nature when created and necessarily ,

deg rades and e nslaves him When a man yields .

h is individual liberty to King or Pri est he is ab

dic ating h is manho od fitting him self for destruction
, ,

and incurring the condemnation and curse of the

Almighty .

Faith works by love and the faith that does not

wo rk by love is not Christian Faith T he works .

follow ing Chri stian Faith are love joy pe ace lo ng , , ,

su ff e ring tem pe rance patience and gentleness etc

, , , .

Hate torture murder are Satanic Christ never

, , .

ga ve any sword to Pet e r ; and th e only one we know

Pete r had he w as commanded not to use T h e pro .

fessions or presumptions of a D ivin e foundation

that mu st m aintain or propagate itse lf by exile i , m
prisonment torture and death is Of the devil and
, ,

no t of God T h e man or organization or class o f


men that teach that they can rele ase others responsi
bil ities and assume them have a like evil origin .
36 The D ig nity f
o M a n

many infallibl e pr oofs being seen of them forty days ,

and speaking o f the things pe rtain ing to the King

dom of God T h ese infallible proofs are of course

the evidence of the senses By the same inf allib le


proofs the wafer is still a wafer and nothing more .

Now the logical result of this teaching in time will

be to adore the priest who h as power to create h is
Creator And by millions of people he is held in

abject fear and veneration very nearly approach ing

the adoration paid the Almighty .

How any intelligent p eople can accept such arro

gance such a bsurdities such b lasphemies is too
, , ,

much of a mystery for the Protestant intellect to

understand T h e Lo rd thy God is a jealo us God ;

and H is glo ry H e wil l not give to another neither ,

H is praise to graven images So the Bi b le tells

us God i

s j ealous of H i s supremacy H is indignation.

will reach those who would rob H i of it We as .

a nation are now too great and powerful and rich

to fear ex ter na l ag g r essio n But our greatness ou r

power and wealth may be quickly shattered by


inter nal div ision a nd v iol e nce Let us wash ou r


hands o f idolatry if we would escape the righteous

judgments o f a jealous God !



I GH T and Wrong are distinctions E ter na l

m bl u ta e, in the nature of things
I nh er e nt ,
, ,

M an w as created with the faculty of recognizing

these distinctions Notwith standin g the b lunting of

this fac ulty by ignorance and vice it is still recog

ni ze d in its simplest form or element as universal .

T his underlying principle is there though sometimes

sadly warped ; ignorant and superstitiou s T he con .

sc iou sness of the d ifference b etween Ri ght and

Wrong and the responsi b ili ty to practice the one and
avoid the other is a fund amental and inaliena b le
element or faculty of humani ty T hus he w as cre .

“ “ ”
ated ! T h e I ought and I ought not is not
something acq uired is not an accompli shme nt Of

civilized life It is one of the fundamental charac


te ristics of humanity written into h i

, s constitution ,

imbedded in h is nature in h is creation After Adam

, .

had transgressed in the garden he hid himself from

the D ivine presence which p reviously he had wel

comed with joy and gratitude He played the .

coward and the sneak A s Sh akespeare tells us


“ ”
Conscience makes coward s of us all .

A s to the foundations and di stinctions of Ri ght

and Wrong allow some explanations and illustra
tion T here are some careless thinkers and super

fic ial observers who have di fferent theories on thi s

38 The D ig nity f
o M a n

su bject Some thi nk God s co


and is the autho rity m
for Ri ght or Wrong Not so ; but He commands it
beca use it is eternally and i nhere ntl y Righ t or

Wrong He says thou sh alt not steal because

stealing i n i
s si s wrong in the eternal nature Of
, ,

things which He h as created Suppose God ne ver .

uttered the command still it would be wrong neve r

, ,
“ ”

th eless . God says thou shalt not kill or in th e
“ ”
present understanding thou shalt do no u rder .

Suppose he had never said so this would not alter
th e fact of its c ri inalty m
Suppose again if it ay .

be lawful that Jesus should have t aught that it is


no sin or a light one whose remission is easily ,

purchased then our Lo rd would have d estroyed the


race in thus condoning sin With all due res pe ct for .

the Almighty if He had done so intell igent oral , , ,

humanity would cu rse H im to H is face and

ado ration Sinful humanity knowing the power

and degr adation of si n could create a su p erio r and

better god But thank God He h as not do ne so bu t

instead refers back the act to the d esire or in tention

to commit it He that ha te th h is brother is a

M u r d e r er “
He that looketh on a woman to lust

afte r her hath committed adulte ry wi th her alr eady

in h is heart Let your yea be yea and you r nay

nay ; for whatsoever i s more than these co e th Of

Evil Simple Abso lute T ruth ; and All l ia rs

sh all have their portion in the lake which bu rneth

with fire and brimstone forever .

Under the spirit and law Of the New T esta ent ,

lying ste ali ng adulte ry idolatry and mu rder are

, , , ,

sins which the b lood Of the Atonement shed on Cal

The Rig ht to De md Fi
an na l Judg m
e nt 39

vary can alone wash away In the very nature of .

things they are c rimes against humanity and sins

against God T here is no human power to absolw

the soul from this guilt All the wealth of the world .

could not abso lve a soul from one si n All the prayers .

o f a Pries thood or of all the priesthood s S ince Noah s

t i e are not worth a picayune in such a case ; and

the individual who accepts money for such a purpose
is a hypocrit e and a thief and will answer to God
fo r it .

W “
h o w il l r ewar d ev ery a n acc or ding to m
h is d eeds not according to h is c h ur c h or cr e ed
, .

When Romanism M ohammedanism or Ancient , ,

or M odern Paganism issu es an edict to assassinate

an individual or a whole pe ople it is murder for ,

which the Supreme Judge will hold all such account

a b le It is stealing the Livery of Heaven to ser ve

the De vil T o commit murder under a cloak of

Sacredotal is for a supposed benefit to some church

or organization is not Ch ristian ,It is Satanic . .

T hose that are crim es in the nature o f things cannot

, ,

be transfo rmed into Virtues by any fiat human or ,

D ivine .

And now since Right and Wrong are distinctions ,

Eternal Immutable and Inherent in the nature of

, , ,

things ; and it is a fund ament al faculty and inalien

able Right of every man to decide for him se lf .

S ince God h as so created him with thi s co nscious

ness and corresp onding responsi b ility then he has ,

the Right to demand of the Supreme Jud ge of all

the earth an individual judgment accordin g to the
deed s of each .

M any of the holiest of men and women have

40 The D ig nity o f M a n

su ffered the most horrible tortures and agonies at

the will of incarnate fiend s Shall not the Judge of

all the earth do right Will there not be a Supre e


Court that will render ju stice yes eternal justice , , ,

to those victim s ; and justice also to their torture rs

and murdere rs If not the moral nature in man is

a sham ; and the Creator of it the one Supre e

Hypocrite Of the Unive rse !
But the word of God answers this demand of
humanity T he demand for a Supreme Court and a

final and eternal Judgment according to pe rsonal

and individual deeds C h aracter is the bas is of

Judgment T here are no exceptio ns T here is no

. .

D ivine Right of King o r Priest to do wrong ; or to

evade its punishment .

St M atthew s Gospe l says :
. He Shall gather
all nations before H im as a Shepherd divideth h is
sheep from the goats and will say to those on h i s
rIgh t hand

Come ye blessed of my Father Inherit
a Kingdom prepared for you from the foundations

of the world T o those on h is left hand he will

D epart from me ye cursed into everlasting

say :

fire prepared for the D evil and h is Angels .

Also in Revelations 1 0 we are told : When ,

he had opened the fifth seal I saw under the altar ,

the souls of them that were slain for the Word Of

God and for the testimony which they held : and
they cried with a loud voice saying ; H ow long , ,

0 Lo rd holy and true dost thou not judge and

, ,

avenge our blood on them that dwell upon th e

earth ?

T hus God recognizes man s right to demand a
The Rig ht to De md Fi
an na l Judg m ent

final and eternal Judgment ; and separation of the

righteous and the wicked And promises in Rev . .

that there Shall nothing enter into heaven
that defileth or maketh a lie T he beau ty harmony .
, ,

and holiness of Heaven and of God s redeemed peo
ple sh all not be destroyed by the presence of any

body that defil eth or maketh a lie T hank God .

Glory to H is holy name !

Another writer Rev M ercer G Johnston Rector
, . .

of the T rinity Episcopal Church of Newark N J , .

in a sermon upon the text : We shall all stand
before the judgment seat of Christ recently ve ry
forcibly said in part :

When the universal cree d of humanity is written ,

I make no dou b t that one article of it will be : We ‘

believe that Thou shalt come to be our Jud ge .

S ome such clau se w as in the first creed is in eve ry ,

s in cere current cre ed and will be in the last creed of


mankind T his article of human belie f dates b ack


to the day that Adam and Eve with the forb idden ,

fruit sticking in their throats fled from the presence ,

o f the Lord God and hid themselves among the


trees of the garden From that day to this eve ry


man of sound mind h as been estopped from pleading

in defense of h is wrong doing h is ignorance Of the -

fact that he w as to be ca ll ed to account for h is con

du ct That every one of us shall give account of

himself to God is one of th e fixed facts of human

consciousness It cannot be ignored except it b e


ignored wilfully Nobody ex cept a mole like ma

ter ial i
st with mud on h i s brain or a silly senti e n ,

tal ist with tea rs on h is b rain or a sensualist whose ,

42 Th e D ig nity o f M an

go d be lly or a moral trifle r or traitor would
is h is , ,

be tempted to ignore it How clearly it is Often .

rec ognized by th e si ple ones of earth !

N one of u s obj ects to being judged Not at .

least in our better moments ; not except wh en the


beast in us has h is paw on the bosom of the ang el

in us O n the contra ry we de and judg ment We
, m .

would never consent not to be judged In ou r


regard judgment is not merely a divine prerogative
, .

It is a human right It is part and p arcel Of an s

’ ’

B il l of Rights It is God s duty to jud ge us T O
. .

be deprived of the right of being judged wou ld

be to degrade man to the level Of a b ru te or
dev il T O be jud ged is the inalienable ri ght of a

man Th e Lord judge between me and thee


are the words that are flash ed eve ry mome nt fr o

earth to heaven by men and nations in strong d ispu te .

We hear a good deal of talk nowadays a bout a

God of infinite love and overwhelming good nature ,
’ ’
w ho is such a good God such a good fellow ;
‘ ‘

and we are told that it i s foo lish to think that thi s

good God will ever make a se paration between
the good and the b ad ; that he will smile at the silly
sh eep and wink at the wicked goats and let them
, ,

all pass into th e heavenly fold We hear it said that .

the d oc trine concerning hell h as been disc overed to

be an Old wives fable and that it is incompati ble

with b elief in this good God ‘

When the temptation comes to us to indul ge in

such fooli sh flabby talk let u s re i tid ou rselves that
, m
if there is in existence su ch a god as this he is not ,

the God and Father o f our Lord Jesus Chr i st bu t ,

44. Th e D ig nity f M an

instruments in the hands of d esi gnin g am b itious , ,

and unscrup ulous men and organizations for mo bs

, , ,

murder and revolution T ake M exico for a very


sad but forcible illu stration Intense ly Romanist !


Intensely ignorant ! Inten sely impoverished ! In

tensely Revolutionary ! Now for six years one con
tinu al revolution succeeding revolution Her pe ople .

destroying each other and destroying the resources

of t heir own country Internecine slau ghter and

destruction Unspeakable miseries of f amine of


widows and orphans T h e curse of the Almi gh ty

, .

upon ignorance superstition and vice

, .

T ho se fundamentals of the Bill of Rights of

all humanity may be briefly summed up as the fol
I Personal Independence oi Choice and Action :

2 Pe rsonal Responsibility therefor directly to


GGd .

3 . divine Right of Kings or Priests to do


wrong or evade Respon sibility .

4 Familie
. s and Nation s often su ff er for the S i ns
of their leaders .

5 N O man h as the Right or Power to evade h is


ow n Respon sibility or a ss u m e another s .

6 T h e Right to demand individual and final


Judgment of the M oral Gove rnor of the Universe .

T h e Princi p les and Practices of the Roman

Catholic Church are a crime against M anhood and
a Rebellion against God .

Rom e d e nounced every one of the above Bill of

Rights of our race ; and Pope Piu s IX in h is Syl

labus of Errors says
Th e Rig ht to De md Fi an nal J udg m
e nt 45

Ri ght of every man to choose such religion

T he

as he pleases is a damnable heresy .

Lo gically and necessarily all the others proceed

from the individual indep endence Of c h oice a nd
a c tion.

Rome denies the right of any one to question her

commands or to th ink a ny thing di fferent from the

teaching of her Church She deluged Europe and


parts of America with blood in the vain endeavors

to enforce this human tyranny and monstrous arro
gance Five centuries ago there were not prob ably

five million sou ls in Christendom independent of h er

control T hese were scattered and hidden away

in the mountain fastnesses and caves and in the se

cluded val leys ; and even here by the order of the
Pope they were hunted down and butchered as
though they were wolves or devils We even see .

the Pop e and his pri ncipal clergy organizing p ro

cessions and singing te de u s in honor of these m
butcheries W e find the priests and monks rejoicing

in and gloating over th e agonies of the ir wretched

, ,

victim s broken on the rack roasting in the flames

, ,

and other fiendish tortures and forms Of death .

T hese are not Protestant li es they are the record s


left us by Popes and other high priests and prominent

writers of the Roman Catholic Church T he wit .

nesses are so numerou s and the corroborative evi

dence so accumulative no intelligent person can

escape the conviction of their absolute truth T he .

Pope denies individual liberty of conscience the ,

personal right to think and choose and curses every ,

life and every limb and function of the bod y with a

46 The D ig nity f
o M a n

long list of most awful curses o f which Beel ze bu b

him self would be ashamed T h e s aller imps are
. m
even more vindictive than Satan .

T he Roman Church assumes to stand betwee n th e

Soul and God She orders the assassination of her

enemies and pretend s to give full a bso lutio n for
murder and a free passpo rt to heaven to the u r
derer with a prom ise of Eternal bliss T he most .

amazing thing a bout this is that anybody but an

imbecile or a cri inal can believe it Not only so .

but she command s a peo p le or a nation to extirpate

a whole people with fire and sword and claims to
assume all responsibility therefor and even to shower
be nedictions upon the murderers T his is an ad .

vance upon the arrogance and tyranny of Ancient

Pagani sm No wond e r the Scriptures describe her

T h e great Babyloni sh Whore—the mother of har

lots and of the abominations of the Earth ,

D ru nken with the blood of the saints And fore
tells her utter and awful destruction Babylon is .

fallen is fallen ! and the smoke of her burning as


ce nds to heaven .

T h e Pope now claims to be not only the r epr e

se nta tiv e of Jesu s Chri st but actually in a sense , ,

Jesus Christ Himself and any dishonor to h is


authority dishonors God What transcendent Arro


gance ! What impious and arrogant blasphemy !

When will the intelligence and manhood of the
world rebel against this tyranny ? How long will
they snfie r it ! How long will this upas tree be
allowed to curse and blast all that is b est most ,

no b le and digni fied in h um an natu re ? H ow long

, , ,

0 Lord !


HE book of Genesi s tells us the Lord God made

coats of ski ns and clo thed Adam and Eve before
they were driven from the Garden of Eden T he .

skins are supposed to be those of the animals O ff ered

in sacrifice or possibly used for food . But we are

c erta in l y told that Cain and Abe l o ff ered sacrifices .

By f aith A bel Ofie red a more excellent Offering
” “
than Cain reco gnizing the fact that without the

sheddin g of blood there i s no remi ss ion of S ins .

T his thought God p ressed upon the consciousness

o f the Antediluvians as well as in all the Centuri es ,

B C ; because this teaching centered and found its

. .

fu lfil lment in Jesus Christ the one perfect sacrifice


for al l sin ; and the one and only means of redemption

for all sinners .Afte rward we find No ah building
an altar and Off ering sacrifices to God when he and
h is came forth of the Ark after the flood had su b
sided—T h i s would indi cate that the h ab it of sac

ri ficing had continued through those degenerate cen

tu t ies before the flood Later we find Abraham

I saac and Jacob building altars and o ff ering sac

, ,

ri fices We also find Job O ff ering sacrifices for him


self and h i s children ; lest in their feast s merriment
, ,

and rejoicin g th ey might h ave uttered vain or i

piou s word s to stir the anger of the most high God

Job s exact place in chronology is unknown but is ,

suppo sed to date back very nearly to the time of

48 The D ig nity o f M a n

Abr aham .

T his is known as the Patriarchal form of govern

ment when the head of the family w as in a large ,

sense bo th i
, ts King and Priest .

T h e period from the flood to Abraham w as prob

ably much longer than that indicated by Archbishop
U ssher It probably extended over thousands Of

years instead of hundred s .

A s the fore part of the book of Genesis is a ve ry

brie f synopsis Genealogical links from Noah to

Abraham may not be all the links in the chain b ut

only the principal ones T his does no violence to

the interpretation of the Scriptures but is in entire ,

ha rmony with the other portions of them A grand .

son or other near relative i s sometimes called a so n

as in the case o f B e lsh azz e r Also Christ is called


the son of D avid when th ere were one thousand

years between th em O ne of th e leading scholars o f

the world one of the faculty of Princeton Univer


si ty Professor William Hen ry Gr een gives it as h i

, s ,

opinion that the human race h as been upon the earth

from ten thou sand to twenty thou sand years .

T h e tablets un e arth e d in Babylonia and E gy pt

certainly indicate at le ast a pe riod between those
two dates T he facts that th e span of human lif e

w as reduced from 95 0 y ears the age Of Noah to , ,

1 75 ye ars age of Abraham i

, s strong corroborative

evidence Of the above estimate .

Until Abraham s tim e we hav e an abundance Of

myth and legend but ve ry little r eliable history A .

large part o f that which is reliable comes fro

tablets recently excavated in Syria Assyria B aby , ,
Th e Or ig in o f a P riestly Caste 49

lonia and Egypt Also from inscriptions in hiero

, .

m m
glyphic cu neiform and other ancient symbols or
, ,

languages in to bs caves and on ,o numents , .

T hese recently interpreted throw cons iderable li ght

upo n the dark ages of antiquity T he earliest gl im p .

ses of history Of the m ost ancient nations Show the


priestly caste already established T hose Old est .

nations are generally recognized as E gy pt Assyria , ,

B abylonia and India

, .

Before quoting the evidence from the ancient

natio ns let us see if we can construct an hyp othesis

that will naturally necessarily and logically explain

, ,

the evolution Of this priestly caste .

T h e principal cau ses of the evolution and ori gin ,

o f th e Priestly caste were ignorance and impiety

When the people began to increase upo n the earth
after the flood they naturally separated into f amilies
and tribes T hen acts of violence would occur

which would provoke retribution ; and sometimes

Slaughter and slave ry T here were always in the

world ambitious selfish and coldblooded persons


a nd people d e termined to rule or ruin

, T hese also .

cau sed more or less violence blood shed and slavery , .

T he earliest hi stories we have tell us the captives

we re either slaughtered held for ransom if promin ,

e nt or rich or enslaved
, And they S p eak as thou gh

these cu stoms had been previously established .

Necessarily these cu stom s would produce dense ig

no rance and servile obedience in large masses of
people T hey therefore lost the knowledge of God
, ,

and of pe rsonal respo nsibility so prominent in the

creation of man and in the brief history of the
50 The D ig nity o f M a n

fi rst centuries of his ex istence on the earth Bu t an . m

being naturally and constitutionally a rel igious
being sought som eone to Ofier sacrifices and pray to

some su ppose d D eity T h e necessities of h is natu re

i pell ed him to th is course T h e priest once chosen


or appointed to be a mediator between God or othe r

dei tie s and men gradually assumed the dictation

and mastership of th e individual conscience ; He

claimed to be the p rime and almost onl y source of

k nowled ge of the Supreme Creator and Governor

of the u niverse ; or of the inferior deities the cre ,

ati ons of their ow n im agi nations T h e knowl ed ge


Of the Supreme Being gradually fadi ng out Of the

i gnorant and the d e graded masses all kinds o f gods,

and goddesses were invented as Objects Of worship ,

usu ally beginning with the su n and moon and then

descending to an imals and forces of nature Even .

ideas were personified and worshipped T he altars .

of these deities were enriched with innumerable

and sometimes al ost invaluable O fferings —T h e
priests eventually became a wealthy intelli gent , ,

p owerful and des potic machine ry which crushed , ,

d emoralized and brutalized the masses of the people .

A singl e example from the scriptures will illu

inate this natural and inevitable p rocedure .

Abraham I saac Jacob and Job were each a

, , ,

priest in h is own family building their alta rs


and offering their sacrifices But after the 400


yea rs residence and generations of mise ra ble slavery ,

in Egypt where the masses of people had become

i gnorant and almost brut ish by the opp ress ion
, , ,

cruelty and wretchedness of their alm ost hopel s

5 2 The D ig nity f
o M a n

When the scribe Ani pleads with Osiris for ad

missio n to the underworld he says among o ther

matters . I am the pr iest pouring forth li b atio ns

at T attu I am the prophet in Abydos

We have al so the speech of Amman the priest
and of the pr iest Sa er if

m .

T he historian says one of the oldest chapters in


the book of the D ead as old at least as the first D y


nasty say 45 00 B C Gaston M as pero one o f the
, . .

best authorities on Egy pt says ; the fantastic ,

legends concocted by the pr iests g o on to relate how

at length Egy pt w as civilized by Osiris and Isis etc , .

So the re can be no doubt of a priestly caste in a

very remote antiquity in Egy pt But of the ori gin .

of the caste we have no knowledge .

Th e P r iestly Caste in A nc ie nt I nd ia

Vedism Brahmanism and H induism are the

, ,

f orms of the earliest reli gious life in India in th e

order mentioned T he M ahabharata is an epic of

great beauty and power mainly concerned with re

l igious life in India during some of the first centur
ies of the Christian era ; althou gh some of it pro b ab ly
reaches back to 1 000 B C . .

T w o extracts from this epic follow .

It is not proper to rebuke or even blame wro ng
acts of god s or pr iests or see rs ; though no one is

uS tifi
j “ ed in following them in these acts .

T h e greatest sin that a Kin g can commit is

atoned for by sacrifices accompanied with large gif ts

to the priests .
Th e Orig in f
o a P r iestly Caste 53

We not only see the priestly caste existing here

in India but we also see in Ancient Paganism an

exact image of M odern Paganism falsely called

a Christian church .

P r iests in A ncie nt B a by l o nia a nd A ssy r ia

Gaston M aspero ag ain says : While the ordinary

p r ies t chos e for him self a s ingle deity as m aster the ,

p r ies
t king exerci sed univer sal sacre dotal function s .

A s the temples were numerous and the deities

almost innumerable the number of priests must have

been ve ry great
T here w e find rising out of the dark and i
penetrable mists of antiquity th e priestly caste com
ing into bold relief in all the oldest nations of the
earth T he impenetrable fold s Of these first centur

ies or millenniums emit no ray of light on the origin

of the priestly caste O ur first knowledge is they

a r e there T heir be ing is certain T he mode of

. .

th eir b ec o ing or evolution is quite uncertain Like .

cau ses ho w ev er produce like effects From what

, , .

is known of th e origin Of the I sraelite priesthood

the sam e causes the ignorance slavery and impiety
, ,

of the masses must have given rise to the priestly


caste in the oth er nations A s man is created free to


choose good or evil with the consciousness of guilt

and responsibility to some higher power from whom
he may secure reward s or punishm e nts both in this
life and the next it necessarily follows that th is pa rt

of h i s nature forces recognition and urges him to find

some one to supply the pressing want s of h i s reli g

54 The D ig nity f M an

ious d esire f or me diation and sacr i fice wh en he h as

become too i gnorant and b rutish to perform th ese
fu nc tions fo r h imse lf

T his slavish renunciation Of h is person al ri ghts

and prerogatives T his i gnoring , blotting out the
image of his creator stamped upon him in creation ;
this abdicating h is glorious independent , manhood ,
“ ”

m m
is emphatically Paradise Lost . Whe n throu gh
enl ighten ent and moral stamina he emerges fro
the old condition of i gnorance , p assive, servile ,
O bedience and b rut ish passion to one of perso nal and
sovereign independence ; pe rsonal , direc t , and su

preme res ponsibility to God ; and b rings his sou l


into communion with the H igh est then and then

only is Paradise Regained as far as it can possib ly
be in this life ; and bec om es a foretaste of that per
“ ”
fe ct life in the Parad ise Of God .



N common speech and practice the price paid

I for anything is the measure of its value T his will .

hold good as a rule in all commercial transactions .

Qu ite of ten less is paid than a fair value ; and some

times the thin g is not worth the price paid f or it .

Yet the rule as a rule hold s good

, It holds

equally in the sphere of moral s

D o ctor H olm es

on this su bj ect pertinently says


Common good h as common price

Exceeding good exceeding

Christ ope d the gates Of Paradise

By cruel b leed ing .

A d ay s la bor may b e worth or ac

cording to whether it is common or expert lab or .

T he United States government paid Russia Fif

teen M illion D ollars for the Alaskan territory and ,

it is now considered very cheap at that price O ur .

country h as paid about Four Hundred M i l lion

D ollars for the Panama Canal and the num ber of

millio ns necessary to keep it open is still an un known

quantity Yet there is no general complaint of th is

tremendou s expenditu re T he S wiss paid illions


of t reasure and thou sand s if not millions O f lives

, ,

to achieve their independence which th ey have now

sacre d ly p res e rved for Centuries .

58 Th e D ig nity o f M a n

The Netherland s carried on a terri b ly devas tat ing

and f atal war f or over f orty years It w as one of .

the most cruel heartless and cold b looded stru ggles


in human history It w as waged against S p ain


the most powerful Kingdom o f Europe in that day .

T he religiou s intolerance persecution ex ile tortu re

, , ,

and murder o f innocent men women and childre n

, , , ,

exceeded the horrors of the b attlefield A ccording .

to M r M otley the historian Of this period abou t

, ,

three millions of people perished in those years Th e .

in f amous D uke of Alva boasted that he cau sed the

death o f over eighteen thousand innocent men ,

women and children besides those slain in b attle ,

innocent of all crime except heres y Bes id es the most .

agonizing tortures ever invented by any ancient

paganism the ax the cord the b ullet and the stake
, , ,

were in almost constant requisition Holland .

achieved and h as since prese rved her li berties and ,

her manhoo d Surely one li f e or a million is a


’ “
small pri ce to pay for T ruth M otley s H istory .

of the R ise of the D utch Repu b lic and of the

United Provinces is terribly interesting but ex
ceedi ngly instructive .

O ur own country paid a fearful price in the seven

years War of Inde p endence to resist injustice and
oppression and Obtain the liberty of self government .

A man abdicates h is manhood when he volu nt arily

submits to and endures unju st dictation or tyranny
, , , .

SO does a people T o them it is intrinsically and


“ ”
f und amentally Paradise Lost T o regain that in .

dividual or National L i berty is also individually , ,

fu ndam entally and in a sense paramount Pa rad ise
, , ,
60 Th e D ig nity f
o M a n

c ri
sy , treachery and murder is i f possi b le more
, , ,

contemptible and fiendish than the slaughter itsel f .

T here is something sublime in the spectacle o f a

man or wom an saying : What you ask is not right
” “
or true It is contrary to the Word of God
. .

It is sin I cannot subscribe to it
. Well w e will .

burn you I cannot go against my conscience
. .

” “
I must be loyal to Christ and H is T ruth I .

” “
defy your fires ! A l l the powers of earth and hell
are powerless to f orce me to do what I believe i s
” “ ”
wrong .I obey God rather than man ! A na
the stake is planted and the fires lighted and the

martyr for Jesu s dies a victor I stand on the .

’ ”
Eternal T ruth o f God s Word I live or die on .

“ ” “
this platform I defy your tortures ! I de fy
your bloo dy ax es ! I defy your stakes and flames !
I am an independent sovere ign I do what I believe .

M y only Lo rd
is right and dare all consequences .

a nd M aster Jesu s Chri st set me the ex a fl“ e He .

died for the T ruth ; and he command s me to f ear

not them who can kill the body and after that have
no more that they can do Rather fear Him who.

can destroy both soul and body in hell T h e no b le .

army of the martyrs ! both men and women ! T here

w as S t Paul and S avonarola John Hu ss and
, ,

Jerome Of Prague Archbishop Cranmer Ridley , , ,

and Latimer and millions of others T he awful

, .

dignity o f human nature at its best made but a ,

little lower than the angels crowned with glory and ,

” “
honor .T he glorious image of God in man Thes e .

are they who have washed their robes white in the

blood o f the Lamb And in their own b lood also
Th e Cost 61

They shall stand be fore as Kings and Priests

f or ever and ever .

What a fearf ul price has been paid for our liber

ties ! M illions are indiff erent to their awful cost
and their i nesti ab le value God grant they may

not have a f ear f ul and bloody awakening from their

ind iffe rence !



H E N He w as led bound before Pilate s judg
ment seat they accu sed Him Of re bellion again st
C e sar claiming that He w as a King Pilate ask ed

H im art T hou a King then ? Yes He answered I
, ,

am a King but my Kingdom is not of this world .

T o this end w as I born and for this cau se came I

into the world that I should bear witness to the

T ruth . O ur glorious Redeemer set the ex ample ,

D ying f or the T ruth ! How many millions of

earth s Kings and Queens have since died f or the

T ruth ! T he price p aid to maintain or regain man s.

Constitutional liberties h is God given and inalien


able rights ! H is sufie rings in imprisonment in foul

dungeons in awful torture and violent death no
, ,

integral or di ff erential calculus can estimate or ex

press T he record is before th e T hrone of God
. .

In the last great day it shall be revealed and there

will be weeping and wailing and gnashing Of teeth
amon g those who inflicted fiendish torture and
violent death in the n ame of the Christ .


W H I L E we pay various prices f or difierent

fo rms of good yet there are some things no
oney can buy T hey are the most precious things

of life beyond all price .O ne of the most common

b lessings of li f e is sunshine And the su n shines


upon the evil and the good — the common
heritage of all Without it life would be impossible ;

y et it come s without any care or la bor of our s T h e .

su n i s the most fitting and powerful emblem Of the

Sun of Righteou sness without whom S piritual death
would pervade the universe .

Another blessing is friend ship and love Th e .

ancients understood this O ne maxim is Vera

A icitia est sempiterna ( true friend ship is ever
lasting ). It is a sentiment founded upon real or
supposed virtue or excellence A love and loyalty

that no sorrow or S ickness no misfortunes or calam


ities can des troy and that no money can buy A flame .

to light the dark shadows of Hades Eternal ! .

T h e friend ship of D amon and Pythias also o f ,

D avid and Jonathan are historic T housand s of


others not so well known are similar It is interest .

ing to note in this connection that one of our latest

and most noted scientists has S tated that aff ection
or love i s inextin guishable even by death ; and that
this is capable of demo nstration .

O ne o f th e saddest sights is an old man or an old

64. Th e D ig nity f M an

woman who has outlived relatives and whose life

h as been so unlovely ( to use no harsher term ) that
they have no warm friend s T h e utter hopelessness .

and loneliness of such an existence is beyond the

pow er o f poet or painter to express M ay the goo d .

God pi ty them !

God is love ; and love is God s best gi f t to man .

Faith works by love Love is the necessary and onl y


link be tween Christian Faith and work T h is .

principle should be repeated and reiterated unt il

indelibly p rinted upon the mind and heart of al l

people It is the touch of Ithu riel s spear which

difiercntiates the true Christian from the Apostate .

It is the more necessary since some forms of Religion

posing as Christian are malignant and murderous .

T heir vital breath is and has been for one thousand ,

y ear s hatred
, torture and murder
, Envy jealou sy, .
, ,

and hate are o f the D evil the foul vapors from the
, ,

lowest hell Lo ve joy peace temperance gentle

, , , ,

ness are the necessary and universal fruits Of the


Christi an life By love is meant not that sel f ish


passion and desire centering in the subject ; biI t in

the unselfish sentiment centering not in the su bj ec t , ,

but the object .

Some peoplee allege that the present war in

EurOpe demonstrates the u selessness and w o rthless
ness of Christian religion ; its utter want Of vital

and dynamic force to convert the world to Ri gh t
eousness T h e Prince of Peace is only another yth

to be placed in the category with O siris Zeus and , ,

Jupiter T h ese objectors have never felt the power


of aChristian Life in their own hearts or they would

Th e B est Things Cannot be B ough t 65

know bette r Christianity is a Life ; not a cere


monial T hey al so have neglected to scan the Ger


man life of the past tw enty years I f they had th ey

would have noticed the deplora ble ryth ic b reak

in the Christian Spirit of the German Empi re T he .

teaching of General Bernhardi N ietsch e Emperor
, ,

Wil li am and nearly all of the leaders of Ger an

li f e h as bee n in su bsta nce and almost ver bally that
, ,

the German people are the best on earth th at they ,

are the only people fit to govern all the others ; and

the others are only fit to be governed .

T his teaching is not Christian It is S atanic

. .

T he song of the siren appealed to the conceit and

am b ition of the Ge rman nation and they were led
away by it to their own destruction Th e Lutheran .

Church had the pith and life eaten out of it ; there

w as only the h usk left or they would have c on

de ned th is teaching and p revented its po isoning the
national li f e Coward sych oph ants l or as Jere iah

calls them D umb D ogs ! Set on the wal ls of

Zion for a warnin g and protect ion they never e it

ted a howl .Now they can wee p and b owl for their
millio ns of widows and orphans ; for their splend id
you ng manh ood daily fill ing bloody graves ; for
their devastated and impoverished country with the
u niversal funeral pall casting its baleful and agon
izing shadow over the whole land T o esca pe u tter

destfuction they now cry for pe ace But there is .

no peac e at th e ti e of this writing 1 9 1 7 ,

If the German nation did not su ffer f or their pre

sumption pride and hate the n the Almi ghty must
, , ,

h ave abdicated H is p rerogati ve as the one Righteous

66 Th e D ig nity f
o M a n

judge of al l men T here would be a m issing link


in the control of that which p rotects truth justice , ,

and love He is now teaching Germany a very mu ch


needed lesson in B r other h ood not M aster h ood .

T hen there will be the old excu se ; O ur rule rs l ed

us into thi s You should not have been so led
. .

Why did not Christian Germany and German man

hood cry out against it ? Why did you vote such
tremendous sums for battleships for dominating ,

armament on land and sea ? Why have you more

love and admiration for your Emperor and a rmy
than you have for God ? Why does the independent
sovereign manhood a ccept abu se and insult from all

Classes of the military ? Why ? Good God how ,

you su ff er for it ! T h e world never su ff ered such

woe ! It is enough to make the angels weep !
Notwithstanding the slaughter Red Cross Y M , , . .

C A and other workers tell us of the revival of

. .
, ,

the Christian life in nearly all of the Armies ; and

the sale or free distribution of millions of Bi b les and
parts of B ibles to the soldiers ; even Ru ssian soldie rs
eagerly sought th em T his war will smash sh am

and hypocrisy It is the fierce enemy of c o

er c i


supr e a cy r ac i , de and a b ition and r elig ious

a l pr i ,

b ig otry Yet these were the main causes of the w ar

. .

Until these cau ses of the war are consumed by the

D ivine flames of Ju stice and Love ; until Love which
is the fundamental idea and vital dynamic of the
Christian life replaces greed pride and b igotry
, , , ,

the universal Fatherhood Of God and B rotherhood

of man i s only a myth a b eauti f ul legend whi ch

evaporates as the morning m ist be f ore the rising sun .

68 Th e D ig nity f
o M a n

per fu es of Ara b ia cannot sweeten this little hand
Co nscience is the ey e of God ; and can never

bl otted out D ay or nigh t summer or winter on sea
, ,
“ ”
or land it presents to the soul the Eternal
, I a
See legend of Cain .

M illions o f souls today are in despai r over lost

innocence The indeli b le stain that all the water

spices or money ,o f th e world are powerless to

remov e O nl y the In finite and Eternal Love of God

and Chri st can resto re peace th rou gh f o rgi

venes s

TH E 9 11 1 013 or M AN S RED E M P TIO N

T and so sublime it is with humility and rever

H IS su bject is so vast so profound so sacred
, ,

ence that it can even be approach ed O nly the out

. .

skirts can b e ex plored T h e center is a mystery


within the fold s of the Infinite The thoughtless .


superficial familiarity of some people with the D i


vine and Infinite is amazing and b lasphemou s To .

be like Jes us is something the finite human nu ,

derstanding h as never b een ab le to grasp or co


prehend The glorious majes ty o f the King o f

Kings h as scarcely dawned upon the human i
agi nati on The sublime majes tic countenance o f
, ,

the Prince o f Peace in the fullness of its glory

, ,

is only revealed to the spiritualized and glorified
vision o f the Redeemed T here was a faint glim e r .

of it on the M ountain o f T ransfiguration The .

second Ark of the Covenant mu st b e approached

with reverence and never touched with profane

hands T he Holy of Holies is invisi b le to the com

on gaze .

T hat th is e ffort to sketch a b rie f outline of the

Lord o f Li fe and Glory 1 n H is humil iatio n in H is ,

poverty loneliness and awf ul death o f the Cross

m ,

ay not darken or mystify the M aje


s ty of H is glory

is the prayer o f the writer But on the other h and .

that it may inspi re others to seek a clearer and more
p ro f ound vie w of the Love o f Geth se ane a nd
70 Th e D ig nity f
o M a n

Calvary of the gard en tom b o f the resur rection

, , ,

and ascension to H is Eternal home in glory Love .

inspired it al l Infinite Love !
. God so loved the
world that He gave H is only begotten Son th at
whosoever believeth on H im should not perish but

have Eternal Life ! John

Love th e best th ing in God s Unive rse ; the great

est dynamic i n the moral and spiritual world i n ,

spired it ! Redemption w as only possi b le throu gh

“ ”
Love D ivine al l love excelling

Infinite patience gentleness and Love

, .

But some say we need no Redemption We h ave .

not fallen T here is a constant upward evolutio n


of Life from the mollu sk to the man But the word .

of God tells us simply but emphatically that the re

h as been a grievou s lapse in human life and ex
p ience
e r T o the Christian this is final
. But to .

the o bjector to the Philosopher falsely so called

, , ,

to the Scientist who too readily accepts theo ry for


fact to those men and many others of their k ind


what satisfactory explanation can there be o f the

fact that the span of Antediluvian li f e w as l ittle
less than one thousand years while today it is a little
less than one hundred years ? Suppose the B i b lical
account of th e Creation w as not true ! Are not all the
recorded facts in entire harmony with that account ?
N 0 other hypothesis will account for them It is .

absurd to suppose the Almighty to have created

the ori ginal proge nitor of the race with ph ysical
de formity It is impossible that they should have
Th e P ric e f
o M

an : Rede ption m 71

been created with hereditary taints of sin and dis

ease ; for they had no antecedents T he tree and .

the flower are perfect M an and woman must


have been created physically per fect in the strength ,

and glory of perfectly robust healthy organis s , .

Eve in the beauty and glow of perfect physical

, , ,

functions w as almost a dream o f splendid woman


hood ; queenly and royal b eyond the creation of

modern thought or imagination .

O nly this kind of start would enable the human

machine to run nearly one thousand yea rs Th e .

results from ten or more generations a fly justify

the original account of creation No other hyph .

thesi s will explain the facts of the narrative T he .

life o f Adam is given as nine hundred and thirty

years ; and that of Noah as nine hundred and fifty
years showing that the last generation before the

flood l 1 ved abou t as long as the first T he physical .

degeneration w as slow But the seeds were sown


to bear their legitimate fruit in later generations .

Abraham is said to have lived only one hundred

and seventy fiv e yea rs and with him begins a more

detailed and reliable history T his w as a bout


two thou sand yea rs B C Archbishop Ussher s
. .

Chronolo gy places it a bout 400 years after the flood .

It is highly improbable that the human race physi

cally would have so quickly degenerated that the ,

ordinary span of hu man life would be redu ced f rom

nine hundred and fi f ty years to one hundred and
sev enty five years in so short a time

A s remarked in a previou s chapter the first 1 1

chapters of Genesis are a ve ry b rie f synopsis I f the .
2 The D ig nity f
o M a n

whole is a b rie f synopsis why should not every part b e

of the same character ? Why should not th e genealog
ical record give us only the principal links in the
chain instead o f all the links ? B ut the obj ector will

say that each succeeding ge neration i s said to be the

son of the pr eceding Yes but the term son es pec


ially in the O ld T estament is frequently applied

to a grandson or other more d istant relation Also .

Christ is called the son of D avid when there are
one thousand yea rs between the In assuming then

that the inte rval between Noah and Abraham is one

of many thou sand s of years instead of hundred s ,

according to the genealogical ta ble there is no vio


lence to the interpretation of Scripture but a larger


and finer harmony T his view would give ample


ti e for the phys ical degeneration of the race and ,

the reduction of the individual span of life f rom

nine hundred and fifty years to one hundred and
seventy fiv e y ears

In corrob oration of the above view the recent ex


cavati ons in Babylon and E gy pt show bey ond a dou b t

that H a u rabi w as King of Ba bylon a bout the
ti e o f Abraham and the City then had a regular

organization and a written code of laws T his .

vast increase in population and its thorough organi

za tion would have been impossible in the few hun

dred yea rs mentioned by Arch b ishop Ussher E gypt .

also furnishes a parallel history showing that she

w as thickly populated and thoroughly orga ni zed at
leas t five thou sand yea rs to six thousand yea rs B C . .

T he period w as pro bably much longer A ssyria

gives u nmistakab le ev id ence of the sa e kind O ne .

Th e P r ice f M

an s m
Rede ption 73

of the most scholarly and conse rvative of the faculty

of Princeton University New Je rsey gives it as
, ,

his opinion that the human race h as been upon
this earth from ten thou sand to twenty thou sand

years .No scientist or well equipped scholar can
reasonably deny this proposition T he majority .

w ill incline toward the larger fi gure instead of the

smaller .

A renowned French orator delivering the funeral

oration over the body of Louis XIV said : T here
is nothing great but God M ankind h as been con

tinu ally enlarging its idea of God and God s reve
lation the Scriptures Not very long ago Galileo
, .

w as imprisoned and threatened with death for an

nou nc ing the fundamental error of th e Egy ptian
Astronomy and maintaining that it is the Earth that
moves around the su n instead of th e su n moving

around the Earth Also still later it w as generally


accepted that the six days of the Creation mentioned ,

in the fi rst chapter of Genesis were each of twenty

four hou rs No intelligent person believes either

today. Even the plain wording concerning the

latter makes the interpretation impossible .

T he continued abbreviation of human life shows

the steady and accumulating degeneration of man s
physical nature T h e people of Sodom and allied

towns were utte rly destroyed in the time of Abra

ham ; and the history gives u s a vivid word picture
of the utter moral depravity of the people T h e .

physical depravity is graphically suggested by the

u se of the word sod o y to express one of the vilest

and m ost debasing practices of the race Go into .

74. Th e D ig nity f M an

bu r hospitals and ask th e

number of i nmates men ,

and women who are there be cau se of their p rofli


g yc ; as k any reputable phy sician what per cent of
our people whom we consider the b est on earth
, ,

are without hereditary taint cau sed by the iniquity


of their for bea rs ! Is man a fallen creature It is
written upon th e race as plainly as the stars are

planted in the sky T h e man who can t see it is

the man who won t see it Consider the innu er

able dastardly assaults by beastly men upon decent


women frequently involving not only adultery but

murder ! Consider the number of women who sell
their virtue for a m ess of pottage ! and rem em ber

that for every female prostitute there are ten to
twenty male prosti tutes ; And then aflir if you ,

have su flicient arrogance and impudence that man ,

is not a fallen creature ! If not fallen it is becau se

he had no condition from which he could fall and ,

h is origin mu st have been the dirt materially and ,

morally instead of a pure exalted creation fresh

, ,

from the hands of God T he plan of h is Creator


w as to redeem him from this moral and physical

demoralization and depravity T h e price paid for .

th is redemption indicates the supreme worth of the

human soul and b ody placed on them by h is Creator
, .

Prison ers of previou s ages were often allowed to

be ransomed the amount often reaching into the
thou sands of pound s or dollars .

But man is not redeemed with silver or gold or

any corruptible el e e nt b u t w ith th e pre cious bl ood

of Ch r ist . Humanity stamped wi th the image of
h is Creator is redee ed by the sacrifice of the only
76 The D ig nity f
o M a n

not simply human L ove It is D ivine Love in its .

supreme —
anifestation Love giving Lif e T he life

of the Son of God for man s Redemption Love is .

the mightiest force for good It appeals to the best .

in human nature in angelic nature in the D ivine

, ,

nature If this fails hope is lost

, .

It can only fail through an inhuman and fiendish

disposition Finally eternally Love will prevail
, ,

and triumph T ruth is eternal A s love is the es

. .

sence of the D ivine Life so Love mu st be the essence ,

of the Christian Life It is the D ivine Element in


the human life Th e human life that is not mainly


moved and inspired by Love is not Christian The .

word of God is simple and emphatic on this su bject .

T hi s is my commandment that ye love one
” “
another John. T hese thin gs I command

you that ye love one another John N ot .

only are the followers of Christ to love one anoth e r

but our Lo rd commands them : Love your enemies ;
do good to them that hate you ; and pray for them
that despitefully use you and persecute you M at

thew If thine enemy hunger feed him ; if he
” “
thirst give him drink etc He that loveth not
, . .

knoweth not God ; for God is Love 1 John .

If we love one another God dwelleth in us 1 ,

John If a man say I love God and hateth h is

b rother he is a liar and the truth is not in him
, .

1 John T his is th e spirit and life of Christian

ity T his law of Love h as universal application
. .

T here are no exceptions of race or creed T hose .

who claim an exception contradict the word o f God .

They are simply lyi ng S ai nt Peter is not the head .

Th e P ric e f M

an s m
Rede ption 77

of any church Christ is the only Head of H is


Church . S t Peter w as never the foundation o f


any Church T he original Gree k of M atthew


will not admit of this interpretation The .

grammatical co nstruction absolutely forbid s it St . .

Peter never bequeathed to the Church any sword by

which it should defend itself and destroy its enemies .

S uch teaching is absolutely f orb idden by the New

Testament and the spirit and teaching of Christ
, .

It is born of Hell the child of the D evil and the

, ,

sooner it i s driven b ack home the sooner peace and


good will will dwell upon the earth M an is not .

only exalted by the inestimable price paid for h is

Redemption but also by the spirit he is commanded
to ex erc ise toward f riend and foe alike It is the .

purest and most exalted life that is possi b le to men

or an gels .H ow far we are f allen below the stan
dard of li fe the Creator intend ed us to occupy !

Alas ! poor man quoth the pitying S pirit


D early ye p ray for your primal fall .

Some Flowerets of Eden ye still inh e rit

But the trail of the serpent is over all .

The whole plan of Rede ption recognizes and
emphasizes Freedo of the Wi ll Liberty o f Co n ,

ence and Personal Responsib ility for its proper
sci ,

and legit i ate use .




UR Lord said Come unto M e all ye that labor

0 and are heavy laden and I will give you rest” .

Wh osoever cometh unto M e I will in no wise cast


” “
out . O f the Jews He says : Ye will not co e

unto M e that ye might have li f e
T h us Christ

H i self admits that He w ill not interfere w i th the

p e rsonal independence of any soul but hol ds it strict
l y responsible for its choices and actio ns T he per .

sonal prerogative to do as he pleases written into ,

the human constitution at the Creation will be t e ,

cognized and honored But while each individual


soul does as it ch oo ses each will have to answer fo r


the uses he makes of h is li berty whether it pleases


him or not T he doctrine of Ju stification by Faith


as defined by St Paul and in a manner resurrected


by M artin Luther assumes personal Faith in a Per

sonal R ed eemer T hat Faith is voluntary and in

eludes personal responsi b ility to a personal God ,

directly not through the Agency of any Church


or priestly caste or any other pe rson or powe r on


earth T his teaching is by an independent thinker


and writer although an inspired one ; yet agrees per

fectly with the principles enumerated namely ,

Personal liberty in all matters and Personal Respon


si bil ity to a Personal God for the u se thereof .

In Revelation there is a beautiful re ference

Th e P lan of Rede ption m 79

to th is Sovereign I ndependence of the hu an soul .

I t is al ost reverential T h e Lord says : B ehold

I stand at the door and knock ; if any an hear my

voice and open the door I will come in to h i and
sup w ith h i and he with me O ur Lord H imsel f .

is here spo ken of as standing ou tside the door of the
heart or l if e and knocking respectfully f or ad it

tan ce If any man hear h is voice and open the door

and invite h i to enter He will gladly do so and


there will b e a beautif ul fellowship and communion

between the Redeemed Soul and its Savior He .

w ill not lift a latch or raise a hand in any w ay to

for ce or aid an entrance He waits patiently for .

an invitation Waits till H is locks are wet with

the dews of the morning waits till H is patience is ,

exhausted H is long su ffering rej ected H is love


despised H is spirit grieved away by pers istence in


unbelief or p rofligacy It may be that he waits


knoc king during the yea rs of the strengt h and beauty

of manhood and womanhood ; or even to mature
life or sometimes to old age still knocking knock
, , ,

ing But H is good influence exhausted H is love


despised He leaves
, .

T here is then no more sacrifice for sin ; no more

hope O nly a certain fearful looking for of Jud g

ment and fiery indignation To the hopeless des ,

pairing wicked He is a consuming fire
, , T he .

soul in i ts Sovereign independence the dauntless , ,

matchless unconquerable soul takes the responsi


bil ity of opening the door to the merciful blessed ,

guest ; or leavin g Him outside ; and takes the con

sequence s ; the eternal co nseq uences—the wee i n
p g
80 Th e D ig nity f
o M a n

and wailing and gnashing o f teeth for ever T hus .

we see that the plan of God in Redemption is in

entire harmony with the plan and purpose of God
in Creation . He made man in H is own gloriou s
image a f ter H is own likeness ; male and female

created He them . He gave him power over all -

other life on earth . He crowned him with glory

and honor . And the crowning Glory of manhood
is h is Soverei gn independence ; h is innate knowled ge
of right and wrong his power or liberty to do as he

pleases and the inevitab le responsibility This is

, .

what constitutes him a man an di fferentiates him


from all other animal life When he abdicates h is


manhood he is worse than a beast ; only a th ing in

stead of a m an.

84. Th e D ig nity o f M a n

g oats And
. He shall se t the sheep on H i
s right
hand but the goats on the left Then shall the
, .

King say to them on H is right hand Come ye b lessed

of my Father inherit the kingdom prepared for you
from the foundation o f the world ; for I was an
hungered and ye gave e meat I w as th irsty and m .

ye gave me drink ; I w as a stranger and ye too k me

in Naked and y e clothed me Sick and in prison
. .

and ye v isited me
A nd when in their humility they protest th at they
do not remem ber having so treated their D ivine
M as ter He says : inasmuch as ye have done it unto


one o f the least of th ese my brethren ye have done ,

it unto M e T hen sh all He say also unto them

on H i s left hand ; D epart from me ye cu rsed into
everlasting fire ; prepared for the devil and h is
” “
angels A nd these shall go away into everlasting

punishment but the righ teous into life eternal
, .

T he King do es not ask : What did you believe ,

Confucianism M ohammedanism Greek Catholic

m , ,

is , or Roman Catholicism or Calvinism or , ,

Arminianis ? Nor does He ask which Church

you worshipped with It is : Wh at have you.

done ? What acts of kindness ercy and love ,

have you performed ? It is not suflicient to love

your b rethren in your own Church or in all
churches It will not do to love your ow n tri be or

nation or race God is love ; and he that loveth


not is not of God ; and that love mu st be as large
as the world and include all humanity It must ex .

m m
tend to ou r enemies T he command is definite and .

spec ific Love your ene ies do good to the that
E ter nity—Wh er e ? a nd H ow ? 85

hate you ; and pray for them that persecu te you

T h e judgment of eternity is based on love and love ,

is eternal .

Where is heaven ? Nobody knows bey ond the

fact that it is where God is Where Christ is . .

Where the holy Angels are ; and where the redeemed

from eve ry kindred race and clime are gathered , , ,

together D r D ick thought there mu st be one tre
. .

e ndous orb at the center of the universe where the

Almighty h as set up H is throne and here is to be

the home of the redeemed We are A gnosties on .

this subject .

And what constitutes th e punishment of the

wicked ? Where and what is hell ? in the thought

less profane language of the street Hell is where
, .

al l wicked soul s and devil s are assembled and i

prisoned forever And what is hell ? A material


fire ? No ! emphatically No ! It would dishonor

God It would make H im a D evil T he torture
. .

of material fi re is Satanic Whether in this world .

o r the next But St Paul tells us our body is
. .

sown a natur al body It is raised a spiritual body
. .

M aterial fire h as no power over a spiritual body or ,

pe rsonality It is against reason It is against com

. .

mon sense and logic It is against science and phil .


osophy It is contrary to the Spirit and genius of the


Christian religion O ur Lo rd when speaking of the


su fferings of so uls who have passed over to the ma

j ority says :
, It is a fire u nque nc hab l e and a worm
that nev er d ies T his is a di ff erent fire and a

di fferent worm from any within our knowled ge .

All material fires are quencha ble and material

86 Th e D ig nity f
o M a n

worms die T hen too we are told of a certain kind


of fire which deserves a scientific analysis Wh en .

thine enemy hungers feed him ; when he thirsts

g ive him drink ; for in so doing thou shall heap coals

of fire on h is hea This course may l ight the

fires of ingratitude and possi bly of remorse

T he old Greeks had a say ing that whoever is guilty

of ingratitude is capable of any crime And the .

greatest of all human c ri inalty is ingratitude to

God and Christ for the infinite love displayed in
our Creation and Redemption T he sin that h as no

forgiveness is the persistent denial of the D ivinity

of Christ and the perfect work of the Redemption .

T hat work is perfect It need s no auxiliary O ther
. .

foundation can no man lay than that is laid which

” “
is Christ Jesu s Whoever shall add to this work ;

giving others part of the glory God shall add to ,

him the curses written in this book And whoso .

ever shall detract from the perfect work of Rede p

tion by Jesu s Christ giving part of the praise to

any other ; God shall take away h is place out of

the Book of Life All worship of saints or angels

or asking their intercession rou ses the Jealousy of

Christ and h is awful indignation Th e cu rse of .

God will rest upon all people who do it or aid it , ,

or tolerate it T he consciou sness of evil of despis


ing Christ s love of their final and eternal rejection ;

and of their final and eternal companionship with

Evil wi l l li ght consuming fires in the soul which

resemble the burn ing bush that burns but is not con
sumed .


H E D ignity of man 1 8 conspicuou sly indicated

in the T ra nscendent Beauty of h is Eternal

Home T h e New Jeru salem the home of God s

redeemed people is described in the exuberant and


florid style of the O rient as having streets o f gold

, ,

and gates of pearl and walls wh ose foundations


are of all manner of precious stones The evident .

meaning of this symbolism is that the most v aluab le ,

beautiful and preciou s things of this earth are used


to convey to our imagination the beauties and glories

of the Eternal Home of God s redeem ed ch ildren .

Just as the most awful and excruciating things and

conditions of this life are taken as sym bols o f the

su fferings of the wicked The lake of fire and

“ ” “
brimstone the unquencha b le fire the worm ,
” “
that never dies there shall be weeping and wail

” “ ”
ing and gnashing of teeth T h e bottomless pit
. .

“ ”
Gehenna and T artarus And to intensi fy the
horror and suffering of hell the companionship is

that of devils And the fearf ul and unbelieving
, ,

and the abominable and murderers and whore

, ,

mongers and sorcere rs and idolaters and al l l iars

, , , ,

shall have their part in th e la ke which burneth w ith

fire and b rim stone ; which is the second dea

T he horrible companionship o f hell !
Af ter all that we can say or do or th ink S t P aul , .

88 Th e D ig nity o f M an

s ays Eye hath not seen nor ear heard nor the
, , ,

heart of man conceived the things God h as prepared ,

for those who love Him Also in another place .

we are told : T h e sufferings of this present time

are not worthy to be compared with the glories that
” “
shal l be revealed Rev se q
. And I saw
. .

no temple therein for the Lord God Almighty

and the Lam b are the te fl e of it And the City .

had no need of the sun neither of th e oon to shine

in it ; for the glory of God did lighten it and the
” “
lamb is the light there of And they shall bring .

th e glo ry and honor of the natio ns into it T here .

shall b e thrones there and those who have died
for witnessing for Chr ist and H is T ruth shall reign

with H im And there shall in no wise enter into

it anyt hing that defileth ; neither whatsoever work

eth abominat ion or maketh a lie The beau ty and .

glo ry of heaven are not marred by any thing b ase ,

ptofligate hy pocritical or wicked

, T h e redeemed
, .

sou ls of all ages of all climes and of all nations


shal l be gathered there T h e blessed and splendi d


companionship of Adam and Eve of Enoch and ,

Noah of Ab raham I saac and Jacob of M oses and

, , ,

D avid of Elij ah and the other proph ets and the


Apost les St Paul will still be preachi ng the Right
. .

m m
eousness of God and th e per fe ct glor ious rede ion


of th e Ch rist Ti e and space forb i d the ention

of th e glo rious ay of Chr istian m artyrs W illia

— ,

m m
of Orange cal led the S ilent John H ues and Jer

, ,

o e of Pra gue Cranmer Ridley and L ati

, n r and
, ,

i llions of othe rs M artin Luthe r will Still be de


v elop i ng and dilating th e in finite ercy of God in

Tr a nsce nde nt B ea uty fM

an s E ter nal H o m8 e 9

the doctrine of Justification by Faith Charles

Wesley s inspired songs will be sung by the millions

of all nations the ten thousand times ten thousand
” “
and thou sands of thou sands surrounding the

throne of God with crow ns upon their heads and

palms in their hands . T h e author of the M essiah
and kindred spirits will compose loftier music and

the alleluias wi ll be like the voice of many wate rs
or of many thunders T he heavenly ar ch es wi l l
ring with the great volume of sound and the ap

pl au se
. John Calvin will be further evolvin g God s
unique plan and purpose in the gover nment of H is
u niverse and i ts people M ilton will have still more

glorious visions of Paradise Regained ; and after
the human mind h as reached the inspired words of
outmost bound on this su bject we have to close
by repeating the inspired word s of St Paul : .

Eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither hath

, ,

en tered into the heart of man the things God ,

h as prepared for those who love Him And the .

su fferin gs of thi s present time are not worth y to be

co pared with th e glory that shall be rev ealed .

M any of God s saints have an imperfect vision of
that glory in this present life and walk with God
as truly as Enoch or A b raham did except for the

visi ble presence . The Gl ory that shall b e re

vealed ! Glo ry exhausts ou r language It is the .

ult imate or last word in which we try to su up

human or D ivine bl essedness .


, ,


H EY are subdivisions of one grand syste of m

th e universe and its i nha b itants T he D ignity of

man in h is Creation is still further evolved and e
p h as i
z ed in h i
s Rede ption and
, in h i
s Final D es

tiny ; and if this final d estiny were not glorious

beyond all thought or imagination it would not b e
harmoniou s with the preceding plan or pl ans If .

the Almighty spent millions of years preparin g this

universe and this planet for man s temporary abode ;
what would naturally and logically be expected of

the glo ry of the mansions that are p repared for

H is eternal Home ! The future home of God s

Red eemed children mu st be such as H is word des
c ribes or it would be unworthy of H i and out of
harmony with H is plan and purpose in Creation
and Redemption T he plan is b eautiful and the pur

pose glorious consistent and harmoniou s from

, ,

Alpha to O mega .
92 The D ig nity f
o M a n

burns with fire and b rim stone forever Not pur

g ato ry but, h e ll for the B ible know s no intermediate
place between heaven and hell T h e fiction of Pur .

g ato ry i
s as fal se and arrogant as anythin g in hea
then mythology ; but it is more ingenious and pro

fitable O ne writer h as quaintly said :
. Purgatory

is the b est cow Rome ever milked It h as added

millions of money to the Vatican treas ury T h e .

poor dupes who pay their l ast dollar and mortgage

th eir lives and la bor to pay a priest to say enough
masses to release some beloved friend from the fires
o f purgatory ! Alas poor D upes ! In the first place
there is no purgatory Christ purges and purifies

from all sin Not Purgatory In the second place

. .

if there were a purgatory its fires could have no

influence or effect upon a soul or spiritualized body .

And thirdly if there were a purgatory and its fires

real a priest h as no more power to release a soul

than the soul itself to open its prison gates Alas .


the poo r dupes ! D uped and robbed by the holy

harpies !
But the holiness of Heaven is of a different
quality T he quality of mercy Also the quality of
. .

“ ”
Love It is no mechanical righteou sness
. the ,

legacy of some divinity or the hereditary endow

ment of some so called Church because of the fiction
that some saint founded it Th e holiness of Heaven

is the individual purity innocence and righteou sness


of i ts individual inha b itan ts T h is is the New T es


tament idea of holiness and of heaven Its inno .

cence as far as the i nhab itants of earth are con


cerned is the innocence of the Apostles prophets

, , ,
The H eliu m Of H eave n 93

a s, the u pri ght the 3 86 all o f whose
of all .

si ns though red as cr i son h ave been w as hed wh ite

in the blood of the Lam b of God w ho snfie red for
our Redemption The holines s of heaven exclud es

n and so rrow and remorse all si ghin g and pain

al l si ,

and death No vile companionsh i p ! In the light


of God s cou ntenance and transcendent glory i t

coul d not ex ist Hol iness is the supreme element

of Heaven s glo ry The f uture D estiny of an

places its final seal of grandeur u pon humanity its ,

dignity its individ ual inde pendence its constitu

, ,

tional prero gative to think and act as it please and

to be person ally and directly responsi ble to God f or

its motiv es and actions It declares to the universe

that the soul is indepe ndent matchless dauntless , , ,

and unconquerable .

M any of the bitterest wars and bloodiest per

secu tions have ari sen be cau se of man s unquenchable

desire to enjoy h is liberty of co nscience T he in .

alienab le rights written into h is constitution in h is

creation and laid upon h is soul as a pe rsonal duty ;
in h is merciful and benig n rede ption and for the ,

fearless independent use of which he is promised

, ,

an eternal future whose bliss and glory eye hath

not seen nor ear heard ; nor the heart of man con

ce i
ved .

W hen the Church of Rome or any other church

or power denies the independent sovereignty of man
hood its royal prero gative to pe rsonally think and

do as it chooses and become pe rsonally and directly

responsi b le therefor ( liberty of conscience ) then
it robs him of h is manhood of h is created const i ,
94. The D ig nity f
o M an

tu ti rights the assertion and practice of which

the infinite love of God in h is Redemption quickens

and inspires into more heroic action ; And for the
conscient ious use of which he will be rewarded with
everlasting glo ry She also ro bs him of this beau

tiful holy and transcendent glory for eternity
, ,

Rome ro bs man of h is anhood It degrades him .

to a condition below that of the beasts ; for the beast

mainly answers the purpose of its creation ; while
man falls infinitely below it He is no longer a

an .He is a thing and a most despicab le th ing

, ,

deserving the contempt and indignation of God ,

angels and ju st men

, He will receive both with

out measure From this mor al and spiritual degra


dation and deviltry may the good Lord deliver us !




R O M the most ancient h istories we can trace

Fthe influence of the Priesthood It has always .

been opposed to intelligent independent manhood

It h as created castes and classes among en the ,

lower orde rs of whom it w as defile ent ev en to

touch much more to mingle inter marry or eat
, ,

with them B rahmanism taught that the lowe r


castes and the no caste the Pariah s could neve r

mm m
, ,

obt ain the su u b onu in the hereafter To .

them it w as a life of hopeless slave ry and poverty

here ; and suffering or nonentity hereafter It is .

remarkable how ingenious the priests were in in

venting horrid punishments for the present life and
the future life T his may be easily and inevitably

read in th e ugly hate f ul and fear inspiring f orms


of nearly all pagan deities B y this vindictive unend


ing torture of soul and body th e priests absolutely

controlled the lives and actions of their dupes T he .

g od Siva of India i
s a fearful ex ample of what the
incensed divinities can inflict of torture and death
O ne historian says —The reli gion o f the anc ient


Ary an India ns p assed throu gh three phases although

the differences are more lo gical th an i nh erent T hose .

th ree are Vedism B rahmanism and H induis
, , , .

It will be found ge nerally true that in B rahm an is

98 Th e D ig nity o f M a n

there is as compared with Vedism an increas e of ,

the Ritual and a corresponding decrease of the moral

element .

A curiou s corro boration of the above is found in

a recent speech by S ir John M axwell director ,

g eneral of archaeology in India publi shed in the ,

Christian Science M onitor of Boston in June ,

1 9 1 6 which, in part is as follows :
, , Hyderabad
’ ‘
is the largest and most important nativc state
in India Not only is it the most important state

in th e East Indian empire but according to an ,

address recently delivered at Hyderabad by Sir John

M arshall director general of archaeology it is one
, ,

of the most interesting from an archaeological point


of view In the address mentioned Sir John M ar


shall surveyed the variou s antiquities oi the state

in a comprehensive manner and dwelt with special ,

e phasis upon the giant caves of Ellora which are ,

admittedly one of the ost wonderful sights in

India .

In the temples and monasteries of Ellora he

said , ( to which the great reli gio u s sects the Budd ,

hists the H indus and the Jain have each contri b

, , ,

u ted in an almo st equal deg ree ) you can f ollow

with unerring steps the underlying character of each

religion and trace from gallery to gal lery the in

flu ence which one exerted upon another There is .

no other spot that I know of in India where such

a study of the three religio ns can be made In the
, .

earliest caves you start during the spacious age of

the Guptas that great renaissance period of I ndia

when the keystone of art as of thou ght was its , ,

1 00 Th e D ig nity f M an

( the N izam ’
s ) g ove rnment is taking such pai ns to
preserve for posterity What is it that in the eyes

of every thinking man gives su ch value to the t as k

which this state has undertaken ? T he word ar ‘

ch aeol ogy h as I am afraid a very d ry and a very
, ,

pedantic ring a bout it and it is apt to b e regarded


as of merely academic interest But the value of


these memorials of th e past is anything but acade

mic T hey are a great national asse t ; which the

durbar and the people have every reason to guard

and cherish with the most jealous care From an .

e ducational po i nt of view their beauty alone would

j u sti fy me in say ing th i
s— the b eauty of their line
and of their color of their delica te grace of their
, ,

massive strength ; the beauty of stately walls and
battlements of pillared halls and soaring inarets ;

th e be auty of graven or painted form s ; th e softened

beauty too which the tomb of time alone can give
, , .

B eauty of this kind h as but to be contemplated to

enno b le and to elevate the heart But the value of .

these monuments resides in something far more po

tent and far more vital even than beauty It is th at .

they are links in the chain that b inds the present

with the past They tell of the history of b ygone

generations w ith al l its triumphs and its failures ;

they tel l of the religious beli efs with their aspir ,

ati ons and th eir fea rs ; they tell of the e fi orts of

I ndian genius ; they are the em bodi ent of the very

character of the people ; and they enshrine their

best traditions and ideals A nd just as these monu

ents evoke rev ere nce and pr ide i n the past so they ,

g iv e hop e fo r the futu re ; and hel p to oul d and to

B al eful I nfl u enc e on A ncie nt Civil izations 101

strengthen the national character .

Here we see the increasing power viciou sness and , ,

tyranny of the Priesth ood and the corresponding de

gradation ignorance servility and slave ry of the
, ,

masses T h e Pr iesth ood both ancient and mode


h as consistently and pe rsiste ntly encouraged and ,

pandered to the pride power and tyranny of the

, , ,

aristocracy Consequently it h as been a bitter foe


of D emocracy becau se only ignora nce and su per

stiti on and degradation wou ld obey and support so

vile avariciou s and tyrannical a p riesth ood

, .

M r S ta fford in h is illustrated lectu res says of



Some of its sacred books written 3 5 00 yea rs ago
are nob le aspirations M oreover that ear ly faith

w as far from that idolatry and caste which are its

curse today .

Hindu pri ests are always trading on the fea rs

and ignorance of their deluded victims .

Nowhere else on earth does there prevai l such

so cial tyranny as h as exi sted here for 3 000 years ,

under the name of caste .

All this corro bo rates the theory of the Fall of

M an and unfortu nate ly of h is continued and ac
cel e rated motion downward instead of an u pw ard

e voluti on .


C most eminent and venerated of the Chinese

O N FUCIUS lived in 5 00 B C H e is the . .

philosophers and teachers He h as left a large


number of maxims on record ; or perhaps h as record

ed very many of them .

M any of th ese max im s are worthy of an ex alted

place in the training and culture of our race because
of their u nsel fish ness their justice and purity A
, .

few as samples are given below T heir ex alted

, , .

morality almost compares with the Christian code ,

the purest and best on earth .

M e n should not murmur against heaven for al l

that heaven does is good .

T h e man who governs himself restraining h is ,

p assio ns seldom goes wro ng .

T h e good man desires to be slow of speech ;

but active in conduct .

In my first dealings with men I listened to their

word s and gave them credit for good conduct E x .

p e rie nc e has tau ght me to listen to their word s but

to watch their conduct .

T h e good man considers what is ri ght ; the b ad

man what will pay

T h e superior an is b road minded and no par

tisan T he mean man is b iased and narrow
. .

I do not know how a man can get on without
T rut


A S T O N M A SPERO , the di stinguished E gyp

G st, tel ls u s the very earliest glimpses of
tol og i
Egy ptian hi story show innumerab le divinities and a
corresponding priesthood already installed Con .

cerning the ea rliest history he says

Fantastic legends concocted by the priests go
on to relate how at length Egy pt w as civilized by
Osiris and I sis Elaborate intricate and hopelessly
, ,

confused are the f ables relatin g to the Osirian em

bal ent and the opening o f O siris to the f ollowers

o f Horu s the son o f I sis
, He also says .

Th e incredible number o f reli gious scenes to be
found represented on the ancient monuments of
Egy pt is at first glance striking Nearly every illu s.

trati on in the works o f E gy ptologists shows u s the

figure of some deity O ne would think the country


had been inhab ited f or the most part by god s with ,

j ust men and animals enough to satisfy the require

ments o f their wo rs hip .

T here developed here as always under a priest

hood the rich and powerful aristocratic class and ,

the poor half starved masses o f the people Slavery
, .

too w as al ost universal and thousand s of these

slaves peri shed in the buildin g of the pyramid s .

T h e military power w as dev eloped and wars fre

quent T h e flower o f th e youth of many countries

w as destroyed in b attle E gy pt like the other coun


1 04
E gypt and B aby l onia 1 05

tries exhausting her men and materials in this

way She commenced sinking very low in the scale

of nations about 1 5 00 B C and continued descend

. .

ing for centuries and now for nearly 2 5 00 years

fie rent foreign nations until
sh e h as been a pr ey to di

sh e h as finally lost her distinct nationality What .

other issue could have been expected ?

Babylonia too emerging from the mists and nu

certainties of antiquity had countless divinities and

a numerous and powerful priesthood We again .

quote D r M aspero :.

Th e god s of the Euphrates like those of the
Nile constituted a countless multitude o f visi b le and
invisible beings While the gods o f Egy pt were

generally kindly and friendly those o f Ba bylonia ,

were for the most part cruel and implacable While .

the ordinary priest chose for himself a single deity

the priest king exercised universal sacerdotal func ,

tions O n great f estival days or for sacerdotal


functions they laid aside all insignia o f royalty and

were clad as ordinary priests At first the priests

seemed to have precedence Later as the cities be


c ame more powerful the king claimed and asserted

that precedence .

T he women in Babylonia were not treated with
even the respect paid them in Egy pt ; and conquered
peoples were o f ten slaughtered or reduced to pitiless

slavery .It is suflicient commentary on ancient
Babylonia that all that can be found of her today
h as to be dug out of mound s forgotten for thousands
“ ”
of years Semper eadem
. T he results of priestly
1 06 Th e D ig nity f M an

superstition and tyranny are always the s ame

whether ancient or modern i ignorance
, .

st1 t1 on poverty and

1 08 Th e D ig nity f M an

s ame old sto ry of every priestly caste against all

who reject their mythologies whether of Jupiter , ,

Zeus or Osiris ; whether of D iana o f the E phe

sians ,
or I sis of the Egy ptians o r the Qu ee n of ,

Heaven of Jeremiah s time or the present time !
Arrest him ! torture him ! imprison him ! burn
him ! T his h as always been the spirit and practice
of priestly bigotry and despotism Under the psuedo .

Christian priesthoo d it h as been more cru el vin ,

dict ive and Satanic than under any of the ancient


pagan priesthoods Let us repeat God is Love
, .

He that loveth not knoweth not God Hate is .

S atanic This is the ultimate test of all religio ns

. .

O for the spear of Ith u riel to pierce all masks of ,

hypocrisy ! To eventually destroy all efiorts to do

the D evil s work in the name of Christ ! T he love
of God will finally triumph over all Commercial
Greed all Racial Pride all Religious Bigotry The
, , .

Fatherhood of God and Universal B roth erhood of

M an will emerge from the clash and thunder and ,

ruin of nations and their idolatries T h e O riginal .

and Creative Rights and Responsibilities of M an

hood will be recognized and he will be the true ,

worshipper who worships God in Spirit and in

T ruth regardless of race condition clime color , , ,

or creed .

Rome h as been the most bitter and bloody pe r
se cutor of what sh e dee ed heresy of all that ever ,

existed upon the ea rth A s late as 1 895 eight per


son s
, men women and ch ildren were burned to
, , ,

death publicly in southern M exico for heresy It .

seem s to tl s horrible and impossible in this enli ghten

B al ef ul I nfl uence on M oder n Civ ilization 1 09

ed age ( T he N Y T imes is authority for the

. . .

statement ) For a bird s eye view of the B aleful

influence of the Roman priesthood note the f ollow ,

ing contrast

Spain Co par ed m With B r itain

As a general proposition we will briefly review ,

the History of Spain the most Catholic country of

Europe in which the Romish Priesthood ruled almost
absolutely for 1 000 years and compare it with the ,

History of England Surely Rome had here a f air


opportuni ty to display her civilizin g upliftin g power .

The hated heretic had no power to interfere with

her benign influence After the Saracens were
d riven out there w as no forei gn aggression or occu
p atio n by any hostile race for any lengthened con ,

ve period s
sec u ti Napoleon B onaparte interrupted

her absolute control f or a brief period S he had a .

free hand and full control of the fi eld with tem

po rary interruptions In many respects S pain has

an excellent climate and a fertile soil watered by ,

numerous rive rs She had thousand s of miles of sea


coast and a large number of spaciou s and saf e har

bors I t might be presumed that God had d esigned

her people fo r great achievements in elevating and

purifying the human race In the rei gn of Philip I I

sh e claimed M exico the southern part of the United


States all of Central America and all of S outh

, ,

America as her possessions She owned several of

, .

the West Indian I sland s and had possessions also
in the f ar East The Netherlands were an i por
1 10 Th e D ig nity o f M an

tant part o f her Eu ropean kin gdo

c onfided to m ,

Philip s paternal care by h is father Charles V of

Germany He waged a u seless cruel and bloody war

for about 40 yea rs to stamp out heresy in thes e

Netherland s and f ailed He declared that H e

would rather rule over a desert than a nation o f

heretics He made al ost a desert of many of

her wealthiest provinces According to M r M ot

. .

l ey s history men women and children
, , ,

per ished by the Inquisition T hou sand s of her best

es and man uf acturers exiled them selves to

ech ani

E ngland By order of the Blood Council under

the direction of the Inquisition in less than three

months 1 800 of the highest the no b lest and most, ,

virtuou s of the country su ffered death Further
this history says — T he whole country became a

charnel hou se ; columns and stakes in every street ,

the door posts of private houses the fences in the ,

fields were laden with human carcasses strangled

, , ,

burned and beheaded In this way h is bigoted


insatiable greed for money and b lood devastated

some o f h is fairest and most loyal provinces and lost

them f orever .

H is new colonies in M exico and South America

sent him con stant stream s o f gold and other treas
ures and yet he borrowed millions of money to
carry on h is wars with France and the Netherland s ,

and England ; and in h is old age he repudiated all

h is debts and caused a fina nci al panic throu ghout
Europe .

M r Froude draws another likeness of him that


might grace some imp of Satan He married Queen .

1 12 Th e D ig nity f
o M a n

the migh ty fallen ! T h e baneful influence of the
p riesth od ! T h e cur se o f the Al ighty upon every

people that endures Rome s blighting paralyzing , ,

impoverishing influence !
In the last 1 000 yea rs Rome is the most blighting ,

withering cu rse the Almighty could send any peo


ple Better absolute extinction than to endure for


generations such miseries because ROM AN I SM I S A



Contrast if you please the story of England s
d evelopment and power during the same period .

At the time Philip sent h is Invincible Armada
to conquer England with the aid of soldier s

under the D uke of Parma then in the Netherland s

, ,

which the Armada w as to land on the B ritish coast ,

England had just five millions of people She could .

be fitted into a small corner of Spain and compared

with Spain s migh ty empire England w as a negli
g ibl e quantity T h e mighty Armada with

troops w as considered a sufficient force to conquer

England O f course th ey ex pected the aid of Scot

land at that time hereditary foe of En gland T here .

w as also a rebellion in I reland T h e Irish rebellion


materialized aided by Spanish gold and soldie rs

, ,

for which both Spain and I reland paid a fearful

price T h e weak and grasping King of S cotland

however refu sed to aid the Spanish enterprise .

T he Spanish troops in the Netherland s were so

hampered by the superior D utch fl eet they could
not put to sea but Parma had built a large number
o f boats and had placed thi s men on board
B al ef ul I nfl ue nce on M oder n Civ ilization 1 1 3

and kept them there for two days waiting f or the

Armada to come and take them on board But when .

they did come th ey were badly defeated many of ,

their greatest galleo ns were sunk with al l on boa rd

and the rest driven far into the North Sea where the
storm s caught them and shattered them so that b ut

a small remnant of the Invincible Armada after ,

sailing around Scotland and Ireland returned to ,

tell of their disastrous defeat and eternal dishonor .

Bef ore this time John Wickli ffe and others had
been sowing seed s of the Reformation in En gland ,

Bohemia and Germany and other natio ns o f

, ,

Europe Liberty of conscience with respo nsibility ;


although Rome sacrificed millio ns of Protestant

lives in the vain endeavor to exterminate heresy and
heretics It is magnificent to see those heroes defy

ing torture and death in their most awful f orm s ;

d efying all the powers of earth and hell to compel
them to violate their conscience their inalienable

rights stamped indelibly upon the human constitu


tion in its creation T his leaven w as at work in the

he arts of the English people and it continued work
ing in the face of the bitterest opposition of inter
dictS excommunication s powerful alliances and
, , ,

private assassinations until 80 to 90 per cent of the

English and Scotch became Protestant T he spirit .

of Protestant Christianity which is the S pirit of

independent individual manhood is the secret of
, ,

England s greatness .

England I reland and Scotland are now one


Empire with a population of forty five millions, -

Canada with her seven millions and India with her

1 1 4 The D ig nity f
o M a n

three hundred illions Also Austral ia N ew Zea

land and S outh Africa are integr al parts o f th e

B ritish Empire and all provin g their loy alty by f u r
ni ng ships men and money in the prese nt e er
sh i , ,

geney S he h as been acknowled ged mistress of the


seas for more than one hundred y ea rs and her pres ent

navy is the most powerful in the world O ur ow n .

country too is B ritish in lan guage law and sy ,

pathy When an African prince visited Qu een


Victoria and asked her the secret o f England s
greatn ess She replied by lay in g her hand upon a
copy of the B ible and exclaiming this is the S ecret
’ ”
of England s greatness It is the M a gna Charta
o f Humanity .
1 1 6 Th e D ig nity f
o M a n

Papal Infallibility notwith standing the flood o f

light and inexorable logic of B ishop Stross ay e r m
and many others eminent in their church can only ,

be accounted for by the a bove pecu liar logic to be

found in the Roman hierarchy and no oth er place
on earth in such a pure unadulterated form
, , , .

T he doctrine b rief ly stated is : All utterances
o f the pope ex cath edra that is concerning faith
, ,

and morals are infalli b ly tr ue T h e results of this


doctrine are of a very serious nature to all non

catholics If the Roman Church is in f alli b ly right

then all those who reject and disobey her authority

are infalli b ly wrong Being evidently and inf allibly

wrong they are not only the enemies o f the Church

but the enemies of God and T ruth ; and as such , ,

it is a du ty and a meritoriou s act to suppress ostra ,

cize and ex tirpate them T his Rome h as cousis

, .

tently done for the last 1 000 years whenever she

had the powe r Hence the maxim Se per E ade



m m .

Hence also Rome h as no apologies for St Bartholo .

mew s midnight slaughter nor for the numerous wa rs
of persecution insti gated by her orders ; nor for
the almost innumerable Slaughters of whole tri bes
and peoples ; nor f or the thu gs and assassins who
have accomplished her designs and obeyed b lind ly
her orders with a free passport to heaven and full

f orgiveness even bef ore the bloody d eeds were com
itte d A few instances may help refresh some

memories i e William the Silent of the Nether

, . .

lands A b raham Lincoln President Garfield Presi

, , ,

d ent M cK inley and recently Willi am Black of

, ,

T ex as all assassinated by Roman ists

, .
Th e Ro m
an Ch ur ch—A postate 1 1 7

Also many of the popes were monsters o f iniquity .

T his is not a Protestant lie ; it is the concurrent tes

ti ony of nearly all prominent Roman Catholic

writers of the last thousand years A few of many .

are Stross ayer B aronius and Eras mus Erasm us

“ ”
Praise of Folly is a fearful indictment of the ig
norance immorality b esti ality and tyranny of the
, , ,

Roman priesthood and higher clergy W ho w as .

Erasmus ? T h e fi rst scholar of Europe in h is day ,

a D utchman of the 1 6 th Century T he confiden .

tial f riend of three popes esteemed and honored by


Charles the V of Germany and many other poten

tates who lived and died in the bosom of the

Church The doctrine of Infallibility is monstrous


and blasphemous usurping a Prerogative of the


Almighty ; and its result s have been Satanic in its

hate and murder It places an impassable gulf be

tween Romanism and all the rest of the world Let .

u s repeat : M r Lecky a noted English writer

, ,

says : T hat the Roman Catholic Church had shed
more innocent blood than any other organization
that h as ever existed upon the earth cannot b e qu es
tioned by any one havin g a competent knowledge of

history In their stupendous folly Romanist

writers tell u s that the p0pe not only represents
Jesus Christ on earth but that he is in a sen se Jesu s
Christ a god and the only god upon the ea rth

Surely the Apostle w as divinely inspired when he

spo ke of some apostates from the Chri stian Fai th

as : T hat man of sin to be revealed th e son of ,

perdition ; who opposeth and exalteth himsel f a bove

all that i s called God or that i
s worshiped ; so th at
1 1 8 The D ig nity o f M a n

he as God sitteth in the te ple of God Sh ow ing m

hi self that he is God ”
2 T h ess 2 2 4 Th ese

. . .


Apostates are d escri bed elsewhere as forb idding to

” “ ”
marry which God has declared honora b le in al l ;

and commanding to a bstain from meats etc , .

T hese are reforms again st natu re Such are always .

harmful Severe restraints of the natural righ tfu l


and honorab le desires of our natu re only prod uce
b igotry in a few and extreme ex cesses in the any .

Th e Cel ibacy f
o th e P riests

This doctrine is not only unscriptural but is a

c rime against nature It is the prolific mother o f

innumera b le crimes A an may not marry but h e

may keep a concu b ine or a num b er of the It .

would be a mortal sin to have a wi f e and children ,

born in honorable wedlock according to the laws o f
h is country ; and would su bject him to exco u ni
cation and eternal damnation B ut it is no sin or .
, ,

one which is easily a bsolved to keep a prostitu te or,

several of them ; and furnish the world a hord e of

bastards Such teaching is not only immoral ; it is


damnable Why were so many convents for w ome n


built so close to monasteries for Celi b ate monks ?

very often with secret subterranea n passages con
necting ? Secret passages secret entrances and du p
, ,

l ic ate key s furnished the pri ests easy ingress and


egress b u t no oth ers Father Ch iniquy tells of

, .

Such thin gs So does M aria M onk So did th e

. .

Spanish authorities or French autho rities when

they threw ope n the monasteries in Spain for a
12 0 The D ig nity f
o M a n

feas ts giv en T he nuns thus coupled gave b irth to


g entle and pretty little mon ks or else they,cau s ed

a bortions to be perf ormed If any one were tempted

. a

to uphold that this is not true he need only sear c h ,

th e priva te v a u l ts of th e Conv e nts and he will find

there as many ch ildren s bones as were in B ethlehe

in the t ime of Herod .

T h e poet T etrarch in d escri b ing the morals of

the Pope and priests u sed lan guage that the laws of

our country would forb id printing Th e poet s f ee l .

ings were intensified by the brutal assault which the

pope made upon h is young and beautiful sister .

B u t the threat of the Holy Inquisition silenced the

indi gnant outraged poet
, .

Pope Gregory VI I in a letter to an ab bot in the


year 1 408 wrote : M any of the nuns commit f or


ni cation with the monks and lay brothers and in the

same mon as teries bring forth sons and daughters ;

and not a few of th e nuns destroy the f ac tu s and ,

kill the children who see the light .

T h e Council of M ayence under Pope Stephen V

absolutely prohib ited priests to allow Any desc rip

tion o f women to live in the hou se with them and ,

d eclared many crimes have been committed so that

priests have had children by their own sisters .

Nicholas de Cl a e nges a f amou s scholar and at one


time rector o f the Univers ity of Paris pu blished a ,

book on th e su bj ect of the corruption in h is church

about 1 400 A D . He attri buted this evil con

dition to the vicious lives of the priests and to the ,

m m
fact that when they committed murder rape or any ,

other eno rmous cri e th ey can pay th e selves ou t

Th e Ro man Ch u r c h—A postate 12 1

of pr is on w ith m
oney . Alluding to other cau ses
of depravity this catholic scholar says

T ouching the monks and monas teries there is
abundance of matter to speak of—were it not that

it would oppress me to dwell long on the enu er m

ation of so great and so many a b o inations .

Speaking of the nuns Cl a enges says : M odesty

forbids me to say much concerning them which

might be said . T hen he compares the convents
“ ” “
to brothels and the nuns to harlots lewd and

incestuous .

B ishop Ricci who aided D uke Le opold of T us

c any to investigate the nunneries in h is dominion
writing toCardinal Corsini says ,

I n writing to the pope I would not enter into
infa o us details w hic h would horrify you

” “
T hat .

which I have learned makes me shudder .

Erasmus the first scholar of Europe in h is time .

T he favorite of three popes and of many other dis

tingu i sh e d per sonages made the church wince and

totter und e r the keenness of h is b itter satire He .

endeavored to reform the church from within like

many of h is sincere brethren a Herculean task and

more ; for he failed in h is endeavors H is writings


against Luther and Calvin pleased the Pope and

the hierarchy while the monks and lower clergy
would gladly have consigned him to the fate o f John

Hu ss and Jerome of Prague H is word paintings

of the infamou s condition of the church in his ti e

vividly p ortray a mor al rottenness equal to any
thing in Sodom or B a bylon .

In h is letter to the Prothonotary of Leo X he

1 2 2 Th e D ig nity f
o M a n

enters into frightful detai ls which howev er were ,

not likely to shock a Ponti ff who w as a chronic

su fferer from Syphil i s He says : T here are monas .

teries where there i s no di scipline and which are

wo rse than brothels .

Young men are fooled and cheated into joining

the monastic orders O nce in the toils they are .

b roken and trained into Pharisees T hey ay re .

pent but the superiors will not let them go l est th ey ,

” “
sh ou ld b e tr ay th e org ies th ey ha v e w itnessed T hey .

cru sh them down with scourge and penance the ,

secular arm chanceries and dungeo ns
, Cardinal .

M ateo said at a public dinner that the D ominicans

had buried a young man alive whose father d emand

ed h is release A polish noble who had fallen

asleep in a church saw two Franciscans buried

alive Erasmu s says : A monk may be drunk

eve ry day he may go with loose women se cretly


o r openly He may waste the Church s money on

vicious pleasures ; he may be a quack or a charlatan

and all the while he an excellent brother and fit to
be made an ab bot ; while one who for the best rea
sons lays as ide h i
, s frock i s howled at as an apostate .

Surely the true Apostate is he who goes into sen

su al i pomp vanity and the lusts of the flesh
ty , , .

M onhs of aba ndoned liv es swar

ov er Ch r is te n

do .

And all this and very much more of the same i

port from the very highest and most reliable Catho

l ic Authorities T hese are not P r otesta nt lies
. .

T hey are the naked sha eful truths spok en by , ,

Popes C ardinals B ishops and most disti nguished

, ,
12 4 Th e D ignity f
o M a n

a bsurdity ! What falsehood ! What cannib al is ! m

What b lasphemy ! In the nature of things the sam e
identical particle of matter cannot be in two places
at the same time T he Romish priest says it can b e

in di fferent places at the same time Some .

thing in the nature of things that God cannot do .

Want of space for b ids me discussing in detail many

of the Roman Apostate doctrines yet for denyin g ,

this senseless unphilosophic and unchristian doc


trine or fiction thou sand s of the purest and no b lest


of God s children have su ffered untold agonies and
horrible forms of death T hey de fied the rack

and the stake and other Satanic inst ruments o f

torture and death ; and sealed their witness to th e
Tr u th with their blood .

But allow me to call your attention to a f ew

concrete demonstrations For what did Savonarola

die at the stake ? For exposing the corruptions of

the Church and showing that some of its teachings
were false For what w as John Huss condemned

by the Council of Constance and burned at the stake

notwithstanding the safe conduct of the Empe ror
Sigismund ? For attacking the viciou s lives of the
priests and refu sing to believe many of the f alse
doctrines of the Church i e T ransu bstantiation etc
. .
, .

For what did Jerome of Prague travel the same

fie ry road to heaven ? For daring to condemn the

belief and practices of the Church In the Nether .

land s a whole nation in the time of William the
, ,

Silent w as anathematized and consigned to te


poral and eternal death and in the course of a t e

l igious war of extermination of over forty y ears ,
The Ro m an Ch ur ch—A postate 12 5

millions of men women and children pe rished

, ,

For what were the Waldenses Al b i genses and , ,

H u genots butchered ? T h e cruel Cate gory is too


long for repetitio n It makes the heart sick to look


at or think of the Satanic tortures of tender women

, ,

and little innocent ch ildren And then remember

m m

the devil ish M ax im of Rome S e per eade


And the teaching of Rome today is T he state h as
no right to refuse force to the church to repress and

extirpate heresy ; and the bloody admiss ion that

when they have not the power for this forci b le
repression they must endure these heretics until the
power returns to th em You sleepy indifierent , .

devil may care Protestants wo rshipers of the Golden

- -

Calf and agnosties reflect on this teaching ! What

does it mean ! T hese are still the teachin g and laws

o f the Church S e per eade
, m ”
m .

TH E ,




OT only is the Roman A postate Church teach

N ings u nscriptural and false doctrines which are ,

a compound of ancient Paganism and M odern Su

perstition ; not only has the moral condition of the
church at times been as corrupt and infamous as that
of S odom and B abylon ; but sh e denies and condemns
the Fund amental Principles the Inalienab le Rights

and Prerogatives of M anhood conferred in Crea ,

tion A s evolved in a previou s chapter they are


briefly as follows :
First : T h e power and li berty to do right or
wrong as each individual chooses .

S econd : Individual Responsibility directly and

supremely to God for h i s choices and actio ns .

T hird : T h e ju st expectat ion of Reward s or

Punishments according to h is deeds .

Fourth : T here is no D ivine Right of King o r

Priest to do wrong God is no respecter of perso ns
. .

Each must answer directly to God not for h is cre e d ,

or church but for h is deeds All stand on the sa e

, .

platform before the High Court of Heaven which

w i1 1 ende r to every man according to h is deeds

l3 1 b1e .

Fifth : E ven families nd nations often su fi e r

12 2
12 8 The D ig nity o f M a n

Church is the P ontifl . Union of minds therefor e ,

requires together with perfec t accor d in one fa ith

, ,

complete su bmission to the Church and to the Roman

P ontifi as to God H im self
Pius the IX in h is Syllabus of Errors says : T o
deny the right of the Church ( Roman ) to require
the state to suppress free speec h is a damnable error .

T h e state h as not the right to leave every man free

to em b race whatever religion he Shall deem true .

T he same Syllabus of Errors in another place

says : T he State h as not the right to interfere in
matters pertaining to religion morals or to spiri tual
, ,

government ( Romish ) T h e church ( Roman )


alone h as the right to exercise exclusive control in

these matters T he State h as not the right to deny

to the Church ( Roman ) the right to r equir e tha t

th e Ca th olic Ch ur c h s ha ll b e th e o nly r el ig io n of
th e S ta te to th e ex c l usion of a ll oth ers .

Priest Phelan lately deceased , who w as the editor


of the W estern Watchman said in a sermon in St

, .

Louis in June 1 9 1 2 and afterward printed in h is

, ,

paper the following only a part of what he there


said If the gover nment of the United States were
at war with the Church we would say tomorrow

To H ell w ith th e g ov er n United

e nt o f th e

S ta tes l And if the Church and all the gove rn
ments of the world were at war we would say

To H e ll w ith a l l th e g ov er n me nts o f th e W
T hey say we are Catholics first and Americans
decidedly afterward We are Catholics first and

we love the church more than all the governments

of the world Let the gover nments o f the world
Ro mC e onde mh
ns t e Fu nda m e nta l P rinciples 1 2 9

steer clear of the Catholic Church Let Emperors .


let Kings and P r eside nts not come into conflict with
the Head of the Catholic Church ; because the
Catholic Church is every th ing to al l Catholics .

They r e nou nce all na tiona lities w h er e th er e is a

q u es tio n of l oya l ty to h er .

Priest Phelan w as noted for h is frank outspoken

utterances and w as occasion ally taken to task for
the same B u t we never heard of any check or

rebuke for the a bove very significant statements .

Notice his threat to Presidents M ay God protect .

our Presi dent from the Roman A ssassin !

T h e E x Ca the dr a utterances of Pius IX and Leo

XI I I are still the law of the Church Rome never .

changes If she acknowledged changes this would

cancel her Infallibility T herefore the maxim

m m m
“ ”
Se p er E ad e , a l w ays th e sa e .

In view of these laws of the Church and an in

definite number of others of the same import in

cluding the Canons of the Council of T rent Rome s ,

peace orators must be gifted with a ge ne rous supply
of b razen hypocrisy and arrogant i pa tience in ten
dering the O live branch to Protestants I f they w ill .

repeal the laws of their Church poisoned with ,

hatred m alice and murder we will meet their

, , ,

o ffers of peace more than half way B ut with the -


a bove laws still the acknowledged principles and

rules of their Church we can only understand the
tender of the O live branch in the language of M r .

M otley : dissirnul ation procrastination dissimula

, ,

tion T hese three word s spell Jesuitism

. .



O M E time ago a Rom an Catholic writer in

S boasting of the power and influence of h is

church said : T h e fear of Rome is eve rywhere .

We acknowledge the substantial t ruth of this at least

in many parts of the world although among some ,

nations and peoples it is wholly absurd Still in .

Protestant countries Rome is a constant menace to

their consti tution and laws as also to their personal
l ibe rty of thought speech and conscience
, , N ot .

only is Rome in a general se nse a menace to our

, ,

liberties but sh e is a menace to ordinary bu siness

and occupation and even to personal liberty and life .

It is the general and persistent policy of the priests

and church to oust the Protestant in the di fferent
b ranches of bu sine ss and fill the place with a Ro an
ist This is now publicly understood and generally
p racticed where it can be done without damage to

the church without the prospect of successful t e
taliation Also if there is a vacant government

pos ition to be filled the hierarchy is insistent that a

Roma nist shall fill it ; and in about 70 % o f these

cases they are successful ; althou gh only a bout 1 5 %

o f the pop ulation is Roman ist .

We have too a large num b er o f hyb rid busi ness

, ,

organizations neither Protestant nor Romanist but


1 3 0
1 3 2 Th e D ig nity f
o M a n

Portland O re gon and B irmingham Alab ama and

, , , ,

Florida are significant in this direction So were .

the elections in New York and M assachu setts

“ ”
a bout a year ago ; and there are more to foll ow .

But Protestants have not only to fear the present

day condition s but they have the history of Rome
for 1 000 years to inspire a dread of her awful
slaughters and infamou s assassinations mentioned ,

more largely in other portions of th is book O ne .

pope expelled tlie Jesuits for their vile profligate , ,

infamous lives a statement of which he h as left on


record A few months afterward he w as found


dead in h is bed T h e cause of h is death is pro b


a b ly known best to the J esuits T he next pope .

restored them Since then the Jesuit is in the sad


dle T he b lack pope is the real master and h e is


the most powerful unscrupulous and cold b looded , ,

enemy of Protestants and Protestantism on the

earth .

Y es ! Rome is feared by Protestants and not

without su fficient reason B ut who loves Rome ? .

No body ou tside her own dupes and followers


M any of them pro b ab ly many millions o f the

, ,

would leave her tomorrow especially of her priests ,

and nuns i f it were not for their mortal fear of her


vindictiveness her implacab le resentment h e r Sa

, ,

tanie hate We need to b e constantly reminded of


“ ”
the two f acts ; God is L ove and Satan is the ,

pe rsonification of hate H ate is the ve ry essence .

of hell

S atan is the soul o f it
. Wh ether it is .

in Romanism or M oh ammedanism or any other is

hate is o f the devil and reb ellion against a God ,
Cowar dice a nd I ndifier e nee o f P r o tes ta nts 1 33

of Love Love will win ! Whatever Purgatorial


fires she may have to pass through Love will win , .

She will finally conquer all her enemies and ev en ,

Hate will b e vanquished For God is Love ; and


He is the final and absolute conqueror Th e Bible .


the revealed will and law of God the infalli b le ,

guid e to all God s children will be the supreme

law of all the earth in its millenniums of manhood

and glory as well as the law of the glorious life of

the edee ed in the eternity of God s presence

Romani sm and every other is that preaches and

p ractic es hate and murder will die and be cas t into
tha lake of perdition the abode of devi ls and lost

sou s

W ha t Constitu tes a M an a P r otesta nt

To the devout Protestant and by such is meant

one who h as an unqu estioned faith in h is Bi b le as

God s Word one to whom the B i b le is the supreme

and infa llib l e Law ; and who P r Jtests against all

human traditions and church ca p ns made by popes r

and councils which contradict God s Word Pro .

testants receive their religion directly from God .

Rome receives its religion from Pope Piu s IX the ,

Council of T rent and other human and falli b le


agenci es To the devout Protestant the final tri


umph of God and h is Word and h is redeemed

, ,

children is as clear and certain as the su n in the


heavens at midday in a clear sky T h e great army .

of the martyrs died in this faith T he great army .

of th e pr esent mil itant church of God s redee ed
1 34 Th e D ig nity f
o M a n

ch ildren l iv e in this f aith Love will live and tri .

umph Hate will die and find a final burial in


oblivion T h e ch ie f danger o f Protestantism today


is not from Rome but from her own Cowardic e

and I ndifier e nee H er greatest d anger is not ex

ternal but internal So long as P rotestanis is


loyal to her own principles she will live and pros

per when she becomes disloyal she will be scou rg ,

cd until sh e reform s T h e Romanist Religio n i

s .

a crime against man and a rebellion agai nst God ;

as such and all su ch it will perish
, , .

Th e Traitors A m
ong th e P r otesta nt Cl ergy a nd
L aity th e Chief Ofle nders

T he desire to be generous and charitab le to th is

class as to all others is very stron g It is so mu ch .

more pleasant to say a word of commendation than

one of rebuke The O pt imist is like sunshine and

genially greeted The Pe ss mist is like the cloud and

i .

storm endured with a scowl or a f rown But stern

, .

duty sometimes demands not only reb uke b ut denun

ciation T h e Bi b le is full not only of the precious

promises of God to h is children ; but also o f the

sternest and most fear f ul denunciations to b e f ound
“ ”
on any page of history The woes pronounce d .

by our Savior against hypocrisy injustice and pro , ,

fligacy are terrific

, God is a consuming fire to

the wicked H is hatred of sin and the unrepen


tant persistent sinner is a perf ect hatred Against

, , , .

these H is indi gnation knows no bo unds This .

featu re or side o f the government o f God is too

36 Th e D ig nity f M an

God if H is indi gnat ion did not d estroy these hu a n m

incarnations of vil eness and debauchery w ho ,

were a menace and curse to the Race A large r .

view of the government of God may interpret

it in this way T he indignation agai nst and de
struction of the wick

had the u l ter ior o tiv e m

of l ov e ; to p
r e ve nt th e race fr omd es troy ing itsel f .

So terrible are these denunc iations and dest ru c

tions of the O ld T estam ent that many kindly ,
well meaning people reject it as the Word of God

In their kindness of h eart they fail to understan d

the awful necessity of l estroying wickedness .

T he Prophet Jeremiah warned the peo p l e

against the worship of the Queen of Heaven and

other id olatries and p rofligac ies and threatene d

the indignat io n of God and the d estruction of
their holy City and of their nation except a re
, ,

nant T he spirit of the sad prophet that pess i

ist of the old T estament w as broken by the sigh t


Of the miseries which he forsaw to be coming u po n

h is nation T here were false prophets in those days

as in these days crying pe ace ! peace ! and love !


Love ! when there w as indignation and wrath b ein g

stored up against them T hose false proph e ts he cal l s

“ ”
dumb dogs T hey w e re placed upon the Wall s

of Zion to teach and warn the people They f ail .

to do so catering to the p alate with soft sweet

, ,

words The indi gnation of the prophet waxes


fierce against them and find s fitting expression in


the word s ( D umb D ogs ) S ome of the peop l e
went down into E gy pt and Jeremiah with th e .

He then declared the Judgments of God against

Cow ar dice a nd I nd ifler e nee o f P r otes ta nts 1 37

them and that for worshiping the Qu een of

Heaven and oth e r idolatries and other sins they
should all perish except a small remnant perish
, ,

by the sword and by pestilence which befell this
unhappy people soon ofte rw ard See Jere iah

4 4th Chapter .

T h e military tyrants of Germany have been

training their people for nearly 40 years to believe
they were the best people on earth the only ones fit ,

to govern the rest ; and the rest only fit to be govern

ed by them T hey have been building an army and a

navy for universal conquest for 3 0 years Build .

ing them with all the precision and e ff ectiveness

that human science and art could furni sh T hey .

have been training the people to believe these sel

fish Satanic ambitions and to endure the necessary

burdens . T h e military naval and industrial

, , ,

forces of the nation have been diligently and intell i

gently trained for the mastery of the world Love .

and B rotherhood are Christian terms and em body

the spirit of Christiani ty M astership and the lu st

of Power regardless of the cost are Satanic

, , .

When England years ago o ff ered to stop b uilding

dreadnou ghts and relieve the world of the tre
mendons expense and a constant menace ; if Ger

many would ; the answer w as a contemptuous re

fusal . T he Franco Pru ssian victory and the su b

sequent unifying of the German States into the

German Empire caused the loss of sound reas on ;

and in its place developed a cold blooded imper -

ious ambition regardless of the most dreadful con


sequences this unhappy world ever ex perienced .

1 38 Th e D ig nity f M an

I f the Protestant Churches had be en faith fu l

to their mission to impress the importance of in
dividual rights duties and responsibilities if the
, , ,

Lutheran preache rs had emphasiz ed the spirit of

the Gospel in Lo ve and B rotherhood i nstea d .

of M astery and tyranny this war never wou ld ,

have happened T h e German people never wou ld


have approved of or supported it If the vital ity
, , .

and life had not been eaten out of Lutheran is

and only the shell the husk left this awful slau gh
, , ,

ter this starvation of whole tri bes and pe opl es

, ,

this inexpressi b le agony of widows and orphans ,

this tremendou s burden of indebtedness that it w il l

take over a hundred years to pay ; all this was te

of manhood and material ; never could have take n
— ’
place Th e Emperor s egotism : “
Th e e pire h as
” “

but one ruler and I will tolerate no other I an d .

God linking h is name with that of God and i

p lo ring H is cooperation is conceited b lasphemy , .

For all this incalculab le misery the ministe rs
of the Lutheran Church are principally to b la e .

“ ”
Pride goes before destruction T h e enorm ity
of the crime will m easure the awfulness of th e
punishm ent A Righteou s God could not do othe r

wise and continue Righteous

, T h e Watchm a n .

on the walls of Germany s Zion have proved nu
faithful In the language of the prophet D u b


, m
D ogs .

In the great day of assize when all boo ks are

opened and all receive the just reward of th e i r

d eeds where will those D umb D ogs stand ?
D umb speechless before the throne of Ete rnal
, ,
1 40 Th e D ig nity f
o M a n

te rv ened and interceded for peace the re ight , m

have been more blood shed to answer for About .

a y ear ago a Romanist priest went unbidden i nto

a private hou se in a village just outside of D e nve r
and broke up a prayer meeting and turned the qu iet
law abiding citizens out of doors to run the gau nt

let of mud bad eggs etc between two fi les of

, , .

a Catholic mob .

T h e murderers of William Black in Texas w e re

all Romanists and some or all of th em Knigh ts of
Columbu s M ore than a score of mobs threate n

ed the lif e of Father Ch iniquy all Ro anists
D octor Slatt e ry M i ss Lowry and numerous o th e rs

have been repeatedly mobbed in the last few ye ars .

All Romanist mobs ! D oes any one hear of a P ro

testant mob ? No Protestant cares what any e x
Protestant can say about h is church P rotestanis .

h as nothing to hide It rejoices in the light o f


the sun O ur Lord says some people love dar k

ness rather than lig h t becau se th e ir de eds a r e e v il .

If there is nothing to hide why those mobs ? W h y,

those locked doo rs and barred windows ? W h y

those mobs to prevent th e truth being told a b ou t
Rome T hey claim they are lies If so they hav e
. .

a quick rem edy in the Courts But they do no t .

dare go into the Courts except to convict som e

one of u sing obsce ne lan guage when they pu b l i sh
an extract from their so called M oral Theolo gy


What a shame ! A moral Theology so obscen e

that ou r Courts forbid its publication in E nglish

under penalty of fine and imprisonm ent or both .

See the long bitter legal persecution of T ho as

, , ,
Cowar dice a nd I ndifler ence o f P r otes ta nts 1 4 1

Watson of Georgia for th is o ffense A lso the


fining of M iss Anna Lowry by a M innesota Court

for the same offense M oral T heolo gy !

Rather a system of the vilest immorality and crim

inal ity upon the earth ! We may f urnish some
det ails and illustratio ns of this in another place .

T h e whole history of Ancient Paganism cannot

match it for utter vileness and arrogant crimin
ality How long will a decent earth su ffer it

No wonder the Almi gh ty curses every nation that

adopts Romanism .

So the b rutality of Rome is destroyin g her and

w ill finally accomplish it— Why hide nothing ?
Why insist on stay ing in the dark ? Wh y not come
into the light and depend on reason and good
deed s instead of mobs and murde r ?

T hese are crimes against our constitution and

laws T h ey are also crimes against our li berties

bought by millions of treasure T he preciou s


legacy of the martyrs of 1 000 years of heartless ,

col d blooded persecu tion and murder Crimes

, .

against a nhood Compared with th ese crimes ,

theft rob bery adultery and even isolated cases of

, , ,

murder are insignificant T hese may concern a single


individual or a f ew Those affect the God given



li be rties of a whole people ; and if not checked

will inevitab ly lead to terrible and nation wide -

blood shed Yet when this D enver Priest w as taken


into Court a servile prosecuting attorney procured

h is acquitt al while the facts were unquestioned .

Neither could the assailants of S purgeon be con

vi cted alth ou gh he was o b l iged to spend t hree or
1 42 The D ig nity f
o M an

f ou r weeks in a hospital to heal his bruises and

cuts The murdere rs of Will i an B lack in T exas

could not be convi cted T he difi cul ty of con


vi cting any Cathol ic of crime against liberty

may compel Protestants to de fend the selves ; and
depend on the selves for J ustice instead of d epend

ing on th e Courts I f this condition gains gene ral

currency and belief it will put a premiu on vio

M o bs and murder will increase in f tc
lence .

queney and violence ; and if Protestants are co
e l
p l ed to defend their liberti es and l ives ost ,

g rave consequences may ensue ; and an obse quious

cowardly judiciary will be largel y to b la e for
, , m ,

the dire co nsequences Protestants are as a rule


law abiding citizens and slow to adopt violent


measures of retaliation While it is true that P ro


testants in their early history were unf ortu nate l y

g uilty o f many acts of pe rsecution and violence ;
yet there is not one case to the thousand slaugh te r
ed by Rome ; and these men were made desperate

by the su ffering of themselves their wives and , ,

child ren O f course they im b ibed this spirit f ro


Rome ; and were not at first capable of graspi ng

the full l iberty of the Gospel or the individu al

independence and personal responsi b il ity of an

hood O n the other hand open wars of exter in
ation mo bs and wholesale slaughter and privat e
assassinatio ns have b een the constant and consistent
belief and practice o f Rome f or more than 1 000
years When we take into account her past history

m m
and present attitude ; and her pu blicly avowed
dete r inat ion to make her religion the d o inant
1 44 Th e D ig nity f
o M a n

Not only the Protestant clergy but the intel li gent

laity will be held largely responsi b le for th is syco
ph ancy thi s material support of modern paganis

and idolatry ; these hybrid co b inations for the

support of a foul system that i s th e enemy o f
manhood and a rebellion against God T hey will
be better known in the future more correctly

g g ed and
, more heartily and con scientiou sly de

tested .

I ndi ff erence Cowardice and Greed their main

, , ,

features ! T hese contemptible enemies of their race

and religion ! A part of the c urse of God upo n
our nation ! “
D um b D ogs !

T hanks Jere iah !
, m
T h e appellation is just .





H E historian who endeavors to set forth in

order the leading eve nts of the history of any
people ; the causes or motives producing the same ,

without taking into account the reli gious belief

and practice of such people has m issed the con

nec ting link and main factor of the whole b usiness .

T h e religious feeling is imbedded deeply in human

nature . It is an universal condition with very
few if any exceptio ns T he notions of a D ivine
, , .

Being or beings and of accountability to the same

is as wide as the world althoug h dim and vague in

the mind of all ignorant and uncivilized peo ples .

T his is due to their mode of thought and life .

T h e more enlightened and moral the people the ,

more enlightened and righteou s their God unti l

He culminates in the one Supreme perfect D eity re ,

vealed in the Scriptures Th e supreme manhood


of earth is the M an of Galilee T he supreme God


of the universe is the resurrected and glorified M an

of Galilee in conn ection with h is D ivine nature
and with the Eternal Father Christianity has

evolved a Perfect God a Perfect Law and a Per

, ,

f eet Life T h e Law of God allows no deviation


from perfect obedience to a perfect law so far as

our impe rfect humani ty find s it possible A lie .

1 45
1 46 Th e D ig nity f
o M a n

is in no case admissi b le even to save l ife Chr ist .

“ ” “
says I am the T ruth ; and we are told that al l
liars shall have their portion in the lake that b urn s

with fire and brimstone forever Christ came .

into the world to bear witness to the T ruth For .

this purpose He lived and died M illions of H is


followers have found their Geth se ane and Cal

vary .

T h e venerable Polycarp eighty six yea rs of age


w as thrown to the lio ns by Pagan Rome b ec ause

he would not deny h is Lord Savonarola Joh n.

Huss and Jerome of Prague were burned at th e

stake becau se they denounced the iniquities and
idolatries of Pap al Rome Cra ner Ridley Lati
, ,

mer and hosts of others entered heaven in a chariot

of fire T he tortures of Papal Rome exceeded in

d elicacy and refinement of agony even those of

Pagan Rome .



Christian faith and liberty i nspired the splend id

resistance of William the Silent and the Nether
lands to the forces of Phillip I I of Spain the n ,

the most powerful country of the world for ove r ,

forty years and won Cromwell s Ironsides sus

taine d by an unshakable Faith in God and Right

eou sness had no equal among the soldiers of th e

world T h e siege of Ostend like the siege of


D e rry are gloriou s memorials of Christi an loy alty


and heroi sm But time forbid s space for the great
1 48 The D ig nity f
o M a n

Some things stated in the followin g pages will

be stoutly denied and bitterly denounced by Jesuits
whethe r inside the Roman organization or as

querading as Prot estan ts Yet we are satisfied


of the ir verity M any can be verified from Papal


Bulls and other deliverances of the same author

ity ; and from the writings of authorized and ap
proved Romanist scholars and divines Some .

othe rs most di fficult of direct proof because o f the

absolutely secret and oath bou nd organization of
Roman Catholic clergy ; can only b e established by
h istorical developments necessarily proceedin g fro m
Romanist and Jesuitical principles and practices .

“ ” “
T h e tree is known by its fruits A good tre e

cannot bear evil fruit ; neither can a corrupt tree

bear good fruit . T his is ax iomatic and as plain
as the simplest math ematical propos ition .

Any church or organization that teaches Infall i

b ility is necessarily the enemy of every other
church and organization on the earth Th e Po pe .

speaking ex ca th ed r a
, is infallible
, Hence all the

moral and ispiritu al teach infi of th e P ope are

unquestionably the teachings of the Al ighty It m .

necessarily follows that whoever rejects the au

th o r i
ty and teaching of the Pope rejects the au
th ori ty and teaching of the Almighty and by so ,

doing becomes the enemy of the Roman Church

and of the Almighty H imself And f or this he
deserv es capital punishment —extirpation

, T his .

is the doctrine of Rome today to which there is

a wise addenda i e w h er e sh e has not th e pow er
. .

to ex ec u te the a b ov e sente nc e sh e ust wait . In

Rela tions of Va tica n to P r ese nt Wor ld War 1 49

iew of this teaching all talk of the union of Pro


testani s with Romanism is blatant nonsense .

T hey are diametricall y opposed You might as


well try to unite the east and west A prominent .

Romanist writer rec ently said on this subject A ,

union with Rome is very simple Just receive .

the Pope as the D ivinely inspired and infallible

H e ad of the Unive rsal Christian Church Th is

is a l l .I t is v ery si pl e Well so it is ! What


millio ns of the best people of the world su ffered

untold agonies rather than do shall we do ? No !

not wh ile truth lives upon the earth and God

reigns in Heaven ! T he traitor to h is divine M as
ter is accu rsed .

Let us bear these principles in mind M any .

Protestants will not believe th em Se arch Rome s .

writings and you will find th em on every page !

D on t let your ignorance indict me of falsehood .

T housands of Roman Catholics do not understand

the inner teaching and purposes of their church

Univ ersa l d o inion a t a ny c ost T his is the.

purpose of Rome Identical is the purpose of Ger


many Gen Bernhardi summ e d it briefly when

. .

he wrote : Universal dominion or downfall .

First let u s take a bird s eye view of the general
relation of the Vatican to the present World
War . Afterward s we will consider the baleful
in fl uence of the Jesuit upon the people of Germany .

T hat the Vatican h as had a special relation to

this universal conquest so boldly announced by
Germ an write rs is unque stionable T hat it had .

a de finite place in the universal plan i s becomin g

5 0 The D ig nity f
o M a n

clea rer every day T hat the Jesuit had a d efined


place purpose and work to perfo rm is f orcing

, ,

itself upon the consciou sness of the allied nations .

In fact tha t th e tw o K aisers a nd th e P ope w er e th e


thr ee a r c h conspirators in organizin g the present


World War there will be little room to dou b t ,

if you will consider well the following historical

facts which are generally accepted as true by th e

intelligence of the world T he tree is known

by its fruits Th e facts indicate unm istakab ly
the cau ses—T his war w as planned as ea rly as

1 895 , if not earlier Publicatio ns of this d ate



by the Pan German League and o ther societies
as well as tho se of promin e nt writers leave no roo ,

for doubt L et u s bear in mind that the plan o f

world conquest of M ittel l E ur opa of an e pire

, ,

from B e rlin to Bagdad w as then definitely con

cei v ed and h as been nouri shed ever since T h is .

is the pan sto of the whole conspiracy Let us .

g e t our starting point and our direction ri h

g ;t
th e n it will be easy to follow the road .

T h e Pope s concordat with Serbia givin g th e
Roman Church absolute control of the whole edu
c ati o nal system of the country even to paying Ro

man priests to teach Greek Catholic children th e

Roman Catholic religion w as an arrogant ty ranny
, .

T h e demand for this concordat w as suppo rted by

the threat of Au strian bayonets T he Archdu ke .

Fran cis Ferdinand w as blamed as the chief instru

ment in forcing this agreement ; and it proved one
of the factors in h is assassination .

T hen Austria made demands on S er b ia for rep

1 52 The D ig nity o f M a n

they were fighting a defens ive war f orced on th e
by Russia France and En gland,
M axi i l lian .

Harden spoke out the b rutal f act : We were not

surprised we willed the war and were prep ared

for it . Th e evidences of this fact have been so
multiplied and f rom so many credi b le sources
, ,

even from prominent authorized and official Ger,

man write rs every intelli gent man in the w orld


believes it except Germans and Pro Germans who


will believe nothing against German interest and

honor .

Another important development in this line oc

curred on the Italian f ront last O cto ber Th e .

demoralization in the Italian army and its humi

l iating defeat and retreat were mainly secu red b y
Roman propaganda ; as indicated by the watch

word of the mutineers : Long live peace ! Lo ng

live the Pope ! T h e spy sys tem maintained by a
prominent Vatican official and the d estruction of
two Italian battleships by the traitorous Cham ber

lain s agents taken in connection with other Entente

c atastroph ies prove conclu sively th at the Vatican

in fl uence w as as actively pro German as it dared -

T h e Pope s plea for peace is another very i
portant item in the general indictment against the
Vatican That plea for peace would have b een

a victory for Germany if accepted by the Entente

powers T his however was not ex pected The
, , .

real aim w as twofold First to create disse nsion .


among the Entente peoples Second it must be


co nstrued as an order to all Ro a n Catholics in

the world to work for peace on that b asis P ro .
Relations of Vatican to P r esent Wor ld War 1 53

testants generally do not understand this All .

loyal Romanists do Cardinal Gibbons the D ean


of the H ierarchy in th is country certainly does H is

, .

“ ”
plea for a sympathetic attitude on the part of
our nation towards a ny off er of peace of Ger a ny

m ,

is in line with the Pope s order as far as he dared ;

and with the knowledge of President Wilson s cu rt

rejection of the Pope s plea ; and that there would
be no peace with the Hohenzollern Junta its ,

audacity is surprising We Protestants do not u n

, ,

derstand that Cardinal Gibbons had ever been elec

ted to the position of Legal Adviser to our Presi
dent or our Secretary of State We have no sy .

pathy with the Kaiser s plan of Unive rsal Conques t
“ ”
or with h is alliance with the unspeakab le T urk
and the inhuman slaughter of nearly a million
miserab le Armenians ; men women and children
, .

We have no sympathy with the treatment of Bel

gia ns We have no sympathy with the German

doctrine that moral law national or international

, ,

human or D ivine applies only to individuals but


h as no application to nations ; that ig h t makes

rig h t; that nec essity k nows no law T hat any

ea ns however b rutal and ruthless are sanctified

, ,

and approved by the end in view We have no .

sympathy with this teaching or practice We have .

only contempt and indi gnation It is not Christian

. .

It is Satanic .

Lastly may be mentioned generally that the Ro

m an ist province of Quebec is thoroughly d isloyal

to th e D ominion Government S o is Roman ist

I rel and d isloy al to the B ritish Govern ent The .

54 Th e D ig nity o f M an

opposition to conscription in Australia w as large

ly due to the influence of the Romanist clergy .

T h e p ro Germanism of M exico and the maj or


portion of the troubles of that unhappy cou ntry

for the past hundred years have had their insp ir
ation from the same source .

T h e Roman church is an absolute monarch y w ith

a presumptuou s claim to infalli b ility It h as no .

sympathy with democracy in any form It is its .

inveterate and eternal enemy notwith standing its,

hypocritical professions of amity T his is the u ni .

que and consistent practice and h istory of th e

church It anathematizes the individual indepen

dence of thought and speech which is the fou nda


tion of all intelligent democracies .

We repeat T h e tree is known by its frui ts
, .

T h e fruits are exactly such as the Papal tree w i l l

necessarily bear ; every loyal Romanist in the w o rld
owes supreme allegiance to the Pope as the W es ,

tern Watchman boasted a few years ago : W e “

Cath ol ies are Catholics FIRS T .

Th e B al ef u l I nfl u e nc e f th e Jesuit th e
o upon

Ger an N a tion

This b ranch of the subject demands careful

handling We have to refer back many yea rs in

history to find the solution of this mys tery T h e .

k ey may be found in an utterance of Cardinal

M anning in England in 1 874 i e concerni ng , . .

the T emporal Power of the Pope the Cardin al

1 56 Th e D ig nity o f M an

Now note the th reat in th e last sentence , N ot

u ntil h is adversa r i w il l hav e c r us h ed eac h oth er


w ith u tua l d es tr uc tion .

The principal adversaries to be cru shed with

mutu al d est ruction are England and Germa ny ,

the two great strongholds of P rotestanis in
Europe at that time H ow is this to be aeco

p l i
s h e d ? By gradually s owing d iscord b etwe en
the two nations .

Th e victori es of the Germans in Aust ria D e n ,

mark and France elated the German people and

magnified their ambitions T o play upon the German

desires ; to flatter German people their superior ,

manhood their unequalled achievements their

, ,

manifes t d estiny to rule the world This w as one side .

of the question T h e other was contemptuous d ispar


age ent of all other nations espec i a lly th e B r iti

, sh ,

as summed up by J P Bane a D anish writer

. .
, .

T h e leading German writers includin g many of ,

the prominent clergy pe rsistently and extrava gant

ly di sseminated the two fundamental ideas—T h e

passionate hatred and contemptuou s disparagem ent

o f other nations ; and the equally excessive idolatry

of Germanism as the last and only hope o f th e

’ ”
world s salvation .

Standing out like a towering mountain peak is

the corruption of the Lutheran and other P rotes
tant clergy of Germany T heir flattery of the

German people and their monopoly of the Ger

man god is simply gross idolatry and b lasphe y .

I will quote a little from some of th eir lay and

cleric write rs as samples of the excess ive flatte ry ,
Relations of Vatican to P r esent Wor ld War 1 57

ex cessive H a te and gross b lasph emy which h as

, ,

mainly constituted the moral and spiritual pabu

lum of the German people for the last twenty
five y ears In view of it we can only lift our

hand s in holy horror and repeat the classic phrase ,

Whom the gods wish to d estroy they first make

” “ ”
mad . T he fine Italian hand of the Jesuit is
clearly in evidence in it all — “
T h e tree is known

by its fruits .

Note th e following : T he German people is

always ri gh t b ecau se it i
s the German people and
num be rs ei ghty seven million souls -
O R T an . . .

nenbe rg .

O ur nex t war will be fought for the high est
interests of our country and of mankind T his .

will invest it with importance in the world s h is
tory World power or downfall !
General V .

Bernhardi .

Wh o knows whether we Germans are not the
rod predestined for the chastening of these de
g eracies who knows whether we may not again
e n , ,

like our fathe rs in dim antiquity have to gird on ,

our sword s and go forth to seek dwell ing places -

f or our increase — F Lange . .

If we compare our time with the great eras
of our f athe rs we are perfectly capable of a sober

self critic i
sm We have no u se for illu sions and

self deceptions on the way to our indispensable


victory Prof F M einecke D D E
. . .
, . . .

We mu st vanquish becau se the downfall of ,

Germanism would mean the downfall of human

— “
Six War S ermons

by Pastor K Konig , .
1 58 Th e D ig nity f
o M a n

quoted in H A H p 99 . . .
, . .

When the German stand s leaning on h is mighty
swo rd clad in steel from top to toe whosoever
, ,

will may down below dance round h is feet

, ,

they may rail at him and throw mud at him as ,

the intellectuals

of England France Ru s . .
, ,

si a and Italy are now doing— in h is lofty repose

he will not allow himself to be disturbed and will ,

only reflect as did h is ancestors O de rint dum

m m

etu ant Prof W So bart H U H
. . .
, . . .

“ ’
Germany s fight against the whole world is
in reality the battle of the spirit against the whole
’ ”
world s infamy falsehood and devilish cunning, , .

— O n the Ge rman God by Pastor W Lehmann

, .

quoted in H A H . . .

D o you not see Albion that the German

, ,

M ichel on whom you looked down with such con


tempt is now transformed into the Archan gel


M ichael and warning you with h is flaming sword

, , ,

triumph s ove r the race of the fallen angels and all

the offspring of hell F D elitzsch D R S Z . .
, . . . .

We mu st win because if we were defeated no , , ,

one in the whole world could any longer cherish any

remnant of belief in truth and right in th e Good , ,

or indeed in any higher Power which w isely and

, ,

justly guides the destinies of humanity W . .

Helm W W S M , . . . .

O ne single highly cultured German warrior ,

of those who are alas ! falling in thou sand s rep , ,

r e e nts
s a higher intellectual and moral life value -

th an hundred s of the raw children of natu re
( N a tu e nsc h en ) whom England and France ,
1 60 The D ig nity f
o M an

Th e
— “
Ger an soul is the world s soul God and ,

Germany belong to one another O n the Ger .

man God by Pastor W Lehmann quoted in
, .

H A H . . .

Since almost every part of the globe is inh abi

ted new territory mu st as a rule be obtained
, , ,

at the cost of its possessors that is to say by con ,

quest which thu s b ecomes a law o f necessity

General V Bernhardi G N W .
, . . .

I have lived thirty years exclusively in Germ an
countries and my testimony is this : in the whole
of Germany there h as not been for the past f o rty

three years a single man who h as wished for war

not one Whoever denies this lies
. H S , . . .

Chamberlain K A , . .

Wh at a colossal liar ! T h e renegade English

man out Ge rmans Germany in base false hood that
never had a shadow of T ruth In this respect the .

Emperor William is h is only successful competitor .

The above quotations might be increased one

hundred or one thou sand per cent but pr o b ono ?
T hey all have the same e armarks and inspiration ,

i e supreme adulation of the Germans ; supreme

. .

contempt of her adversaries ; presumptuou s blas
p e y concerning the German God and N ecessity

K nows N o L aw ; and the E nd ju stifies the ea ns .

Yes ! T h e J esuit did h is work well He made .

a clean thorough job of it In fact he over did .

the mark ; as he u sually do es so that the slimy trail

of the serpent is easily discernible Th e v estig ia .

are unmistakable T h e most surprising and ac .

cursed part of it is the awful corruption and ah

Rela tions of Vatican to P resent Wor ld War 1 61

solute Papaliz in g of the Protestant clergy T hou .

sh alt love thy neighbor as thys elf and th e ex ,

ample given i s one of love and mercy by a man of

a despised race and a hated religion .

Love and b rotherhood are two cardinal princi

ples of Christianity T he disparagement the con

tempt and the falsehood and blas phemy of the

German clergy are not only anti christi an they are ,

satanic .

Th e K aiser a nd H is Gover n m e nt Co Operated


With the Jesuit

It is well known that B ismarck had a law cu ac

ted expelling the Jesuit from Germ any But when .

the idea of Universal Empire w as taking root in

the Emperor s brain he saw clearly th at an i

mense army and a power ful navy were absolutely

necessary to the success of the sch eme So he .

asked large sums of the Reich stag for this purpose .

T hey were refused— the Centrist or Catholic pa rty

voting against them T hen he began a secret dip

l o acy with the Vatican established a sympathetic


entente there and allowed the Jesuits to return

, .

T hen he w as voted all the money necessary The .

building of battleships made amazing strides .

T hi s compelled England and other nations to ex

pend vast sums to keep pace with Germany .

England twice made overtures to Germany to stop

building battleships and sh e would
, T his w as .

quietly ignored on the plea that the imme nse ex

pansion of German commerce needed the immense
1 62 Th e D ig nity f
o M a n

navy for protection Every leading c flicer in th e


German navy knew the real purpose w as to b u ild

a navy that would cru sh the British and a frequent

toast drank on board their en of war w as to ,

the D ay meaning the day they could meet and

cru sh B ritain on the seas .

T he present Chancellor Count Von H e rtl ing

of Bavaria w as one of the leadin g instruments

in bringing the Jesuits back to Germany and ,

having the law removed from the statute books

exiling them He h as been an ardent supporter

of the Pope and the Pope s temporal power For .

these services and for the recent plea for peace

by th e present Pope Von H e rtl ing is made Chan

c e ll o r of the Empire .

B u t it may be asked if the Vatican is one of

the active triumvirate for the conquest of the world ,

why did it consent to the destruction of Belgiu m .

If the facts ever come to light it w ill undoubtedly ,

be found that Belgium stood across the road to su e

cess and mu st be cru shed But in case of final suc

cess if the f acts ever come to light it will certainly


b e found that the reward to the Vatican would

far outweigh the loss of Belgium Success of th e .

B erlin to Bagdad Empire would e ffe ctually b lock

further extension of the Greek Church and would
seriou sly limit if not destroy it utterly in the

present Bal kan provinces It w as this dange r.

from the Greek Church which inspired the con

cordat with Serbia and cau sed so much indig
nation that with other cau ses resulted in the as

sassi nation of the Archduke Francis Ferdi nand ;

1 64 The D ig nity o f M an

so s ec retly and so universally as the Roman Churc h ?

T here is no other organizatio n on ea rth so w ell

fitted to complete the task With their vow of

a bsolute obedience their cu stomary

, eth ods o f
secretl y pu rsuing their des i gns their pe r f ect know

led ge of persons and local ities aided by the seal


o f the con f essional no organization in the world


is so well equipped to complete the work of es

p io n ag e in every civilized country and in some not
ove r civilized T he coinc idences are so mar ked

as to constitute a stron g presumption ” if not a

moral certainty that this was the Vatican s pa rt
in the aw f ul ga e o f Unive rs al D ominion T he .

tree is known by its fru its ; and the f ruits poi nt
directly to the Upas tree of Rom anism .

The outlook certainly promised a b r illi ant suc

ces s for the whole scheme With I reland stirred

to sedition by German intri gue with Sir Roge r ,

Casement and other traito rs ; w ith German treach

ery in Egy pt and the attempt to stir up civil war
there aided by M ohammedan tri bes ; with Germ an
spi es in our own country plannin g a M oh a ed an m
uprisin g in I nd ia of the eighty mil lion o f th at
faith assisted by Indian traito rs and corru pte d

with German gold ; and still of more importance
the alliance with the Sultan and the head of I sl a
in Constantinople to declare a H oly war in f av o r
o f Germany ; it certainly appeared as i f th ey hel d
the winnin g card s in the great game of wo rl d
soverei gnty . Also their assurance f rom thei r sp i es ,

in cl uding their chief in the United S tates th at ,

f alse craf ty states an Cou nt B ernstorfi th at the

, ,
Relations of Vatican to P resent World War 1 65

Germa ns in our country would nulli f y our efiorts

for war the final issue of the contest seemed cer

ta .

No wonder the German writers prophes ied that

their army would be in Paris withi n thirty to
s ixty days and France would be out of the deal .

I n six months Russia would b e overwhelmed and

then England s turn would come and a f ter Eng
land our turn would come next ; and the major
expense of the war would be levied upon us and

the swinish despica ble B ritish
, .

T he Kaiser s connection wi th the election of
Cardinal L edoch ow sk i a German Pole to be the
, ,

black Pope or general of the Jesuit order is very

si gnificant in th i s connection He could place the .

universal system of espionage H is orders would .

be implicitly obeyed .

Lastly let us consider one of the propheci es in

the B ook of Revelation T here is no book of the

Bible so twisted as to appear to uphold the most

idiotic ideas imposed upon a too credulous people .

Christian or non christian Every inventor of New


T hought or a new sect ru shes to this B ook for

D ivine approval The author believes that every

body including himself h as but a minim um of

, ,

k nowledge concerning the revelations of this book .

Still we will quote one prophecy and endeavor to

trace a si gnificance or par allelism Of cou rse .

many wi l l conclude this is visionary and some will

denounce it as malicious nevertheless

Rev . 14 And I saw three uncl ean

sp i ts like f ro gs come out of the mouth of th e

1 66 The D ig nity f M an

D ragon and out of the mouth o f the beast and out

of the mouth of the false prophet .

Fo r they are the spirits o f devils working miracl es

, ,

which go f orth unto the Kings of the earth and

of the whole world to ga ther them to the battle

o f that great day of God Al ighty .

Rev tells us the D ragon w as that old ser


pent the D ev il and Satan .

Nearly all Protestant commentato rs teach th at

the beast represents the Roman Church whose ,

capitol is built on seven hills on the banks of the

T iber .

Why not the f alse prophet sym bolizing the Jesu it

who with many f ollowers has been proph esy ing
, ,

for twenty five years like one in the O ld T es ta

“ ”
ment : Go up and conquer !
With this little parable we give the evidence to
the j ury and se renely await the verdi ct .
1 68 Th e D ig nity f M an

T he B ritish M edical Journal commenting on

thi s subject said : The splendid newly b uilt
Catholic Church the well built convent now and
, ,

then the bishop s palace ri se among the wretched

cabins of some of the poorest people in the world .

T ake fo r ex am ple the Roman Catholic Cath e

dral of M exico City said to be one of the grand

es t on the A merican Continent ; and the peons

of that country are among the most poverty stricken
and most ignorant peoples of the world Roman

is is an abso lute des potism of the most arbitrary

nature Her command s mu st not be questioned
. .

T hey mu st receive absolute unquestioned servile , , ,

o be di ence Hence Rome can only sympathize with


Autocratic and Aristocratic governments Let not .

repu bl i es dec e ive them selv es by thinking Rome h as

any sympathy with the ; or any intention to

treat them j ustly T he church h as be en the prin

cip al and mo st powerful enemy of M exico from the

beginning of her possession of that unhappy coun
try T he hierarchy parade their grandeur ; and

the masses of the p eople parade their squalor .

We will furnish a little further ev idence on

this point Australia and Arge ntine according

to the Buenos Ayres Standard are very similar in ,

area and population ; yet Australia h as a public

revenue of against about ! 4 ooo 000 , ,

for Argentine and a foreign commerce amou nt ing

to ! 1 3 2 ooo ooo against
, ,

M r Ernest Philips of London in his book


Papal M erchandise says : “
The trade retu rns

of 1 8 Protestant countries show per cap ita .

R mi
o a n st C ou ntr i
es P oor est in Chr istendo m6
1 9 °

While the trade returns of 2 1 Roman Catholic

countries show only $2 per capita .

Again M r Philips says : T he following coun


tries were in bankruptcy during the l gth Century ‘

Roman Catholic
Greek Church
M oh ammedan
Also M r Philips says

Spain Portugal South America and M exico

, , , ,

have be en b ankrupt from one to four times while

Great B ritain and her colonies have not furnished
a single instance .

Rome absolutely ene rvates and paralyzes thou ght ,

initiation and enterprise T he curse o f the A l

, .

mi ghty inevitably attend s the system .




M R Ern est Philips in h is exhaustive wor k is


respo nsible for the following : Eight Ro
man Catholic Countries Spain Portu gal B elgiu , , , m

Italy B razil France Austria Hungary and Ve ne

, , ,

z uel a with a com b ined area of nearly 4 % milli o n


square miles and a po pulation of 1 48 millions of

which the average is 92 % Catholic and the per

c e nt o f il literacy is six ty

. .

T he f ollowing eight Protestant Countries Vic

toria Sweden Switzerland Holland Ge rmany
, , , , ,

D enmark Great B ritain and the United S tates


with an area o f a little less than the othe rs and a

population of about 2 5 0 millions of whom 80 %
are Protestants and the illiteracy is only
Could any figures more eloquently illustrate the
baleful influence o f Rome on every people into
whose system she fastens her tentacles ? Apath y ,

torpor inertia become their unive rsal ch aracte ris

, ,

ti es Their f ruits are ignoran ce poverty and crime

, , .

“ ”
The tree is known by its f ruits Further the .

more emphatically a people is Romanist the more ,

conspicuous becom es their poverty ignorance and ,

crime ; and vice versa .

The American Citizen then ( 1 9 1 0 ) o f O ran ge ,

N J pu b lished the following


1 7o
1 72 The D ig nity f
o M a n

ble positions in all lines of business O the rw ise .

they would unive rsally be filled and controlled b y

Protestants to the detrime nt of her ow n people ,

to which they would not submit and wou ld event

u al ly be lost to Rom e And yet Catholic Schools

even in ou r count ry are as a rule more super

, , ,

ficial and showy than solid and substantial Ex .

President Eliot of H a rvard is authority for the

statement that Few graduates of Roman Cathe

lic Schools could enter the Freshman Cl ass at H ar

vard .

M r Hugh O D onnel a prominent I rish Cath o

lic speaking of the Education Admini ste red by h is


church says :

T here is perhaps no f actor of Irish decay more
potent in evil than the ignorant slovenly superfi c ial , , ,

pietistic parody of instruction which is the fate of ,

the I rish school girl In fact the root of thriftless


I rish homes is the nu n sch ool Just as the root of .

the I rish National ignorance is in the Cl erical ized

monopoly of all education T he female clericalism .

like the male clericalism starves the brains of the

laity by bad education and forbids their employ,

ment when they survive the starvation .

M r M J F M cCarthy another prominent

. . . .

Irishman gives the following testimony


Why then is there this preponderance of Pro
testant business and professional men ? I say it is
becau se there is a more general ability and business
capacity among them ; and it is easier to pick out
good practical men on that side than on ou r side .

Why is there more general a b ility and wo rl dly

M ost Il l iterate Cou ntr ies in Ch r iste ndo m 73 1

c apacity amongst them ? I have before remarked

that the l e aven of Superior education is three times
as gr eat in proportion to th e mass amongst the

Protestants as amongst the C atholies .

No Protestant writer can describe the corrup

tions p rofligacy ignorance pove rty and crimin
, , , ,

ality of the Roman Church in more sc athing even ,

bitter terms than prominent men of her own com

munion . In the main they were honorable and
upright men who honestly denounced her corrup

tions in order to bring about a reformation in her

head and mem be rs .

T h e sham and showy education taught in Catho

lic Schools is fitly called by M r O D onnel a pie

tis tic par ody on instr u c tion too much time g iven

the Queen of H e aven the saints and the Almighty

, ,

power of the priesthood ! It is much to be regretted

that the Romanist spirit is infecting our Public
Schools too much sham and show and too little a

foundation of accurate schola rship T h e fo rmer


su pe r flu i
ty many times intend e d to cover up the
latter deficiency .



T and untrue Wait till you examine the evi

H IS allegation may seem to some people sev e re

dence T he proofs are o f ten a complete surpr ise


to the historian and investigator Listen to what .

B ishop Neely of M E Church says on this su b

. .

j “
ec t : In h i
s work on South A erica he says
T h e Roman Catholic Church in South Amer
ica h as b een a sad failure It had be fore it a g reat

Oppo rtuni ty For centuries it had the entire field


without a competitor It h as failed to develop a


spiritual Christianity to give the people freed om ,

either political or religious to enlighten and make


the people intelligent or greatly to b etter their

social condition.

Right in line with the B ishop s words M r , .

Walter Scott Lee says : Knowing the corrupt

lives Of the priests it is hardly necessa ry to say

that the most u nspeakable corruption is p revalent

everywhere in all classes of society .

T o this may be added the word s of D r Francis .

E Clark in h is reference to South A erica
. Like .

priest like people T h e immorality of the pries ts

, .

is doubtless one reason for the loosen ess of the

family tie in all parts Of South A erica .

Says the B razilian Journal : T he herita ge
which Spain and Portu gal left their South A mer
1 74
1 76 Th e D ig nity o f M an

the are so absol utely infa ous and demoralizin g m
that I do not wish to u se the language necessary
to describe th em After four years Of careful con

sideration and the utmost pains taken to ascertain

the truth about this order I am comp ell ed to ,

abolish it .

After a few month s Pope Cl ement w as found

dead in h is bed supposed to be po isoned by the

Jesuits Th e black Pope head Of the order Of the


S J proba b ly knew more a bout it than any other

. .

person .

Erasmus that peerless scholar of the 1 6th cen


tury who lived and died in the bosom of the Cath o

lic Church calls the monks sots and hooded
, ,
” “
whoremongers and further says : O bedience is
so taught as to hide that there i s any Obedience

to God Kings are to obe y the Po pe Priests are

. .

to obey their bishops M onks are to Obey their .

abbots O ath s are exacted that di sobedience may


be punished as perjury It may happen and it .


often does happ e n th at an abbot may be a fool ,

or a d runkard He i ssues an order to the brother


hood in the name Of holy Obedience And what .

will such order be ? An order to be chaste ? An

order to be sober ? An order to tell no lies ? Not
one of these things ! It will be that a b rother is
not to learn Greek ; he is not to ed u ca te h i se lf

m .

He may be a sot He may go with prostitutes . .

He may be full of hatred and malice He may .

nev er look inside a B i ble N O matter ! He h as .

not broken any oath H e is an excellent member .

of the community B ut if he disobeys such a co .

M ost I m
or a and m
Cri inal in Chr istendo m77

mand as not to study or instruct h imsel f there is

the stake or dungeon f or him instantly .

What a picture of the corruption of the priest

hood and monks in that age ! Erasm us like other ,

good men i nside the church denounced its profli


g y
ac and appealed to the pope to secu re a refo r

mation of its notorious scandals B ut Eras us

failed as B ishop Stross eyer and others fai led as ,

M artin Luther failed and incurred the eternal

enmity of the Church and its excommunication ;
as Savonarola failed and w as publicly burnt for

h is pains ; as John Hu ss and Jerome of Prague

failed and were furnished a fiery chariot to heaven ,

but quite unlike Elij ah s .

Pope John XX II w as accused of nearly al l

crimes in the calendar and w as deposed by the
Council of Constance Several other Popes were

guilty of the most outrageous crim es including

adultery incest and murder but were not dei
, , ,

posed Another boy of about ten years w as made


Pope by h is prostitute mother and died before he

w as tw enty a victim of h is own se nsual bestial ,


For 1 5 0 years the prostitutes of Rome controlled

even the papacy What other fruits can su ch a

tree bear ? I f the fountain is poisoned what O f the
stream ?

Reme ber th e papal adage ! ES e per ' m
E adem and yet catholic priests in this Year O f
Grace 1 91 6 have been prating a bout the chastity
of Romi sh women and contrasti ng this with th e

looseness and wantonness o f Pr otestant women .

It is the most arrogant and b raze n h ypoc risy !

1 78 Th e D ig nity f
o M a n

Every intelligent priest is lying when he talks so !

Protestants as a rule are too intelligent to be thus
imposed upon ; their Ow n ignorant dupes may feel
flattered and believe it .

And now lest some i gnorant Protestant should

generou sly think that Roman morality is equal to
Protestant in a Protestant Country allow me to ,

present a f ew statisties and then judge for your

selves .

In London in 1 906 there were convicts

according to the public records ; Of these
were Romanists .T h e percentage Of the whole
population w as 5 6 And the number of Roman

ist convicts w as over four times the number Of

Protestants according to this percentage T he .

number of murders in the City of Rome in the

year 1 898 w as 1 2 8 In London for the same

year the number w as 1 7 .

London then had about inhabitants .

Rome 11 11 11 11

London h as fifteen or sixteen times the popu l a

tion of Rome and at the Lo ndon rate per popu
l ation Rome would have had 2 000 instead of 1 2 8 .

And Rome w as the seat of the Papacy for at least

1 2 00 years. What a parody on Roman h ol iness ?
Is there a City in the world Christian or Pagan , ,

that can deprive Rome of her ascendancy in

adultery and murder ?
You will bear witness to the natural logical , ,

and inevitable influence Of the Romish H ierarch y .

T ake one more citation from the old world .

Scotland from 1 896 to 1 905 had 2 4 convictions

1 80 Th e D ig nity o f M an

T h e Honorable D exter A H awkins reports for


the Pu b lic and Parochial sch ools of M aine as fol

lows :
For the Public Schools 1 1 criminals to

population .

For the Paro ch ial Schools 1 60 cri inals to

population .

Perhaps the fact that Cardinal O Connel l lives
in Boston may in part account for such a report .

Some time ago Ireland compiled a Report of

Juvenile Offende rs as follows

T otal
number 1 099
Romanists 95 6 or

Romanist population The Romish

schools were in extreme need Of Protestant moral

influences .

Statistics of 1 870 taken from the Census show

that the Roman Catholic Parochial schools o f New
York furnished three and one half tim es as many
paupers criminals and moral degene rates as the
, , ,

Public Schools A s an Economic M easure of


souls bodies and expense why does not the great

, ,

State Of New York a bolish the Parochi al S ch ools ?

I f ac cording to Romish authorities the Pu b lic ,

Sc hools of this count ry produ ce nothing b ut a

godless generation Of thieves and b lackguards
what kind Of language is necessary to describ e the
product Of the Parochial Schools ? The descrip
tion must be in Latin or the w riter wou ld b e arrest
ed and fined for usi ng obscene language .
M ost I m
ml or a a nd m
Cr i ina l in Chr iste nd o m8 1 1

T he Chaplain at the State Prison at Concord ,

M ass reports : of total inmates 5 60 400 were

, ,

Romanists or more than five tim es their equal pro


portion At D eer I sland the number w as 75 %


o f the whole ; and at th e Cambridge hou se of cor

rection 90 %
We believe the above reports will represent a
fair ave rage of all reports on both sides Of the A t
lantic T hey show conclusively the criminality

the illiteracy and the poverty Of Romish popu

l ations to be from 7 to 9 times that Of Protes
tants .

A s an Economic measure of souls bodies and , , ,

cash why is not Romanism abolished from the


face of the whole earth ? Will decent people sub

mit to this curse Of God forever ? If they do then
Satan h as a heavy mortgage upon Christendom .

T h e enervating degenerating and paralyzing efiect


on th e mental and moral faculties of the race i s

so monstrou s it can only be interpreted as the cu rse

of God upon any people who submit to it .



HAT the Roman Catholic peoples are the most

viciou s and immoral on the face of the earth
will create no surprise in the minds of t hose w ho
have studied the H istory Of the Popes by D octo rs
A lzog and Pastor and other Romanist write rs ,

whose works have received the approval of the

H ierarch y and also the Roman Catholic M oral ?

T heology by St Alphonsu s Li guori and other

eminent Theologians Of their own church .

T here are certain truth s which have beco e sel f

evident ; and are quoted and accepted as m ax ims
Like people—like priest and a strea
“ ” “
such as , , ,

rises no higher than its source T he wo rship of

M olock w as savage and the wo rshipe rs were satu r

ated wi th cruelty T he worship of Bacchus w as

drunken and the worshipers were shamelessly pro

fligate . The worship of Venu s and D iana w as
cele b rated wi th lecherous a b andon It w as love

without law .Not love but passion ! Ancient

Paganism taught that the most sh ameless p rofli

gacy and vilest criminali ty mi ght b e condoned
by rich gifts to the priests ; and that priests on
account of their holy Office should not b e held re

sponsible for crimes like laymen .

M odern Paganism ( Roman is ) m asquerading

1 82
1 84 Th e D ig nity o f M a n

fac tion The n they appealed to Cardinal M artin


e ll i th e papal legate in Washingto n He tol d th e


he co u ld do nothing and that the Vatic an wou ld
not even consi der th e. T hen th ey ap pea led to

the Vatican and rece ived no answer Priest Crow .

l ey w as one of the twe nty and he beca e so disgus

ted with the gross i morality Of the H ie rarch y no t ,

eve n punish ing the wo rst crimes Of its me be rs ;

but O ften p romoting the v ilest Offenders to influe n
ti al and ri ch benefices in preference to d ece ntly
virtuous pri ests ; that he fh al ty re p udiated the
Church and left it H e has le ft an accou nt Of

m m
th ese devilish practi ces o n record in h i s b ook o n
“ ”
Ro anism ; and defies the Church to refute th e .

If the re is anything f alse in these records the y have
a p ro pt and very Ofte n a w illing reme dy in th e
j ud iciary Of the Country But they do not da re

tak e th ese cases into the Cou rts for the reason
that it would only se rve to give th em f urthe r pu b
lic ity ; a nd agg ravate the evil instea d of cur ing it .

If a Ch ic ago Court cou ld acquit a priest 0f an

unpr ovoked murder decl aring that he w as insane
‘‘ .

when he committed the c rime but quite sane j ust

befo re it and ju st after it ,and has be en all the

ti e S ince ! If a Ch ic ago Court c ould have the

ar rogance and i pu dence to acquit a priestly mur
de rer and give such a re on there for what unde r ,

heaven can it not do ? Wh y did not a Protestant

m m m
m m m m
ob l y nch the urderer ? A Protestant ob ! It

m m
non est .Ro anist o bs have ur dered en for
less cri es and Of ten fo r no cri es .

T hey do not da re take Father Crowl ey into


M oral Theol ogy a nd M ora l Sta ndard 1 85

the Cou rts but they can mob him It is a l ost .

cause th at must resort to mob and murder But .

a Protestant people is often patient long su ff ering ,


and frequently serv il e Wh en th ey su ffer such a


parody of ju stice as the above it might be said

m m
again , 0 Justice ! thou art fled to brutish beasts

a nd en have lost their Re ason It may beco e


ne cessary to rev ise the Old patriotic song T he
land of the fr ee and the home Of the brave .

T h e Land Of the Ch urc h and the home of the

slave w ill be more fitting if matte rs move much

lo nge r in their present trend .

But we wish to present some more ev idenc e of

Ro ish Immoral Theology Note the fol lowing .

The Sacred Heart magazine h as the followi ng

blessed piece of info rmation : T o practi ce this de
voti on Fi rst we can every mo rning and even

ing on r is i ng and ret iring say three Hail M arys

, ,

pr ostrate or at l east kneeling ; and add to each


0 M ary by th y pure and

A ve this short prayer : ,

i maculate co nception make my b ody pu re and ,

y so u l holy We should then as Saint S tanislaus

always did ask M ary s blessing as Ou r M other
, ,

place ourse lves under the mantle Of h er protection ;

beseeching her to guard us during the coming day or
nig h t from sin For this purpose it is very ad

visab le to have a beautiful pictu re o r i mage of the ,

Blessed Virgin Second w e can say the Angelus

, ,

with the usu al th ree Hail M arys in the morning

at mid d ay and in the evening
Pope Joh n X II .
, ,

was the fi rst to grant an indul gence for this de

Voti ce ; i t was on th e following occasion as Fath er ,
1 86 Th e D ig nity f
o M a n

Crasset relates it :A criminal w as condemn e d

to be burned alive on the vigil Of the Annunci
ation of the M other Of God : He saluted her
with a Hail M ary and in the midst of the flames
he and even h is clothes remained
, ,

Benedict X I I I afterwards granted a hundred days
indulgence to all who recite it and a plenary in ,

du lge nce once a month to those who during that

time have recited it daily as above on condition ,

of going to confession and receiving the Holy Co

munion and praying for the u sual intentions
, .

Father Crasset says that Clement X granted other

indulgences to those w ho at the end Of each H ail ,

M ary add T hanks be to God and to M ary

, , .

Formerly at the sound of the bell all knelt down

, ,

to say the Angelus ; but in the present day there

are some who are ashamed to do so ; Saint Charles
Borrom eo w as not ash amed to get out of h is car
riage or off h is h ors e to say it in the street and
, , ,

even sometimes in the mud It is related that there .

w as a slothful religious who neglected to kneel

at the sound of the Angelu s bell ; h e saw the b elfry
b ow dow n th r ee ti es and a voice said m “
,Behold ,

Vil t thou not do what even inanimate creatures

d i‘ ”

0 0

D e Cor tells us ( on page 5 3

on n History ,

Of the Popes Vol I I ) that Pope John XXI I
, .

proclaimed heretical opinions and w as forced by ,

King Philip of France to pu b licly revoke them .

Also that he had covered Germany with wars


and disasters Also that he had caused his papal


Inquisition to burn more than ten thou sand Chris

1 88 Th e D ig nity o f M an

a si
n ag ainst the church h as no forgiveness neither

in this worl d nor in the worl d to come
Some priests even teach that It Is a greater
crime to omit going to m ass and to confession

than to commit murder .

If such b e the immoral standards Of the Church

what can be expected of its members ? T he ch ar
acter of its membe rs h as unfortunately harmon
iz ed most remarkably with her immoral standard s .

This h as been the case not only with the common

people but also with every branch of the priest
hood T he popes themselves the worst sinners !
, ,

N ow it m us t be admitted that some bad individ

nals di sgrace the very best or ganizations But .

these are the exceptions among Protestant Churches .

O n the other hand the virtuous popes and prel ates

have been the exceptions and the p rofligates the
rul e A distingui shed writer h as decl ared that no

civil dynasty h as furnished so large a percentage of

p rofligates and Of criminals as the popedom T hei r .

own ch urch furni sh the f acts T hese are not Prot es .

tant lies If lies th ey are th e lies of many Of the


most distin guished membe rs Of the Roman Chu rch ,

Historians and other eminent pe rsonages w ho lived


and di ed g ood catholics In another place wil l .

be found many examples of Popish p rofligacy and

criminality What can be expected of a H ierarch y

that will approve and adopt a M oral Theology the

most co rrupt and immoral on the face Of the earth ?
Every truth f ul hon est moral man in the church
, , , , ,

l ay or cler ic should blush with shame fo r being ad

h erents of su ch lying lecherous grafting and

, ur ,
Th e

M oral Theol ogy and M oral Standard 1 89

code of sh ameless cr i inality Why do not
derous .

mo re of the hono rable laity repu diate th is im o ral ‘‘

code and aba ndon it ? DO th ey wish to be par ti

c eps c ri i m ni s of i

ts t aint ed pro fits ? Or are they

mo ral cow ard s ? T he tree is known by its fruits .

Until the mo ral standard is purified and ex alted

the standard of l ivi ng in the Church will be un
changed . N o peop le as a rule r ise ab ove their

chu rch or moral standards Ho no rable except io ns

w ill always be foun d ; bu t they w ill be few m nu

be r ; yet mad e of the stu fl that furn ished the mar
ty rs of all th e Christian Centuries M en and .

wome n who cou ld neither be bou gh t or fri gh tened ,

who could die but could not l ie We have con .


sc ie nti ous dauntless unconq uer able souls who su f

, ,

fe t ed ext remist to rtu res rather than abdicate their


manhood in doing what the y believed w rong .

T hese heroic souls created I nde pendent Sove r


ei g ns ; made b u t a lit t le lower than the An gels
crowned w ith glo ry and h onor for all the
eternities .

T herefore there nee d be no surprise that mo st

caref ul ly compiled statisties prove beyond qu estion

th at the Roman Catholic nations are the most

m m
m m
po ve rty stricken the ost servile the most ill iter
, ,

m m
ate and the ost i o ral and cri inal in Chris


tendo o r we b elieve
, in Paganis
, T h e early .

Choc taw or Winnebago tri b es wou ld regard with


ho rror the Romish Code Of l ying lechery and , ,

murder .

B u t a better day is d awning Nearly all the


Rom anist Count ries of the world h ave w ithi n the

1 90 The D ig nity f
o M a n

pas t fif ty to one hundred yea rs cas t ofi the Rom ish

yo ke of greed and ty ranny and granted a limited
or f ull measu re of liberty Of Conscience Italy .

France and Portugal in Europe and all the Cen


tral and South American Countri es have renounce d

in a measure or wholly their allegiance to Rom e .

T h e M o ther of Harlots and abominatio ns of the

earth is repudiated by her own children .

Surely there is something radically and funda

mentally wrong when after centuries of absolute ,

and undivided control her own children denounce


and despoil her Notwithstanding her threats Of


ostracism and consignment to eternal damnation ;


notwith standing her secret and iron grip upon

politics and business ; notw ithstanding her secret
spi es through the Confessional and J esu i srn ; and

the frequent mob b in g and murdering of those who
l eave her co munion and those who expo se her

corruptions and ty ranny ; the re must be something

fundamentally essentially wrong when her Ow n
, ,

chil dren repudiate and rob her .

But millions of her own adherents will not be

lieve her vile record ; and millio ns even of ignor , ,

ant and indifierent Protestants canno t comprehend

her utter vileness her criminal and b loody teach

ing and practice ; and think ex priests and ex nu ns - -

and others are ly ing when they are not telling

one half the truth T h e whole truth is known

only to God who will reward every man accord

to h is deed s Every man whether pope cardinal
, ,

b ishop or priest will answer for crime Before

, , .

th e high court of heaven there will b e no exc eption s

1 92 The D ig nity f
o M a n

m m
tak es as uch power to do this as to re ove a

ou ntain . For refusing adoration to th is absu r
dity this blasphemy to adore a pancak e God and
, ,

other her esies Huss w as condemned and bu rn t at


the stake on the 6th day of July 1 4 1 5 , .

Th e E mperor Sigismund had pled ged h is royal

word that Hu ss should be allowed pe aceably to go

to Constance and return home T he Royal or

I perial res c r ipt pled ged him a safe condu ct to

Constanc e and return Notwith standing th is

“ ”
safe conduct the council condemned Huss and the

E mpe ror allow ed him to be bu rnt .

M any of the princes of Germany bla e d the

Emperor for this voluntary breach of his pled ged

w ord . The word of an Emperor should be

above su spicion T he pledged troth of a King

should b e inviolate ! T ruth is the responsi b ility of

every man espec ially of those in au thority .

Abou t two months afte rward the Coun cil to

protect itself and the Emperor took the fol lowi ng
ac tion :

T his prese nt sacred synod de cla res tha t wh at
soev er safe conduct h as b ee n granted by the e

p e r o r ki ngs or other secu lar princes to he retics

, , ,

or su ch as are def amed for heresy thinkin g thu s

to recall the from the ir errors and by ,

whatsoever bond they have obliged the selves to

th e o bservance of it no prejudi ce can a rise
, no ,

impediment can or ought to be put to th e C atholi c

faith or other ecclesiastical jurisdiction but that ,

( n ot w it hsta nding the saf e conduct ) it ma y b e law

ful for any competent and ecc lesiastical jud ge to

Th e

M oral Theol ogy a nd M oral Standard 1 93

m m
i nquire into the erro rs of such pe rsons and duly ,

othe rways proc eed agai nst the and punish the

so far as ju stice shall req uire if they sh al l pertin,

ac i ously refuse to revo ke their er ro rs ; y ea though ,

they come to the place of j u d gment rely in g upon ,

m m
su ch safe cond uct and would not othe rwise co e

thither ; no r d oth he who so p ro iseth re ain ,

o b liged 1 n anything when he h as do ne what lies 1 n

him . H isto ry o f the Conne1 ls by Labbe and

Coss a rt Vol XI I cols 1 69 7

, , ,

T his d ecree did not satisfy all inds and the ,

act of the council c ontra ry to the e
, ror s pled


g ed faith continued
, to exc ite adve rse c r itic s .

T he council passe d another dec ree in fu rther ex

planation of its action threatening punishme nt to

those w ho should therea fter dispara ge either the

cou ncil or the empe ror Th is dec ree ru ns thus

T he holy sy nod decrees : Fo ras u ch a certai n
persons presumptuou sly or with a siniste r intention

m m
or wi sh in g to b e w ise abov e w hat i s rig h t n o t o nl y ,

calu niate the e pe ror but also this sac red cou n

cil with slanderous tongu es pu b licly and secretly

, ,

say ing or i nsi nu atin g that the safe conduct gi ven

m m
by the ost invin cible P r ince Si gi smu nd king of ,

the Ro a ns
Hung a ry etc to John H u
, , .
, the ,

he resia rch of exec rabl e m e o ry was unduly vio

, ,

lated contrary to justice and honor ; althou gh the

sa i d Joh n H uss by obstinately i pu gning the or


thodox fa ith forfei , ted all saf e conduct and pr ivi

m m
l eges and no f aith or pro ise was to be kept with

h i by natu r al l aw either hu a n or div ine to

, ,

the prej u dice of the Catholic faith ; th erefore the ,

1 94 Th e D ig nity f
o M n a

sa id holy sy nod d eclares by the tenor o f th ese p re

sents that the said m ost invinci b le pr i
, nce notwith ,

standi ng the said safe conduct did what he c ou l d


and what became H is Imperial aj esty w ith re ,

spect to the said John Hu ss ; an it enj oins and

forb id s all singular Christians whatever di gnity ,

g rade pree
, inence condition ,s tate , or se x hen ce
, ,

forth to slander or in any way disparage the sacred

council or the Imperial M aj esty for their dee d s
in the matter of John Huss ; and it decrees that
wh osoever transgresses this command shall b e pu n
ish od without pardon as an abbetter of he resy and
, ,

guilty of high treaso n .

Such is the second decree of the sacred ecumenical

synod of Constance concerning John Hu ss .

T h e breach of the Emperor s good faith was not
denied but rather w as j ustified ; and this cou rse
of reasoning is entirely in harmony with the prin
cipl es and practices of the church .

Lord Acton an Engl ish Catholic h as left on

record the following frank statement in a colle e ,

tion of essays

In the religious struggle a frenzy had be en
kindled which made weakness violent and tu rne d ,

good men into prodigies of ferocity and at Rome , ,

where every loss inflicted on Catholicism and every

wound was felt the belief that in dealing with
, ” ,

heretics murder is better than toleration p revailed

, ,

for hal f a century T h e predecessor of G regory


had been Inquisitor General In h is eyes Pro


testants were worse than pagans and Lutherans ,

more dangerou s than other Protestants The .

1 96 The D ig nity f
o M an

m m
is even me rcy to k ill the that they ay sin no
” “
Th e H istory o f Freedo m and other Es
ore .

says by John E erich E dward D al be rg Acton

( L o rd Act o n ) ed i
t e d by John ,Neville Fo i
gg s ,

and Reg i nald

L itt D . .
, Ve re Lau rence N A , .

London M ac illan , Cc Lft 1 909 p ages 1 3 8

, , ,

1 41 .

Th e above urely ill ustrate the reverenc e in


which Tru th is he ld by Rome and espec ially when

applied to P rotestants Ch ri st is th e T rut

Chri st ianity teach es u nive rs al T ruth and T ru th

fulness .

A good tree cannot b ri ng f orth evil f ruit ;
ne ith er can a corrupt t ree b ri ng forth good f ru it


l the t ree i M
s known by i ts fru it att
. .

le .

Conc l usion

To the
Protestant the B ibl e is the Supreme
L aw and the onl y Inf alli bl e g uide to Faith and
M oral s .

From th e Dignity o f M an as seen in h is crea

tion Rede ptio n and Final D estiny corroborated

by oth er testi ony fro m ,

the sa e S criptu res we m ,

have evolved th e following p ropositions wh ich

app ea r to b e fu da ental and essen tial to all i n
tel l i
g en t anh ood
1 I ndividual I ndep end ence of thou ght choice
, ,

and acti on .

2 . L iberty of
3 . Individual Responsibility d irectly to God and
Th e M oral Th eolo gy a nd M oral Standard 1 97

not th rough a master a priest a church o r a king

, , , .

4 . N o o ne h as th e Ri g ht or Power to evade his

own pe rsonal responsi b ility or to place it on any

person or organization and vice versa, .

5 . No per so n or or ga n ization h a s the R,

igh t or

Power to assume another s respo nsi b ility .

6 T here is no D ivine Right of Kings or Pri ests


to do wrong T hey are held to individual respon


si bility ju st as all others N ot o nly so but whole


fami l ies and peoples are often pu nished for the

s ins of their Ki ngs and pri ests ; for allowi ng and

following such leadership .

7 . Ea c h id i
v id ua l soul havin g be en c reated mor

ally independ ent and responsi b le h as a right to
demand Individual and Fin al Judg ent .

T h e a bove are unquestiona b ly th e te achings of

the B i ble and the fundam ental elements of man
hood They are what constitute h i a man and

essential to all in tellige nt ma nhood Wh e n an in .

div idu al o r a people ignores those principles they

have ab dicated their manhood Such a being

c eas es to be a a n and bec om es a thing a ere ,

too l and instru ent of wickednes s ; and a menace

to the w el fare of h i s race T h ey are the fit ele

e nts of ob murder
, , tyranny anarchy and civil

stri fe . T hey constitute the disco rdant c hord s of

society and humani ty ; the prolific mo the r of ea rth s

miseries and woes See M ex ico for an illustration !


m m
Rome d enies all the a bove pr inc iples and in
doing so co mits th e gravest crime a gainst an
h ood and the most arrogant rebell ion against God .

We have illustra te d the baleful paralyzing ia , .

98 Th e D ig nity f M an

fluence of the priestly class whether Pagan o r Papal

from the h istory o f the most ancient nations d own
to the present t ime T he results are always th e

same .

T oday and f or the last 1 00 years th e papal

, ,

nations are according to the most reliab le statis


tics o bt aina b le :

The most illiterate in Christendom .

The most poverty stricken in Christend om .

T he most viciou s and criminal in Ch ristendo

Romanism therefore anti sc riptural

is Her -

idolatry is as greedy tyrannou s and profligate as
, ,

any ancient paganism The cu rse of the Al igh ty


against all idolatry follows her over the whole

earth Her b al eful influence is seen in the ignor

ance poverty and cr imi nality o f every nation that

, , ,

h as su bmitted to her dom ination T h is on the au .

th ority o f her own children For urgent and .

im pe rative economic reasons ; for a bsolu tely necos

sary M oral Reasons ; and for the H igh est Spi ritu al
Reason of personal enlightenment elevation and ,

final salvation ; Rome should perish from the earth

B ut some one may ask i f Rome is so utterly and

a bominab ly corrupt and wicked why does not the

Almighty destroy her ?

With most profound reverence for the power

of God there is but one way in which it can b e

done ; and that is by the voluntary action of he r

ow n people and othe rs .

Is it not enou gh that God cu rses every Ro an

(I ) The D ig nity o f M an

for a huge ar y and na vy
to pre p are for u n iversal

conqu st e . T he ch ariots of the Lord are s as ing

Co m ercial G ree d , Ra ci al P ride and Rel ig ou s

B i gotry It w ill take Ge r any 1 00 years to p ay

the thousand ill ions d eb ts of this w ar The I nte .

gral Calcu lus i

m m
s not suffici ent to esti ate the v alu e

of hu fe, the flower of Ge r any s ju st p ride ;
an l i
and the woes of w i d owhood and of orph an ch il ,

dren Th e iron is now ente ring the soul of Ger

any with the foe k noc ki ng at he r doors and

possi b ly soon i
n her beautiful , proud capital .

Wh en the Ger an people awake to a f ull real i

m m
m m m
z ation of their terrible istake the E peror
Willia will he the worst hated an in the E

m; m
p ire .The people w ill w reak vengeance u pon the ir
ad a b itio us ungodly le ade rs Finally the Vati
, .

We mt
us not for get
d that the Pope supporte

by the Au strian Government forced a conco rdat

upon Se rbi a g i ving Ro e the co ntrol of the wh ole

educati on of Se rbi a Th is sti rred up a ost bitte r

fe el ing towards Ro e and Austria which found ,

exp ressi on i n the Serb i an Jou rnals wh i ch w as the

ind irect cau se of the assassin ati on o f the A rch du ke
Fr ancis and his M o rganat ic wife I n re venge .

Austr i a f o rced condit ions upon Servia wh ich as an

independe nt people she cou ld not accep t .

w as i edi atel y declared Ge rmany seconded he r .

ally .Austr ia and Ge r any were p repared Eu .

gl and Fra
, and Ru ssia w ere not p repared
, Th is .

m m
was Ger any s o pportu ni ty T he p retext was .

eage rly e braced Ger any at o nce rushed her .


M oral The ol ogy and M oral S tandar d 2 01

troops ag ainst France throu gh B el giu peacea b ly m , ,

if sh e mi gh t vio lently if necessary

, ,When pe ace .

a b le transit w as denied ; a passage w as force d The .

trea ty by w hich Ger any with other nations guar
anteed the integr i ty of B elgiu w as i nsolently
“ ”
cal le d a Sc rap of paper and torn to sh red s .

The P ope and the two Empe rors confid ently

expected th e German arm y to b e in P ari s i n th ree
to si x weeks D id not the sudden crush i ng of

Austria in 1 866 ; and the ove rwhelming def eat

of France i n 1 870 justi fy the th ree conspirators

in ex pecting to again overwhe lm France in about

a onth and f o rce a se parate peace with Fra nc e ,

eli i nated .T hey f orgot God th e final res o rt of ,

m m
the poor and u np re pare d ? The he roic resistance

of Be lgiu save d F rance Yet the Ge r ans were

with i n 1 8 iles of Paris when they were forced

to a p rec ipit ate retreat T hey have been ret reat ing

ever si nce . T he prob a b ility is that bef o re th is is

in print the re will not be a Ge rman sold ier on
French so il .

T here is a vast difi ere nce be tween the France

of 1 870 and the Fran ce of 1 9 1 4 Napoleon I I I .

m m
and h is b igoted consort we re absolutely ru led by
Ro e Every b ranch o f the gove rn ent was cor

ru pt and ve n al I gnominious def eat was th e in


ev ita ble conse quence Rome was ma inly responsi


ble f or Sed an

Soon af terw ard France replaced the rotte n E
p ire with a Repu bl ic ; ex pe l led the Jesu i ts ; rbed
th e d espoti sm of Rome and dec reed liberty of

consci enc e to all her people .

2 02 Th e D ig nity f
o M a n

The Jesuits expelled from France went large l y

to Germany welcomed by the present Empero r
, .

T he cu rse of the Lo rd went with them .

A new spirit entered into the French peo p le .

Indust ry morality and self reliance gr ew apac e

, ,

T he France o f 1 9 1 4 w as very difie rent f rom th e

France of 1 870 Her energy integrity and hero
m ,

is hav e astonished the world and none more

, ,

so than her old enemies the Germans S he bo re


the b runt of the fighting while her allies were get

ting ready With sheer pluck persistence and
, ,

stead in ess she forced her enemies b ack fro th e


M arne ; wi thstood five month s terrific assaults by

the ost formidab le German troops at Verdun ;
and already h as a vision of final victory .

Th e Pope and h is Co conspirators let loose th e


dogs of war and now they are begging th e all ies

to stop them T hey started a fire whi ch got b eyo nd

their control and now th e wind h as changed and

they are likely to be consumed in their ow n con
flagration T hey d eclare the responsi b ility f or al l

future b loodshedding will be at the door of the

allies B ut the responsi b ility for all past b lood

sh edding will lie at their own doors .

The pope is now anxiously be gging ou r govern

ment to assume the role of M ediator to save h is
own children from th e just punishment of th eir
g igantic conspiracies against th e Peace and integ
rity of other nations T h e Pope h as been f ran

tically am b itious to appear be fore the world as

a peacemaker Wh at immense ec lat for the Vat

ican ! H is f riends have been urging it T he .

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