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Ballesteros, Mark

Andrei J.


07 Assignment 1

1. Consult three (3) people (friends, family, etc.) and ask about one (1) adverse impact of
the technology they have experienced.
2. The adverse impacts should be unique from each other.
3. In at least three (3) sentences, provide possible solutions to prevent these adverse impacts
of technology.

A. Name: Totoy
Adverse Impact: Extended use of screens causing digital eye discomfort and disturbances in
sleep cycles.
Solutions: This set of suggestions aims to alleviate the negative effects of prolonged screen
exposure and digital device usage on eye well-being. The recommendations involve
implementing the 20-20-20 rule (taking a 20-second break to look at something 20 feet away
every 20 minutes), employing blue light filters to minimize potential disruptions to sleep,
establishing a digital curfew to disengage from screens at least one hour before bedtime, and
arranging periodic eye check-ups to monitor and address any vision-related concerns. These
measures are designed to enhance eye health, alleviate eye strain, and support improved sleep
B. Name: Nene
Adverse Impact: The overwhelming amount of information and persistent connectivity are
contributing to increased levels of stress and anxiety.
Solutions: It proposes a "digital detox" through the implementation of regular breaks from
technology, prioritization of tasks using productivity tools for workload management,
integration of mindfulness practices like meditation to handle stress and enhance focus,
establishment of clear boundaries for work-related communications to sustain a healthier work-
life balance, and consideration of professional support if stress and anxiety persist. The goal is to
develop coping strategies and address underlying issues, collectively working towards
minimizing the adverse effects of technology on mental health and fostering a more balanced
and mindful approach to daily life.
C. Name: Inday
Adverse Impact: Continuous connectivity blurring the line between work and personal life,
resulting in burnout and adversely affecting overall well-being.
Solutions: The recommendation is for individuals to establish distinct work hours, designating
specific times for work to ensure a clear separation from personal time. Creating a dedicated
physical workspace helps separate professional and personal life. Disabling work-related
notifications during non-working hours is advised to prevent constant interruptions and allow for
relaxation. Prioritizing self-care activities, such as exercise or family time, contributes to a more
balanced lifestyle. Communicating boundaries with colleagues and supervisors promotes a
culture of respect for personal time, reinforcing a healthier work-life balance.
In at least three (3) sentences, provide possible solutions to prevent these adverse impacts of

To mitigate the negative effects of technology, individuals can prioritize digital well-being by
adopting strategies to manage screen time. This involves setting explicit time limits for device
usage, incorporating regular breaks, and participating in offline activities to diminish the
potential physical and mental health issues linked to prolonged screen exposure. Utilizing privacy
protection tools and exercising caution in sharing personal information can address privacy
concerns and bolster online security. Moreover, continuous learning and upskilling efforts can
assist individuals in adapting to technological advancements, minimizing the risk of job
displacement and fostering career resilience in the era of automation.

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