English IV 1

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Vastu Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow
Session 2023-24
Annual Examination
M.M: 70 Class: IV
Time: 3 hours Subject: ENGLISH LITERATURE

Note- Attempt all question. Write neat and clean.

Q.no1.Write the meaning of the following words. (Do any Six)


1.pigtail 2.mystery 3.eagerly 4.wealth 5.cherished 6.treasure 7.wore 8.puzzle

Q. no2. Make the sentences of the following words. (Do any six) (6)

1.behind 2.rob 3.backyard 4.encourage 5.tutor. 6.visualise 7.devour 8.witty

Q.no3. Complete the lines of the poem ‘An invention ‘ (6)

Switch one and I ______________

Switch two, hey! I _____________

Switch three for a tiny ___________

Switch four to take a ____________

Switch five will __________________

I'll notice the bugs that __________

Q. no. 4 Multiple choice questions. (7)

1.What did Tenali Rama do with the water the thieves were pumping out of the well?

a) He left it flood the streets.

b)He directed it to his garden plants.

c)He dumped it in a nearby river

d) None of these

2.What time of day did Tenali Rama and his wife hear the thieves outside?




d) sunset

3.What did the thieves do after they climbed down the well and couldn’t find the trunk ?

a)They started digging inside the well

b)They decided to give up and leave.

c)They tried to empty the well by drawing the water

d)They called other thieves to help

4.Who is known as father of computer?

a)Ada Lovelace

b)Charles Babbage

c)Tenali Rama

d)Lord Byron

5)Ada Lovelace was a a pioneer in which field?



c)Computer science


6.Where is the man’s pigtail located?

a)On his head, hanging behind him

b)On his head, facing forward

c)On his back, tied to his clothes

d) nowhere

7.What is the man’s main problem?

a)His pigtail was too short.

b)His hair is falling out

c) He can’t tie his hair properly

d)He wants his pigtail to hang in front

Q no5. Read the given extract and answer the following questions : (5*3=15)

Ada was the daughter of the famous poet, Lord Byron, and Baroness Anne Isabella Milbanke. She was born
on December 10. 1815. Her mother, a mathematician, wanted Ada to learn science, logic, and mathematics.
Ada was a smart and intelligent girl She found mathematics interesting She also loved machines. She spent
hours looking at diagrams of new machines. She would eagerly devour any new journals she could get her
hands on. One of her hobbies was designing boats and steam powered flying machines.

1.Who were Ada's parents, and what were their professions?

2.When and where was Ada born?

3.What subjects did Ada's mother encourage her to study?

4.What evidence is there of Ada's fascination with machines?

5.What specific hobbies did Ada pursue?

Q.no 6Short Question Answer( Any 5)


1.What was the cause of man’s misery?

2.Name the machine that Ada Lovelace dreamt of.

3.Who is known as father of computer?

4.How did the cat help the sailors ?

5.what did the man do to get his pigtail to hang from his face?

6.Which tree has the child climbed?

Q.no7 Long Question Answer(Any 3) (3*5=15)

1.Why did Tenali discuss his plans to save the treasure loudly?

2.What did Ada Lovelace like to do for fun?

3.Why did the man want his pigtail hanging from his face?

4.Ada Lovelace was an extremely gifted mathematician. Give reason for your answer.

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