Year 10 Answers To Worksheet Week 1

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Year 10 Physics Answers for Worksheets.

1. Which of the following best describes physics?

a) The study of matter and energy
b) The study of living organisms
c) The study of outer space
d) The study of motion
Answer: a

2. Being skilled at mathematics helps with physics because:

a) Physics uses math to create models

b) Physics problems are scored for speed
c) Physicists enjoy arithmetic
d) There is no relationship

Answer: a

3. Which is NOT a practical benefit of learning physics?

a) Understanding technology
b) Numeracy skills
c) Ability to defy gravity
d) Logical thinking

Answer: c

4. Physicists can work in all the following fields EXCEPT:

a) Medicine
b) Software
c) Law
d) Engineering

Answer: c

5. Which of the following is a reason to study physics?

a) Boost career options
b) Impress friends
c) Get rich quickly
d) Become famous

Answer: a

6. How does physics help advance human society?

a) Informs new inventions

b) Provides entertainment
c) Creates faster computers for gaming
d) Disproves pseudoscience

Answer: a

7. Which field does NOT depend heavily on physics concepts?

a) Chemistry
b) Biology
c) Geology
d) Anthropology

Answer: d

8. Practicing analysis of physical systems improves:

a) Patience
b) Creativity
c) Verbal skills
d) Eye-hand coordination

Answer: b

9. Applications of physics can help:

a) Cure diseases
b) Increase crop yields
c) Develop clean energy
d) All of the above

Answer: d

10. Physics provides an understanding of:

a) Human behavior
b) Outer space
c) The natural world
d) Sports techniques

Answer: c

Fill in the blank questions below choosing the right option as the correct answer.

1. The study of matter, energy, and the interactions between them is called
a) chemistry
b) physics
c) biology
d) philosophy

2. ________ is the branch of physics that focuses on motion and its causes.
a) quantum mechanics
b) optics
c) mechanics
d) thermodynamics

3. Physicists use the ________ method to test hypotheses and theories through
repeatable experiments.
a) observational
b) theoretical
c) scientific
d) thought
4. ________ is the unit used to measure energy in the International System of
a) newton
b) joule
c) watt
d) hertz

5. Speed is calculated by dividing ________ by ________.

a) acceleration, time
b) distance, force
c) distance, time
d) force, distance

6. Physicists use mathematical equations to construct ________ that represent

physical systems.
a) poems
b) models
c) prototypes
d) experiments

7. Albert Einstein developed the ________ theory of relativity, which changed

conceptions of time, space and gravity.
a) general
b) special
c) quantum
d) classical

8. The two main types of nuclear reactions are ________ and ________.
a) fission, fusion
b) splitting, merging
c) big bang, small bang
d) making, breaking

9. Units used to express very small or very large numbers are ________ and
a) nano, micro
b) kilo, mega
c) nano, mega
d) milli, kilo

10. Medical technologies like ________ scans rely heavily on principles of physics.
a) PET
b) MRI
c) X-ray
d) Ultrasound

Here are the correct answers for the multiple choice physics fill in the blank

1. b) physics

2. c) mechanics

3. c) scientific

4. b) joule

5. c) distance, time

6. b) models

7. a) general

8. a) fission, fusion

9. c) nano, mega

10. b) MRI

To summarize:

1. b
2. c
3. c
4. b
5. c
6. b
7. a
8. a
9. c
10. b

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