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CIVL 3160 assignment solution 2008

Question 2 - Two way slab panel ABCD supported on beams

Note: The structure is fully braced in the North - South and East - West directions. Therefore, the simplified analysis method of clause 6.10.3
can be used to determine slab moments and shears

Basic data
Spans lengths in x direction (shorter direction)
L (mm) 6000
Ln (mm) 5600
Lx (Lef in x-direction) (mm) 5750 lesser of L and Ln+D (Cl 1.7)
Spans lengths in y direction (longer direction)
L (mm) 7000
Ln (mm) 6650
Ly (Lef in y-direction) (mm) 6800 lesser of L and Ln+D (Cl 1.7)

longitudinal steel (top and bottom in x and y directions)

db (mm) 12 Assume N12's
Ab (mm2) 113
fsy (MPa) 500

trial slab depth

D (mm) 150 Initial estimate and then D adjusted
to meet deflection criteria

density (N/mm3) 0.0000245
g (N/mm2) 0.00468 1 kPa (0.001 N/mm2) for partitions plus self weight of slab
q (N/mm2) 0.003 3 kPa (0.003 N/mm2) live loading
ψs 0.7
ψl 0.4

Design for durability (Chapter 4)

Exposure class for slab edges B1 (T 4.3), exterior, < 1 km from coast
Exposure class for upper and lower surfaces A2 (T 4.3), interior
Abrasion commercial floor (T 4.6)
f'c (MPa) 32 Durability for slab edges governs, (T 4.4)
durability cover to top and btm steel (mm) 25 (T, cover to any steel

Design for Fire (Chapter 5)

Required fire rating 90/90/90
Minimum slab thickness (mm) 100 (T 5.4.1)
Axis distance to btm layer of steel (mm) 15 (T 5.4.2(A)) - continuous two way slab

Hence durability cover of 25 mm governs

Span to Depth Deflection Design (Cl

Note: check is based on the shorter (x) direction
Ec (MPa) 30100 (T 3.1.2)
dbtm.x (mm) 119 dbtm.x calculated from D - cover - 0.5db (x steel is closest to btm)
Note: dbtm.x is the value of d used for deflection design since deflections dominated by midspan behaviour where positive
moment acts and for two way supported slabs the shorter x direction is considered for deflection design

Asc/Ast at midspan 0 initially guessed and then adjusted if necessary

kcs 2 (Cl
Δ/Lef 0.004 limit on total deflection of span/250, where Lef = Lx
Fd.ef (N/mm2) - total 0.0185 (Cl
k3 1 (Cl
Ly/Lx 1.183
k4 2.621 (T, condition 6 (two adjacent edges discontinuous), and using linear interpolation

Lef/d (i.e., Lx/d) 48.78 (Cl

New dbtm.x (mm) 118
ADOPT D = 150 mm
Note: limits on d to ensure ku < 0.4 and that Vu.max is not exceeded will be checked later

Flexural Strength Design (Clause 6.10.3 for analysis and Clause 8.1 for design)

w* (same as Fd) (N/mm2) 0.0101

Location M-x (AD-BC) M+x (AD-BC) M-x (BC-AD) M-y (CD-AB) M+y (AB-CD)
M* (Nmm/mm width) 7539 15077 20052 15545 11688 Refer hand calculations - larger negative moment adopted at common supports
d (mm) 119 119 119 107 107 Assume x steel closest to surfaces at top and btm
gamma γ 0.826 0.826 0.826 0.826 0.826 (Cl 8.1.3)
α2 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 (Cl 8.1.3)
Ast initial 0.176 0.352 0.468 0.404 0.303 initial estimate for Ast made assuming ju = 0.9, then Ast refined
ku 0.033 0.066 0.088 0.084 0.063 ku = Astfsy/(α2γbdf'c) where b = 1 mm
Check for over reinforced OK OK OK OK OK check that ku < 0.4
ju 0.986 0.973 0.964 0.965 0.974 ju = 1 - γku/2
required Ast (mm2/mm) 0.161 0.326 0.437 0.376 0.280 Ast = M*/(0.8fsyjud)
Required bar spacing s (mm) = Ab/Ast 643 321 242 280 373
Rounded bar spacing s (mm) 300 300 240 280 300 If srequired > smax, smax = 280 mm adopted
Adopted Ast (mm2/mm) =Ab/s(rounded) 0.377 0.377 0.471 0.404 0.377

Check minimum strength

f'ct.f (MPa) 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 (Cl
Ast.min (mm2/mm) 0.244 0.244 0.244 0.271 0.271 (Cl 9.1.1 (b))
Is Adopted Ast > Ast.min ? yes yes yes yes yes

Crack Control (Cl 9.4)

Crack control for flexure (Cl 9.4.1)
The slab is fully enclosed within building. Hence only Cl 9.4.1 (a) and (b) apply
Cl 9.4.1 (a) requires Ast complies with Cl 9.1.1 which has been satisfied above - hence OK
Cl 9.4.1 (b) requires that centre to centre spacing of longitudinal bars does not exceed the lesser of 2D or 300 mm, in this case = 300
The spacings adopted above to resist design moments have been adjusted where necessary to satisfy this requirement - hence OK for crack control

Crack control for shrinkage and temperature effects (Cl 9.4.3)

For the two way system, both directions are primary (ie, bending) directions. In this case, Cl requires that
the area of reinforcement in each direction is at least 75% of the area required by Cl (a)
The slab is fully enclosed within the building. Assuming that the floor will be carpeted then only a minor degree of control
over cracking is required.
Hence Ast.min (mm2/mm) 0.197 75%(1.75 x 10-3 x bD), Cl

The areas determined above for flexure exceed this requirement - hence OK for crack control

Shear Strength Design (Cl 8.2)

Loads are distributed to the supporting beams in accordance with Figure and Clause
Usually consider a strip of unit width spanning in the x-direction or a unit width strip spanning in the y-direction.
In either case, the maximum shear at a section do from the face of the supporting beams will be Fd(Lnx/2 - do)
This must then be adjusted in accordance with Cl where one or more slab edges is discontinuous.
The critical case is for a strip in the y-direction since do will be less in the y-direction and Ast is also less
However, for the current assignment, the question asks that shear be checked adjacent to beam BC so a strip in the
x-direction is appropriate. Since the slab panel ABCD has two discontinous edges, the shear adjacent to BC determined
from Figure must be increased by 10% in accordance with Cl

Critical location do out from beam AB or beam CD

w* (same as Fd) (N/mm2) 0.0101
do (mm) 119 At supports tension is on top so do measured to centroid of top steel
in x-direction
V* (N/mm) - do from face of support 31.17 1.15FdLn2/2

Shear strength without fitments (Cl 8.2.7)

β1 1.629 β1 = 1.1(1.6 - do/1000) > 0.8 (Cl
β2 1 no axial forces (Cl
β3 1 no concentrated loads (Cl
Ast (mm2/mm) for shear 0.471 equal to Ast top in x-direction across BC since tension at top at support
fcv (MPa) 3.17 fcv = f'c1/3 < 4 MPa
ΦVuc (N) 68.2 Φβ1β2β3bvdofcv(Ast/(bvdo))1/3 (Cl Φ for shear = 0.7 (T 2.2.2)
bv = 1 mm since unit width considered
Check V* < ΦVuc - yes or no yes Cl 8.2.5 - Hence OK for shear

Detailing of Flexural Reinforcement (Cl

The following detailing complies with Cl "Deemed to comply arrangement for two way slabs supported on beams or walls"

negative steel along continuous edge CD (y-direction)

Steel extents are based on the larger of Lnx values in adjoining panels, in this case = 5600 mm
One half must extend 0.3Ln into each span plus beam width
Remainder must extend 0.2Ln into each span plus beam width
This can be achieved by alternating bars of same length 0.3Ln one side
and 0.2Ln other side of support. Hence bar length = 0.3Ln + 400 + 0.2Ln = 3200 mm

negative steel along continuous edge BC (x-direction

Steel extents are based on the larger of Lnx values in adjoining panels, in this case = 6600 mm
One half must extend 0.3Ln into each span plus beam width
Remainder must extend 0.2Ln into each span plus beam width
This can be achieved by alternating bars of same length 0.3Ln one side
and 0.2Ln other side of support. Hence bar length = 0.3Ln + 400 + 0.2Ln = 3700 mm

negative steel along discontinuous edge AD (x-direction

Steel extents are based on Lnx, in this case = 5600 mm
Allow for 40mm cover to exposed edge (T leaving 360 mm
embedment into support. Assume cog is required (to be confirmed
One half must extend 0.3Ln past the face of the support = cog + 360 + 0.3Ln = 2040 plus cog (mm)
Remainder must extend 0.2Ln past the face of the support = cog + 360 + 0.2Ln = 1480 plus cog (mm)

positive steel at midspan (x and y directions)

One half must extend past face of support, say 100 mm each end
Remainder must extend to a distance 0.1Ln from face of support
Again, this can be achieved by alternating bars of same length

x-direction: bar length = 100 mm + Lnx - 0.1Lnx 5140 mm

y-direction: bar length = 100 mm + Lny - 0.1Lnx 6190 mm

Torsional reinforcement (Cl

This must be checked at exterior slab corners at A, B and D. The area required in each of 4 layers is 0.75Ast
(neither edge continuous) where Ast is the area of max positive moment steel required at midspan
The areas of steel determined and detailed above already satisfy this requirement for A & D in the x direction -Hence OK
Edge AB is simply supported hence the top reinforcement is governed by this clause. 0.28275 mm /mm
Use N12s; therefore, the spacing requirements govern (ie N12-300, Ast = 0.377mm2/mm)
The top bars must extend 0.2Ln from edge AB. 1120 mm

Anchorage of negative steel at discontinuous edge AD & AB

Negative steel along edge AD must be anchored past the face of the support such that it
can develop full yield strength at the face of the support.
Available anchorage length 360 mm
Required anchorage length (Cl 13.1.2)
Basic development length Lsy.tb (mm) Cl
k1 1
Lst.tb (mm) 530
Refined development length Lsy.t (mm) Cl
k2 0.8375
k3 1 conservative
k4 1 no transverse stress
Lsy.t (mm) 444 > 300 OK.
Available straight length < required straight anchorage - Hence cog required to achieve full yield strength at face of suppo

Refer design summary sketches for steel arrangement

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