ALX Milestone 8 Draft

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Problem Statement

One major healthcare problem in Nigeria is the issue of limited access to healthcare
services, particularly in rural areas. Many Nigerians, especially those in remote
locations, lack access to basic healthcare facilities, including hospitals, clinics, and
trained medical personnel. This can lead to delayed diagnosis and treatment of
illnesses, which in turn can result in preventable deaths. This also reduces the general
life expectancy of an average Nigerian.

Poor accessibility to healthcare is a significant challenge in Nigeria, and millions of

people are affected by it. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Nigeria
has one of the highest burdens of disease in the world, and the healthcare system is
inadequate to meet the needs of its large and growing population. (ChatGPT)

A 2018 report by the National Population Commission (NPC) and the National Bureau
of Statistics (NBS) estimated that about 60% of Nigerians do not have access to basic
healthcare services. This means that over 100 million people in Nigeria are affected by
poor accessibility to healthcare. (Wikipedia). In addition, the cost of healthcare services
is often prohibitive for many Nigerians, particularly those living in poverty. This means
that they are unable to access life-saving treatments and medications, leading to a
higher incidence of illnesses and deaths.

Furthermore, the healthcare system in Nigeria is also plagued by a shortage of medical

personnel, equipment, and infrastructure. This makes it difficult for healthcare providers
to deliver quality care to patients, and also limits the number of people who can access
healthcare services.

Overall, the issue of limited access to healthcare is a major challenge facing Nigeria's
healthcare system, and requires urgent attention and action from policymakers and
stakeholders in the healthcare sector.(National Library of Medicine) If this problem is
solved, the life expectancy of the average Nigerian would increase by at least 40
percent and there will also be a significant reduction in medical tourism in Nigeria.

10 Bad Idea Brainstorm

1. The distance to health centers should be trekkable to improve accessibility.

2. Medical personnel leniency contributes to many Nigerians’ lackadaisical attitude to
health prioritization especially those in rural areas, hence, should be more hostile.
3. Children prioritizes their health than adults, therefore, accessibility should be
improved for them.
4. When accessibility to healthcare is improved for university students, Nigeria have
solved 95% of her health challenge.
5. Daily intake of Guava fruit generates needed energy to trek the distance to any
available healthcare centers in any locality.
6. Lesser healthcare system improves the consciousness of health treatment among
7. Expertise should not be the major criteria for recruiting into health sector, instinct
should be the major factor.
8. Visitation to health centers should be done at night for people respond better to
treatment at night.
9. Accessibility to healthcare should be improved for men as women rarely get ill.
10. Focus on health deteriorates health, nonchalant attitude to it improves it

5 Possible Ideas

1. An application that allows patient to interact with health practitioners through video
conferencing will help bridge the gap of limited access to healthcare services.
2. A mobile application that helps in linking patients with medical professionals, giving patients
access to educational materials, or monitoring their health data should be built.
3. To gather, store, and manage healthcare data, health information systems (HIS) should be
built. The quality of care can be enhanced with this data, which can also be used to monitor
patient health outcomes and pinpoint areas that require resource allocation.
4. Healthcare chatbots are computer programs that can mimic patient conversations. They can
be used to give patients general health information, respond to inquiries, and direct patients to
more specialized or advanced heath centers.
5. Many healthcare applications, including disease diagnosis, the creation of novel medications,
and the provision of individualized treatment, are being aided by artificial intelligence (AI).
Healthcare could be transformed by artificial intelligence (AI), which would make it more
effective, available, and economical.

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