Word Formation 1

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Word formation 1

I. Complete each space in the text with a word formed from the word in capitals.

It's 8.30 at the headquarters of the Boogy Woogers dance group,

a (1) ...rehearsal studio in Geneva. Dancers of all shapes REHEARSE
and sizes begin to tumble (2) ....................... through the doors. ENERGY
Some begin lumbering up, others splinter off into groups to try
out new moves. One woman, lost in her own (3) ....................... THINK
sits with her headphones on, preparing for the punishing routines
to follow. A long-haired man with a goatee beard puts a tape in
the hi-fi, and rap music blares out of the (4) ........................ SPEAK
Soon the room is alive with whirling, spinning bodies and
(5) ....................... fills the air. LAUGH
The Boogy Woogers are the brainchild of Tomas Seeler, who
handpicked many of his troupe from local street dancers. Seeler's
own (6) ....................... was in gymnastics, but others come BACK
from the worlds of martial arts, bodybuilding and ballet. Many
different (7) ....................... are represented in the group, NATIONAL
including Chilean, Fijian and Senegalese dancers. The group
has been performing all over Europe, most notably in Paris,
where they became (8) ....................... celebrities. Famous NIGHT
for their (9) ....................... and novel interpretations, the CREATE
Boogy Woogers have made several (10) ....................... on TV, APPEAR
and look set to remain the 'in' thing for many years to come.

II Complete each space with a word formed from the words in capitals.
Text 1
Bottled water is expensive, unreliable and has no health benefits
- at least, that's the view of Water Board chief Bill Tyson. To
(1) ..highlight. what good value for money ordinary tap HIGH
water still represents, Tyson is running a campaign promoting good
old-fashioned tap water and, by implication, criticising bottled
water. He claims that there is little to (2) ……………… DIFFER
bottled water from tap water, since there are often discrepancies
between the added mineral (3) ……………….of bottled water CONTAIN
and what's on the label. Furthermore, he claims some bottled water
(4) ………………are blended from several sources and might PRODUCE
even contain tap water. The exaggerated claims made by bottled
water manufacturers are 'nothing short of (5) ………………….', SCANDAL
he added.
Text 2
My interest in alternative medicine began when I learned
(6)……………. techniques to help overcome stress. I was a RELAX
student in those days, and I became fascinated by the idea of
maintaining harmony and flow of healthy energy in the body.
Now I'm a fully qualified homeopathic (7)……………. , and I PRACTICE
work on the fundamental principle that illness is caused by
(8)…………… in the body. The remedies I prescribe aim to BALANCE
restore this balance. And contrary to (9)……………… belief, PEOPLE
homeopathy is based on very sound (10)………. principles. SCIENCE

III In the following texts, complete each space with a word or compound word
formed from the word in capitals.
Text 1
(1) ..installation. of your new energy-efficient domestic gas INSTALL
boiler is free of charge, and will be performed within 5 days of
payment. Regular (2)…………… from a qualified engineer MAINTAIN
is advised. The system comes with an (3)………………. ADJUST
cover, which can be kept fully extended or half down. The cover
must be completely removed for repairs to be carried out. As with
all (4)…………… equipment, please exercise great care if ELECTRIC
you are attempting to repair the (5) …………….yourself. APPLY

Text 2
Attach the rotating motor to the (6)……………. lead-pipe. CYLINDER
Screw the motor down into place. If the motor does not
engage, remove it and (7)…………… the lead-pipe. All TIGHT
engineers installing or repairing this machinery must observe all
necessary (8)……………. precautions. This includes the SAFE
wearing of goggles, masks and other (9)………………….. PROTECT
equipment. For instructions on how to remove the outlet valve,
please refer to the (10) ……………described on page 28 PROCEED
of this manual.

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