What Courtier Fan Motions Mean

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Fan with right hand in front of face - Follow me

Fan with left hand in front of face - Desirous of Acquaintance

Fan open wide - Wait for me

Carrying fan in right hand - You are too willing

Carrying fan in left hand, open - Come and talk to me

Twirling fan in right hand - I am watching you

Clasping hands under the open fan - Forgive me, I beg of you

Resting fan on the right cheek - Yes

Resting fan on the left cheek - No

Covering the left ear with an open fan - Do not betray our secret

Drawing the fan through the hand - I hate you

Drawing the fan across the eyes - I am sorry

Drawing the fan across the forehead - You have changed

Touching the fan against the left ear - Go away!

Presenting a number of sticks, fan apart, opened - At what hour?

Closed fan in left hand in front of face - I'd like to meet you

Gazing pensively at a closed fan - You misunderstand me

Fanning with little finger extended - Goodbye

Quickly open and shut fan - You are cruel

Shaking a closed fan - You are very improper!

Touching the tip of the fan with finger - I must speak to you

file:///C|/Users/Richard/Desktop/Reference%20-%20Fan%20Motions.txt[1/4/2016 10:20:40 PM]

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