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Does the location of a store affect the prices?

School: Central High School

Territory: Jamaica

Candidates Name: Ciarra Bell

Kayla Cross

Secona Kidd

Shanel Grange

Natasha Boothe

Candidate Number:

Center Number: 100072

Table of Contents
Method of Data Collection............................................................................................................6
Presentation of data.......................................................................................................................7
Analysis of data............................................................................................................................11
Discussion of findings..................................................................................................................12

Does the location of a store affect the prices?

The researchers would like to express gratitude to our teacher Ms. Brooks who guided us with

the necessary information which was needed to complete the SBA. We would like to express

thanks to our group members for their cooperation and commitment towards the completion of

this SBA.

Cost varies from one location to another. Location is an important element that contributes to a

customer's preference in selecting a store. Does the location of a store really affect the prices

charged? Well, within the realm of this research readers will see various reasons to why product

prices differ as it relates to being cheaper or more expensive solely because of the store location.

Method of Data Collection
The researchers will be using a questionnaire to carry out this research. According to Saul

McLeod (2018) questionnaire provides a relatively cheap, quick, and efficient way of obtaining

large amounts of information from a large sample of people. Data can be collected relatively

quickly because the researcher would not need to be present when the questionnaires are being

completed. A Google form sheet will be typed up with six closed end (6) questions, in which the

researchers will select twenty-one (21) shoppers in Maypen randomly and send it to them via


The data accumulated from this questionnaire will be analyzed and represented by graphs. The

following mathematical concepts will be worked on:

 Percentage

 Average of effect

Presentation of data

Pie Chart showing Does the location of a store

hinder your decision to go and shop there




Figure 1 shows the percentage of persons who said no and who said yes

There was a total of 21 responses 15 said yes and 6 said no


Percentage of persons that selected yes = 15/21 * 100

= 0.7143 * 100

= 71. 43%

= 71.4% (rounded of to 1 decimal place)

Percentage of persons that selected no = 6/21 * 100

= 0.2857 * 100

= 28.57%

= 28.6% (rounded of to 1 decimal place)

Total percentage of responses = 71.4% + 28.6%

= 100%

Pie Chart showing Are you more likely to shop at
a store in an urban area or rural area

Urban area
42.9% Rural area


Figure 2 Shows the percentage of persons who says they are more likely to shop in a store in an

urban area compared persons who says they are more likely to shop at a store in a rural area.

Out of 21 responses 9 persons selected rural area and 12 persons selected urban area.

Bar Graph showing how can shopping in an urban area af-
fect you

Prices are more affordable

Transportation fees are costly


Bar Graph
Quality products showing
how can
shopping in
an urban
All of the above area affect
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Figure 3 shows that 4 persons selected ‘prices are more affordable’, 5 that ‘transportation fees

are costly’, 4 selected ‘quality products’ and 8 selected ‘all of the above’.


Average of effects = 4 + 5 + 4 + 8 /4

= 21/4

= 5.25

= 5.3 (rounded to 1 decimal place)

Analysis of data
Shoppers may change their decision to shop at a store solely because of the location. Figure 1

shows that fifteen (15) shoppers out of the total answered yes which is equivalent to 71%

(rounded to the nearest whole number) and six (6) shoppers answered no which is equivalent to

29% (rounded to the nearest whole number).

The percentage of shoppers who say they are more likely to shop at a store in an urban or rural

area was shown in figure 2. Nine persons selected rural area which is equivalent to 43%

(rounded to the nearest whole number), while twelve selected urban area which is equivalent to

57% (rounded to the nearest whole numbers). The average of effects is 5.3 (rounded to 1 decimal


The bar graph shows the different ways in which shopping in an urban area compared to a rural

area affects the shoppers. Four shoppers selected the option prices are more affordable which is

equivalent to 19%. Five shoppers selected the option quality products which is equivalent to 24%

(rounded to the nearest whole number). Four shoppers selected the option transportation fees are

costly which is equivalent to 19%. Eight shoppers selected the option all of the above which is

equivalent to 38%.

Discussion of findings
Based on the information represented by Figure 1 it has proven that the location of a store may

hinder the shoppers’ decision to go and shop there. In which the majority of person being 71.6%

selected yes. The prices fluctuate as a result to the location of the store. This could be a result

Before the undertaking of this SBA the researchers have the opinion that the locations of a store
would affect the prices being charged. However, during the process of gathering information we
realized that shoppers tend to look on the distance they would have to travel along side with fees
they would have to pay to get there.



1. Gender



2. Age Range?

16 - 25

26 - 39


3. Does the location of a store hinder your decisions to go and shop there?



4. Are you more likely to shop at a store in an urban area or rural area?

Urban area

Rural area

Give reasons:

5. Are prices higher in urban areas compared to rural areas?



I'm not sure

6. How can shopping in an urban area compared to a rural area affect you?

Prices are more affordable

Quality products

Transportation fees are

All of the above


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