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Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management



Food wastes from hospitality sector as versatile bioresources

for bio‑products: an overview
Paras Gandhi1 · Monika Yadav1 · Kunwar Paritosh1 · Nidhi Pareek2 · Javier Lizasoain3 · Alexander Bauer3 ·
Vivekanand Vivekanand1

Received: 24 January 2020 / Accepted: 6 April 2020

© Springer Japan KK, part of Springer Nature 2020

Non-scientific food waste management and lack of effective measures are causing environmental distress around the world.
Due to this, local authorities are under stress for its proper disposal. However, scientific as well as collaborative approach
may help not only for the proper disposal of food waste, but also in biobased coproduct recovery from food waste. This
review principally focuses on the drivers and patterns of food waste production in hospitality industry along with reviewing
the current researches and challenges for managing the food waste through main and coproduct recovery. In this regard, the
study summarizes the scientific understandings of anaerobic digestion of food waste and the technical complications arise
in operating the digesters for this purpose.

Keywords Biogas · Anaerobic digestion · Food waste · Hotel sector


The Joint Hospitality Industry Congress (JHIC) refers hos-

pitality as ‘The provision of food and drink and/or accom-
modation away from home’ [1]. In general, it includes the
* Vivekanand Vivekanand businesses viz. bars, hotels and restaurants that provide
drinks, food or place to sleep. Out of two divisions of hos-
Paras Gandhi pitality sector such as profit and non-profit divisions, profit
divisions were taken into consideration for the review [2].
Monika Yadav The hospitality sector is predicted to evolve at substantial
rates in the upcoming years. The growth of revenue per
Kunwar Paritosh available room (RevPAR) in the USA reached up to 6% in
2014 [3] and in European countries, it extended up to 5%
Nidhi Pareek during 2014–2015 [4]. For India, the revenue was expected
to grow 9–10% in 2017 [5]. During 2015–2019, a 10.2%
Javier Lizasoain increase in RevPAR was observed for USA, while for India
it was 9.2% [6]. These developments in the hospitality sec-
Alexander Bauer tor have also accompanied by increase in food waste (FW)
generation during the quest of fulfilling costumer demands.
Centre for Energy and Environment, Malaviya National Waste generally leads into a larger environmental footprint
Institute of Technology, Jaipur 302017, Rajasthan, India and consequently causes more damage to public health and
Department of Microbiology, School of Life Sciences, hygiene [7]. On average, 1 kg/day of FW is generated by
Central University of Rajasthan, Bandarsindri, Kishangarh, a hotel guest [8] and this brings a total waste generation
Ajmer 305801, Rajasthan, India to about millions of tonnes worldwide annually. Therefore,
Division of Agricultural Engineering, University of Natural being a huge generator of waste, this sector requires to be
Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Gregor‑Mendel‑Straße explored much intensively than any other sector.
33, 1180 Vienna, Austria

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management

Till 1990, hospitality industries that had not consid- quantified and managed in the hospitality sector nowadays
ered the severe environmental impact of FW had later on and the possible remedies for efficient FW management.
emerged much aware by showing voluntary participation
in acquiring ecolabels. The ecolabels act as means of cer-
tification for being an eco-friendly service [9]. Adoption of Food waste quantification in the hospitality
various similar waste management strategies in hospitality sector
sectors resulted in a four fold reduction in waste generation
in a short span of years. Globally, a large volume of FW is produced in hospital-
Despite these initiatives, the hospitality sector still lags ity sector in which 56% is contributed by restaurants and
behind in adopting efficient FW management approaches 28% by hotels [19]. In the UK alone, wastage of food is
due to various cost factors such as waste transportation and estimated to reach 920,000 tonnes/year at hospitality and
its disposal, as well as the labour cost [10]. outlets of food service divisions, 75% of which is avoidable
As per definitions defined by FAO [11], food losses are [2]. In Beijing alone, there are 60,000 restaurants wasting
losses that occur during the early stages of food supply 1700 tonne/day of food in 2009 [20, 21]. These data show
chain covering the period from cultivation to industrial that significant amount of food is being wasted all around the
processing. Non-consumed food by humans is FW and globe. Therefore, policies regarding FW management and
may be generated at any stage within the food chain [12]. its treatment are needed for using its potential in the form
It may be generated during food preparation, processing, of energy or as a resource. It is important to note that all the
serving and consumption [13]. Approximately 33% of the different constituents of FW account for different shares in
total food served in the hospitality industry is wasted [14, producing carbon footprints, as shown in Fig. 1 [22].
15]. This generated FW may be utilized for production For example, fruits and vegetables have 41% contribution
of bio-products such as biogas, bioethanol, biofertilizers, in the total FW generated due to the presence of more non
value-added products such as organic acids, etc. through edible parts i.e., outer peels, seeds, shoots of leafy vegeta-
the processes of anaerobic digestion (AD), fermentation bles, etc. On the other hand, the meat is accountable for only
and composting (aerobic decomposition) [16–18]. 4% of total FW. Much data are available, which shows the
There are plenty of research reports available regard- huge amount of FW wasted every year. It was projected that
ing the management of kitchen FW, household waste, etc. 30–50% of all produced food around the world is lost before
However, the review of FW challenge in hospitality sector, it reaches for the human consumption [23].
its quantification and utilization for producing bio-prod- The quantification of FW is generally accomplished by
ucts have not been specifically explored intensively. There- two approaches of data collection in which the first con-
fore, the present study has been undertaken to deliver a sists of daily FW measurement and the second is based
widespread review to understand how the FW is generated, on the analysis of material flow during the chain of food
service. The generated amount of FW in any hospitality

Fig. 1  Contribution of each 60

commodity to carbon footprint
and food wastage [22]
Percentage (%)

40 33

20 6
24 25
10 7 19
16 5
7 2
4 4 4
Cereals Vegetables Meat Milk & Fruits Starchy Seafood Pulses &
eggs roots oil crops
Food comodity
Food waste Carbon footprint

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management

sector is the sum of waste produced at various levels (e.g., FW. AD, fermentation and composting are some of the
preparation, processing, serving, plate leftovers, etc.) as main methods for recycling of FW for production of bio-
mentioned in Fig. 2 [24]. Proper segregation and use of products viz. biogas, ethanol, organic acids, etc. as shown
garbage bags are necessary so that only food and no other in Fig. 2. The AD process utilizes the organic waste and
type of waste (i.e., packaging waste, straw waste and tis- converts it into biogas by the action of anaerobic micro-
sue waste from the plates) is being weighed. The FW bial community. On the other hand, the FW may also
value obtained from these sources of FW represented the be used for aerobic composting as well as production of
uncooked FW and cooked FW referring to pre- and post- bio-solvents i.e., ethanol, butanol, etc. through fermen-
consumer FW (i.e., all the un-consumed and consumed tation process. These food management processes have
food including leftovers generated at the beginning and been discussed in detail in “Approaches for food waste
end of a meal service). Also, as per a report, the FW quan- management”
tification is performed only after the consumption and its Various studies have been reported regarding genera-
production and preparation are neglected [25]. For the cal- tion of FW. Data mentioned in these studies from different
culation of per person waste generation, number of people countries are summarised below in Table 1.
to whom the food was served, must be known. Study con- In some studies, formulae/calculators/estimations were
ducted by Pirani and Arafat [24] concluded that serving presented which consist constants and variables giving a
dishes contributed significantly in the generation of FW in sign of the large variety of testified values for different FW
hotels and strategies should be implemented accordingly quantities [24].
on the basis of on-site and off-site options to manage the

Fig. 2  Illustrated food chain and

management processes for food

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management

Table 1  Results from assorted Study place Food waste composition/generation Source of data References
studies on quantifiers and
composition of hospitality waste Sweden 20% of total food served 2 schools and 2 restaurants [26]
UK 65% preparation waste, 30% customers’ 10 restaurants [27]
plates, 5% unusable items
Sri Lanka 46.2% FW of total MSW 20 hotels [28]
USA 5–50% of all ready to eat food Restaurants [29]
Finland One-fifth of all food prepared is wasted 51 food service outlets [30]
South Africa 46% of MSW 25 hotels [31]
India 61.29% of MSW 8 hotels [32]
Vietnam 41.6% of MSW 40 hotels [33]
UK 41% 138 food service institutions [14]

Reasons of FW generation in hotel Heikkilä et al. [39] presented eight factors which influ-
and service industry ence the production and reduction of FW, which further
expands the understanding of complex waste issues. Out
Before discussing waste to energy techniques, first, it is of these eight factors, professional skills and diners affect
important to understand the various factors that cause the FW directly while competitors, society, business con-
wastage of food in the hotel industry during various steps cepts, development of product as well as its procurement
of food chain. The drivers of FW generation can be cul- and management have an unforeseen effect.
tural, economical as well as psychological (associated with
behaviour, awareness and personal preferences of the con-
sumers) [13]. A number of reasons are listed in Table 2, Approaches for food waste management
which is mentioned below. As mentioned in the table, the
FW can be generated both before and after preparation. It is well established that the primary goal of waste reduction
The improper storage of raw food can be resulted into and management is to protect the interest of public health
the spoilage of food which become unsuitable for human and hygiene as well as the environment. Therefore, before
consumption [34]. Further, the non-edible parts of food designing and planning of any waste management system,
such as onion skins, radish tops, banana skins, cabbage the metabolism of the anthroposphere must be understood
covering, etc. also contribute to FW. In hospitality sec- [40]. This knowledge can be used to anticipate the amount
tor, major portion of FW is generated after preparation of of waste and its composition that further aids the selection
food and serving. Over portioning by the hotels and over of particular management system. Apart from management
ordering by costumers are the common incidents leading of generated FW, the reduction of food losses itself in food
to food wastage [35]. Further, the buffet system for food services and households can proved to be a key factor for
serving often leads to plate leftovers. Plate waste is the achieving more sustainable and efficient food system [41].
major wastage of food caused by all-you-can-eat facilities The diverse chemical composition of FW solely depends
[36]. Customer often rejects the food due to unsuitable on the origin of its production and different eating habits.
flavour according to their personal preferences. Therefore, chemical composition will vary according to
the components such as rice, vegetables, fruits, dairy prod-
ucts, meat, eggs, etc. It may contain carbohydrates (starch,

Table 2  Reasons of food waste Stages Reasons

generation in hotels
Before preparation Spoilage of food due to improper stock and inventory handling [34]
After preparation Food parts that are non-edible e.g., radish tops, onion skins, banana skins
Over portioning and over ordering [35]
While preparing new dishes and experimenting with food recipes, the food is
thrown out if it does not turn out as good and tasty as expected
Service styles like buffet system also generate a significant amount of FW [37, 38]
During a busy service, food is left out too long on prep benches
Customer returns the food due to unsuitable flavouring or over-seasoning

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management

cellulose, hemicellulose), organic acids, proteins, lipids and process. A decrease in the environmental pollution of around
minor presence of inorganic components in different ranges 80% due to FW might be experienced by producing bio-
depending on the mixture of FW [42]. Hydrolysis of carbo- based solvents from FW [52]. In 2015, the demand of etha-
hydrate present in the FW may lead to the breaking of glyco- nol was more than 26 billion gallon which showed a need
side bonds. The released oligosaccharides and monosaccha- to shift towards biological sources of ethanol from fossil
rides after hydrolysis are more favorable for fermentation. fuel. In present, corn and sugarcane are the main sources of
FW may be employed as the sole substrate for the produc- bioethanol. In an experiment performed by Huang et al. [51],
tion of hydrogen, ethanol, methane, enzymes, biopolymers, vacuum fermentation technique was used for bioethanol pro-
organic acids, bio-plastics, etc. The various approaches for duction from FW. As per the results, per kg of FW resulted
management and conversion of FW are reviewed in the fol- in 360 g of bioethanol. Walker et al. [53] performed one- and
lowing section: two-stage fermentation of FW for bioethanol production.
In single- and two-stage fermentation process, bioethanol
Food waste for composting production was 0.31 and 0.43 g ethanol/g TS, respectively.

On site composting of hotel FW may be attempted in aero- Food waste for biomethane
bic environment as value-added product for plantation at or
nearby hotels. Also, composting has a long history with gar- AD has been the largely recognised and applied solution for
den or green waste. Chen et al. [43] reported that increased handling a large amount of organic waste such as FW con-
limitation in landfill sites pushed the concept of on-site taining high moisture with low calorific value. During the
aerobic composting of FW. As per the report of Cesero AD process, organic material is fragmented to form energy
et al. [44], 33% of total compost produced in European in the form of biogas in an oxygen nil atmosphere. The pro-
Union were from FW. Reduction in the volume of the FW, cess is considered as a better alternative for the traditional
good quality soil conditioner, high nutrient rich manure for approach of FW management through incineration which
farm-field application, reduced presence of pathogens and is suffered with the disadvantages of energy loss as well as
eliminated foul odor are reported to be benefits of compost- the severe environmental impact. Biogas consists of meth-
ing of FW [45]. During the aerobic composting, microbial ane (50–70%), carbon dioxide (25–50%) and other traces of
action releases heat which could be up to 75 ℃ and this gases such as hydrogen, hydrogen sulphide, ammonia, etc.
heat causes the removal of pathogen. Humic acid, a short Organic wastes from different origins like industry, agricul-
chain chemical, formed during aerobic composting of FW ture and municipalities may be treated alone or be blended
by the bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi. Aerobic compost- to get useful energy out of them. The biogas produced from
ing of FW may be performed in aerobic pile system, a wind FW can be utilised for production of (a) heat and power,
row system or aerobic vessel [46]. Green waste may be co- through combustion engine (b) natural gas (methane content
composted with FW as FW generally has high moisture of at least 97%) for grid/vehicle (c) digestate as fertilisers
content and an imbalance in nutrient [47]. Rice husk saw after adding required soil additives etc.
dust and wood chips are common example of green waste The primary requirement for effective biogas production
which could be composed along with FW. As per the report is the well-working active biomass; however, factors influ-
of Fernandez-Hernandez et al. [48]; FW such as olive mill encing bacterial growth are vital to obtaining stable pro-
waste usually has low C/N ratio, might be composted with cesses at the highest possible organic loading rate/lowest
manure or slurry for better output. As per reported study possible hydraulic retention time.
on aerobic composting of FW with other organic materials, In a single-stage system, AD of FW is an intricate process
typical nutrient value of phosphorus, nitrogen and ammo- in which all organic substrates should be digested. Tempera-
nia nitrogen were discovered to be 0.3–0.7%; 0.9–3.0% and ture, VFA, pH, carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio, organic loading
0.5–0.6 g/kg, respectively [48–50]. rate (OLR), ammonia, etc. are the key parameters on which
the occurrence of AD process depends. Besides all these
Food waste for solvent extraction parameters, an unchanging environment is also required for
the growth of microbes [54].
Solvent production from FW is an attractive idea as sol- Anaerobic co-digestion (AcoD), in which several feed-
vents from non-biological sources involve high econom- stocks can be digested at a time, can also be employed for
ics and environmental impacts. Huang et al. [51] reported FW to energy conversion. AcoD offers several advantages
that biological source-based solvent such as bioethanol and over AD such as improvement of nutrients balancing, etc.
biobutanol could replace chemical-based solvent. Anaero- and, therefore, enhances the digestibility of substrates. Many
bic consortia may be utilized for the conversion of FW into studies have been dedicated investigating the different com-
bioethanol and biobutanol as byproduct in fermentation binations of co-digestion [55–57]. AcoD has numerous

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management

benefits mentioned as follows: (a) more stable process co-digestion of FW with agricultural by-products is a good
(b) lesser inhibition (c) balanced nutrients (d) fulfill the biogas yielding process witnessed by researchers [63, 64].
needed moisture content (e) reduced greenhouse emission Due to differences in chemical composition and avail-
(f) increased microbial activity (g) synergetic load of bio- ability, the appropriate selection of suitable substrates for
degradable organic matter (h) economic benefits. However, co-digestion is not an easy task. To overcome the problem
one-stage systems are having difficulties in enhancing the of inhibition during single digestion, the FW is often co-
digestive systems because of different metabolic activities, digested with other organic/inorganic substrates viz. cattle
required nutrients, growth rate and operational factors [58, manure, sewage sludge, wastewater, green waste and agri-
59]. For the last 11 years, a dramatic increment has been cultural waste (wheat straw and bagasse etc.) [65]. Table 3
seen in the publications regarding AcoD of FW for biogas summarizes the studies reported co-digestion of FW with
production. This validates the viability and practicability of other substrates at both batch and continuous scale. The FW
AcoD technique for augmenting the biogas production and has been co-digested with green waste, wastewater, cattle
environmental sustainability. manure, chicken manure, swine manure, etc. [66–68]. Due
The crucial parameters for optimization of biogas pro- to its low C/N ratio, FW may also be co-digested with paper/
duction via AcoD process are as follows: the operating cardboard waste which have high C/N ratio and negligible N
parameters (temperature, pH, loading rate, etc.), the chemi- content [69, 70]. Study reported by Capson-Tojo et al. [70]
cal composition, biodegradability, bioaccessibility and sub- showed that maximum methane production was observed on
strates characteristics. Substrates containing a high amount co-digesting FW with cardboard at low substrate/inoculum
of protein are rich in energy and provide high-quality biogas ratio i.e., 0.25 gVS/gVS. Kim et al. [71] reported an increase
(60–65% methane) [60]. However, proteins release ammo- in the specific methane production per influent CODs by
nium ions and ammonia after degradation which inhibit the 1.3–1.8 folds for co-digestion of mixed FW and municipal
methanogenesis process [61]. Fat-rich FW is also easily bio- biosolids. The first-order COD degradation kinetic constants
degradable. However, the lipids present in this type of FW for co-digestion were more than that of mono-digestion. Li
often cause complications including mass transfer problems, et al. [72] studied the co-digestion of kitchen waste with
blocking and microbial inhibition. Therefore, in the presence corn stover and chicken manure which resulted in signifi-
of long-chain fatty acids (LCFA), the AD process results in cant increase of specific methane production pertaining to
impaired functioning. It also produces toxic compounds viz. a proper C/N ratio.
oleate,palmitate, etc. which act as inhibitors [62]. Hence,
appropriate mixing of the materials rich in different macro- Nutrient recovery from food waste
molecules (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) is essential to
accumulate fewer inhibitors, enhance stability of the process To limit the accumulation of FW, the food needs to be used
and biogas yield. or reused as much as possible. The earlier described pro-
The AcoD is the process in which various feedstock with cess of AD provides biogas or biomethane which is ben-
complementary characteristics are combined. For example, eficial from energy perspective. However, it is considered

Table 3  Co-digestion of FW with other organic substrates for improving performance of AD

S. No Waste type Reactor configuration Biogas yield Conditions maintained Reference

1 Mixed FW Batch 472 mL/gVS Mesophilic [73]

2.1 Liquor FW + green waste Batch 716 mL/gVS Thermophilic [54]
2.2 Institutional FW + green waste Batch 272 mL/gVS Mesophilic [66]
3 Canteens leftovers FW + wastewater (RS-rawsludge) Batch 0.36 m3/kgVS Mesophilic [67]
4 Institutional canteen FW + landfill leachate Batch 466 mL/gVS Mesophilic [55]
5 Institutional FW + cattle manure Continuous 0.6 m3/kgVS Mesophilic [68]
6 FW + chicken manure Continuous 0.42 m3/kgVS Mesophilic [56]
7 Press water + food service institutions FW Continuous 3.89 + 2.51 m3/m3 d Mesophilic [74]
8 FW (beans, corn, carrots and broccoli) + card pack- Continuous 0.345 L/gVS Mesophilic [69]
9 Apple waste + swine manure Continuous 260–317 mL/g TCOD Mesophilic [75]
10 University FW + chicken manure Semi-continuous 507.58 mL/gVS Mesophilic [76]
11 Institutional FW + de-oiled grease trap waste Continuous 2.86 L/L/d Mesophilic [77]
12 Institutional FW + mixed microalgae Batch 639.8 ± 1.3 mL/gVS Mesophilic [78]

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management

as a low-value product. However, the FW may also be used trypsin, etc. New technologies such as nano filtration and
for the recovery of important and high-value biological ultrafiltration are also employed for fractionation of fish pro-
molecules which may find applications in various fields tein hydrolysate [86]. On the other hand, electric treatment is
such as agriculture, health, pharmacy, etc. [79, 80]. Animal employed for lipid extraction from FW [87]. Similarly, micro-
waste such as fish and other seafood waste are rich in chitin, bial fermentation is also used to obtain value-added chemicals
protein, gelatin, glycosaminoglycan, carotenoids, miner- such as ferulic acid, citric acid, etc. Depending upon the physi-
als, enzymes, antioxidants and other bioactive molecules. cal state of substrate, the microbial fermentation may be used
Several of these biomolecules can be used in food industry in form of solid-state fermentation or submerged fermentation.
itself. For example, chitosan can be employed as anti-brown- Due to the low cost and simplicity of the sterilization process,
ing agent [80]. It can also be used as bioactive ingredient for the submerged fermentation is the most commonly used fer-
preservation of food [81]. Protein hydrolysate is the most mentation method for enzyme production on commercial scale
important product recovered form fish waste which can fur- [88]. In addition, the electro-fermentation is also employed
ther degraded to obtain bioactive peptides [80]. The protein now-a-days for bioconversion of organic waste in which
hydrolysates obtained from fish waste can be employed in electrode are incorporated during the microbial fermentation
food industry for applications such as protein supplements, process to enhance the metabolic rate and electron kinetics.
stabilizers for beverages, milk replacers, flavorings agents, Sravan et al. [89] suggested electro-fermentation as a feasible
etc. Similarly, marine shells rich in calcium carbonate can process for improved conversion of FW to value-added prod-
also be used for recovery of calcium carbonate as well as ucts through improved biocatalytic activity.
its conversion to value-added products such as calcium
phosphate and calcium citrate which are commonly used in Circular economy and food waste
biomedical as well as food industry [82]. Likewise, carot-
enoids such as astaxanthin and β-carotene which are used Circular economy refers to reuse, refurbish and recycle the
as coloring additive in food industry can also be recovered existing materials [90]. This infer that the materials which
from shrimp cells [83]. Gmoser et al. [84] utilized wheat are considered as waste in the linear economic system (pro-
bread waste to produce carotenoids using Neurospora inter- duce, consume and discard), become resources in circular
media. Moreover, plant-based FW is also a rich resource of economy. It focuses on circular flow of matter to maximize
biomolecules such as cellulose, starch, proteins, citric acid, the resource utilization efficiency with minimum environ-
etc. Recently, Sepulveda et al. [85] carried out microbial mental impact due to waste generation [91]. Circular econ-
fermentation through Aspergillus fumigatus for production omy of food system implies minimization of FW generation,
of ellagic acid from orange peel waste. recycling and reuse of nutrients, utilization of by products
The methods of nutrient recovery are often based on either and changes in human behavior and diet to achieve more
physical, chemical and biological processes as shown in Fig. 3. efficient food consumption patterns [92, 93].
For example, protein hydrolysate and peptides are recovered Recently, an increasing interest towards the concept of
through chemical hydrolysis of FW material. On the other circular economy in food system has been witnessed with a
hand, biological process involves enzymatic hydrolysis by number of reports [91–93]. Jurgilevich et al. [94] defined the
employing enzymes such as pepsin, chymotrypsin, papain, three stages of circular food system and the associated chal-
lenges. The three stages are food production, consumption
and waste management. The waste management involves
the technologies discussed in earlier sections including AD,
composting and nutrient recovery which serves in directing
the nutrient flow back to the system and thus making it a
closed circular loop. In this regard, the biorefineries based
on utilization and recycling of FW aligning with the ongoing
global trend of circular economy may be proved path break-
ing in addressing the challenge of FW management [95]


Effective as well as efficient management of FW is required

for a sustainable society. Hospitality sector will grow by
leaps and bound sin near future and so is the FW generation.
Fig. 3  Nutrient recovery from food waste of plant and animal origin Installing small-scale readymade biogas units and composter

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management

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Acknowledgements Authors are thankful to Department of Science food waste for bio-hydrogen and bio-methane production: influ-
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Department of Biotechnology (Grant no. BT/RLF/Re-entry/04/2013); Waste Manag 2020:1–9
Government of India and WTZ-BMWF Austria for financial support. 18. Fersiz S, Sevil VE (2015) Aerobic decomposition of food
waste with different ratios of solids at ambient temperatures
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