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@SBI te ae Bonk PAN; AAACSB577« ‘TO WHOMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERN PROVISIONAL HOME LOAN INTEREST CERTIFICATE ‘Name(s) of Borowar(s} Mi MANOJ KUMAR AGRAWAL Mr. ASHUTOSH AGRAWAL “Address of the Borrower "HINO 25 BSECTOR PATEL NAGAR RAISEN ROAD BHOPAL Bhopal PIN-coDE asz02t Home Loan Account No 42113626288 Dato of Sanction 2eyori2023 Lit (Rs) ‘100c000.00, ‘This to certiy thatthe repayment expoctod in the above notes Home Lean eocount for the pariod fom 01/04/2023 to 31/03/2024 is 6s under. From To “Amount (Fe) ‘Actual Ropayment owosr2023 sonven23 4475.00 Expected Repayment owsarz023 sosran24 34940.00 Total 79675.00 (Of which, Principal . 2281.00 Interest 7414.00 slate Bank of india Housing Loan Interest Cerificate can also be gonerated from cur INB sie, For Further information please contact your branch or or {a1 O00 1258 or 18002100 or 600 192211 or F000 425 960, boa RE] SBI Top Up Home Loan Ree ered eerie) ‘STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT Name : Me, MANO KUM HNO ze sector “UMAR AGRAWAL PATEL NAGAR RAISEN ROAD BHOPAL Date : oa01/2024 Time : 20:56:54 Cleared Balance : 9,82828.000R Limit: 10,0,000.00 ‘Statement From : 01/04/2028 toon/ot2028 NARSINGARH 465669 et IFS¢- SeiNcosoo7t WicR’:desoozs02 ‘Account No.:421 13626256 Product: EB-HOME LOAN APR22 ‘Currency : INR small: ograwalmic 62@gmalleom Uncleared Amount: 0,00CR Drawing Power: 9,92,898.00 Prone sabecon oath chghe amt ose sf TaoE a0 Bye EMBO som orm Har rasrn semen sro FERRE 183 Ha ees vane ‘erate 310823 81/08/23 DEPOSIT TRANSFER '9,92,662.000" seen a2 eg ioe 1202 say BRE o1os23 §— O10s23 OS. DEPOSIT TRANSFE . 9,000.00 '9,90,889.000r mosreurn wows cies TEASER re soso sate sonra twas CHES sone css oe venom wen oe ae ria sere SC senso RBBB: ous eye meme ores sar ua gee ee 88 18 ce sen ae ciosnenavce a stn uy cre eteicyp OF STATEMENT STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT Nemo Me, MANOJ KUN HNO zeesecton “UMAR AGRAWAL PATEL NAGAR RAISEN ROAD BHOPAL, Data: os10r2024 Time : 20:87:14 Cleared Balance : 59,12,069.000R Limit: 60,00,000.00 Statement From :01/04/2028 toos/0172028 STATE BANK OF INDIA ‘AGB UDAWATGANINARSINGHGARH NARSINGARH aesces DISTT RAINAGAR Branch Code 0071 Branch Phona 246210 IFSoseinooso071 ica’: 465002002 ‘Account No42117018448 currency small: agrawal €2@gmallcom Uncleared Amount: 0.00CR Drawing Power: §9,57,322.00 Pagetie.: 1 PostDate Value ate oti pest crest Balsnce Ee ar reser SOOT Sar avis Borde BEB TRANGrCR ‘nc, o00.00 oak ee0 oor Tee 10 Sreabettion zaores zaaran GeO REST EN 80000 0.00 000009 Stores 3urzs © Bap oerioa INrened 9.7600 Soin ee oe 3uoezs | Sinaeshveest HES 6040000" 25019 z30az DEPOSIT TRaNsren ss,147.00 ‘00150 000+ an ower a TERFROM Yoo7s9s00ss ‘2/08/23 29/0823 Berosn TRANSEER 55,150.00 '59,46,343.000r TRANSFER FRG TERPROM 100713005 goooz; sogezo INTEREST 4610400 3990527 000° Sariozs §— Sa023 BESOS ieansrer 5.14400 5857388000" inser ane TeRPROw foor1969055 gyrozs — syroza renee az20500 Sonizs§ SCN923 INTEREST eS waz © owas © Deposrr'pansren ss,ta7.00 5875287000" ‘eaasren now TERPROM foorfos0ss zeroes zartoms Dene TRANSFER ss.20000 59,2007 000r Tar Feld TER FROM tear t260085 aurges ayazo INTEREST 7300.00 5,67,260.000, Sicha? SCHR? SESBESS sr reansre 5,200.00 53,2000 000" Sense TROM CLOSING BALANCE: 59,12.069.000" Statement Summary Dr. Count8 cx.count7 e2as9sr.00 a6ess.00 ‘sseusenntE ND) OF STATEMENT estes STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT Nome : Me. MANOJ KUMAR AGI HNO zeBsEcTOR ee PATEL NAGAR RAISEN ROAD BHOPAL Data : 08/01/2024 Cleared Balance : 12,97,906.840R. Limit: 1250,000.00 ‘Tine : 2055727 Email: ‘STATE BANK OF INDIA, R Branch Code 30071 Branch Phone 246219 SG" SBINO030071 thick’: aesovzso2 ‘Account No.:42266133060 Product: EB-RLN'S-HOME TOPUP LOAN ‘Currency : INR agrawaimk 62@gmallcom, Uncleared Amount : 0.00CR Drawing Power: 12.49.414.00, Statement From :01/042029 tooao12024 Pogo No.2 1 PostDate Valve Date Dots chao et reat Balance aera 7 Ydeeas Yaun2s— BeSiF TRANGreR 1298088 ‘as2 sel Babe TER To sreuepest02 means means eeost InaNereR 2see00 12.49.9990%0% TER FROM Toor 1200085 solos gonaa3 par pemion INTEREST 5908.00 2sss05e1or 2iroas 23noas«—_BESGG TRANSFER 11450400 BS Eor eB Ero tor rac ginozs —syom9 INTERES sexz00 1259499.10° Binz HATES BEBESF rransren 11,505.00 2atgrasior TRANSFER FROM TERE RON or t20c055 sorvzs onyzn eRe? eaera0 jagtezsetoe aun2zs © O22 eros TRansreR 11,505.00 {B53e2080r ‘TeavsreR Peon TERRA ewes aur. ayiagn TEREST aso1.00 Beg4nt gor dorat§ SOtBE SREBERSsr trance 11,5080 Sree ‘FRANGrER FROM (CLOSING BALANCE: ‘2s706840r ‘Statement Summary Dr. count cr. counts 49,901.00

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