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Aye Chan Myat Phyo

Expository Writing (UFY 108)

Professor Richard Dare
28 October 2023
Words Counted: 1704 Words
The Platform: Questions and Answers
Based on Bloom's Taxonomy


1. How many levels are there in the platform?

1. There are 333 levels and each level has 2 people. So there are 666 people in this prison.

2. What happens to the room when you keep the food?

2. If you keep the food, your room temperature will go extremely high or low.


3. What is this movie about?

3. This movie vividly depicts the stratification of our society into distinct levels. The prison
setting features a food table that descends through each stage, ranging from the 1st to the
333rd level. In this environment, two individuals occupy each level, and it becomes apparent
that those on the upper levels have access to a diverse array of food.
Regrettably, this movie demonstrates the darker side of human nature. The individuals on the
upper levels, consumed by greed, indulge excessively and exhibit a disregard for those
positioned below them. This stark inequality leads to dire consequences, particularly for those
below level 200, who find themselves with nothing to eat. The ensuing desperation drives
them to resort to unthinkable measures, resulting in a horrifying scenario where they resort to
consuming the flesh of their fellows, forced by the urgent circumstances they face. This grim
narrative underscores the harsh realities of societal inequality and the brutal consequences it
can breed in an environment of scarcity and neglect.
4. How is it related to our society?

4. This movie serves as a regret story for the existing unfair treatment in our society, where
individuals are stratified based on factors such as income, religion, nationality, and social
standards. The analogy is drawn with the food table in the movie representing the natural
resources provided by our planet. Although Earth offers an abundance of resources for all, the
distribution is far from equitable. Some accumulate more than they need, while others struggle
to meet their basic requirements.
The film highlights the reality of social classes and the resulting injustices, manifesting in
serious issues such as poverty, racism, stereotypes, and discrimination. This differentiation
among classes creates an environment where self-preservation takes precedence, and people
become engrossed in their pursuits without considering the well-being of others. The narrative
further explores the societal resistance to change, particularly when individuals advocating for
fairness and equity emerge. Similar to the rejection faced by the character in the movie, those
who speak out against the prevailing inequities are often met with neglect and harsh criticism.
This mirrors the reluctance of many to confront systemic issues and work towards a more
inclusive society.


5. How can we solve this problem in our society related to this movie?

5. In this film, Goreng and Baharat embark on a journey with the food table, aiming to
distribute food equally among the lower levels. However, they encounter resistance until
reaching level 51, where they begin sharing the food equitably. The enforcement of equality
involves a strict rule: anyone attempting to consume more than their share faces lethal
Despite the challenges, Goreng and Baharat managed to transport a dessert, panna cotta, to the
highest level, 333. Significantly, a young girl, the daughter of Miharu on level 333, becomes a
pivotal symbol. Her mother, Miharu, had been sending food to her daughter through the food
table. This girl serves as a critical messenger to those on Level 0 and the administration,
signaling the imperative need for change in the system.
In drawing parallels to our society, individuals like Goreng represent those who have endured
injustice for an extended period and are driven to fight for a more equitable future. However,
the film introduces the notion that the younger generation, exemplified by the girl on level
333, possesses a unique resilience and capacity to challenge the existing system. She becomes
a symbol of humanity's unwavering strength in the face of injustice and cruelty, highlighting
the potential for positive change, particularly when driven by the youth.

6. Can we apply this movie message in our real lives?

6. Absolutely, our perspective resonates with a profound truth. The film's message,
emphasizing the pivotal role of the youth in instigating positive change, applies to the real
world. It underscores the significance of actively engaging and guiding the younger generation
to cultivate a mindset oriented toward positive transformation.
Youths are undeniably the torchbearers of the future, and as a society, it becomes our
responsibility to empower them with the knowledge, values, and tools necessary to navigate
the complexities of the world. By fostering a sense of responsibility and guiding them toward
the right path, we can channel the energy and enthusiasm of the youth toward constructive and
impactful initiatives.
In essence, the film serves as a compelling reminder that the youth must be actively involved
in shaping a better world, and it is the main responsibility of the older generations to provide
mentorship and support. The potential for positive change lies within the hands of the youth,
making their guidance and empowerment critical for the collective betterment of society.


7. What is the critical analysis of “ The Platform”?

7. The movie demonstrates profound messages about poverty and society through the
compelling narrative of the vertical prison structure. The central theme underscores the impact
of individual choices on collective well-being, echoing a fundamental truth: if those at the top
exercise restraint, there would be ample resources for everyone. However, the reality portrayed
is one of scarcity and hunger due to the lack of self-restraint among those in privileged
The film skillfully compares two contrasting forms of government—Communism and
Capitalism—illustrated by the characters' reactions to the suggestion of rationing food. This
reflects the societal dynamics where the actions of those in positions of power have
repercussions on those below, yet the influence rarely trickles upward. The capitalist concept
of reciprocity, "you give and you get," is depicted, emphasizing the transactional nature of
relationships in the confined setting.
The preservation of the panna cotta as a symbolic act signifies a strategic approach to appeal to
those at level 0, embodying the idea that certain actions can influence change. The encounter
with the girl on level 333 becomes a moment, that symbolizes the hope embodied by the
younger generation. This narrative thread underscores the film's message that positive change
often starts with one person, particularly the youth who hold the potential to drive
In essence, the movie serves as a powerful commentary on societal structures, governance, and
the potential for transformative change, highlighting the pivotal role of individuals, especially
the younger generation, in shaping a better future.

8. What truly is the value of money when people are facing death?

8. The movie illustrates the insignificance of money in the face of danger or death. The
scene where a character throws money at Goreng vividly portrays the futility of relying on
monetary wealth when confronted with existential threats. This symbolic act serves as a
reminder that, fundamentally, our basic needs for sustenance, clothing, and shelter are
Throughout human history, from the Stone Age to the present, the core necessities of life have
remained constant. Money, while a powerful tool in certain contexts, proves futile in
addressing the fundamental requirements for survival. When faced with life-threatening
situations, the tangible and immediate necessities take precedence over the abstract concept of
The movie thus serves as a remarkable human nature on the true essence of human needs,
transcending the materialistic pursuits often associated with monetary wealth. In the face of
adversity, the primary instincts for necessities become the focal point, making money
inconsequential in the struggle for survival.


9. Why does youth play an important role in changing the world?

9. The youth, defined as individuals aged 15 to 30, play a crucial role in society by
contributing to its renewal, refreshment, and maintenance. They are instrumental in
introducing new ideas and innovations, challenging existing leadership structures, and
fostering positive changes. Additionally, the youth actively engage in refreshing societal
dynamics, infusing energy, enthusiasm, and adaptability into various domains such as culture,
technology, and social initiatives. Simultaneously, they carry the responsibility of preserving
cultural heritage and upholding essential values, ensuring a balance between progress and the
conservation of societal foundations. In summary, the youth's significant contributions in
renewing, refreshing, and maintaining various aspects of society underscore their pivotal role
in effecting positive change and shaping the future.

10. What skills do the youth need to develop?

10. They should cultivate essential skills such as:

❖ Planning: The ability to strategize and organize tasks effectively, ensuring efficient use
of resources and time.
❖ Focus: Developing the capacity to concentrate on tasks and goals, avoiding
distractions, and maintaining attention to detail.
❖ Self-control: Cultivating discipline and restraint in managing one's behavior, emotions,
and responses to various situations.
❖ Awareness: Fostering a heightened consciousness of oneself, others, and the
surrounding environment, enabling informed decision-making.
❖ Flexibility: Adapting to changing circumstances with an open and receptive mindset,
embracing new ideas, and adjusting strategies accordingly.
Moreover, they should actively build relationships beyond personal spheres and shoulder
social responsibilities to contribute positively to the community and the broader society.


11. Do you like this movie? Explain your answers.

11. I appreciate this movie for its authentic portrayal of human life and nature. It delves into
political issues, diverse thinking styles, and behaviors, making it particularly intriguing. The
emphasis on the significant role of youth in shaping the world is a crucial aspect that resonates
with me. If I were to rate this movie, I would give it 3 out of 4 stars. While some scenes may
be unsettling, they contribute to the movie's realism and relevance to our actual world.

12. What do you think about ‘Capitalism’?

12. The movie provides a profound exploration of capitalism, an economic system where
private entities own and control resources. Capitalism has its merits, such as efficiency driven
by self-regulation through competition, and it fosters innovation, freedom, and opportunities.
However, it also has drawbacks, particularly in its impact on the impoverished, contributing to
unfairness, inequality, and instability. The benefits of capitalism are often skewed towards
individual capitalists, making it a contentious issue that requires individuals to form their
conclusions regarding its impact on society.

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