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Lesson 2


Let us look at the picture on the left.
We can see the external parts of the human body.
We also know their names and ftmctions.
Write in your notebook the main functions of
each external part of your body.
We perform a variety of activities using the
external parts of our body everyday, such as:
• We play, run, read, write and do other things
• We eat food two or three times a day.
• We drink water many times a day.
• We urinate many times a day.

How are we able to do such activities?

From where do we get the energy to do these
The internal organs of our body help us
in performing these activities.
The picture on the right shows some
Internal organs of the body. Look carefully
at this picture and Identify each organ.

Nowlet us try to know about each one of them.
This is a picture of the stomach. It is one
of the important internal organs of our body.
It is located on the left side in our body. The
stomach is a muscular bag. When the food
enters the stomach, it expands.
Do you know how much food and water
the stomach can hold at one time?
The stomach of a normal adult can hold about
three kilograms of food and water at a time.
The food chewed in the mouth goes to the
stomach through the food pipe. Due to
contraction and relaxation of the stomach
muscles, the food breaks into further smsill
pieces. The inner layer of the stomach
releases digestive juices. These Juices help in
the digestion of the food.
After that the food moves to the small intestine. Here also,
some more digestive juices get mixed in it. These juices further
dissolve the food.
The digested food is absorbed by the blood and it reaches
different parts of the body through the blood.
Food gives us the energy to work and play.
Do you know how long it takes to digest the food?
It takes about three to six hours to digest the food.
If we overeat or swallow food Avithout chewing it properly,
our digestion is can lead to stomach ache.
Now we know why we should chew our food properly.
We must also avoid overeating.
If we eat uncovered or stale food, it can upset the stomach.
Many times harmful germs enter our body when we do not
wash our hands before eating and we can fall ill.

y __

Just as our body needs food, it also

needs air. We take in air when we breathe.
Lungs, one of our major organs, help in
the process of breathing. Let us look at
the picture and find out how many lungt
are there in our body?
Our body has two lungs. They are located
inside the chest, one on each side. Lungs
are connected to the wind pipe and the
wind pipe is connected to the nose.
When we breathe in air through our
nose, the air reaches the lungs through the
wind pipe. The hair inside the nose do not
let dirt particles in the air go inside our
Lungs lungs. Lungs help oj^gen from this air to
get absorbed into the blood in our body.
The waste substance, carbon dioxide, passes from the blood
into the air. We breathe out carbon dioxide from our body.
To understand the process oj breathing, keep your hands on
your chest. Take a long and deep breath. You willfeel that your
jchest expands when you breathe in. It is because our lungs are
filled with air. Our chest contracts and becomes normal when we
breathe out air. It is because the air goes out of the lungs.

Anormal individual breathes about 12 to 15 times in a minute.
We breathe faster when we run. At that time we can breathe
about 60 times in a minute.

Do you know?
Our speaking is also related to breathing. In our
neck, above the wind pipe, there is a small body
part knovm as larynx. When we push out air
while breathing, the larynx vibrates. These
/ vibrations produce sound. This sound is
converted into words with the help of our teeth,
jaws, tongue, lips and cheeks.

AATien we run or walk fast, we can

hear a sound (Dhak-Dhak), coming out
from our chest.
Do you know what is this sound?
t .
This is the sound of beating of our
internal organ - the Heart.
We can feel the beating of our heart
clearly by keeping our hand on
7 the chest.
The heart is another important organ
of our body. It is also located inside
the chest.
The heart is made up of muscles.
I% The heart has four chambers.
4;'.! The chambers on the upper side are
known as auricles. The lower two
'S-' chambers are known as ventricles. The
blood is circulated to the different parts
of the body by the heart.

Do you know?
The heart of a normal healthy person beats 72
times in a minute. Our heart beat increases when
we run. We can feel our heartbeat by keeping our
hand on our chest. We can also count our
heartbeat. This can be done by feeling our pulse.
Ask your teacher to help you locate your pulse and
count it for one minute.

Through the blood the digested food,

Kidneys water, oxygen and minerals reach each and
every part of the body.
Let us look at another Internal organ in
this picture.
What is its shape?
Where is this organ located?
This internal organ is known as kidney.
Its shape is like a bean.
Our body has two kidneys. They are
located in the lower part of the body called
abdomen. Kidneys help in filtering waste
products from the blood. The waste goes
to the urinary bladder. From the urinary
bladder it is excreted out of the body as
Our internal organs keep on functioning
all the time, whether we are sleeping or


I oJ r a l Work
1. Name two internal organs located in the chest.
2. Which internal organs help in digestion of the food?
3. Why should we avoid eating frequently?
4. Which organ of the body produces the beating sound?
5. What can be the reasons for a stomach ache?
6. With which internal organ is the wind pipe connected?
Written Work

1. Match the columns;

Kidneys Air
Heart Food
Lungs Blood
Stomach Waste products
2. Fill in the blanks with correct words given below;
breathing, ill, left, one, air
(i) The human body has____________ heart.
(ii) Lungs help us in ____________ •
(iii) If we eat stale food we Ccin fall____________ .
(iv) The stomach is located in the___________ side of
the body.
(v) When we breathe in, our lungs get filled with_____ .
3. What is the function of the kidneys?
4. Keeping your hand on your chest try to feel the process of
breathing in and out. Now write the experience in your
own words.
5. What would happen if :
(i) We do not have a heart
(ii) We do not have lungs

(iii) We do not have kidneys.

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