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MLS 322

1 Jul-23
 The blood bank is usually part of the Pathology
department of a hospital
 It should be located within the laboratory but secluded
enough to preclude unnecessary interruptions during
grouping and cross-matching.
 The location of the blood bank near the haematology
department also facilitates correlation of results apart
from the advantage of sharing equipment such as the

2 Jul-23
1. Blood bank refrigerator
-cylindrical with rotating shelves
-conventional with pull-out shelves

➢ The refrigerator should have fitted safety lights

➢ Temperature recording device
➢ Alarm system which goes off when the temperature
falls below 2ºC or above 6ºC
➢ Automatic buzzer that sounds when the refrigerator
door is opened

3 Jul-23
Basic equipments cont..
2. Other refrigerators
➢ Separate freezer capable of maintaining a constant temp
of at least -30ºC necessary for storing bulk supplies of

➢A household refrigerator for storage at 4ºC of antisera in

use, samples of sera, and blood awaiting investigation. Or
a combination type unit with a -20ºC compartment
would suffice instead of getting a separate freezer.

➢ Alarm system should also be built in to the freezer

especially if used to store fresh frozen plasma or
4 Jul-23
3. Microscope and slides
The use of inverted microscope is recommended for
assessment of microscopic agglutination.
-The content of the tube can be viewed directly with
the aid of a tube holder without transferring the cell
suspension onto a slide

4. Constant temperature water bath at 37ºC and at 56ºC

5. A shaker (rotator or agitator).
6.Glazed tiles (plain); opal glass tiles are preferable.
7. Racks.– wooden, metallic or plastic
8.Pastuer pipettes

5 Jul-23
9. Glass test tubes in 3 sizes: 75 by 10mm, 75 by 12 mm and
100 by 12mm.

10. Supply of plastic donor packs containing anticoagulants

such as ACD and CPD-A

11. Centrifuges. At least three varieties of centrifuge are

a. standard bench type centrifuge with
variable speed and heads.
b. refrigerated centrifuge capable of centrifuging
blood packs.
c. a constant speed centrifuge for centrifuging serum
cell mixture prior to reading.

6 Jul-23
A precise and complete record system is essential in a blood bank. The
record system below is appropriate for a hospital of about 450 beds.

 Blood group and initial transfusion request form: This form is used by a
physician or Nurse to request for blood for transfusion from the blood

 Blood group record workbook: Blood groups are entered here.

 Cross-matching ledger in which the date, recipient’s name and ward (floor
and bed) unit number, recipient’s group, donor’s group, method used in
cross-matching (routine, emergency and so forth), and the signature of the
Scientist performing the cross-match are entered.

 Booking-out ledger in which the date, unit number, recipient’s name and
ward (room, bed, floor), recipient’s group, donor’s group, date and time
taken, and signature of withdrawer are entered.
 The cross-match and booking-out ledger may be combined conveniently.

7 Jul-23
 Patient’s blood transfusion record, this is kept on the case
sheet or chart.
 Antibody investigation ledger in which are entered details
of all investigations (antenatal, haemolytic anaemias and so
forth), and procedures used in the detection and
evaluation of antibodies.
 Miscellaneous record: In this record, details of
miscellaneous tests, eg genotyping and transfusion
reaction investigations are entered.
 Card filing system: this can be developed under the
following headings: a) blood groups, b)known genotyped
cell panel, c) cross-matches d) antenatal file for all
antibody investigation for expectant mothers e) files of
individuals shown to have antibodies in their blood,
8 Jul-23

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