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1. What is Cyclomatic complexity?

a) Black box testing b) Yellow box testing

c) Green box testing d) White box testing
2. White Box techniques are also classified as
a) Design based testing b. Error guessing technique
c) Structural testing d) None of the mentioned
3. What are the various Testing Levels?
a) Unit Testing b) System Testing
c) Integration Testing d) All of the mentioned
4. Alpha testing is done at
a) Developer’s end b) User’s end
c) Developer’s & User’s end d) None of the mentioned
5. Which of the following is true about Software Verification?
A. Verification ensures the product being developed is according to design specifications.
B. Verifications concentrates on the design and system specifications.
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
6. Which of the following is also known as "Behavioral" testing?
A. Black-box testing B. White-box testing
C. Both A and B D. None of the above
7. In which type of testing : software is compiled as product and then it is tested as a whole?
A. Integration Testing B. Acceptance Testing
C. Regression Testing D. None of the above
8. _____ is the process of evaluating a system or its component(s) with the intent to find whether it
satisfies the specified requirements or not.
A. Software Design B. Software Implementation
C. Software Testing D. Software Requirement
9. Test Automation __________ the testing time.
A. increases B. reduces
C. does not depend D. None of the above
10. Which of the following is not true about Software Validation?
A. Validation ensures the product under development is as per the user requirements.
B. Validation do not emphasizes on user requirements.
C. Validation emphasizes on user requirements. D. Validation is carried out at the end of
the SDLC.
11. What is the first step in project planning?
A. Determine the budget B. Determine project constraints
C. Inspect the deliverables D. Establish the objectives and scope
12. Process framework activities are populated with
a) Milestones b) QA Points
c) Work Products d) All of the above
13. Which of the following is not considered as a risk in project management?
a) Specification delays b) Product competition
c) Testing d) Staff turnover
14. A software project that meets all the given objectives is a success of _________.
A. Project fundamental purpose B. Project quality
C. Project requirement D. Project management myth
15. ___________ is not an effective software project management focus..
A. people B. product
C. process D. popularity
16. _________ is not a project manager’s activity.
A. project design B. project management
C. project planning D. project control
17. The __________ is not an approach to software cost estimation?
A. Analytical B. Critical
C. Empirical D. Heuristic
18. What is the process each manager follows during the life of a project is known as
A. Project Management B. Project Management Life Cycle
C. Manager life cycle D. All of the mentioned
19. Quality planning is the process of developing a quality plan for_________.
A. customers B. project manager
C. team D. project
20. Which one the following is an internal software quality from given below?
A. reusability B. reliability
C. scalability D. usability
21. Quality Management in software engineering is also known as
a) SQA b) SQM
c) SQC d) SQA and SQM
22. Quality also can be looked at in terms of user satisfaction which includes
a) A compliant product b) Good quality output
c) Delivery within budget and schedule d) All of the mentioned
23. Inspections and testing are what kinds of Quality Costs?
a) Prevention b) Internal Failure
c) External Failure d) Appraisal
24. Which of the following is not a core step of Six Sigma?
a) Define b) Control
c) Measure d) Analyse
26. Non-conformance to software requirements is known as
a) Software availability b) Software reliability
c) Software failure d) None of the mentioned
27. The degree to which the design specifications are followed during manufacturing is known as
a) Quality of design b) Quality of conformance
c) Quality of testing d) None of the mentioned
28. According to ISO 9001, inspection and testing comes under which management
a) Process control b) Document control
c) Control of nonconforming products d) Servicing
29. Quality of design refers to the characteristics that ____.
a) Designers specify for a product b) Software engineers implement
in coding
c) Analyst did it during analysis d) None of the mentioned above
30. To build high-quality software, we must understand
a) The problem to be solved b) Design capability that conforms to the problem
c) Characteristics that lead to software that exhibits the quality dimensions and factors d) All of the
mentioned above
Student Name
Ques. Ans Ques. Ans Ques. Ans Section/Roll No.
1 11 21
2 12 22
3 13 23
4 14 24
5 15 25
6 16 26
7 17 27
8 18 28
9 19 29
10 20 30

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