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Visitors can check bus ticket availability, purchase bus tickets, and make bus ticket
payments online using the Online Bus Ticket Reservation System, a web-based program.
After receiving access from the administrator, this system is set up for all home/office users.
Introduction is in Chapter 1. It outlines the project's history, problem statement, goals,
scopes, importance, and anticipated results of the suggested system. Literature review and
project methodology are covered in Chapter II. It outlines the facts and conclusions for
electronic ticketing, the methodology used to create the system, the project requirements, an
action plan for before the project is finished, and an attached Gantt chart. Analysis is the third
chapter. It is focused on investigating the current system first, then using the data gained to
specify the needs for a new system. In addition, analysis must be finished before the design
phase can start. It comes after the problem recognition and feasibility phases. Designs are
Chapter IV. The system architecture, DFD, Data Dictionary, Data Normalization, and Entity
Relationship Diagram are defined as the outcomes of the analysis of the preliminary design.
In addition, it outlines a strategy for carrying out the criteria. Additionally, Chapter V
establishes data on memory capacity, platform, interfaces, distributed architectural layering,
computer programming languages and environments, machines, packages, application
architecture, and many other engineering specifics. Implementation is covered in Chapter 4.
It explains how to set up a software development environment, manage software
configurations, and track the status of the Bus Ticket Reservation System's implementation.
Testing is the sixth chapter. Bus Ticket Reservation System testing involves the use of a test
plan, test strategy, test design, test results, and analysis. The chapter used to wrap up and
summarize all the chapters is called the conclusion. Currently, using online services to get
information is becoming more and more common. Due to its wide audience and simple
accessibility, the internet is perfect for use as a tool for marketing and information
dissemination. Although the internet has some negative effects, its positive effects outweigh
these and are very beneficial for all users. The purpose of this program for purchasing tickets
is to handle any problems that customers could have ordering tickets or looking for

information about tickets or other problems. With the internet, information about anything
can be found quickly and effortlessly. Smartphones and computers, which are hugely
common in the present period, may be used to access the internet. A dynamic and extensive
information system can be created using the internet, which is a very effective tool. Based on
the many advantages, a "Design of a Bus Ticket Reservation System" was developed, and
features offered by the internet. System for booking tickets online and on time. Version 8 of
Macromedia Dreamweaver, PHP, and MySQL were used to create this web-based
application. This information system was developed to make it simple for consumers to
purchase tickets and to obtain any other information quickly and easily they might require,
including departure times, the kind of vehicle being used, the kinds of routes that are
available, and other information the client may desire.


This chapter attempts to provide an overview of the project's history, problem

description, objectives, scopes, significance, and expected system output. The system is
the Bus Ticket Booking System. This project focuses on the modern coast bus operator's
online ticketing system, which regularly has challenges with its scheduling and ticketing
procedures. This project intends to computerize its semi-computerized ticketing system to
provide improved customer service. As a result, the company may offer a simpler form of
transportation to the consumer or passenger. E-tickets serve as confirmation that the
owners are authorized to enter an entertainment venue, use a method of transportation, or
access particular Internet services. Purchasing a bus ticket online through the bus
company's bus ticket reservation system is the quickest and easiest way to take a bus. The
internet platform is quite new.

Because it is only now becoming established in bus companies around the world,
including Kenya. Employees at the bus ticket counter currently sell tickets at the counter
using an internal system. Because they can no longer purchase bus tickets online, the
client must go to the counter. Customers may have to wait in a long queue to buy bus

tickets and obtain information. Furthermore, the customer does not allow the purchase of
a bus ticket over the phone, and Transnational's phone line is always busy. This causes
significant inconvenience to the clients. The online bus ticket reservation system allows
customers to instantly purchase bus tickets, make payments, cancel bookings, and obtain
information. Employees can also utilize the Bus Ticket Reservation System to sell bus
tickets after checking client availability and printing tickets for those who are waiting in


The system that the counter employees are now utilizing is an internal one that is
exclusively used to sell bus tickets at the counter. A consumer must visit the counter to
purchase a bus ticket or obtain a bus schedule. Furthermore, when purchasing bus tickets,
customers must pay in cash and may have to wait for a lengthy period in queue.
Customers are also not permitted to purchase bus tickets over the phone, yet the bus
company's phone line is always busy.

The solution to this problem is the introduction of an online bus ticket purchasing
system. Bus tickets can be purchased online at any time of day or night and are not lost,
stolen, or left behind. Buyers can also check the availability of bus tickets online before
making a purchase.

The online system's key goals are as follows:

 Provide the ability to purchase bus tickets online. When using the online
approach, there is no need to stand in queue to purchase bus tickets at the

 Allow clients to check the availability of bus tickets online. Customers can
view the departure and arrival timings for each Transnational bus via the

 To make purchasing bus tickets online more convenient. To pay for the bus
ticket, the consumer needs to utilize M-Pesa money services.

 Reduce the number of personnel who work at the point of sale. The number of
staff at the counter may decrease with the launch of the online bus ticket
purchasing system.


As previously said, the internet system is only now beginning to take hold in the
nation's transport network. It is critical for the firm's clients, the bus company, and
everyone else. Customers appreciate it since it allows them to check the availability of
bus tickets, order, cancel, and pay for them online. E-tickets differ from traditional paper
tickets in that they are safer, faster, more reliable, and less expensive. Furthermore, other
bus companies may apply this concept to fulfil their customers. The bus company will
make more money since the online technique will attract more customers and because
selling bus tickets online is more efficient than paying a large staff to work the counter.
Furthermore, the owner can organize the bus routes based on the margin returns. This is
performed by comparing bus performance. This module's comparing criteria include the
route, operational expenses along a specific route, and the frequency of breakdowns per


The program is accessible on the internet. Customers can view the available buses
and seats for a specific route by logging into the customer site.

By logging into the system via the staff portal, employees can compare bus performance
and keep track of other related company performance concerns.

 User acceptance:
Because they are concerned about losing their jobs, some employees may be
opposed to the counter system becoming online.

 Computer literacy level:

It is likely that the target population will lack the essential ICT skills to operate
the system as intended. The provision of training for its customers may result in
business expenses.
 Inadequate system testing:
Inadequate unit and system testing may result in usability issues such as delays in
some modules.



Tourism is one of the businesses that has excelled at mobile application optimization.
According to Buell, Campbell, and Frei (2010), 50% of contemporary tourist recommender
systems are mobile-friendly. In the tourist industry, there are four main types of mobile travel
applications: "Online Booking," "Information Resources," "Location Based Services," and
"Trip Journals." (2014) Smirnov, Kashevnik, Shilov, Teslya, and Shabaev "Online Bookings"
is a category. These programs allow travelers to make online reservations for a wide range of
services, including bus transportation, car rentals, hotels, and airline tickets. Typically,

travelers request applications from this group prior to departure. According to (Gunduz &
Pathan, 2013), light ticket sales accounted for 32% of all online sales, hotels and tours
accounted for 26%, and event management tickets accounted for 20% of all online sales
worldwide. In the United States, 79 percent of mobile phones are used to make online
purchases. Customers rely on their apps for greater social interaction, commercial
transactions, and neighborhood connections. According to the conclusions of these studies,
airlines, bus lines, and travel agencies should enhance their ticket options via mobile
shopping as providers of products and services. Furthermore, self-service technology (SST)
will make service delivery simpler and more efficient when the consumer provides the
service independently. Self-service technology, which is replacing traditional customer-
employee interactions, allows the customer to deliver the service autonomously (Wang,
Harris, & Patterson, 2012). Furthermore, customers no longer need to visit a corporate office
to enquire about banking transactions, ticket information, or bill payment, making it easier
for customers to meet their requests and saving them money, time, and effort. The second
motivation for utilizing self-service technologies is to make transactions easier. Customers
can use this technology to make purchases, pay bills, or place online orders without first
speaking with staff. The third purpose of self-service technology is self-help. These SSTs
provide the consumer with the opportunity to learn, gain information, get trained, and
provide their own service. Furthermore, self-service technology benefits both enterprises and
customers. SSTs are an effective technique to boost accessibility, ubiquitous availability, save
time and money, and reduce anxiety. Electronic ticketing systems, often known as e-ticket
systems, are becoming increasingly popular among travelers worldwide. Because of the
numerous benefits that customers can gain through electronic ticketing, such as avoiding
lineups at ticket booths, this approach has mostly supplanted the traditional one. The advent
of the internet corresponded with the advent of the electronic ticketing system, but various
paper-based or smart card-based ticketing systems were already in use. All ticketing systems
have benefits and drawbacks, and the budget has already categorized the benefits and
drawbacks of various ticketing systems.


2.2.1. Mobile Ticketing:

Mobile ticketing (m-ticketing), as defined by Skarcia, Belani, and Illes (2009), is the
ordering, purchasing, delivery, and use of goods and services via mobile technology such as
Wireless Application Protocol (WAP). Mobile ticketing is a relatively young and rising sector
of the fast-expanding e-commerce business. By 2013, 400 million mobile users globally are
expected to utilize their phones to purchase tickets, bringing the total value of gross mobile
ticketing transactions to $92 billion (Eicher et al., 2012). For many years, researchers have
been interested in the future of mobile ticketing. M-ticketing allows a customer to purchase a
ticket using an authentic and valid mobile phone application. Users of the mobile ticket can
save digital tickets on their phones thanks to the application's value-added services. As a
result, the consumer's ticket will be less likely to be lost and will be paperless, long-lasting,
inexpensive, and ecologically friendly. According to Ceipidor et al. (2013), the mobile
ticketing process can be divided into the following steps:

 Registration:
To sell tickets online, a company must first register with accurate information
about its products and services.

 Provisioning:
Allow a mobile application to communicate with users for a purchase to be

 Validation:
To validate and legitimate the ticket, the business and the customer employ an
electronic validation system.

 Ticket verification:
In accordance with the conditions mentioned on the ticket, the controller must
confirm and approve the sale of the mobile ticket and show it as the
passenger's legitimate ticket.


The mobile bus ticketing system (MBTS) is without a doubt one of the best chances in
the world for cutting costs and boosting traveler accessibility. The flow of tickets will be
handled more slowly because of this project, less paper will be utilized, and travelers will
have more freedom and flexibility to adjust their journey plans in metropolitan areas. Another
big disadvantage of this method is that a mobile ticket cannot be misplaced or stolen, unlike a
ticket sent by mail, which risks being sent to the wrong address. MBTS will make customers'
lives easier, and they will be able to access the service on their own time, anywhere, and on
any device.



The execution phase must be planned and executed. This is only possible if the proper
strategy is taken. Methodology is critical for ensuring that all project life cycle tasks are
accomplished without shortcuts. System developers can complete the entire system one step
at a time by using methodology. The following section discusses the technique chosen for the
Modern Coast Bus Company's establishment of an online bus ticketing system.


For this system, all phases of the system development lifecycle (SDLC) were
accomplished. The waterfall technique was used to create this system based on the system's
attributes and the data gathered. This procedure included the following steps: feasibility
study, specification design, requirement analysis, coding, testing, integration, and
maintenance. Every phase had a distinct beginning and finish point and required a specific
quantity of effort. Each level must be completed before proceeding to the next.


Because each step had to be finished before the next one could begin, and no phase could
be left unattended, the waterfall technique developed a full-quality system and an error-free
system. However, based on the information gathered on user needs, there was no question as
to what needed to be built because the user demand was well understood. Like other
techniques, such as fast prototyping methods, the method was also less expensive since there
was no need to repeat a procedure after it was finished, which reduced resource waste.


Appropriate data collection techniques were required to acquire data from the Modern
Coast Bus Ticket Booking System and its users. Among these methods were the following: Observation:

This requires the researcher to visit the region of examination, observe how the
organization under study operates, identify any potential operating system weaknesses,
analyze the difficulties, and develop a solution based on the findings. This method was
chosen because it provides first-hand knowledge that is reliable and accurate, as well as a
summary of the system. It is the most effective way. Interviews:

This is a face-to-face interview between the system analyst (interviewer) and the users of
the system. This was used when there were few responses to explain and corroborate the
information obtained. This method was critical because it enabled the enrichment of data
required for quality processing of some data that could not be gathered by direct observation
without the use of interviews. Questionnaires:

A questionnaire is a list of questions created on a piece of paper by the person gathering

data and distributed to persons who subsequently answer the questions in private without the
interviewer present. After finishing, the respondent will send the answers to the data

collector. Because some respondents lacked confidence in answering questions asked by the
interview panel, a questionnaire was the best alternative for them.


The process of analyzing data by applying logical and analytical reasoning to each
individual piece of available data is known as data analysis. Data from many sources was
collected and assessed before being analyzed to get a result. The collected data or facts were
utilized to assess the current system. Among these tools were the following: Graphs and
tables are used.


The feasibility study's purpose was to examine the present system and determine whether
a new system should be created to replace it. It tended to investigate the viability of the
current system. A cost-benefit analysis was conducted to assess the viability of a new system.
It addressed the following topics: schedule feasibility, technical feasibility, economic
feasibility, and operational feasibility.

3.5.1 Social operational feasibility:

This is a measure of how well a proposed system addresses challenges, capitalizes on

possibilities, and meets the needs identified during the requirements analysis stage of system
development. It examined how the system affects the organization's culture today. The
operational feasibility review focused on the projected development projects' compatibility
with the current business environment and goals in terms of development timetable, delivery
date, corporate culture, and existing business processes. To ensure success, desired
operational outcomes were conveyed during design and development. These included design-
related concerns such as cost, sustainability, affordability, usability, predictability, usability,

and others. There would be observed behaviors. System design and development involve the
right and timely application of engineering and managerial efforts to meet the requirements.
When a system's technical and operational features are embedded into the design, it may
perform better than expected. As a result, operational feasibility is an important aspect of
systems engineering that must be considered from the start of the design process. The
Modern Coast Bus Ticket Booking System solutions were determined to be trustworthy and
versatile, making them operationally viable.

3.5.2 Legal feasibility:

This investigation was carried out to determine whether the proposed system will violate
any laws. These data processing systems must comply with local data protection acts. The
legal ramifications of the new system were investigated, and the Modern Coast Bus Ticket
Booking System took the appropriate procedures to protect its customers' rights. This part of
the Modern Coast Bus Ticket Booking System Solutions was successfully completed, and the
system was confirmed to be functional.

3.5.3 Economic feasibility:

The economic feasibility analysis sought to determine what positive economic effects the
proposed system would have on the organization. All the predicted benefits have been
quantified and identified. As part of this evaluation, a Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) was
usually performed. The Modern Coast online bus company booking system was certainly
proven to be commercially sustainable, and there is little likelihood that it will soon lose its

3.5.4 Technical feasibility:

The major purpose of the evaluation was to understand the technological resources
already available in the ticket booking sector and how well they would operate with the
proposed solution. This was done to assess the hardware and software needs of the new

system. It also looked at whether the existing facilities were enough for deploying the new

3.5.5 Schedule feasibility:

The viability of a project's schedule is a measure of its timeliness. The project would fail
if it took too long to complete before it was beneficial. This entails estimating the system's
development time and assessing if it can be completed within a specific time range using
techniques such as a payback period. The system's timetable indicated that the project could
be completed on time because it would only take roughly 3 months, which was a short time
for such a system.


3.6.1 Programming tools:

PHP and HTML were chosen for coding because they worked well with web-based
applications. While CSS was used to style web pages and create visually appealing and user-
friendly system interfaces, JAVASCRIPT was also employed for scripting purposes.

3.6.2 Database tools:

The database was created and connected using XAMPP, which also includes
PhpMyAdmin for hosting and managing databases.

3.6.3 System modeling tools:

During the development phase, system modelling tools such use case diagrams, data flow
diagrams, and sequence diagrams would be developed.


It is clear from the presented approach that each phase in the system development
lifecycle must be completed by every system. The above-mentioned technique was applied
throughout the system development, which aided in the creation of a booking system that
would meet the demands of both the Modern Coast organization and its customers.




This chapter will analyze the present system in use for the Modern Coast Bus Ticket
Booking System and do any necessary analyses. Identifying whether a new system is
necessary or not is the main goal of this. The chapter also provides system requirements
through a variety of models that help one better understand how the present system operates.
The chapter makes use of modelling techniques including DFDs, flowcharts, use case
diagrams, and others.


4.2.1 Overview of the current system:

Now, Modern Coast Bus Ticket Booking technology lacks specifically created
technology to improve bus business online booking. This suggests that there is no interaction

of any sort between the bus company and the passengers. Most of the time, to reserve a place
for service, anyone desiring to buy tickets must select one of the following three possibilities:

 Visiting the bus company's location to conduct the necessary research before
making a reservation.

 Contacting the bus business's management through a communication channel to

ask inquiries about the bus company and the booking process.

 A consultation is being held with anyone who has experience with the Modern
Coast Bus ticket system or who is knowledgeable about the bus company.

4.2.2 Problems associated with the current system:

The primary drawback of the existing system is the lengthy distance potential consumers
must go to use the Modern Coast Bus Ticket Booking System. Due to the time consumption
that results, an automated method would be beneficial. The limited amount of information
that may be provided while making a reservation over the phone may result in service
delivery issues. All of these are time-consuming and exhausting chores. Another difficulty is
that clients cannot assess the status of their projects until they meet with the manager in
person, which takes time away from both parties.

Prospective customers may not always be aware of the bus company's specific location
unless they visit it. This issue is obviously resolved by the new system, which provides all
relevant information about the bus business, including its location, contacts, and others.


To automate the manual operation at Modern Coast Bus Ticket Booking solution, an
automated solution was required. This method allows users to make bookings when in

remote areas. As a result, several conditions must be met to design a system that will allow
this. They will be classified into three categories: functional requirements, non-functional
requirements, and domain requirements.

4.3.1 Functional requirements:

These requirements are required for the system to work. These criteria are largely concerned
with what the system should perform. They are as follows:

 To use the system's services, users must first register by creating accounts.
 User authentication through password.
 The system has two database views, and the super administrator has more rights
than the other users. The system must validate users accessing data in the system
by employing password and username validation and verification. A login
dialogue box will be used for these functions.
 The system's data is accessible to the following user groups: I) The Administrator,
II) Clients Members will only be allowed to inspect the database's contents; the
super Admin will oversee database updates.

4.3.2 Non-functional requirements:

These requirements focus on how the system performs or should behave by providing the
system's quality attributes. These prerequisites are as follows:

The system must be able to support an infinite number of users at the same time.

 Documentation:
The system will be documented before it goes live, and users will have access to
PDF instructions.
 Recoverability:
The system will be regularly backed up in case data is lost for any reason,
allowing for its recovery.

 Design constraints:
MySQL will be used as the app's backend database.
 The system will not function without the internet.
 Only registered users will be able to access the system.

4.3.3 Domain requirements:

 This technology will not function in locations without internet access.

 To use the system, the user must also have access to a computer or laptop, a
smartphone, or any other device with internet connection.
 The system will be used by these people who have basic computer abilities.
 If those who do not have visual impairments are not present to assist, those who
do will not use the system.

4.3.4 Database requirements:

 A centralized data repository will be required. This means that to process and
offer feedback, the new system will require a database for information storage and
 To store the numerous entries that users will make into the system, the database
will need several tables.


By employing diagramming tools in this section, users can better understand the data
flow for the current system of operation at Modern Coast Bus Ticket Booking System. The
data flow diagram is displayed in Fig below since the system is manual.


Fig-1 user


Fig-2 admin


Fig-3 flow chart


Fig-4 activity diagram


Fig-5 data flow diagram



The goal of this chapter is to completely discuss the process proposed for the Modern
Coast Bus Ticket Booking system. It also focuses on the system's process design, which
describes how the system functions using several modelling methodologies.

The chapter also discusses the database design of the system with a focus on logical,
conceptual, and physical models. The chapter's last focus will be on the user-friendliness of
the newly proposed system's interface.


The suggested system will be structured similarly to the one described below.

5.2.1 Home page:

Anyone who enters the site's URL into a web browser will be taken to the system home
page. The main page offers general information such as the title, welcome words, the bus
company's essential values, its objective, and a few bus company photographs. Other
connections include those to log-in, registration, admin login, services offered, about us, and
contacts pages.

5.2.2 About us page:

This website contains in-depth information about the Modern Coast Bus Ticket Booking
System, its areas of expertise, and the terms and conditions of cooperating with them.
Furthermore, the page provides the user with opportunities to register and log in for faster

5.2.3 Contact us and addresses

The bus company’s location, phone numbers, and postal addresses, as well as other
important contact information, are all displayed on the contact page. Again, the register and
log in links on this page direct viewers to the appropriate pages.

5.2.4 Customer registration:

To register for the Modern Coast Bus Ticket Booking System, the user must complete a
form on this page. This form includes the following input fields:

 First name
The user must indicate the first name he or she prefers.
 Surname
The user chooses a last name that differs from their first name.
 Username
The user provides a name that will be used to log into the account.
 Electronic mail address
The user must enter a valid email address for communication purposes.
 Contact
This is the user's phone number, which may be used to contact the bus company.
 Password
For authentication, the user must enter this secret set of values, which can be a
combination of numbers, alphabets, and other special characters.
 Confirm your password.
The user must type the password again to ensure that they comprehend what they
just typed as the password and to determine whether they made a mistake.
Register This is a submit type of input that allows users to give registration
information to the server database.
The log-in link is now available on the website for easy navigation.

5.2.5 User log-in:

This website serves as an authentication page for users who claim to have an account
with the Modern Coast Bus Ticket Booking System. It includes a form with two input
sections, each with the following data:

 Username
To create their account, the user must enter the username they supplied on the
form exactly as they did on that form. Any change will result in an error.
 Password
During registration or account creation, the user was required to input and
confirm their password. The user is informed that the password is wrong if they
use a different one.
 Login:
The user must click this submit button to provide the database server their log-in
information. A log-in error will be generated if the database changes in any way.

5.2.6 Customer booking:

Here is an example: Users can only book on this website for the booking "space" period
if they have registered with the Modern Coast Bus Ticket Booking System. It has a booking
form that the user must fill out. As a result, the input fields are as follows:

 Category The user selects the band, choir, or artist category for the musical
 Presenter The individual making the reservation must specify the kind of
music. For instance, the Yatta lads
 Location The user must input their home address in the location area.
 From the list, the user must select whether the reservation is audio, video, or
 Booking dates, the consumer should select the real booking dates.
 Time-From-To This is the time frame for making the reservation on the
planned date. It provides time. 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

 The type of bus company must be determined from the two available options,
as the modern Coast bus ticket purchasing system may be fixed or mobile.
 Book After entering the appropriate information, the user must click the book
button to submit the information to the database server.

5.2.7 Administrator log-in:

This page will only be accessed by the system administrator. The user will fill out the
following form input fields:

 Username
The administrator's username must be entered exactly as it appears in the
administrator's database. Any change will result in an error.

 Password
The password is intended to be entered exactly as it appears in the admin's table
in the database.
Any password variation will result in admins logging in incorrectly during
 Login
To transfer the log-in information to the server database table, the administrator
must click this submit button. If the database is altered in any manner, a log-in
error will be created.

5.2.8 Administrator update of the booking:

The admin gets access to the booking and registration information for customers when
they log in. All legitimate bus company reservations are activated by the administrator, who
then posts the progress of each reservation on the users' progress view page. The admin also
deletes inaccurate information.

5.2.9 Administrator update of payment:

The administrator verifies the payments by accepting or rejecting them. All bogus
payments have been removed.



Fig-6 Admin Login


Fig-7 List of Booked Passengers


Fig-8 List of Locations


Fig-9 List of Buses


Fig-10 User login page


Fig-11 User Sign up page


Fig-12 Find Bus


Fig-13 Schedule page


Fig-14 Availability check


Fig-15 Confirmation page



This chapter discusses the newly constructed system before it is integrated into the
business's activities. As a result, I will examine the software used to code the system, as well
as the system test plan and actual testing, before outlining an effective changeover strategy
for the organization to implement the system.


The following tools were crucial for the project throughout the coding of the full system.

6.2.1 Coding tools:


I used the Dreamweaver program to edit the code while it was being written in the various
languages covered below.

Programming languages:

I employed the following web programming languages for creating the code:

 PHP:
Hypertext Pre-Processor is referred to as PHP. It is an extremely potent
programming language that can be utilized for both online and mobile application
development. Most of the functional needs of the system, including variable
definitions and query declarations, were implemented using PHP as my primary
programming language.

 Html5:

Html, or Hypertext Mark-up Language, stands for. I mostly utilized HTML to
format and display text codes in these writings.

 CSS:
Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS. This language is quite effective for formatting web
pages and has been incredibly helpful to me with my project. It helped me arrange
the user interface in a way that would appeal to more users.

 Java scripts:
Java scripts played a significant role in the addition of numerous functionalities to
my system. These included sliding pictures, which are significantly more noticeable
on the system site.
 SQL:
It stands for structured query language as an acronym. I connected the PHP code to
the database and ran the various queries using SQL as the programming language.

6.2.2 Testing tools performance test:

This test determines whether the system under development is effective in resolving the
desired issue. The following are the tests that will be run on this system.

 Unit testing: This entails testing the individual components that comprise the
entire system. This testing technique was designed to aid in the detection of
faults because each unit was checked separately.

 Stress testing: This method of testing constantly investigates how a system

reacts to unusual circumstances. When I tested the system with incorrect input
data, such as blank input fields, it was unable to continue operation.

 Actual system testing: This is done once the system has been fully designed to
test how it performs in general. This system will be used through this test to
determine whether the previously mentioned goals have been met.

 Functional testing: The program's features are tested using input and output
data. This will be done to test the functionality of the program's several
functionalities, and any unexpected behavior will be identified and corrected as


The system was tested in every way conceivable, using various data inputs such as
integers (INT), variable characters (VARCHAR), Date Time, and others, and the results were


During testing, any inaccurate data entry impacted the expected outcomes, and the system
validation features may inform the user of any incorrect inputs. The technology was also
made available to potential users for feedback and acceptance testing. These users responded
positively, accepting the system as a replacement for labor-intensive manual operations in
Modern Coast Bus Booking System manufacture. Acceptance testing was performed once the
development process was completed. The system was delivered to users for feedback, and
once they approved it, the system was said to have met their needs. At a later stage of
development, this system underwent user acceptance testing to allow prospective users and
clients to submit comments.


In most cases, there are four approaches for deploying the system in an organization.
There are four of them: parallel, phased, pilot, and straight changeover. Before settling on the
phased operation, I thoroughly studied the four system implementation options.

Phased changeover

Many stages are involved in phased operation. Typically, the new system must be
implemented as modules. It combines parallel and direct transition methods. Because the
system is new and the number of users is unknown now, I intend to implement it in this
manner. It is critical to take it and implement it module by module until the final module of
the system is functional and functioning as necessary. The likelihood of faults or failures in
this system may have also influenced my decision to employ it, because those risks will only
apply to a specific module or a few modules that have already been developed, rather than
the entire system. Its implementation costs, like its usage, may be lower than those of other
methods, such as the direct approach, which requires the simultaneous implementation of the
full system. A phased operation has numerous stages or phases. The implementation of a new
system in modules or phases is known as phased operation. This, like a pilot operation,
combines direct changeover and parallel operation. However, in this way, some users obtain
the complete system, whilst all users receive only a fraction of it.

Phased operation is less expensive than full parallel operation, and the risk of errors or
failures is limited to the implemented module only. However, in some cases where the system
consists of several discrete phases, the phased operation may be more expensive than the
pilot approach. When the development process is over, the system is presented to users for
feedback, and if they accept it, the system is considered to have met the user's criteria. Later
stages of development for this system will involve user acceptance testing to allow
prospective users and clients to provide comments.



I'd like to make the following suggestions to reduce project risks and problems and
achieve improvements in future projects.

7.1.1 Reduction in strictness of the time deadlines:

Because some of the issues with this approach include brand-new ideas, I would
recommend enabling students to begin working on their projects early so they can develop
their ideas and finish ahead of schedule while adhering to the standards.

7.1.2 Provision of project finances to the students:

I would propose that some special funds be provided to assist students who have
difficulties during the development and research process because certain students are unable
to exceed the threshold required for data and requirement collection.

7.1.3 Compelling some institutions to pave way for the students to develop:

Higher-level institutions should persuade those institutions that have been a substantial
bottleneck in project development to release and minimize their intellectual property
restraints, such as API (Application Programming Interface).

7.1.4 Future improvements:

Because my system did not capture all required, I would like to recommend the following
areas for future development:

 A function that allows system administrators to interact with customers.

 Options for customers to provide comments and feedback.

 Integrating M-pesa with the system so that users can pay using the system.


There is no question that the present reservation systems only cover bus company
services; the mobile bus company service feature is not available. As a result, clients pay
more to have the bus company come to them, which occasionally includes a band or a 20-
person singing group. As a result, the proposed system includes a module for selecting the
type of the bus company, such as mobile or fixed, which assists clients in making an order for
the bus company to visit them. This will eliminate unnecessary expenditure and time.

The faults with the current system will be rectified with the newly proposed system. This
design effectively solves the concerns with the manual technique because the proposed
solution is a clear automation of the current Modern Coast Bus Ticket Booking approach
system. Furthermore, the new system has a user-friendly graphical user interface that will
simplify the entire booking process. Despite a few setbacks, the implementation process was
a success since I was able to create a system that not only functioned but also garnered
excellent user feedback. It was an incredible experience for me to see this project through,
and it would not have happened without the practical experience I received. This is an

important part of my education because it has helped me understand the concepts
underpinning many web scripting languages as well as familiarize myself with the course's
general market expectations.


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