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Elija Fernan D.

de Jesus GE4 - I


A city has seven fire districts and 585 firefighters. The number of firefighters assigned to a district is
apportioned proportional to the population of the district. The population for each district is given in the
following table:

District Population
1 23,400
2 41,800
3 36,200
4 28,800
5 34,900
6 48,500
7 16,300
TOTAL 229,900

Use Hamilton’s method to apportion the 585 firefighters.

District Population Divide by the Rounded - Decimal RANK

Standard divisor, down quotient extension
1 23,400 59.6938 59 0.6938 2nd Add1
2 41,800 106.6326 106 0.63626 3rd
3 36,200 92.3469 92 0.3469 6th
4 28,800 73.4693 73 0.4693 5th
5 34,900 89.0306 89 0.0306 7th
6 48,500 123.7244 123 0.7244 1st Add 1
7 16,300 41.5816 41 0.5816 4th

TOTAL 229,900 583 585

standard divisor = 229,900/585 = 392

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