Indicate Whether The Statement Is True or False.: Chapter 17 Mastery Test

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Chapter 17 Mastery Test

True / False
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
1. Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, and Missouri had close ties to both the Union and the Confederacy.
a. True
b. False

2. For the South, the primary aim of the war was to preserve slavery.
a. True
b. False

3. The Union won the Battle of Shiloh.

a. True
b. False

4. An efficient railway network was one of the South's strengths.

a. True
b. False

5. The Union army was composed mostly of African American soldiers.

a. True
b. False

6. Sherman’s march to the sea was unsuccessful for the Union.

a. True
b. False

7. When the Civil War began, many teenagers stayed home and did not serve in the military.
a. True
b. False

8. The 54th Massachusetts was an all-female regiment.

a. True
b. False

9. The basic strategy of the Confederacy was to conduct a defensive war.

a. True
b. False

10. Stonewall Jackson was killed at the Battle of Gettysburg.

a. True
b. False

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Chapter 17 Mastery Test

Multiple Choice
Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
11. Confederate leaders hoped that a victory in Union territory would win support from
a. Britain and France.
b. France and Spain.
c. Spain and Britain.
d. Spain and Germany.

12. Which battle in Florida was one of the last significant Confederate victories of the war?
a. Battle of Fredericksburg
b. Battle of Gettysburg
c. Battle of Natural Bridge
d. Battle of Shiloh

13. The South expected support from Britain and France because these two European nations relied on the South for
a. cotton.
b. rice.
c. manufactured goods.
d. goods and services..

14. Why did the Union want to control the Mississippi River and its tributaries?
a. because both sides lacked battle experience
b. because it would increase enlistment
c. because they could rebuild more wooden ships
d. because Union ships could prevent supplies from reaching the eastern Confederacy

15. For the South, what was the primary aim of the war?
a. to increase its wealth
b. to become a separate, independent nation
c. to build a strong fighting force
d. to become the center of U.S. trade and commerce

16. Ulysses S. Grant's assault resulted in a nine-month siege on which railroad center?
a. Petersburg
b. Richmond
c. Shiloh
d. Vicksburg

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Chapter 17 Mastery Test

17. To raise money for the war, what did the North print?
a. greenbacks
b. handbills
c. paper checks
d. promissory notes

18. Who was the Southerner who established a hospital for soldiers in Richmond, Virginia?
a. Clara Barton
b. Robert E. Lee
c. Sally Tompkins
d. William Sheppard

19. Together the Union and Confederate armies suffered more than 23,000 casualties in which battle?
a. Bull Run
b. New Orleans
c. Richmond
d. Shiloh

20. From where did most Confederate and Union soldiers come?
a. cities
b. farms
c. Far West
d. coastal areas

21. General Grant led a 47-day siege against which city?

a. Atlanta, Georgia
b. Mobile, Alabama
c. Port Hudson, Louisiana
d. Vicksburg, Mississippi

22. The leadership of which two generals was a key factor in the Confederates’ military success in the East?
a. Ambrose Burnside and Joseph Hooker
b. George McClellan and George Meade
c. Ambrose Burnside and Ulysses S. Grant
d. Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson

23. What was the law that required men of certain ages to serve in the military?
a. bounty
b. corpus
c. draft
d. habeas corpus

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Chapter 17 Mastery Test

24. By the end of the war, African American volunteers made up nearly which percentage of the Union army?
a. 10 percent
b. 20 percent
c. 50 percent
d. 100 percent

25. What city, Florida’s capital, remained under Confederate control during the Civil War?
a. Jacksonville
b. Key West
c. Pensacola
d. Tallahassee

26. What was the Union goal in the West?

a. to control California
b. to control Texas
c. to control the Mississippi River
d. to control the Tennessee River

27. Where was the first major battle of the Civil War?
a. Antietam
b. Bull Run
c. Richmond
d. Shiloh

28. Where did the worst disturbance concerning opposition to draft laws take place?
a. Charleston
b. New York City
c. Richmond
d. Washington, D.C.

29. What was Sherman's march across Georgia toward the Atlantic called?
a. Cold War
b. Wilderness Battle
c. March to the Atlantic
d. March to the Sea

30. Who convinced officials to let women work as nurses and recruited many women to serve as nurses during the
Civil War?
a. Dorothea Dix
b. Frances Clayton
c. President Lincoln
d. Rose O’Neal Greenhow

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Chapter 17 Mastery Test

31. This quotation provided a nickname for which new hero of the North?
a. Albert Sidney Johnson
b. David Farragut
c. George McClellan
d. Ulysses S. Grant

32. What was one of the main advantages of the South?

a. a larger population
b. excellent military leaders
c. belief in states' rights
d. strong industries

33. Which was the most vital border state for the Union?
a. Delaware
b. Kentucky
c. Maryland
d. Missouri

34. What was the Merrimack?

a. a battle near Bull Run in Northern Virginia
b. a damaged ship that was rebuilt by the Confederates
c. a victory for the Confederate forces in the East
d. a soldier who was killed in battle

35. In this excerpt from a letter General Grant wrote to President Lincoln, to whom does “They” refer?
a. African Americans
b. female spies
c. Native Americans
d. teenagers

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Chapter 17 Mastery Test

36. Why did the South suffer the most destruction during the Civil War?
a. because many teenagers served in the military
b. because most of the fighting took place there
c. because schools and churches were used as hospitals
d. because Florida was one of the Confederacy’s important suppliers

37. Because the war disrupted their supply of cotton, the South expected support from which two countries?
a. Britain and France
b. France and Canada
c. France and Spain
d. Spain and Mexico

38. After which battle did both sides realize that this would be a long and bloody war?
a. Antietam
b. Bull Run
c. Richmond
d. Shiloh

39. Who was the Union general who captured Fort Henry?
a. David Farragut
b. George B. McClellan
c. Robert E. Lee
d. Ulysses S. Grant

40. President Lincoln’s address at which battlefield honored soldiers and stated his vision for the country?
a. Chancellorsville
b. Gettysburg
c. Shiloh
d. Vicksburg

41. Where did General Robert E. Lee surrender to General Ulysses S. Grant?
a. Appomattox Court House
b. Gettysburg Cemetery
c. Richmond
d. Vicksburg

42. Which of the following is the systematic destruction of an entire land?

a. holocaust
b. slash-and-burn
c. terminal war
d. total war

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Chapter 17 Mastery Test

43. The North’s war plan came from which hero of the war with Mexico?
a. Abraham Lincoln
b. George McClellan
c. Robert E. Lee
d. Winfield Scott

44. What battle in Tennessee was named after a small church?

a. Atlanta
b. Gettysburg
c. Shiloh
d. Vicksburg

45. How did abolitionists view slavery?

a. as a moral wrong that needed to be stopped
b. as a necessary part of society
c. as a way to divide families
d. as a way to draft soldiers

46. Why did some schools and churches close during the war?
a. to allow students to fight in the war
b. to help the army plan their strategy
c. to protest the Civil War
d. to serve as hospitals for the wounded

47. In what position did Clara Barton serve during the Civil War?
a. general
b. nurse
c. soldier
d. spy

48. Most Peace Democrats came from which region of the United States?
a. Midwestern states
b. Far West
c. New England
d. Confederate States of America

49. What did the North offer to encourage volunteers for its army?
a. bounties
b. a draft
c. greenbacks
d. substitutes

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Chapter 17 Mastery Test

50. In order to deal with war opponents in the North, President Lincoln suspended habeas corpus. What is habeas
a. a legal order that guarantees a prisoner the right to be heard in court
b. a piece of paper money issued by the United States government
c. a reward or payment
d. a system of selecting people for military service

51. Which battle began on July 1, 1863, when the Confederates entered a town for supplies and encountered Union
a. Gettysburg
b. Richmond
c. Shiloh
d. Vicksburg

52. What was the name of the Union’s strategy to gain control of the Mississippi River and split the Confederacy in
a. the Anaconda Plan
b. the Great Divide
c. the River Conquest
d. the Squeeze Play

53. What was the main goal of the North at the beginning of the war?
a. to be recognized as independent
b. to end slavery
c. to punish the South
d. to reunite the country

54. Which April battle lasted only two days but included some of the most bloody fighting of the war?
a. Gettysburg
b. Richmond
c. Shiloh
d. Vicksburg

55. What did President Lincoln sign on January 1, 1863?

a. Emancipation Proclamation
b. Fourteenth Amendment
c. Free Slave Bill
d. Thirteenth Amendment

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Chapter 17 Mastery Test

Match each item with the correct statement below.
a. casualties
b. Yankees
c. Rebels
d. entrenched
e. resistance
56. Union soldiers
57. refusal to give in
58. people killed or wounded
59. Confederate soldiers
60. in a protected position

Match each item with the correct statement below.

a. Clara Barton
b. Peace Democrats
c. Rose O'Neal Greenhow
d. bounties
e. habeas corpus
61. legal order that guarantees a prisoner the right to be heard in court
62. Southern spy
63. Northerner who helped wounded soldiers
64. Copperheads
65. payments to encourage enlistment

Match each item with the correct statement below.

a. David Farragut
b. 54th Massachusetts
c. Appomattox Court House
d. General P.G.T. Beauregard
e. enlist
66. to formally join a military force
67. Confederate commander
68. gained control of Mobile Bay in Alabama
69. African American regiment
70. site of Robert E. Lee's surrender

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Chapter 17 Mastery Test

Answer Key

1. True

2. False

3. True

4. False

5. False

6. False

7. False

8. False

9. True

10. False

11. a

12. c

13. a

14. d

15. b

16. a

17. a

18. c

19. d

20. b

21. d

22. d

23. c

24. a

25. d

26. c

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Chapter 17 Mastery Test

27. b

28. b

29. d

30. a

31. d

32. b

33. c

34. b

35. a

36. b

37. a

38. b

39. d

40. b

41. a

42. d

43. d

44. c

45. a

46. d

47. b

48. a

49. a

50. a

51. a

52. a

53. d

54. c
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Chapter 17 Mastery Test

55. a

56. b

57. e

58. a

59. c

60. d

61. e

62. c

63. a

64. b

65. d

66. e

67. d

68. a

69. b

70. c

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