UNHCR - BLOC 2 - Draft Resolution

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United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Distr: General

January 2021
Original: English

Committee : United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Topic : Battling the Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation: Victim Protection in
International and Domestic Asylum Law

Signatories : the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, the Federal Republic of

Nigeria, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the People’s Republic of China, the
Democratic Republic of Korea, the Italian Republic, the Kingdom of Morocco, the
Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Kingdom of Spain, the Republic of Argentina, the
Republic of Austria, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Benin, the Republic of
Haiti, the Republic of Namibia, the Republic of Paraguay, the Republic of Uganda, the
Republic of Zambia.

The General Conference of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees,

Acknowledging sexual violence is a crime against humanity according to Control council law
No. 19, The UN resolution in 2008 adopted resolution 1820, article 1F of the 1951 and lastly
Convention general assembly resolution 3074, 1973;

Encouraging the collaboration of multi-stakeholders to ensure feasibility of people in concern

based on The 2020-2022 Strategy & Action Plan.

Further recalling fundamental law to protect people in concern from any kind of sexual
violence based on refugee protection and sexual violence No. 73 (XLIV) 1993, No. 39, No.
54, No. 60, No. 64, point A-M. The 1951 Geneva Convention on the protection of refugees.
The International covenant on civil and political rights (Article No. 7, No. 9, No.10) 1966.
The convention of the rights of the child (Article No. 19, No. 34). The conclusion of
Executive Committee on The International Protection of Refugees: Protection from Sexual
Abuse and Exploitation No. 98 (LIV) – 2003;
Recognizing that refugees and asylum seeker needs protection from several issue of sexual
violence, and create solution in order to prevent the issue.

Reaffirming the high potential of either native people or foreigners to practice sexual violence
in the middle of people in concern, which lead us to create an equal and protection to victim.

Noting equal penalties is the most suitable way to tackling, battling, preventing any kind of
Sexual Violence Based on Gender (SVBG) in the middle of people in concern.

Expressing concern that sexual misconduct can happen to anyone regardless of their gender
and sexuality.

Stressing the use of the various United Nations bodies for the completion of sexual violence
in international level.

Hereby declares and adopts the following solutions,


Proclaims sexual violence as crimes against humanity and should be treated with zero

Emphasizes a withdrawal or expulsion of the peacekeepers who commit the crimes.

Affirming the implementation of Victim Centered Approach (VICA) that should be equal and
have to be done with the organized procedure that consists of:
a. Medical care and treatment post sexual violence.
b. Socialize the community not to stigmatize the victims and otherwise give support.
c. Counselling activity that is conducted by same sex intrepert.
d. Providing access to justice for the survivors in order to ensure them to aren’t be
punished for crimes)
e. Providing compensation to the victims in the form of money and access to the labour
market in the country where the case happens.

Further invites member states to protect the victims, to make the victims feel safe and not be
ashamed of what happened, and lastly not to get stigmatized by society. Protection that we
give is physical and mental support and assistance.
Deplores the inequality in protecting victims of sexual violence in Refugee Protection and
Sexual Violence No. 73 (XLIV) - 1993 report , No. 39, No. 54, No. 60, No. 64, reaffirming to
point E, point K, point, I, point M, where all points particulalry use the term “women”.



Strongly advices a collaboration between country and organization that is mandated to control
the issue to provide and monitor technical advice and support for functionality and
improvements, to report cases related to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual
Harassment with the mechanism below:
a. Establish the PAW (Policies and decision making, Awareness, and Welfare)
b. Creating an awareness program targeted towards civil society with the help of
communities, grassroot movements, the Ministry of Gender Equality, the Ministry of
Information, the Ministry of Regional and Local Government, and regional NGOs.
c. Mapping the legal frameworks and policy regarding the issue at the national level to
identify and address gaps in law, policy or framework as the action to strengthen
national legal frameworks and integrate with international standards.
d. Create a training program for the volunteers based on Code of Conduct.

Further recommends a collaboration with the watchdog body OIOS to assess the performance
of peacekeepers in the field.

Further requests the reducing and filtering of fake information that might lead into
trafficking to protect the documented and undocumented refugees, asylum seekers, and
stateless people from trafficking for sexual exploitation by:
a. Monitoring the advertisements from local and national newspapers or websites.
b. Monitoring the false information spread in the society.
Endorses a 24-hour hotline available in several languages, where the victims can report if an
incident occurs, operated by a capable organization or institution, and the administrators will
investigate the report.

Considers the establishment of checkpoints for reporting SEA/SH in vulnerable areas for
victims who cannot access the hotline number.

Request the availability of employees who have the capability in translating/interpreting the
language used in the host country for people in concern who experienced sexual exploitation,
harassment, and violence axiomally.


Requests member states to recognize homosexuality and apply new humanitarian law related
to homosexuality, so that the perpetrators who sexually harassed male refugee could be hold

Endorses member state to determine the equal law of the sexual violence issue with no

Further requests the identifying of unidentified victim and helping undocumented refugees or
asylum seekers to be documented, by following order for sexual victims to submit
documentation of evidence that consist of:
a. Photo DNA.
b. Videos.
c. Voice recordings of potential activities, perpetrators, and victims.

Solemnly affirms to implement an equal law without particularly using terms based on
gender, yet has equal treatment for all.

Strongly advices member states to create non-biased curriculum, such as but not limited to
Sex-Edu Socialization to the people in concern. This program relies on:
a. Giving materials related to consent and the kinds of sexual harassment towards
b. Warning refugees about the danger of traffickers and smugglers.
c. Encouraging refugees to report any sexual harassment cases they know.
d. Providing information on risks and protection mechanisms to potential and identified
victims of trafficking.
e. Providing skills-improving programs to occupy individuals and keep them away from
influence that might increase the risk of them being the victims of trafficking and
sexual exploitation.

Recommends budgeting in order to make a number of additional funds, for the treatment of
the victims and renovation/reallocation of the camps. The mechanism of this program is:
a. Collecting funds from the member states of the UNHCR, especially the most
developed countries.
b. Mapping the camps that are currently in bad conditions, consisting but not limited to:
i. No bathrooms.
ii. Broken buildings.
iii. Lack of access to water.
iv. No barrier between male and female camps.
c. Begin renovating/reallocating the refugee camps.

Encourages the implementation of the Repressive Integration System (RISE) in order to

battle the privileged people who commit SEA/SH crimes from escaping the law.

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