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The rising levels of congestion and air pollution found in most of the world cities can be

attributed directly to the rapidly increasing number of private cars in use. In order to reverse
this decline in the quality of life in cities, attempts must be made to encourage people to use
their cars less and public transport more. Discuss possible ways to encourage the use of
public transport.
Write a 250 words essay
City dwellers face rising traffic, air pollution, and long commute times due to the increasing
number of private cars. As economies grow and access to cars spreads to increasing numbers of
people, this trend is likely to worsen. This issue can be eliminated by the government to
encourage people to use their cars less and public transport more, thus decreasing dependence
on the car.

There are some mitigate the impacts of spurring public transport use. In Vietnam, limited
updates and expansions of public transport options, including outdated bus systems and
inadequate road networks. Therefore, the government can build and raise funds to upgrade
public transportation. That helps enhance the positive effects of attracting people to use public
transportation. Renovating and decorating bus shelters and waiting rooms not only helps
improve service quality but also meets people's requirements.

Another remedy to stimulate public transport use of public transport is to make it more
convenient and cost-effective compared to using private cars. This can be achieved by
implementing tolls on urban motorways, which has proven successful in many cities. Other
measures include charging expensive fees for parking permits in urban areas and limiting the
number of cars allowed to park. Faced with high costs, commuters would perhaps be more
inclined to switch to buses, trains, tramways, or sky trains.

All in all, making public transport more comfortable and convenient should work to attract
more commuters and decrease traffic congestion. Public transport that is convenient and
comfortable retains its passengers, much like any business that satisfies its customers. The
more commuters committed to taking public transport, the less congestion on city streets.

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