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Increasing devotion to Allah SWT by using AI as a tool: A library research

Muhammad Rizqi Aziz

Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta


Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has advanced quickly to support human labor.
When working with AI, humans face numerous challenges. When employing this
technology, religion is taken into account. This paper's analysis is essential reading
for researchers writing about law because it is the primary source. Text analysis is
used to analyze the data once it has been gathered. The study's findings
demonstrate that, when AI is founded on Islamic principles, it can heighten a
person's devotion to Allah.

Keywords: AI Technology, Sharia Law, Islamic Values


Muslims have been impacted by technological advancements to the extent

that debates over the incompatibility of technology and faith have emerged.
Nowadays, there is a belief that religion inhibits individuals from learning about
science. Thus, those who aspire to pursue science will keep their distance from
religion (Hidayat et al., 2022). Because the church and the king were close, this
event initially occurred in western countries. Then the church gave the king authority.
The monarch will make the laws develops. Because the church backed the
establishment of the king's law, it follows that the law is equal to the law of God. The
monarch was given this legitimacy by the church, which gave him the freedom to rule
his subjects whatever he chose. This is also referred to as the word of God, or the
king's commandment (Solaiman, 2009).

The people ultimately felt oppressed by the king, as if they were not valued as
human beings, and as a result, the king and his people were split. Among these were
scholars of science by birth. The religious people are on the other side. Up until a
phenomenon known as the Renaissance appeared. People disassociated
themselves from religion throughout this Renaissance in order to further scientific
advancements. They dislike religion because they believe it impedes the
advancement of science and technology in the present era. Finally, they did not
separate religious matters from scientific matters; political, economic, social and
others (JUDGE, 2008). But with such comprehension, their society becomes even
more archaic than Islam. Because it combined religion and science, Islam advanced
prior to the Renaissance, becoming a hub of research and "technology continuing
the discoveries of the people" of Greece. Astronomy is one area of knowledge that
advanced during the Islamic era. Naming the Star "with its name" in Arabic comes
first (Shannon Stirone, 2017).

A large number of Muslim inventors also arose, including Ibnu Alhaitam, Jabir
Ibnu Hayyan, Ibnu Firnas, and Aljazari. These men committed their lives to improving
the world via scientific discovery of new technologies. To make life easier for people,
they researched science, translated earlier works, and produced works of higher
civilization (Mirza Usama Bashir Ahmad, 2020). Western nations maintain their
secularist philosophy while carrying on with Renaissance civilization. James Watt
and the industrial revolution began when they set their minds to exploring the world.
However, Muslims believe that people must adhere to their way of life, which
includes renunciating religion. On the other hand, the reverse occurred. Muslims
were decimated when they abandoned their faith. Westerners who turned away from
religion, however, saw a tremendous advancement in civilization (Rehman, 2010).
Compared to western civilization, Islamic culture was less developed and less
technologically advanced. In their pursuit of the world, they no longer distinguish
between what Allah commands and what He forbids. Because they are shaped by
the western way of life, which does not combine religion and science, they act in
ways that are contrary to God (Kuran, 1997). A discussion among Muslims emerged;
one person contended that everything Westerners learned was forbidden, they
ultimately gained absolutely nothing from them. Another suggested that, despite
going against Islamic precepts, everything they discovered may be used to further
civilization. Accordingly, with the title "Increasing Obedience to Allah SWT by using AI
as a tool: a library research" researchers hope to employ AI to improve devotion to
Allah SWT (Cita Sari et al., 2023)
Research Problems

Since writing this research, researchers have formulated several research

problems such as:

- Do Islamic values conflict with the use of AI?

Research question

- Can AI increase devotion to Allah SWT?

Research purposes

- Utilizing AI to increase devotion to Allah SWT

Illusions in Islam

Artificial Intelligence is developing tools that can either simplify or complicate

human labor. VR is one of the well-known tools. Virtual reality (VR) is a technology
that immerses users in an interactive, simulated environment. Using a VR headgear
and a responsive controller, an individual may feel and interact with items and the
surrounding environment in this virtual world. A user of this headgear can get the
sensation of being in a computer-controlled virtual environment. The goal of VR
creation is to give users an amazing and realistic experience. When using virtual
reality (VR), a user experiences a place exactly as they would in the real world. It's
just that VR produces fantasies from our minds that are projected through tools
(Manyika & Sneader, 2018). Imagination in imagining something that is like reality
has been discussed by Allah SWT. He said on holy Qur’an chapter two verse 78:

َ‫وَمِنْهُمْ أُمِيُّونَ َلَ يَعْلَمُونَ ٱلْكِتَـٰبَ إَِلآ أَمَانِىا وَإِنْ هُمْ إَِلا يَظُنُّون‬

“And among them are the illiterate who know nothing about the Scripture
except lies, and ‘so’ they ‘wishfully’ speculate.”

This verse tells us that there are those who can only hypothesize and then
take their conjectures to be true, even though they are unable to accomplish
anything. These hopes exist only in the mind; in actuality, they can only be imagined
and are therefore impossible to accomplish. Islam instills in its adherents the idea
that anything is possible and constructive. The Qur'an paints a vision of a very lovely
heaven with rivers flowing beneath it and angels. In this instance, people start to
fantasize about the heavens that the Koran depicts. even though our past
conceptions of heaven may not match reality there. Islamic principles allow for the
use of creativity, provided that it serves as a strategy and inspires people to perform
good things. Thus, this is what the Shari'a allows(Al-Karasneh & Saleh, 2010)

The Shari'a forbids employing this dream for any action that could be morally
dubious or contrary to Allah's instructions. As in verse 119 of Surah Annisa of the Al-

‫وََلَُضِلاناهُمْ وََلَُمَنِيَناهُمْ وَلَـَٔامُرَناهُمْ فَلَيُبَتِكُنا ءَاذَانَ ٱَلَْنْعَـٰمِ وَلَـَٔامُرَناهُمْ فَلَيُغَيِرُنا خَلْقَ ٱَّللاِ ۚ وَمَن يَتاخِذِ ٱلشايْطَـٰنَ وَلِيًّۭا مِن‬
‫دُونِ ٱَّللاِ فَقَدْ خَسِرَ خُسْرَانًّۭا مُّبِينًّۭا‬

“I will certainly mislead them and delude them with empty hopes. Also, I will
order them and they will slit the ears of cattle and alter Allah’s creation.” And
whoever takes Satan as a guardian instead of Allah has certainly suffered a
tremendous loss.”

Human and God

When we talk about artificial intelligence, the idea that everything can be
solved by human-discovered science and technology makes God unnecessary.
similar to the times before scientists discovered how to make rain. Muslims conduct
the istisqa prayer to ask for rain, but after science was found. To make it rain, they
just enter the sky and add specific materials to the cumulus clouds. In addition,
Muslims will pray to Allah when they are ill. They no longer pray, though, as medical
professionals are able to heal illnesses. We have made progress in medical science
(Sarah Steimer, 2023). Regardless of how far science and technology have come,
mankind will always have limitations that can only be overcome by God. Old
knowledge is still necessary for humans to survive today. The means by which
human needs are met, such as the ability to travel—people used to ride horses for
this, but now days they can drive—are the sole things that separate ancient and
modern eras. The commonality is that they both needed communication in the past
and in the present. The only thing that has changed is the method; everything that
was excellent or evil in the past is still good or awful today (Kabala, n.d.)

Religion has been very influential in human life, from ancient times to the
present. Problems that arise as a result of human actions can only be resolved with
religious law, everything that originates from state law originates from religious law.
Like solving the problem of theft, the state will send people to prison, so that the
perpetrators are deterred. This was ordered by Allah before the state implemented it
like the law of cutting off hands for corrupt behavior that has repeated its mistakes
over and over again. The aim is to deter the perpetrator. Even as science advances,
Islamic law will settle any other issues that may arise. Furthermore, the solutions
provided by religious teachings will still be applied; human-made technology and
artificial intelligence are merely instruments that facilitate human application of these
solutions (Doj-crt, 2017)

For Worship

Because it is illegal, using AI for virtual worship is haram. Despite the fact that
every virtual reading and movement is identical to the motions the prophet teaches
Because virtual worship is not in line with Islamic ideals, it is illegitimate. The manner
in which people connect with each other in muamalah become increasingly
diversified. With the advancement of technology, interacting with others has grown
simpler. A Muslim needs to be motivated or have an intention to act. On the other
hand, sincere communication that adheres to Islamic principles will undoubtedly
result in more rewards. Any communication that is carried out with malice will be
considered immoral, regardless of whether artificial intelligence is used as an
intermediary or not. Transactions involving the buying and selling of AI have the
potential to be horrific (Elmahjub, 2023).


Islam is a very pro-science and pro-technology religion. But a research on this

technology is necessary so that eventually Sharia law appears, which Muslims can
use as a guide. Human-created AI has the potential to simplify every task. It is
necessary to use it with good intentions, nevertheless, in order for the offender to
benefit from it. Similarly, it will lead to sin if it is utilized improperly and with evil intent.
Islamic ideals regulate every element of human existence so that humans can live
happily and prevent troubles. Islamic principles will guide all activities, including the
employment of AI, with AI serving as only a tool to help achieve the action's objective
(Crypto Cranium, 2023).

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