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Interview Transcript

INTERVIEW QUESTIONS (13 minutes interview)

I. Biographical information (2 minutes)

● Name: xxx
● Gender: Female
● Age: 25
● Occupation: Employed
● Middle class person

II. General information on Spending Behaviour? ( 3 minutes)

As a youth, how do you spend your money excluding your basic needs?

I am a spendthrift. I am a teenager and you know teenagers spend a lot of money, they need
outings, to drink coffees and also go to restaurants with friends. Personally, I like to go out
with my friends.

III. How does peer pressure specifically influence the spending habits and financial
decisions of young people? (1 Minutes)

Peer pressure influences me unconditionally. Whenever my friend says to me, let's plan to go
somewhere, we then go. And restaurants are the most stuff that my money goes to.

What are the most common types of peer pressure experienced by young people in relation
to spending and financial decisions influenced by social media? (2 Minutes)

I was working at $500 per month, you know I need some important things including
transportations and shopping. Therefore, for the early moments of my work, it was so hard
for me to make savings. At that early stage of my work, my friends were saying to me let’s go
to place x and you don’t say no and everyone has an iPhone you know and I do not want to
feel ashamed, so I am forced to follow them. Whatever they do, do it. You can, spend it, go.
That’s how peer pressure influences me.

What are the main social media platforms that Influence youth spending habits the most?
(1 Minute)

I believe Instagram and TikTok are the most social media platforms that participate in youth
spending habits. You know, nowadays people in business use social media platforms to
showcase their products on Instagram and TikTok. If I see the latest model of clothes that I
want to buy today, it would be seen on either Instagram and TikTok.

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