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Another New Note Again

Just Because
A novel

Chapter #1
I’m a worrier.
Not the type to get up on a weekday morning and do something spontaneous, like
ditch school.
Which is why I’m shocked that I let my best friends Sam and Oliver pick me up in
Oliver’s older brother David’s car, all three of us crammed in the back, David
driving, at nine in the morning on a Wednesday to spend the day at the movies and
the park, our main hang out spot.
David pulls over at the park.
“Bye, Oliver and friends.” He says.
“Thanks for the ride, Dave.” Me, Sam, and Oliver say in unison.
I stumble as I hop out of the car.
Sam laughs, getting out of the car with grace, like everything they do.
Oliver gets out of the car after Sam, not as gracefully, but he doesn’t stumble, at
He shakes his head, and I assume that he’s laughing at me too.
I scowl at both of them.
“C’mon, Vienna, it was funny. Don’t make me regret inviting you.” Sam says, rolling
their eyes.
“Yeah, Vie.” Oliver agrees.
“Fine. I won’t ruin your day.” I reply.
We sit at our normal bench, me on the outside, Oliver beside me, and Sam on
Oliver’s other side.
“We appreciate it.” Oliver says.
“No we don’t. I’m not inviting you next time, Vienna.” Sam says, but they’re
smiling, so I know that they don’t mean it.
“Well, thanks a lot, Sam, I’m so glad that my company is wanted here.” I say, an
identical smile on my face.
“It is, it is. Sam, stop telling her that she’s not invited.” Oliver says, alarmed.
“We were joking, nitwit.” Sam tells him.
He looks at me for confirmation.
“We were.” I say.
“Damn it, Sam, don’t joke around about that! Vie, don’t go along with it!” He says,
“Jeez, why are you so pissed? It was a joke.” Sam asks, also annoyed.
“Nothing.” He grumbles.
I thought occurs to me.
I place a hand on his arm.
“Oliver, is this about your parents?” I ask gently.
Sam has a ‘why didn’t I think of that!’ expression as they listen for his reply.
“Maybe.” He says reluctantly.
Oliver’s parents have been divorced for years, and it stopped bothering him last
year. He got used to it, I guess. But now his parents are starting to date new
people, and, long story short, he hates it.
“Oliver, what happens will happen.” Sam says.
“And we’ll be here for you, right Sam?” I say softly.
“Yeah, of course we will. You’re our best friend, Oliver.” Sam reassures him.
“Thanks. You guys know you’re the best, right?” Oliver grins.
Me and Sam glance at each other.
“Yeah.” We say in unison.
And that’s that. We’ve had all of our big conversations at this bench.
Everywhere else we joke around, but if we sit on this bench, we can have actual in
depth conversations.
“Now, let’s address the elephant in the park.
Summer vacation. It starts in a week, and we must be ready for it the second school
ends.” Sam says, their voice serious.
“Um, I’m ready for summer vacation right now.” Oliver tells us.
I laugh, and Sam glares.
“C’mon, you two! This is important! Do you not want to have an amazing summer?” Sam
asks, annoyed.
“Sam, I don’t need a whole bunch of plans to have an amazing summer. I only need
you and Oliver. And the beach.” I explain.
“Yeah. Friends and beaches.” Oliver agrees.
I blush a little, and Sam rolls her eyes.
“Fine. Friends and beaches. The new summer vacation plan.” Sam says.
I laugh again, and this time Oliver does too.
Sam looks at us like we’re mental.
At 1:00 we start walking to the movie theatre, Sam ahead of me and Oliver, walking
fast, or as they’d say, efficiently.
“Sam really wants an orderly summer, huh?” Oliver comments.
“Yeah, I don’t understand that. I mean, Sam’s one of my best friends, but isn’t
summer about freedom and hanging out with friends, and doing stuff without a
schedule? I don’t think Sam gets that.” I reply.
“I think that they just wanna do everything.
The problem is, they wanna fit everything into one summer.” Oliver says.
“Yeah, I guess. But I want some chill time, too. I mean, it’s summer vacation. No
homework, no school. Time to relax, not do stuff.” I tell him.
He laughs.
“Vie, you can’t spend summer vacation relaxing. You’re gonna hang out with me and
Sam!” He replies.
“You and Sam can relax with me!” I say.
“Sam would never spend summer vacation relaxing. We need to have the best summer
ever.” He says matter-of-factly.
I roll my eyes.
“The best summer ever seems like the opposite of relaxing.” I grin.
Oliver grins back.
“You two are so slow! Pick up the pace!” Sam calls to us.
We hurry to catch up, and enter the movie theatre all together.
After the movie, we walk back to our neighbourhood.
“Oliver jumped so high, he basically landed in my lap! I pushed him off, and then
he fell on the floor.” Sam laughs as they recount the story.
Sam was in the middle seat at the movies, they’re preferred spot so that they can
hold the popcorn.
“My butt still hurts.” Oliver winces.
“We need to go shopping for formal wear, for The Gala.” Sam tells us, changing the
The Gala is the end of school year dance that happens every year. It’s the fanciest
party of the year, including prom.
“Yeah, I guess.” Oliver replies.
“Sure.” I say.
“Let’s go.” Sam says, turning abruptly down a road.
They lead us to Limbo, the store that sells fancy clothes.
When we enter, I head to the women’s section to look for a dress.
I scan the racks of fancy dresses, but I don’t really like any of them.
Then I see it.
Emerald green, long, and sleeveless.
And in my size.
But it’s expensive.
I decide to get it anyway.
I head to the cash without telling Sam and Oliver, wanting the dress to be a
surprise at The Gala.
The cashier puts the dress in a garment bag, and then I pay.
I head outside, unsure of whether to go get Oliver and Sam, or to wait for them.
I take out my phone to text Sam.
I see a text notification from my younger brother, Austin.
Hey Vienna. Where are you?
I wince.
He got on the bus before I woke up, and thought I had already got on my bus, which
leaves earlier. Obviously it would have been a shock when I never returned home,
and now left his text unread.
I’m just out shopping, I reply.

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