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2 Worksheet 5
1 BRONZE Move the labels below to
complete the diagram, showing the
different stages of the iterative
development process.

Review Design

Test Develop

2 Complete the information below

about the iterative development
process. Use these words.

requirement planning review tested sub-problems decompose

s d

repeated iteration development measure algorithms large

The iterative-development process is

about breaking down the development
of a large program into smaller
sections. Each section is designed,
developed and tested in
____repeated__________ cycles.
The first stage of the iterative-
development process is
_planning______________. In this stage,
the problem or task is __
decomposed_____________ to identify
the different __subs
problems__________ that need to be
completed. These are ordered to decide
which need to be done first.
The requirements of the program are
identified so that they can be used to
measure_____________ the success
of the finished product.
In the design stage, __
algorithms____________ are
developed to show how
different sub-problems may be
The _development______________
stage is when the code is written for a
sub-section of the large program.
During and after the development of
this code, the program should be
_tested______________ to ensure that
it works as intended.
The final stage is the
________review_______ stage, when
checks are made on whether the __
requirements _____________ for that
sub-section have been met. If they have
been completed successfully, then the
next __iteration_____________ of the
development cycle will begin.

3 SILVER - Below is some code for a

program that confirms whether a
student has passed a test. If the
student has scored 65 or more, the
program should say ‘Well done. You
have passed.’ If they have scored less
than 65, the program should say ‘You
need to work harder.’
Fill in the gaps in the code so that
the program is developed to meet
these requirements.
>= 65: input print("You need to work harder.")

score = int(__________("Enter
your score: "))
if score__________:
print("Well done. You have
print(“You need to work

(Continue in next page)

4 Look at the pseudocode below for a

program that tells a user whether
they are tall enough to go on a ride.

A) What will happen if the user enters a

height of 140? ____
B) GOLD Open the
online python compiler and
implement the pseudocode above
(activity 4) into python. Remember
that you cannot just copy the
pseudocode. Instead, you need to
adapt it and write it in python format.
HINT: the code in activity 3 as an example that you
can adapt to match the pseudocode in activity 5)

Paste the screenshot of your

completed program below:

Complete the test plan:

Test data Pass/Fail
Test number outcome
1 140 Welcome aboard! PASS
Enjoy the ride.
2 130 Welcome aboard! PASS
Enjoy the ride.
3 129 You’re too small PASS
for this
4 131 Welcome aboard! PASS
Enjoy the ride.
5 65 You’re too small PASS
for this
6 155 Welcome aboard!
Enjoy the ride.

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