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11TH JUNE 2022
Read the short story "The Stolen Party" and respond to the questions below

1. How do you think Senora Ines “stole” the party from Rosaura? Explain your
with reference to the text.

2. Describe THREE (3) characteristics of Rosaura that portray her as a naïve and
innocent daughter of a maid. Explain your answer with evidence from the text.

Write your response in a Word document and submit it in a PDF file.

Make sure you include a cover page containing your details as well.
How do you think Senora Ines “stole” the party from Rosaura? Explain your answer
with reference to the text

"The Stolen Party" is a short tale about Rosaura, a child who attends her
friend's birthday party and finds the severe borders of class. Rosaura is the daughter
of a servant at the Ines family. Rosaura is treated as a worker rather than a visitor by
Senora Ines at the party. Rosaura's ambition of becoming a guest at the celebration
was crushed when Senora Ines requested her to assist with the festivities. Luciana's
cousin makes Rosaura feel inferior by continuously probing her about her connection
with Luciana, as we can see in the short story, and this scenario is fairly prevalent in
real life. This scenario has played out in the past century, with people setting strict
limits and some people denigrating those who are not on the same level as them.
Describe THREE (3) characteristics of Rosaura that portray her as a naïve and
innocent daughter of a maid. Explain your answer with evidence from the text.

“The Stolen Party” by Liliana Heker is a short story about Rosaura, the
daughter of a maid, was asked to her friend's party Luciana Ines, the daughter of her
mother's employer, so her mother, Herminia, was hesitant to allow her go because of
their socioeconomic status, but Rosaura persisted on attending the party. Senora Ines'
plan to invite Rosaura to Luciana's birthday party, not because she is Luciana's friend,
but because she is the daughter of Senora's maid, is something Herminia frequently
reminds her daughter of. Rosaura denies it, claiming that she was welcomed on an
equal footing with the other guests. In the end, she discovered that she had been
gradually ostracised and was being utilised to assist in the serving of the visitors.
Rosaura's attributes that represent her as a naive and innocent daughter of a maid are
overly trusting and foolish, according to this short story. Rosaura is not only
inexperienced in life, but she is also oblivious of her social status and believes she has
been welcomed as a friend. From the beginning of the narrative, we can tell how
naive and innocent she was. The first situation is when Herminia forbade Rosaura
from attending the birthday celebration because she didn't want her daughter to be
damaged later. Rosaura, on the other hand, stresses her desire to attend the party by
stating that she was invited as Luciana's friend.This demonstrates how naive she may
be because she is unaware that she is being exploited at the party rather than being
welcomed as a guest as she believes. This demonstrates her ignorance, since she still
does not comprehend her mother's actions intention. Rosaura continues to believe that
she is in the next predicament throughout the celebration. As a result of her attempt to
blend in with the upper crust, she continues to serve the guests, oblivious to the fact
that she is doing so of the current circumstances Rosaura's joy grows when she
receives the "special." During the party, Senora gave me a special treatment. During
the party, Senora expects her to perform a variety of tasks. This includes servicing the
visitors. Senora did ask her to distribute the cake around, and she believed the chore
made her feel important because she is still inexperienced and does not realise that it
was more of an order than a pleasure. Finally, when the celebration draws to a
conclusion, her innocence is robbed in order to find out the hard fact that she can
never fit into the higher class

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