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Grade 11 End Term Review Practice Test

Coordination, Nervous System, Reflex Arc, Eye, & Endocrine System

Read the passage below. Use the information in the passage and your own knowledge to answer the
questions that follow.
Conditioned Reflexes
(a) Humans produce saliva when food is in their mouth.
Describe the function of saliva in humans.

(b) Complete the table by giving two sense organs that the dogs use to detect the arrival of food and
the stimulus that each sense organ detects.

(c) Explain how reflex responses, such as blinking (line 2), differ from other nerve responses, such
as picking up a pencil.

(d) Pavlov originally conditioned the dogs with a tuning fork of note B. The dogs would then
produce saliva when the tuning fork was hit.
Different tuning forks produce notes of different frequencies as shown in the box.

(i) Suggest why notes G and D produce a greater response in the dogs than notes E and F.
(ii) Suggest how Pavlov might have measured the size of the conditioned response.

(e) Scientists make conclusions about humans from studying animal behaviour.
Suggest two reasons why these conclusions may not be valid.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................

2 ..........................................................................................................................................

(f) Simple reflexes are responses to stimuli.

Explain the structure and functioning of a simple reflex arc, using the example of the withdrawal
of a finger from a hot object.
(Total for question = 16 marks)
The diagram shows an animal cell called a neurone.

(a) Name the three structures found in a plant cell that are not found in a neurone.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................
2 ..........................................................................................................................................
3 ..........................................................................................................................................

(b) Neurones are involved in the reflex arc that helps humans respond to stimuli.
The diagram shows a reflex arc with parts labeled A, B, C, D and E.
The arrows show the direction of the nerve impulse.
(i) Complete the table by naming each part of the reflex arc.
One has been done for you.

(ii) There is a small gap between neurone B and neurone C.

What is the name of the small gaps between neurones?

(c) Nerve impulses can travel along neurones at 120 m/s.

The distance between the spinal cord and the foot of a human is 90 cm.
Calculate the time, in seconds, that it would take a nerve impulse to travel from the spinal cord to
the foot of this human.
Show your working.

time = ........................................................... seconds

(Total for question = 10 marks)

(a) Diagram 1 shows a section through an eye with parts labeled A to F.

Diagram 1
(i) Give the letter that labels the cornea.
(ii) Give the letter that labels a jelly-like fluid.
(iii) Give the function of part A.
(b) Diagram 2 shows a section through the eye of a person with a detached retina.

Diagram 2

Suggest how a detached retina could affect vision.

(Total for question = 5 marks)
The diagram shows a section through the human eye. Different parts of the eye have
been labeled A to G.

The table lists some health problems that affect the eye and describes how they are caused.

Complete the table by choosing the correct label letter for the part of the eye linked
with each health problem. The first one has been done for you.

(Total for question = 4 marks)

The diagram show the ovarian & menstrual cycles. Use the diagram to answer the following

(a) Which hormone is secreted by structure C?


(b) What is structure E on the diagram?

(c) What hormone is secreted by structure E?

(d) What is happening during phase F on the diagram?


(e) What is structure D on the diagram?


(i) What is the name of this process?


(f) What hormone is labeled A?


(i) What is function of hormone A according to the diagram?



(g) What hormone is labeled B?


(i) What is function of hormone B according to the diagram?



(Total for question = 10 marks)

Fill in the blanks for the following passages of the endocrine system.

Diabetes is a condition where the blood ............................................ levels remain too high.
It can be treated by injecting ..........................................… into the body. Insulin allows the cells to
convert sugar into ........................................... The extra insulin causes the liver to convert glucose
into ..........................................…. , the storage form of glucose. Both of these processes
will ........................................… the levels of glucose in the blood.
If your blood glucose levels are too low, the hormone ........................................… from the
pancreas is secreted. This hormone will convert the stored ........................................… in your liver
and muscles into ........................................… which can then be respired in the cells.
(Total for question = 8 marks)

(a) Which hormone is secreted during times of stress or danger?

(i) Give five effects of this hormone on your body?






(b) Which gland(s) secretes this hormone?


(c) What is the main purpose of this hormone?


(Total for question = 8 marks)

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