Audiam Primer

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The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila

Office for the Promotion of the New Evangelization

University of Santo Tomas



January 19-21, 2024

UST Quadricentennial Pavilion

Philippine Conference on New Evangelization
January 19, 2024, Friday
Salya: “Synodality in the Life of the Church”
January 20, 2024, Saturday
7:30 am Traslación of Quiapo Synodality: “Let us cross to the other side”
8:30 am Eucharistic Celebration 7:30 am Enthronement: Nuestra Señora
Presider and Homilist: de la Paz y Buen Viaje de
His Eminence Jose F. Cardinal
Archbishop of Manila and PCNE
8:30 am Eucharistic Celebration
Chairman Presider and Homilist:
Opening Remarks: His Eminence Cardinal Mario Grech
His Excellency Most Rev. Charles John Secretary-General of the Synod
Brown, DD 10:00 am Break
Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines 10:30 am Recap of Day 1
10:00 am Break Orientation on Synod
10:30 am Opening and Welcoming Rites Methodology/Spiritual
Very Rev. Fr. Richard Ang, O.P., PhD Conversations/Concurrent
UST Rector Magnificus Workshops
10:45 am Perspective Setting 11:00 am Concurrent Workshops
Fr. Jason H. Laguerta 12:30 pm Lunch
PCNE Director 2:00 pm AUDIAM Sessions
11:00 am Keynote Address: Synodality – 4:00 pm Prayer-Ritual: “Let us cross to
“A Synodal Church in Mission” the other side.”
His Eminence Cardinal Mario Grech In AUDIAM Session Small Groups
Secretary-General of the Synod
12:00 pm Lunch DAY 3 – MISSION
January 21, 2024, Sunday
1:30 pm Heart to Heart: The Synodal
Traslacion: “Synodality in the Mission of the
Moderator and Synthesis:
His Eminence Luis Antonio G. Cardinal Tagle
8:00 am Opening Liturgy
Pro-Prefect of the Section for the First
Evangelization and New Particular Churches 8:30 am Deepening: Fruits of the
Dicastery for Evangelization Concurrent Workshops
Panelists: 11:00 am Prayer Ritual: Sinulog
His Eminence Jose F. Cardinal 12:00 pm Lunch
Advincula 2:00 pm Celebration Concert
Most Rev. Pablo Virgilio David
4:00 pm Eucharistic Celebration
Most Rev. Mylo Hubert Vergara
Presider and Homilist:
Dr. Estela Padilla
His Eminence Luis Antonio G. Cardinal Tagle
4:00 pm Confessio Peccati and Pahalik
from speakers to conversations
Excerpt from the letter of the General Secretariat of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops:

A guiding question to deepen reflection

The local Churches and the groupings of Churches are firstly invited to contribute by deepening aspects
of the Synthesis Report that are fundamental to the Synod's theme. These contributions are guided by
the question:

“HOW can we be a synodal Church in mission?”

The objective of these new reflections is to identify the paths we can follow and the tools we might
adopt in our different contexts and circumstances in order to enhance the unique contribution of each
baptized person and of each Church in the one mission of proclaiming the Risen Lord and his Gospel to
the world today. This is not, therefore, a request that limits you to a plan of technical or procedural
improvements to make the Church's structures more efficient, but rather an invitation for reflection on
the concrete forms of the missionary commitment to which we are called, that express the dynamism
between unity and diversity proper to a synodal Church.

In this regard, it will be helpful to reread no. 27 of the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium:
“I dream of a ‘missionary option’, that is, a missionary impulse capable of transforming
everything, so that the Church’s customs, ways of doing things, times and schedules, language
and structures can be suitably channeled for the evangelization of today’s world rather than for
her self-preservation. The renewal of structures demanded by pastoral conversion can only be
understood in this light: as part of an effort to make them more mission-oriented, to make
ordinary pastoral activity on every level more inclusive and open, to inspire in pastoral workers a
constant desire to go forth and in this way to elicit a positive response from all those whom Jesus
summons to friendship with himself. As John Paul II once said to the Bishops of Oceania: ‘All
renewal in the Church must have mission as its goal if it is not to fall prey to a kind of ecclesial

The horizon towards which the in-depth work identified in the guiding question is oriented, is a reform
animated by the dynamic of mission that Christ has entrusted to us. In this we are sustained by the
pastoral conversion that the Spirit, who according to the Lord’s promise never leaves us alone, invites us
to accomplish and makes possible.

Keeping the synodal dynamism alive

Preserving and reviving the synodal dynamic that has involved the entire People of God over the
past two years is just as important as the work of in-depth study and consultation outlined above. The
First Session indicated as a priority “the enlargement of the number of people involved in the synodal
processes, overcoming the obstacles to participation that have emerged so far” (Synthesis Report, ch. 1,
lett. m), also indicating different modalities and groups of people to which attention should be paid,
including the digital environment.

To this end, the local churches are also invited to go through the entire Synthesis Report and
collect the requests that are most consonant with their situation. On this basis, they will be able to
promote the most appropriate initiatives to involve the whole People of God (formative activities,
theological in-depth studies, celebrations in synodal style, grassroots consultations, listening to minority
populations and groups living in conditions of poverty and social marginality, spaces in which to address
controversial issues, etc.), using the methods already successfully adopted during the first phase, in
particular Conversation in the Spirit. Religious Congregations, Institutes of Consecrated Life, Lay
Associations, Ecclesial Movements and new Communities are also invited to do the same, contributing to
the work of the Dioceses and Eparchies where they are present. The aim is to keep alive that dynamism
of listening and dialogue with everyone, especially with those who remain more on the margins of the
life of the Church, which the first phase of the synodal process launched and which has produced
significant fruits.
Track Subject/Topic Presenter
1. Persons belonging to SR1* Topics: Session Chair: Prof. Val Brillo &
different Christian groups or #5 – A Church “out of every tribe, tongue, Prof. Philip Fuentes
professing different religious people and nation” Testimony: Haidi Fajardo &
#7 – On the Road Towards Christian Unity Rev. Dionito Cabillas
faiths / convictions
2. The Filipino Family SR1 Topics: Fr. Rico Ayo and Sr. Angelina
#1 – Synodality: Experience and Understanding Julom
#8 – Church is Mission
#9 – Women in the Life and Mission of the
#14 – A Synodal Approach to Formation
3. Parishes and Basic Ecclesial SR1 Topics: Bukal ng Tipan
Communities (BEC) #16 – Towards a Listening and Accompanying
#18 – Structures for Participation

4. Educators SR1 Topics: Ms. Marisa Belo, Sr. Aileen
#2 – Gathered and Sent by the Trinity Bonifacio, SPC, and Dr. Pilar
#14 – A Synodal Approach to Formation Romero
5. Catechists SR1 Topics: Fr. Renato De Guzman
#2 – Gathered and Sent by the Trinity
#3 – Entering the Community of Faith: Christian
#14 – A Synodal Approach to Formation
6. Digital and Social Media #17 – Mission in the Digital Environment Tabella Catholic App
Content Creators
7. The Youth SR1 Topics: Ms. Lesley Anne Rosal
#1 – Synodality: Experience and Understanding
#8 – Church is Mission
#14 – A Synodal Approach to Formation
#17 – Mission in the Digital Environment
8. Women SR1 Topic: Prof. Arche Ligo
#9 – Women in the Life and Mission of the
9. The Poor SR1 Topics: Fr. Enrico Martin F. Adoviso
#4 – People in Poverty, Protagonists of the Commissioner
Church’s Journey Commission on Social
#16 – Towards a Listening and Accompanying
Services and Development
10. Clergy, Consecrated Persons, SR1 Topics: His Eminence
and Synodal Coordinators #10 – Consecrated Life and Lay Associations Cardinal Mario Grech
and Movements: A Charismatic Sign
#11 – Deacons and Priests in a Synodal Church
#12 – The Bishop in Ecclesial Communion
#16 – Towards a Listening and Accompanying
*SR1 – Synthesis Report of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops First Session (4-29 October 2023): A
Synodal Church in Mission
“The renewal of the Church’s synodal life demands that we initiate processes for consulting the
entire People of God.” (Synodality in the Life and Mission of the Church par. 65, International Theological
Commission) In AUDIAM listening and consultation sessions, we will be assigned to small groups of
around 10 members with an assigned facilitator and notetaker. We will go through the communal
discernment process of “conversation in the Spirit” while contributing our resonances on the “Matters
for Consideration” proposed in the Synthesis Report of the First Session of the Synod on Synodality. By
participating sincerely and actively, we will be living synodality in a very concrete and meaningful way.
The AUDIAM sessions aims to carry out a further consultation, to continue the conversation and
journeying together.

Conversation in the Spirit

Excerpt from the Instrumentum Laboris for the First Session of the Synod on Synodality

In its concrete reality conversation in the Spirit can be described as a shared prayer with a view to
communal discernment for which participants prepare themselves by personal reflection and
meditation. They give each other the gift of a meditated word nourished by prayer, not an opinion
improvised on the spot. The dynamic between the participants articulates three fundamental steps.
The first is devoted to each person taking the floor, starting from his or her own experience reread in
prayer during the period of preparation. Others listen in the knowledge that each one has a valuable
contribution to offer and refrain from debates or discussions.

Silence and prayer help to prepare for the next step, in which each person is invited to open up within
his or herself a space for others and for the Other. Once again, each person takes the floor: not to react
to or counter what they have heard, reaffirming their own position, but to express what from their
listening has touched them most deeply and what they feel challenged by most strongly. The interior
traces that result from one’s listening to sisters and brothers are the language with which the Holy
Spirit makes his own voice resound. The more each participant has been nourished by meditation on
the Word and the Sacraments, growing in familiarity with the Lord, the more he or she will be able to
recognise the sound of His voice (cf. Jn 10:14.27), assisted also by the accompaniment of the
Magisterium and theology. Likewise, the more intentionally and carefully participants attend to the voice
of the Spirit the more they will grow in a shared sense of mission.

The third step, again in an atmosphere of prayer and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, is to identify
the key points that have emerged and to build a consensus on the fruits of the joint work, which each
person feels is faithful to the process and by which he or she can therefore feel represented. It is not
enough to draw up a report listing the most often mentioned points. Rather, discernment is needed,
which also pays attention to marginal and prophetic voices and does not overlook the significance of the
points on which disagreement emerges. The Lord is the cornerstone that will allow the “construction” to
stand and the Spirit, the master of harmony, will help to move from cacophony to symphony.

The journey leads to a prayer of praise to God and gratitude for the experience. “When we live out a
spirituality of drawing nearer to others and seeking their welfare, our hearts are opened wide to the
Lord’s greatest and most beautiful gifts. Whenever we encounter another person in love, we learn
something new about God. Whenever our eyes are opened to acknowledge the other, we grow in the
light of faith and knowledge of God” (EG 272). This, in a nutshell, is the gift received by those who allow
themselves to be involved in a conversation in the Spirit.

In concrete situations, it is never possible to follow this pattern slavishly. Rather it must always be
adapted. Sometimes it is necessary to give priority to each one taking the floor and listening to the
others; in other circumstances to bringing out the links between the different perspectives, in search of
what makes “our hearts burn within us” (cf. Lk 24:32); in others still, to the explication of a consensus
and working together to identify the direction in which one feels called by the Spirit to move. But,
beyond the appropriate concrete adaptations, the intention and dynamism that unite the three steps are
and remain characteristic of the way of proceeding of a synodal Church.

Bearing in mind the significance of conversation in the Spirit to animate the lived experience of the
synodal Church, formation in this method, and in particular of facilitators capable of accompanying
communities in practising it, is perceived as a priority at all levels of ecclesial life and for all the Baptised,
starting with ordained Ministers in a spirit of co-responsibility and openness to different ecclesial
vocations. Formation for conversation in the Spirit is formation to be a synodal Church.
The role of the facilitator and notetaking is vital for the AUDIAM Sessions. The facilitator is responsible
for ensuring a safe and respectful environment where every participant can share their ideas, opinions,
and experiences without fear of judgment or criticism. The facilitator will be facilitating 2-3 groups at the
same time, assisted by notetakers in each group. The dynamics of the facilitator and notetaker is vital to
ensure that the session will flow smoothly as scheduled.

The flow of the AUDIAM Session is as follows:

2:00 pm – 2:10 pm Introduction

2:10 pm – 3:00 pm First Period
What struck you from the plenary and concurrent sessions?
3:00 pm – 3:30 pm Health Break
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Second Period
1. How can your [sector] participate as a protagonist in a synodal
church in mission?
2. What steps does the Holy Spirit want us to take to become a more
synodal missionary Church?
4:30 pm – 4:45 pm Notetakers provide the group with a draft synthesis for their comment
4:45 pm – 5:00 pm Concluding Prayer, Reminders and Dismissal

It is advisable for the facilitator to use a signal (e.g. bell or chimes) to remind the participants of the time.
In any case that a participant extends in sharing, the notetaker may gently remind the participant to
conclude the sharing and give time for others.

Towards the end of the second session, notetakers will present to their respective groups a short
synthesis of the conversations. They will integrate the comments and suggestions until the report is
approved by consensus. It is important to note of the following:

a. Points of convergence / agreement;

b. Points of divergence / disagreement that need further discussion; and
c. Proposals
After the session, notetakers upload their reports to the Google Doc of his/her topic/sector before 19:00.


A group of 3-4 people per track/sector will be tasked to synthesize the proceedings of the AUDIAM
session. They are responsible to combine information collated during the session and present it in a clear
and coherent way. They must identify the main points of the convergences, divergences, and proposals
that were addressed by the participants. The synthesis must be critically analyzed with credibility,
relevance and accuracy to present with justice the arguments and perspectives of the people.

For those tasked with synthesizing and reporting, note the three most significant points of convergence,
divergence and proposals.

The group of synthesis writers is also responsible for the reporting of the fruits of the AUDIAM session
on the third day of the conference, January 21, 2024. It is encouraged to present the report creatively.
The AUDIAM Session
Segment Duration Script for Facilitator
Introduction 10 mins Good afternoon, sisters and brothers. Welcome to the
(2:00 pm – 2:10 pm) AUDIAM session.

The concurrent workshop earlier was a reflection of the

developments and challenges as we persevere in journeying
together towards a more synodal Church.

Here in PCNE X, we keep the synodal dynamism alive – the

dynamism of listening and dialogue with everyone – to
continue animating the lived experience of the Church and
the formation to become a Church that is missionary and

As part of our synodal journey, we are called to further

deepen our reflection:
How can we be a synodal Church in mission?

This AUDIAM session is “an invitation for reflection on the

concrete forms of the missionary commitment to which we
are called, that express the dynamism between unity and
diversity proper to a synodal Church” in the method during
the first phase, the Conversation in the Spirit.

Now, I would like to ask everyone to introduce themselves to

your group. Briefly, please share your name and affiliation.

The participants will introduce themselves to each other in the


As we begin our AUDIAM session, I would like to remind

everyone of the following:
1. This conversation in the Spirit is a shared prayer with
a view to communal discernment. Let us keep the
ambiance prayerful and docile to the promptings of
the Holy Spirit.
2. Let us devote each person space and time to speak
while we truly listen. Let us make our sharing brief
and on point. Each will be given 2 minutes to speak
during their turn. You will hear the sound of the
bell/gong/chimes at the conclusion of each turn.
3. While someone is speaking, let us be open in listening
– not judging or criticizing. Each person takes the
floor not to react to or counter what you have heard,
or reaffirm your own position, but to express what
touched you most deeply and challenged you most

At this point, we begin our Conversation in the Spirit by

preparing ourselves in the silence of God. Let us ask the grace
of the Holy Spirit that we may have a listening heart.

In the name of the Father, + and of the Son, and of the Holy
Spirit. Amen.

Observe a minute of silence

Reflection 15 mins For our first period:
(2:10 pm – 2:25 pm) What struck you from the plenary and concurrent sessions?
Let us carefully listen to the contribution of others.

Each participant is given 2 minutes to share.

Silence and Prayer 3 mins Let us now be in silent prayer recollecting all that we heard
(2:25 pm – 2:28 pm) from our sisters and brothers.
Resonance 15 mins From what the others have said, share in your group what
(2:28 pm – 2:43 pm) resonated the most with you.

Each participant is given 2 minutes to share.

Silence and Prayer 3 mins Let us now be in silent prayer recollecting all that we heard
(2:43 pm – 2:46 pm) from our sisters and brothers.
Recognition 4 mins At this point, I would like to ask a representative to briefly
(2:46 pm – 3:00 pm) share the fruit of your group’s conversation.
Health Break 30 mins At this point, we shall have a health break for 30 minutes.
(3:00 pm – 3:30 pm) Please be back at 3:30 pm.

We encourage the atmosphere of prayer and silence in

preparation for the next period.
Preparation 5 mins Welcome back, brothers and sisters.
(3:30 pm – 3:35 pm)
“Let us cross to the other side.” This is the invitation of
Synodality – to cross together to a more synodal and
missionary attitude, a synodal and missionary conversion.

As we continue our AUDIAM session, let us be reminded of

the words of Pope Francis in his Apostolic Exhortation
Evangelii Gaudium:
“I dream of a ‘missionary option’, that is, a missionary impulse
capable of transforming everything, so that the Church’s
customs, ways of doing things, times and schedules, language
and structures can be suitably channeled for the
evangelization of today’s world rather than for her

Observe a minute of silence

First Point 21 mins Let us now reflect together:
(3:35 pm – 3:56 pm) How can your [sector] participate as a protagonist in a
synodal church in mission?

Each participant is given 3 minutes to share.

Silence and Prayer 3 mins In the silence of our hearts, let us now ponder all that we
(3:56 pm – 3:59 pm) have heard.
Second Point 21 mins It is important to identify the paths we can follow for us to
(3:59 pm – 4:20 pm) become a synodal Church in mission. We continue to pray
What steps does the Holy Spirit want us to take to become a
more synodal missionary Church?

Each participant is given 3 minutes to share.

Silence and Prayer 3 mins In the silence of our hearts, let us now ponder all that we
(4:20 pm – 4:23 pm) have heard.
Preparation of the Draft 7 mins Thank you very much for everyone’s input. At this point, we
Synthesis will give 7 minutes for the preparation of the draft synthesis.
(4:23 pm – 4:30 pm) Afterwards, the synthesis writer will present in your group the
short synthesis of your conversation.
Presentation of the 15 mins Now, the short synthesis of your conversation will be
Draft Synthesis presented to your group. Your group may integrate comments
(4:30 pm – 4:45 pm) and suggestions until the report is approved by consensus.

it is important to note of the following:

a. Points of convergence / agreement;
b. Points of divergence / disagreement that need further
discussion; and
c. Proposal

We will have 15 minutes.

Prayer-Ritual 10 mins Please refer to the prayer-ritual provided below in this
(4:45 pm - 4:55 pm) document.
Reminders and 5 mins Thank you very much, sisters and brothers.
Dismissal Before we end today, let us express our heartfelt gratitude to
(4:55 pm – 5:00 pm) one another for journeying.together in this AUDIAM session.
Our journey together continues towards a synodal church in
The third day of the conference starts at 8:00 am tomorrow.
See you at the last day of PCNE X. Salya tayo, sama-sama!
Coordination Debriefing and coordination
(5:00 pm – 7:00 pm) The deadline for the submission of the notes is at 7:00 pm
The synthesis team shall prepare the report for tomorrow’s
deepening of the fruits of the AUDIAM session


This modified prayer blessing is intended to be used as a closing ritual for the Audiam: Conversations in
the Spirit of PCNEX as inspired by the original © Blessing of the Body by Joyce Rupp. When all are
gathered after the synodal circles, everyone is invited to pray for and bless each other as members of a
renewed Christian community.

As we are called to embrace this synodal path, this prayer invites the Holy Spirit to operate within us
so that we may be a community and a people of grace.

Placing our hand over our body part, we pray:

Forehead May you have a renewed and clear perspective; always open to the stories of one
another. May you always be wise and discerning to other’s thoughts as you try to understand
their reasoning.

Ears My you always hear the Word so you could listen with love. May you learn to listen
without judgment as you strive to take every story with compassion and openness.

Eyes May you have inner vision to see more clearly the path towards communion. May your
eyes be clear and bright to welcome others in joy and excitement while you behold them just
as how God looks at you.

Mouth May you speak gently in love and truth; and tell your stories in charity and humility.
May you learn to affirm others and appreciate your fellow beings. May you courageously
engage in meaningful dialogue and encourage fraternal correction.

Nose May you become aware of the smell of the sheep as co-shepherds of Jesus. May your
breathing give witness to the love of God ever present in you. As you inhale God’s goodness,
and exhale your worries away, may you learn to breathe gratefully to the rhythm of life.

Hands May your hands become channels of comfort and support. As you help in the building
of the Church, may all that you do bear fruits. Like our Carpenter Lord, may you learn to use
your hands to create beautiful things in your communities.

Skin May your skin, no matter the texture and color, bring warmth to those you will
encounter. May your presence be felt by your families, friends, and communities you serve as
you embrace them in fraternal comfort and love.
Heart May your heart keep beating for the mission. May you become aware of your inner
calling to be followers of the Way, evangelizers of Truth, and witnesses of Life. May your heart
steadily beat as it resonates with the stirrings of the Lord’s Most Sacred Heart.

Feet May your feet keep you grounded, pure, and humble in your walking with others. May it
lead you to the path of synodal pilgrimage with fellow Christians and people of good will as we
commit to ‘wash each other’s feet’ along the way.


I invite each of you now to repeat what I will say. Whisper these words into the ear of your partner. To
do so, you will need to be very close to each other.

● May the shelter of God embrace you in your difficult moments.

● May the Dance of God play in your joyful moments.

● May the Peace of God be with you wherever you are on your journey of life.

We bless one another . . . In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!


"Blessing of the Body" taken from out of the ordinary: prayers, poems, and reflections for every season,
by Joyce Rupp Copyright 2000.

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