Fisio Week 3 - CVS

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Tissue of The Vascular Wall

– Junqueira –

Tissue of vascular wall

- Wall of all blood vessels except capillaries contain smooth muscle and
connective tissue in addition (selain) to the endothelial
- The amount and arrangement (susunan) of these tissue in vessel are
influenced by : mechanical factor – primarily BP, and metabolic factors
reflecting (yang mencerminkan) the local needs of tissue

Endothelium — role in metabolite exchanges between blood and tissues

- The endothelium is a specialized epithelium that acts as a semipermeable
barrier between two internal compartments : blood plasma and interstitial
tissue fluid
- Squamous, polygonal, and elongated with long axis in the direction (arah) of
blood flow
- Endothelium with basal lamina is highly (sangat) differentiated to mediate
and actively monitor the bidirectional (2 arah) exchange of molecules by
simple and active diffusion, receptor-mediated endocytosis, transcytosis, etc
Other function of endothelial cells
1) Non Thrombogenic surface on → which blood will not clot and actively secretes
agents that control local clot formation (e.g heparin, tissue plasminogen activator, and
2) Regulate local vascular tone and blood flow by secreting various factors
that stimulate smooth muscle contraction (e.g endothelin 1 and
angiotensin converting enzyme [ACE] ) or relaxation (including Nitric oxide
[NO] and prostacyclin)
3) Several roles in inflammation and local immune response – venules
induce specific WBC to stop undergo transendothelial migration at sites of
injury or infection // secretes interleukin
4) Secrete various GF : including protein promoting proliferation of specific
WBC cell lineages and cell that make up the vascular wall

Smooth Muscle
- Smooth muscle fibers occur in the walls of all vessels larger than
capillaries and are arranged helically in layers
Connective tissue
- Collagen fibers are found in the subendothelial layer (between smooth
muscle layer and in the outer covering)
- Elastic fibers (between muscle layers) provide the resiliency (ketahanan)
required for the vascular wall to expand under pressure
Tunica intima (paling dalam)
- consist endothelium and thin subendothelial layer of loose connective
tissue sometimes containing smooth muscle
- Internal elastic lamina composed elastin (with holes [lubang] allowing better
diffusion of substances from blood deeper into the wall)
Tunica Media (lapisan tengah)
- Terutama terdiri dari lapisan konsentris smooth muscle cell yang tersusun
secara heliks
- In arteries, the media have a thin external elastic lamina, separating it from
the outermost tunic
- Interposed among (diantara) the muscle fibers are variable amounts
(sejumlah) of elastic fibers and elastic lamellae, reticular fibers, and
proteoglycans, all of which are produced by the smooth muscle cell
Tunica Adventitia (or tunica externa)
- Consist principally of type 1 collagen and elastic fibers
- The adventitia is continuous with and bound to the stromal connective tissue
of the organ through which the blood vessel runs

Vasa Vasorum — vessels of the vessel (seperti coronary vasculature)

- for nutrient and O2
- Large vessels usually have vasa vasorum
- Arterioles, capillaries, and venules in the adventitia and outer part of the
- Provides metabolites to cells in those tunics in larger vessels because the
wall is too thick to be nourished solely (dipelihara semata-mata oleh) by
diffusion from the blood in the lumen
- Luminal blood – provide the needs of cells in the intima
- Large veins – because they carry deoxygenated blood → commonly have more vasa
vasorum than arteries

Baca tabel 11-1 halaman 221 Junqueira

Sumber : Junqueira chapter 11 (hal 216 - 219)

Vascular Biology of Atherosclerosis
– Lily –

Normal Arterial Wall

- Intimal surface consist of a single layer of endothelial cells – that act as a
metabolically active barrier between circulating blood and the vessel wall
- The Media is thickest layer – internal/external elastic laminae separate
middle layer from intima and adventitia
- Media : smooth muscle and extracellular matrix → and subserves (melayani) the
contractile and elastic function of the vessel
- Elastic component : more prominent in large arteries (e.g aorta and its
primary branches) → stretches during the high pressure of systole and then
recoils during diastole, propelling blood forward
- Muscular component : more prominent in smaller arteries (e.g arterioles) –
constricts or relaxes to alter vessel resistance
- Adventitia : contains nerves, lymphatics, and blood vessels (vasa vasorum)

Endothelial —----------------------------------------------------------------
- Tightly adjoined endothelial cells form a barrier → limits the passage of large
- As blood traverses the vascular → it encounters antithrombotic molecules
produced by the normal endothelium that prevent it from clotting
- Antithrombotic molecule
- reside on the endothelial surface : heparan sulfate, thrombomodulin,
and plasminogen activators
- Enter the circulation : prostacyclin and NO
- Endothelium can also produce prothrombotic molecules when subjected to
various stressors
- Secrete substance that modulate constriction of smooth muscle cells in
the underlying medial layer
- Vasodilator (e.g NO and prostacyclin) → smooth muscle relaxation
- Vasoconstrictor (e.g endothelin)
- Several endothelial product also function to inhibit proliferation of smooth
muscle cell into the intima (because normal residence within the media)
- Modulate immune response
- Absence pathological stimulation – resist leukocyte adhesion
- (postcapillary venules) → Chemokines → attract WBC
- Endothelial cells produce cell surface adhesion molecules (mediated by KLF2)
→ mononuclear migration to the site of injury
Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells —-----------------------------------

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