Reading Test 4

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The Art of Communication

Communication is the cornerstone of human interaction, allowing

individuals to convey thoughts, feelings, and information. Effective
communication involves not only verbal expression but also non-verbal
cues, active listening, and the ability to empathize. In the digital age,
various forms of communication have emerged, from face-to-face
conversations to instant messaging and video calls. The art of
communication is not just about conveying messages but also about
building connections, fostering understanding, and resolving conflicts. It
plays a crucial role in relationships, teamwork, and the overall harmony
of societies.

1. What is the cornerstone of human interaction, according to the

a. Avoiding communication
b. Communication, including verbal expression and non-verbal cues
c. Ignoring thoughts and feelings
d. Isolation from society

2. What does effective communication involve?

a. Verbal expression only
b. Avoiding non-verbal cues
c. Active listening, empathy, and non-verbal cues
d. Isolating individuals from society

3. What forms of communication have emerged in the digital age?

a. Only face-to-face conversations
b. Only instant messaging
c. Various forms, including face-to-face, instant messaging, and video
d. Avoidance of communication

4. What is the art of communication about, according to the reading?

a. Conveying messages only
b. Building connections, fostering understanding, and resolving conflicts
c. Isolating individuals
d. Avoiding relationships and teamwork

5. How does communication play a crucial role in societies?

a. By avoiding understanding and connections
b. By fostering conflicts
c. By building connections, fostering understanding, and resolving
d. By isolating individuals

6. In the digital age, what are mentioned as various forms of

a. Only verbal expression
b. Avoidance of non-verbal cues
c. Face-to-face conversations and instant messaging
d. Ignoring teamwork and relationships

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