APM Agents

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APM Agents Installation and

Configuration Instruction
Robert Karpiński, version: 4, last modified: 2023-11-08

1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3
2 General information ........................................................................................................................ 3
2.1 Agents configuration for new APM servers ............................................................................. 3
2.2 Agents installation packages location...................................................................................... 3
2.3 Agent configuration guidelines ................................................................................................ 3
3 APM agent installation .................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Linux OS agent (LZ) installation ............................................................................................... 4
3.1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 4
3.1.2 Preparation ...................................................................................................................... 4
3.1.3 Installation of base version ( ............................................................................... 5
3.1.4 Service Pack installation ( .................................................................................. 7
3.1.5 Agent configuration ......................................................................................................... 7
3.1.6 Starting agent .................................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Windows OS agent (NT) installation ........................................................................................ 8
3.2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.2 Preparation ...................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.3 Installation of base version ( ............................................................................... 9
3.2.4 Service Pack installation ( ................................................................................ 18
3.3 UNIX OS agent (UX) installation............................................................................................. 23
3.3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 23
3.3.2 Preparation .................................................................................................................... 23
3.3.3 Installation of base version ( ............................................................................. 23
3.3.4 Service Pack installation ( ................................................................................ 25
3.3.5 Unix OS agent configuration .......................................................................................... 26
3.3.6 Starting Unix OS agent ................................................................................................... 27
3.4 Oracle agent (RZ) installation ................................................................................................ 27
3.4.1 Preparation .................................................................................................................... 27
3.4.2 Agent base version installation...................................................................................... 27
3.4.3 Agent base version installation on Linux ....................................................................... 27
3.4.4 Fix installation ................................................................................................................ 30
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

3.4.5 Fix installation on Linux ................................................................................................. 30

3.4.6 Agent configuration ....................................................................................................... 30
3.4.7 Starting agent instance .................................................................................................. 33
3.4.8 Required Oracle reconfiguration to work with agent .................................................... 33
3.4.9 Archival instruction for monitoring output of custom SQL queries .............................. 41
3.5 Broker agent (QI) and MQ agent (MQ) installation ............................................................... 48
3.5.1 Warning ......................................................................................................................... 48
3.5.2 Preparation .................................................................................................................... 48
3.5.3 Agent installation ........................................................................................................... 48
3.5.4 Archival instruction for MQ agent installation .............................................................. 48
3.6 WAS agent (YN) installation ................................................................................................... 54
3.6.1 Preparation .................................................................................................................... 54
3.6.2 Agent and data collector installation ............................................................................. 54
3.6.3 Archival instruction for WebSphere agent installation .................................................. 55
3.7 J2EE agent (YJ) installation (i.e. for Tomcat) .......................................................................... 71
3.7.1 Preparation .................................................................................................................... 71
3.7.2 Agent installation ........................................................................................................... 72
3.7.3 Archival instruction for WebSphere agent installation .................................................. 73
3.8 T24 agent (K24) installation ................................................................................................... 96
3.8.1 Preparation .................................................................................................................... 96
3.8.2 Agent installation ........................................................................................................... 96
3.8.3 Agent configuration ....................................................................................................... 96
3.8.4 Starting agent ................................................................................................................ 97
3.8.5 Checking agent activity in logs....................................................................................... 98
4 User procedures ............................................................................................................................ 98
4.1 Launching Tivoli Enterprise Portal ......................................................................................... 98
4.2 Changing password used to access TEP................................................................................. 99
5 Troubleshooting........................................................................................................................... 100
5.1 Cannot start TEP client because of a weak signature algorithm MD5withRSA ................... 100
5.1.1 Symptom...................................................................................................................... 100
5.1.2 Resolution .................................................................................................................... 100
5.2 Cannot install agent because of missing Compatibility Package ......................................... 101
5.2.1 Symptom...................................................................................................................... 101
5.2.2 Resolution .................................................................................................................... 101

2 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

1 Introduction
Document is intended to facilitate Application Performance Monitoring (APM) migration to the new

2 General information
2.1 Agents configuration for new APM servers
All new and existing servers should be configured to connect to new APM servers. Table below contains
all required information.

Param Value
Encryption key IBMTivoliMonitoringEncryptionKey
Primary TEMS Hostname or IP Address
(APM server) Protocol 1 IP.PIPE (port 1918)
Protocol 2 IP.SPIPE (port 3660)
Secondary TEMS Hostname or IP Address
(APM server) Protocol 1 IP.PIPE (port 1918)
Protocol 2 IP.SPIPE (port 3660)
ITCAM for Application Diagnostics Managing IP:
Server (should be specified while installing Port: 9122
WAS or J2EE agent) (not yet installed so nothing listen on that port
Transaction Collector agent (should be IP:
specified while installing WAS or J2EE agent) Port: 5455

2.2 Agents installation packages location

Agents installation packages are stored on ems-apm1.cbe.com.et ( in directory
/install_agents. The directory is exported read-only via NFS protocol for all servers in subnet (scope can be changed in /etc/exports if needed).

2.3 Agent configuration guidelines

After installation, agent should be configured and started. To configure, use below command
(providing instance is required only for specific agent):

/opt/IBM/ITM/bin/itmcmd config -A AGENT_CODE -o INSTANCE_NAME

Where AGENT_CODE is one of following codes:

 lz – Linux OS Agent,
 ux – Unix OS Agent,
 nt – Windows OS Agent,
 rz – Oracle Agent,
 mq – MQ Monitoring Agent,
 qi – Message Broker Agent,
 yn – WAS Application Agent,
 yj – J2EE Agent (i.e. for Tomcat),
 24 – T24 Agent.

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APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Sometimes multiple instances of agent are allowed (for example Oracle Agent). Each instance must
be configured separately. Instance name is just a label given by APM admin to distinguish between
different configurations.

Configured agent should be started like below (providing instance is required only for specific agent):
/opt/IBM/ITM/bin/itmcmd agent start AGENT_CODE -o INSTANCE_NAME

Currently running agent can be displayed with:

/opt/IBM/ITM/bin/cinfo -R

Agent management is possible also from GUI by starting “Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Services”. On Windows there is Start Menu option available. For UNIX/Linux X-server must be
configured properly. Then execute below command to display agent configuration GUI:

/opt/IBM/ITM/bin/itmcmd manage

Example of agent configuration GUI on Windows.

3 APM agent installation

3.1 Linux OS agent (LZ) installation
3.1.1 Introduction
This chapter covers installation of Linux OS agent version Agent requires two stage of
installation. First base version of agent must be installed ( Then latest Service Pack (currently
14) must be installed which updates agents to version

Description of Service Pack 14: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/ibm-tivoli-monitoring-630-fix-


Below instruction was prepared based on test install of Linux OS Agent on EMS-APM5, (to
be uninstalled if needed).

3.1.2 Preparation
# install required packages
dnf install ksh libnsl libXtst libXcursor libXft

4 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

# mount NFS share storing agent installation files

mkdir -p /mnt/install_agents
mount -t nfs /mnt/install_agents

3.1.3 Installation of base version (

cd /mnt/install_agents/ITM_6.3.0.7_AGNT_MPL_ML

[root@ems-apm5 ITM_6.3.0.7_AGNT_MPL_ML]# ./install.sh


Enter the name of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation directory.

[ default = /opt/IBM/ITM ]:
Directory "/opt/IBM/ITM" already exists.
OK to use it [ 1-yes, 2-no; "1" is default ]?

KCI1362W IBM Tivoli Monitoring version 6.3 introduces a number of platform improvements which may require
operating system updates. It is important that you ensure this system meets these requirements prior to installing or
updating your installation. Please refer to the following technote for more information:

Select one of the following:

1) Install products to the local host.

2) Install products to depot for remote deployment (requires TEMS).
3) Install TEMS support for remote seeding
4) Exit install.

Please enter a valid number: 1

Initializing ...
International Program License Agreement

Part 1 - General Terms







Press Enter to continue viewing the license agreement, or

enter "1" to accept the agreement, "2" to decline it, "3"
to print it, or "99" to go back to the previous screen.

Enter a 32-character encryption key, or just press Enter to use the default
Default = IBMTivoliMonitoringEncryptionKey

Product packages are available in /mnt/install_agents/ITM_6.3.0.7_AGNT_MPL_ML/unix

5 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

All agents require that application support files that contain agent-specific information be installed on the Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server that the agents will connect to, Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and Tivoli Enterprise Portal
desktop and browser client. Install application support before starting to install any Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents.

The following products are available for installation:

1) Agentless Monitoring for AIX Operating Systems V06.30.07.00

2) Agentless Monitoring for HP-UX Operating Systems V06.30.07.00
3) Agentless Monitoring for Linux Operating Systems V06.30.07.00
4) Agentless Monitoring for Solaris Operating Systems V06.30.07.00
5) Agentless Monitoring for Windows Operating Systems V06.30.07.00
6) Monitoring Agent for Linux OS V06.30.07.00
7) Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions V06.30.07.00
8) all of the above

Type the numbers that correspond to the products that you want to install. Type "b" to change operating system, or type
"q" to quit selection.
If you enter more than one number, separate the numbers by a comma or a space.

Type your selections here: 6

The following products will be installed:

Monitoring Agent for Linux OS V06.30.07.00

Are your selections correct [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ?

Do you want to check prerequisites for the above components? [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ?
Running Prerequisite Scanner.
This may take a few minutes depending on the number of components being checked and the machine's performance.
Prerequisite Scanner results for the selected components:
PASS IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries /opt/IBM/ITM/logs/prereqscan/20231017-
PASS IBM GSKit Security Interface /opt/IBM/ITM/logs/prereqscan/20231017-224457/COMMON/result.txt
PASS Tivoli Enterprise-supplied JRE /opt/IBM/ITM/logs/prereqscan/20231017-224457/COMMON/result.txt
PASS Monitoring Agent for Linux OS /opt/IBM/ITM/logs/prereqscan/20231017-224457/COMMON/result.txt

PASS Prerequisite Scanner Overall Result /opt/IBM/ITM/logs/prereqscan/20231017-


Do you want to continue with the installation [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ?

Installing IBM Global Security Toolkit

GSkit encryption key has been set.
Key File directory: /opt/IBM/ITM/keyfiles

... installing "Monitoring Agent for Linux OS V06.30.07.00 for Linux x86_64 R2.6, R3.0 (64 bit)"; please wait.

=> installed "Monitoring Agent for Linux OS V06.30.07.00 for Linux x86_64 R2.6, R3.0 (64 bit)".
... Initializing component Monitoring Agent for Linux OS V06.30.07.00 for Linux x86_64 R2.6, R3.0 (64 bit).
... Monitoring Agent for Linux OS V06.30.07.00 for Linux x86_64 R2.6, R3.0 (64 bit) initialized.

Do you want to install additional products or product support packages [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "2" ] ?
... postprocessing; please wait.
... finished postprocessing.
Installation step complete.

You may now configure any locally installed IBM Tivoli Monitoring product via the "/opt/IBM/ITM/bin/itmcmd config"

6 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/ITMAgents1.lz.service →

Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ITMAgents1.lz.service.wants/ITMAgents1.target →
Automatic start at system initialization has been configured.
Automatic stop at system shutdown has been configured.

The install.sh command creates most of directories and files with world write permissions. IBM Tivoli Monitoring
provides the secureMain utility to helps you keep the monitoring environment secured. You can secure this installation
now or manually execute the secureMain utility later. For more information see Appendix G. Securing your IBM Tivoli
Monitoring installation on Linux or UNIX in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.

Do you want to secure this IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation [ 1-yes, 2-no; "2" is default ]?

3.1.4 Service Pack installation (

cd /mnt/install_agents/
./spinst -h /opt/IBM/ITM/

[root@ems-apm5]# pwd

[root@ems-apm5]# ./spinst -h /opt/IBM/ITM/
Running service pack install script: /mnt/install_agents/ -h /opt/IBM/ITM/ -i

sppatch : Installing Service Pack..

Command completed successfully.

Service pack install completed without errors.

Running post install script: /mnt/install_agents/ -h /opt/IBM/ITM/

No TEMS or TEPS found on this system. Nothing to update.

3.1.5 Agent configuration

/opt/IBM/ITM/bin/itmcmd config -A lz

[root@ems-apm5 ~]# /opt/IBM/ITM/bin/itmcmd config -A lz

Agent configuration started...

Will this agent connect to a TEMS? [1=YES, 2=NO] (Default is: 1):

Network Protocol [ip, sna, ip.pipe, ip.spipe, ip6, ip6.pipe or ip6.spipe] (Default is: ip.pipe):

Now choose the next protocol from one of these:

- ip
- sna
- ip.spipe
- ip6
- ip6.pipe
- ip6.spipe
- 0 for none
Network Protocol 2 (Default is: 0): ip.spipe

Now choose the next protocol from one of these:

- ip
- sna
- ip6

7 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

- ip6.pipe
- ip6.spipe
- 0 for none
Network Protocol 3 (Default is: 0):
TEMS Host Name for IPv4 (Default is: ems-apm5):
IP.PIPE Port Number (Default is: 1918):
Enter name of KDC_PARTITION (Default is: null):
IP.SPIPE Port Number (Default is: 3660):

Configure connection for a secondary TEMS? [1=YES, 2=NO] (Default is: 2): 1

Secondary TEMS protocol [ip, sna, ip.pipe, ip.spipe, ip6, ip6.pipe or ip6.spipe] (Default is: ip.pipe):

Now choose the next protocol from one of these:

- ip
- sna
- ip.spipe
- ip6
- ip6.pipe
- ip6.spipe
- 0 for none
Secondary TEMS Protocol 2 (Default is: 0): ip.spipe

Now choose the next protocol from one of these:

- ip
- sna
- ip6
- ip6.pipe
- ip6.spipe
- 0 for none
Secondary TEMS Protocol 3 (Default is: 0):
Secondary TEMS Host Name for IPv4 (Default is: none):
Secondary TEMS IP.PIPE Port Number (Default is: 1918):
Secondary TEMS IP.SPIPE Port Number (Default is: 3660):
Enter Optional Primary Network Name or 0 for "none" (Default is: 0):
Disable HTTP? [1=YES, 2=NO] (Default is: 2):
Agent configuration completed...

3.1.6 Starting agent

/opt/IBM/ITM/bin/itmcmd agent start lz

3.2 Windows OS agent (NT) installation

3.2.1 Introduction
This chapter covers installation of Windows OS agent version Agent requires two stage of
installation. First base version of agent must be installed ( Then latest Service Pack (currently
14) must be installed which updates agents to version

Description of Service Pack 14: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/ibm-tivoli-monitoring-630-fix-


Below instruction was prepared based on test install of Windows OS Agent on EMS-TADDM2, (to be uninstalled if needed).

3.2.2 Preparation
Download file Windows_OS_Agent_V6.3.7.11 from directory /install_agents on ems-
apm1.cbe.com.et ( Extract the file. Inside there are 2 subdirectories:

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APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

 Windows_OS_Agent_Base_Install_V6.3.7.0 – files required to install base version of agent.

 Windows_OS_Agent_ServicePack14_V6.3.7.11 – files required to install fixed version of

3.2.3 Installation of base version (

Go to directory Windows_OS_Agent_Base_Install_V6.3.7.0 and execute setup.exe as Administrator.

Click „Next”

9 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Click „Next”

Mark "I accept the terms in the license agreement"

10 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Click „Next”

Use default key "IBMTivoliMonitoringEncryptionKey" and press Next

11 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Click „OK”

Mark "Monitoring Agent for Windows OS (x86-64 only)". Second option ("Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Agent Framework …") will be marked automatically.

12 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Press „Next”

Press „Next”

13 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Press „Next”

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APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Press „Next” leaving both checkbox checked.

Configure connectivity to Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server as below.

Press "Configure Secondary TEMS Connection"

15 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

16 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Press Finish

"Managed Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services" control panel is displayed. It can be started again
from Start menu to start/stop/reconfigure agents on Windows machines.

17 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

3.2.4 Service Pack installation (

Go to directory Windows_OS_Agent_ServicePack14_V6.3.7.11and execute setup.exe as
Click “Next”.

18 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Click “Next”.

Choose “I accept the terms in the license agreement” and click “Next”.

19 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Leave selection of already installed components.

Click “Next”.

20 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Click “Next”.

Click “Next”.

21 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Click “Finish”.

22 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Confirm that agent status is Started.

3.3 UNIX OS agent (UX) installation

3.3.1 Introduction
AIX OS is intended to be monitored by UNIX OS agent.

This chapter covers installation of Unix OS agent version Agent requires two stage of
installation. First base version of agent must be installed ( Then latest Service Pack (currently
14) must be installed which updates agent to version

Description of Service Pack 14: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/ibm-tivoli-monitoring-630-fix-


Below instruction was prepared based on test install of UNIX OS Agent on EMS-DB2, (to be
uninstalled if needed).
3.3.2 Preparation
# mount NFS share storing agent installation files
mkdir -p /mnt/install_agents
mount /mnt/install_agents

3.3.3 Installation of base version (

# Agent installation (base version)
cd /mnt/install_agents/ITM_6.3.0.7_AGNT_MPL_ML

root@ems-db2:/# cd /mnt/install_agents/ITM_6.3.0.7_AGNT_MPL_ML
root@ems-db2:/# ./install.sh

Enter the name of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation directory.

[ default = /opt/IBM/ITM ]:
"/opt/IBM/ITM" does not exist
Try to create it [ 1-yes, 2-no; "1" is default ]?
Creating directory "/opt/IBM/ITM"...

Enter the name of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring local data directory.
[ default = /opt/IBM/ITM ]:
Installation directory and data directory are the same.
OK to share it [ 1-yes, 2-no; "1" is default ]?

KCI1362W IBM Tivoli Monitoring version 6.3 introduces a number of platform improvements which may require
operating system updates. It is important that you ensure this system meets these requirements prior to installing or

23 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

updating your installation. Please refer to the following technote for more information:

Select one of the following:

1) Install products to the local host.

2) Install products to depot for remote deployment (requires TEMS).
3) Install TEMS support for remote seeding
4) Exit install.

Please enter a valid number: 1

Initializing ...
/usr/sbin/rpm_share[483]: /usr/opt/freeware/bin/rpm: not found.
/usr/sbin/rpm_share[483]: /usr/opt/freeware/bin/rpm: not found.
International Program License Agreement

Part 1 - General Terms







Press Enter to continue viewing the license agreement, or

enter "1" to accept the agreement, "2" to decline it, "3"
to print it, or "99" to go back to the previous screen.

Enter a 32-character encryption key, or just press Enter to use the default
Default = IBMTivoliMonitoringEncryptionKey

Product packages are available in /mnt/install_agents/ITM_6.3.0.7_AGNT_MPL_ML/unix

All agents require that application support files that contain agent-specific information be installed on the Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server that the agents will connect to, Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and Tivoli Enterprise Portal
desktop and browser client. Install application support before starting to install any Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents.

The following products are available for installation:

1) Agentless Monitoring for AIX Operating Systems V06.30.07.00

2) Agentless Monitoring for HP-UX Operating Systems V06.30.07.00
3) Agentless Monitoring for Linux Operating Systems V06.30.07.00
4) Agentless Monitoring for Solaris Operating Systems V06.30.07.00
5) Agentless Monitoring for Windows Operating Systems V06.30.07.00
6) Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS V06.30.07.00
7) Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions V06.30.07.00
8) all of the above

Type the numbers that correspond to the products that you want to install. Type "b" to change operating system, or type
"q" to quit selection.
If you enter more than one number, separate the numbers by a comma or a space.

Type your selections here: 6

24 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

The following products will be installed:

Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS V06.30.07.00

Are your selections correct [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ?

Do you want to check prerequisites for the above components? [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ?
Running Prerequisite Scanner.
This may take a few minutes depending on the number of components being checked and the machine's performance.
Prerequisite Scanner results for the selected components:
PASS IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries /opt/IBM/ITM/logs/prereqscan/20231018-
PASS IBM GSKit Security Interface /opt/IBM/ITM/logs/prereqscan/20231018-102528/COMMON/result.txt
PASS Tivoli Enterprise-supplied JRE /opt/IBM/ITM/logs/prereqscan/20231018-102528/COMMON/result.txt
PASS Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS /opt/IBM/ITM/logs/prereqscan/20231018-102528/COMMON/result.txt

PASS Prerequisite Scanner Overall Result /opt/IBM/ITM/logs/prereqscan/20231018-


Do you want to continue with the installation [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ? 1

Installing IBM Global Security Toolkit

GSkit encryption key has been set.
Key File directory: /opt/IBM/ITM/keyfiles

... installing "Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS V06.30.07.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)"; please wait.

=> installed "Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS V06.30.07.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)".
... Initializing component Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS V06.30.07.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit).
... Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS V06.30.07.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit) initialized.

Do you want to install additional products or product support packages [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "2" ] ?
... postprocessing; please wait.
... finished postprocessing.
Installation step complete.

You may now configure any locally installed IBM Tivoli Monitoring product via the "/opt/IBM/ITM/bin/itmcmd config"

/usr/sbin/rpm_share[483]: /usr/opt/freeware/bin/rpm: not found.

/usr/sbin/rpm_share[483]: /usr/opt/freeware/bin/rpm: not found.
Automatic start at system initialization has been configured.
You must manually configure automatic stop at system shutdown. Create or modify /etc/rc.shutdown to invoke the
command '/etc/rc.itm1 stop'. Refer to AIX documentation for more information about /etc/rc.shutdown.

The install.sh command creates most of directories and files with world write permissions. IBM Tivoli Monitoring
provides the secureMain utility to helps you keep the monitoring environment secured. You can secure this installation
now or manually execute the secureMain utility later. For more information see Appendix G. Securing your IBM Tivoli
Monitoring installation on Linux or UNIX in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.

Do you want to secure this IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation [ 1-yes, 2-no; "2" is default ]?

3.3.4 Service Pack installation (

# service pack installation
cd /mnt/install_agents/
./spinst -h /opt/IBM/ITM/

25 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

root@ems-db2:/# ./spinst -h /opt/IBM/ITM/

Running service pack install script: /mnt/install_agents/ -h /opt/IBM/ITM/ -i

sppatch : Creating /opt/IBM/ITM//registry/uiaix536.ver from current cienv.ver.

sppatch : Installing Service Pack..

Command completed successfully.

Service pack install completed without errors.

Running post install script: /mnt/install_agents/ -h /opt/IBM/ITM/

No TEMS or TEPS found on this system. Nothing to update.

3.3.5 Unix OS agent configuration

/opt/IBM/ITM/bin/itmcmd config -A ux

root@ems-db2:/# /opt/IBM/ITM/bin/itmcmd config -A ux

/usr/sbin/rpm_share[483]: /usr/opt/freeware/bin/rpm: not found.
/usr/sbin/rpm_share[483]: /usr/opt/freeware/bin/rpm: not found.
Agent configuration started...

Will this agent connect to a TEMS? [1=YES, 2=NO] (Default is: 1):

Network Protocol [ip, sna, ip.pipe, ip.spipe, ip6, ip6.pipe or ip6.spipe] (Default is: ip.pipe):

Now choose the next protocol from one of these:

- ip
- sna
- ip.spipe
- ip6
- ip6.pipe
- ip6.spipe
- 0 for none
Network Protocol 2 (Default is: 0): ip.spipe

Now choose the next protocol from one of these:

- ip
- sna
- ip6
- ip6.pipe
- ip6.spipe
- 0 for none
Network Protocol 3 (Default is: 0):
TEMS Host Name for IPv4 (Default is: ems-db2):
IP.PIPE Port Number (Default is: 1918):
Enter name of KDC_PARTITION (Default is: null):
IP.SPIPE Port Number (Default is: 3660):

Configure connection for a secondary TEMS? [1=YES, 2=NO] (Default is: 2): 1

Secondary TEMS protocol [ip, sna, ip.pipe, ip.spipe, ip6, ip6.pipe or ip6.spipe] (Default is: ip.pipe):

Now choose the next protocol from one of these:

- ip
- sna
- ip.spipe
- ip6
- ip6.pipe
- ip6.spipe
- 0 for none
Secondary TEMS Protocol 2 (Default is: 0): ip.spipe

Now choose the next protocol from one of these:

- ip
- sna
- ip6

26 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

- ip6.pipe
- ip6.spipe
- 0 for none
Secondary TEMS Protocol 3 (Default is: 0):
Secondary TEMS Host Name for IPv4 (Default is: none):
Secondary TEMS IP.PIPE Port Number (Default is: 1918):
Secondary TEMS IP.SPIPE Port Number (Default is: 3660):
Enter Optional Primary Network Name or 0 for "none" (Default is: 0):
Disable HTTP? [1=YES, 2=NO] (Default is: 2):
Are you installing this product into a clustered environment [1=YES, 2=NO] (Default is: 2):
Agent configuration completed...

3.3.6 Starting Unix OS agent

/opt/IBM/ITM/bin/itmcmd agent start ux

root@ems-db2:/# /opt/IBM/ITM/bin/itmcmd agent start ux

/usr/sbin/rpm_share[483]: /usr/opt/freeware/bin/rpm: not found.
/usr/sbin/rpm_share[483]: /usr/opt/freeware/bin/rpm: not found.
Processing. Please wait...
Starting Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS ...
Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS started

3.4 Oracle agent (RZ) installation

3.4.1 Preparation
All agent installation packages are located on ems-apm1 server and can be mounted as follows:
mkdir -p /mnt/install_agents
mount /mnt/install_agents

3.4.2 Agent base version installation

Details of base version installation are documented here: Oracle Agent Base Install

Base install of Oracle Agent on Linux/AIX:


Installation package for Windows:


3.4.3 Agent base version installation on Linux

Example of Oracle agent base version installation on Linux. It was performed on ems-tbsm1 server. To
be uninstalled. OS agent is required to be installed before installing Oracle agent.

cd /mnt/install_agents/Agent4Oracle/ITCAM_EA_ORACLE_DB_631_FP2
[root@ems-tbsm1]# cd
[root@ems-tbsm1 ITCAM_EA_ORACLE_DB_631_FP2]# ./install.sh

Enter the name of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring directory

[ default = /opt/IBM/ITM ]:

ITM home directory "/opt/IBM/ITM" already exists.

OK to use it [ 1-yes, 2-no; "1" is default ]?

The following processes are currently running:

Product = Monitoring Agent for Linux OS PID = 766796

27 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

install.sh warning: Existing products found to be running will be restarted during installation., continuing ...

Continue with this installation [ 1-yes, 2-no; "1" is default ]?

Processing. Please wait...
systemctl stop ITMAgents1.lz.service RC: 0
Stopping Watchdog process...
Watchdog process was stopped.
Stopping Monitoring Agent for Linux OS ...
Product Monitoring Agent for Linux OS was stopped gracefully.
Agent stopped...

Select one of the following:

1) Install products to the local host.

2) Install products to depot for remote deployment (requires TEMS).
3) Install TEMS support for remote seeding
4) Exit install.

Please enter a valid number: 1

Initializing ...
International Program License Agreement

Part 1 - General Terms






Press Enter to continue viewing the license agreement, or

enter "1" to accept the agreement, "2" to decline it, "3"
to print it, "4" to read non-IBM terms, or "99" to go back
to the previous screen.

Product packages are available in /mnt/install_agents/Agent4Oracle/ITCAM_EA_ORACLE_DB_631_FP2/unix

The following products are currently installed in "/opt/IBM/ITM":

IBM GSKit Security Interface V08.00.55.24 @ Linux x86_64 R2.6, R3.0 (64 bit)
Monitoring Agent for Linux OS V06.30.07.12 @ Linux x86_64 R2.6, R3.0 (64 bit)
Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface V06.30.07.20 @ Linux x86_64 R2.6, R3.0 (64 bit)

All agents require that application support files that contain agent-specific information be installed on the Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server that the agents will connect to, Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and Tivoli Enterprise Portal
desktop and browser client. Install application support before starting to install any Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents.

Product packages are available for this operating system and component support categories:

1) IBM Tivoli Monitoring components for this operating system

2) Tivoli Enterprise Portal Browser Client support
3) Tivoli Enterprise Portal Desktop Client support

28 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

4) Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server support

5) Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server support
6) Other operating systems

Type the number or type "q" to quit selection

[ number "1" or "IBM Tivoli Monitoring components for this operating system" is default ]: 1

You selected number "1" or "IBM Tivoli Monitoring components for this operating system"

Is the selection correct [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ?

The following products are available for installation:

1) Monitoring Agent for Oracle Database Extended V06.31.02.00

2) Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions V06.22.02.00
3) all of the above

Type the numbers that correspond to the products that you want to install. Type "b" to change operating system, or type
"q" to quit selection.
If you enter more than one number, separate the numbers by a comma or a space.

Type your selections here: 1

The following products will be installed:

Monitoring Agent for Oracle Database Extended V06.31.02.00

Are your selections correct [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ?

Do you want to check prerequisites for the above components? [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ?
Running Prerequisite Scanner.
This may take a few minutes depending on the number of components being checked and the machine's performance.
Prerequisite Scanner results for the selected components:
NOT AVAILABLE Monitoring Agent for Oracle Database Extended /opt/IBM/ITM/logs/prereqscan/20231108-
NOT AVAILABLE Tivoli Enterprise-supplied JRE /opt/IBM/ITM/logs/prereqscan/20231108-
NOT AVAILABLE IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries /opt/IBM/ITM/logs/prereqscan/20231108-
NOT AVAILABLE IBM GSKit Security Interface /opt/IBM/ITM/logs/prereqscan/20231108-

PASS Prerequisite Scanner Overall Result /opt/IBM/ITM/logs/prereqscan/20231108-


Do you want to continue with the installation [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ?

... installing "Monitoring Agent for Oracle Database Extended V06.31.02.00 for Linux x86_64 R2.6, R3.0 (64 bit)"; please

=> installed "Monitoring Agent for Oracle Database Extended V06.31.02.00 for Linux x86_64 R2.6, R3.0 (64 bit)".
... Initializing component Monitoring Agent for Oracle Database Extended V06.31.02.00 for Linux x86_64 R2.6, R3.0 (64
... Monitoring Agent for Oracle Database Extended V06.31.02.00 for Linux x86_64 R2.6, R3.0 (64 bit) initialized.

Do you want to install additional products or product support packages [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "2" ] ?
... postprocessing; please wait.
... finished postprocessing.
Installation step complete.

29 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

You may now configure any locally installed IBM Tivoli Monitoring product via the "/opt/IBM/ITM/bin/itmcmd config"

Removed /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/ITMAgents1.lz.service.
Removed /etc/systemd/system/ITMAgents1.lz.service.wants/ITMAgents1.target.
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/ITMAgents1.lz.service →
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ITMAgents1.lz.service.wants/ITMAgents1.target →

The install.sh command creates most of directories and files with world write permissions. IBM Tivoli Monitoring
provides the secureMain utility to helps you keep the monitoring environment secured. You can secure this installation
now or manually execute the secureMain utility later. For more information see Appendix G. Securing your IBM Tivoli
Monitoring installation on Linux or UNIX in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.

Do you want to secure this IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation [ 1-yes, 2-no; "2" is default ]?
Processing. Please wait...
systemctl start ITMAgents1.lz.service RC: 0
Starting Monitoring Agent for Linux OS ...
Monitoring Agent for Linux OS started

3.4.4 Fix installation

Details of fix pack installation are documented here: Oracle Agent Fix

Applying latest Interim Fix for Oracle Agent on Linux/AIX (similar for Windows):

/opt/IBM/ITM/bin/itmpatch -h /opt/IBM/ITM/ -i /mnt/install_agents/Agent4Oracle/


3.4.5 Fix installation on Linux

Example of Oracle agent fix installation on Linux. It was performed on ems-tbsm1 server. To be

/opt/IBM/ITM/bin/itmpatch -h /opt/IBM/ITM/ -i /mnt/install_agents/Agent4Oracle/

[root@ems-tbsm1 ITCAM_EA_ORACLE_DB_631_FP2]# /opt/IBM/ITM/bin/itmpatch -h /opt/IBM/ITM/ -i

Command completed successfully.

3.4.6 Agent configuration

Multiple instances of Oracle agent can be started on the same server to monitor multiple Oracle DB
instances. This is why during configuration agent instance name must be provided. The instance must
be used later to start or stop agent.

Example values was provided while configuring agent. Oracle DB admin must be consulted to provide
proper values.

cd /opt/IBM/ITM/bin/
./itmcmd config -A rz
[root@ems-tbsm1 ~]# cd /opt/IBM/ITM/bin/
[root@ems-tbsm1 bin]# ./itmcmd config -A rz
Agent configuration started...

30 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Enter instance name (default is: ): AGENT_INST1

Edit "ITCAM Extended Agent for Oracle Database" settings? [ 1=Yes, 2=No ] (default is: 1):

Default Database Configuration :

The name of the default database user for the connection.

This user must have sufficient privileges to perform the tasks
that this agent performs while connected to the database, such as
querying tables. If the user name is not input
for the Database Connection in the next step, the default user name is
Default Username: (default is: ): oracle_user

The password associated with the specified default database user. If

the password is not input for the Database Connection in the next step,
the default password is used.
Enter Default Password: (default is: ):

The Oracle database installation directory on the

system where the agent is installed. If no Oracle database
is installed, leave this field blank. If this item was not
defined, 'Oracle Instant Client Installation Directory' must
be defined. If both items were not defined, you must set
the ORACLE_HOME system environment variable before you start the agent.
Oracle Home Directory: (default is: ): /opt/oracle/home

This is the Oracle instant client installation

directory on the system where the agent is
installed. The attribute does not support the
Oracle instant client that is located in a
network drive. If no Oracle instant client
is installed, leave this field blank. If both
the Oracle home directory and Oracle instant
client installation directory are entered, the
Oracle home directory is used. This is
the full folder path of the directory that
contains the Oracle Call Interface (OCI)
library files. For example, on a Windows
system, if the full path of the oci.dll
file is C:\instantclient_10_2\oci.dll,
C:\instantclient_10_2 must be used for
this field. On a UNIX system, if the full
path of the libocci.so.10.1 file is
/home/tivoli/oci must be used. If this
item was not defined, 'Oracle Home Directory'
must be defined. If both items were not defined,
you must set the ORACLE_HOME system environment
variable before starting the agent.

Oracle Instant Client Installation Directory: (default is: ): /opt/oracle/instant_client

Advanced Configuration :

This directory contains the Oracle database net configuration

file. This directory is defined by the TNS_ADMIN environment variable
for each Oracle database instance. The default directory is
$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin on UNIX or Linux systems,
and %ORACLE_HOME%\NETWORK\ADMIN on Windows systems. If there are
multiple net configuration file directories, use ";" on Windows systems,
or ":" on UNIX systems, to separate the directories. If this item was

31 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

not configured, use the default directory.

You can disable use of the default directory by setting agent
environment variable KRZ_LOAD_ORACLE_NET=false.

Net Configuration Files Directories: (default is: ): /opt/oracle/home/network/admin

The default dynamic listener is (PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)(PORT=1521).

If the default dynamic listener is configured at this workstation,
set this value to TRUE.
Is default dynamic listener configured: [ 1=True, 2=False ] (default is: 2):

This path is the full file path name of the customized SQL definition file.
The default file name is $CANDLEHOME/config/krzcussql.properties on UNIX
or Linux systems, %CANDLEHOME%\TMAITM6\krzcussql.properties on Windows
systems, and %CANDLEHOME%\TMAITM6_x64\krzcussql.properties on Windows
x64 systems. If this item was not configured, the default file name is used.
Customized SQL definition file name: (default is: ):

When the agent fails to connect to the Oracle database,

the corresponding navigator subnode becomes offline by default.
By configuring the configuration item as True, the navigator subnode
stays online even if the agent fails to connect to the database.
Always keep the navigator subnode online in the portal navigator tree [ 1=True, 2=False ] (default is: 2):

Database Connection :

No 'Database Connection' settings available.

Edit 'Database Connection' settings, [1=Add, 2=Edit, 3=Del, 4=Next, 5=Exit] (default is: 5):

Will this agent connect to a TEMS? [1=YES, 2=NO] (Default is: 1):

Network Protocol [ip, sna, ip.pipe, ip.spipe, ip6, ip6.pipe or ip6.spipe] (Default is: ip.pipe):

Now choose the next protocol from one of these:

- ip
- sna
- ip.spipe
- ip6
- ip6.pipe
- ip6.spipe
- 0 for none
Network Protocol 2 (Default is: 0): ip.spipe

Now choose the next protocol from one of these:

- ip
- sna
- ip6
- ip6.pipe
- ip6.spipe
- 0 for none
Network Protocol 3 (Default is: 0):
TEMS Host Name for IPv4 (Default is: ems-tbsm1):
IP.PIPE Port Number (Default is: 1918):
Enter name of KDC_PARTITION (Default is: null):
IP.SPIPE Port Number (Default is: 3660):

Configure connection for a secondary TEMS? [1=YES, 2=NO] (Default is: 2): 1

Secondary TEMS protocol [ip, sna, ip.pipe, ip.spipe, ip6, ip6.pipe or ip6.spipe] (Default is: ip.pipe):

Now choose the next protocol from one of these:

32 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

- ip
- sna
- ip.spipe
- ip6
- ip6.pipe
- ip6.spipe
- 0 for none
Secondary TEMS Protocol 2 (Default is: 0): ip.spipe

Now choose the next protocol from one of these:

- ip
- sna
- ip6
- ip6.pipe
- ip6.spipe
- 0 for none
Secondary TEMS Protocol 3 (Default is: 0):
Secondary TEMS Host Name for IPv4 (Default is: none):
Secondary TEMS IP.PIPE Port Number (Default is: 1918):
Secondary TEMS IP.SPIPE Port Number (Default is: 3660):
Enter Optional Primary Network Name or 0 for "none" (Default is: 0):
Disable HTTP? [1=YES, 2=NO] (Default is: 2):
Agent configuration completed...

3.4.7 Starting agent instance

During configuration AGENT_INST1 was provided as Oracle agent instance name. Command to start
configured instance:

cd /opt/IBM/ITM/bin
./itmcmd agent -o AGENT_INST1 start rz
[root@ems-tbsm1 bin]# ./itmcmd agent -o AGENT_INST1 start rz
Processing. Please wait...
systemctl start ITMAgents1.rz.AGENT_INST1.service RC: 0
Starting Monitoring Agent for Oracle Database Extended ...
Monitoring Agent for Oracle Database Extended started

3.4.8 Required Oracle reconfiguration to work with agent

You have to grant privileges on Oracle DB for agent, as documented in Granting privileges section.

For Oracle agent installation on Linux, krzgrant.sql file is created in location:


Below there is content of krzgrant.sql for test installation on ems-tbsm1.

-- ***************************************************************
-- Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
-- 5724-V09
-- Copyright IBM Corp. 2009 All Rights Reserved
-- US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
-- disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with
-- IBM Corp
-- ***************************************************************

33 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

-- krzgrant.sql
-- Grant access to all views used by Tivoli Monitoring Agent.
-- This file must be run while logged-in as SYSDBA.
-- Catalog.sql must have been run before this file is run.
-- Usage Instructions
-- Change directory to where this file is
-- cd <directory path name of this file>
-- Bringup sqlplus
-- sqlplus
-- login : sys
-- password : <enter password for user SYS>
-- Create the user ID using the following command
-- create user <user ID> identified by <password>
-- where <user ID> is the user ID that the Oracle Monitoring Agent will use
-- <password> is the desired password for the user ID
-- For example: create user tivoli identified by password;
-- Run this script
-- @krzgrant.sql <user ID> <temporary directory>
-- (1) <user ID> = ID of the Oracle user. Must be created
-- prior to running this sql file.
-- Example value: tivoli
-- (2) <temporary dir> = Name of the temporary directory where sql
-- will output the log to the file krzagent.log.
-- Must be created prior to running this sql
-- file.
-- Example value: /opt/IBM/ITM/tmp

set echo on;

set serveroutput on;
spool &2/krzgrant.log
version integer;
userName varchar(20);
isExist integer;
isCDB varchar2(10) := 'NO';
function common_grant(cdb varchar2, username varchar2)
return varchar2 as
if cdb = 'YES' and instr(upper(username), 'C##') = 1 then
return ' CONTAINER=ALL';
return '';

34 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

end if;


select count(username)
into isExist
from dba_users where username=upper('&1');

if isExist = 0 then
dbms_output.put_line('The user '||userName||' does not exist, please create it first!');
end if;

execute immediate 'alter session set NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=''.,''';

select to_number(substr(banner,instr(banner,'Release')+8,instr(banner,'.',1,2)-8-
into version
where banner like 'Oracle%' and rownum < 2;

if version >= 120 then

execute immediate 'select cdb from v$database' into isCDB;
end if;

if version >=120 then

execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ASM_DISK_STAT to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$CLUSTER_INTERCONNECTS to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$DATAGUARD_STATS to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$DIAG_INFO to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOGFILE to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA_USAGE to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOGSTDBY_PROCESS to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOGSTDBY_PROGRESS to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOGSTDBY_STATE to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
elsif version =112 then
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);

35 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ASM_DISK_STAT to

'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$CLUSTER_INTERCONNECTS to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$DATAGUARD_STATS to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOGFILE to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA_USAGE to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOGSTDBY_PROCESS to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOGSTDBY_PROGRESS to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOGSTDBY_STATE to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
elsif version =111 then
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ASM_DISK_STAT to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$CLUSTER_INTERCONNECTS to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$DATAGUARD_STATS to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOGFILE to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA_USAGE to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOGSTDBY_PROCESS to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOGSTDBY_PROGRESS to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOGSTDBY_STATE to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
elsif version =102 then
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ASM_DISK_STAT to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$CLUSTER_INTERCONNECTS to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$DATAGUARD_STATS to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA_USAGE to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOGSTDBY_PROCESS to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOGSTDBY_PROGRESS to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOGSTDBY_STATE to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);

36 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

elsif version =101 then

execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_LOGSTDBY_PROGRESS to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ASM_DISK to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ASM_DISKGROUP to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOGSTDBY to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
dbms_output.put_line('It is an unsupported version!');
end if;

-- Grant common objects

execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_CLUSTERS to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,

execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_DATA_FILES to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_EXTENTS to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_FREE_SPACE to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_HIST_DATABASE_INSTANCE to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_HIST_SQLTEXT to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_HIST_SQL_PLAN to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_HIST_SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_INDEXES to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_LIBRARIES to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_OBJECTS to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_SEGMENTS to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_TABLES to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_TABLESPACES to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_TEMP_FILES to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,

37 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS to

'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ARCHIVE_DEST to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ARCHIVE_DEST_STATUS to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ASM_CLIENT to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ASM_TEMPLATE to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$BGPROCESS to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$BUFFER_POOL_STATISTICS to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$DATAFILE_HEADER to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$DATAGUARD_STATUS to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$DLM_MISC to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ENQUEUE_STAT to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$FILEMETRIC to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$FILESTAT to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$GES_BLOCKING_ENQUEUE to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$INSTANCE to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$LATCH to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$LATCH_CHILDREN to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$LIBRARYCACHE to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$LOCK to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$LOCKED_OBJECT to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$LOG to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$MANAGED_STANDBY to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$OPTION to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$OSSTAT to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$PARAMETER to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,

38 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$PGASTAT to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,

execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$PROCESS to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$RECOVERY_PROGRESS to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$RESOURCE_LIMIT to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ROLLSTAT to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ROWCACHE to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SEGMENT_STATISTICS to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SERVICES to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SESSION to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SESSION_WAIT to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SESS_IO to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SGA to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SGAINFO to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SGASTAT to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SORT_SEGMENT to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SQL to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SYSMETRIC to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SYSMETRIC_HISTORY to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SYSSTAT to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SYSTEM_PARAMETER to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$UNDOSTAT to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on SYS.OBJ$ to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on SYS.TS$ to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on SYS.UNDO$ to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,

39 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

execute immediate 'grant select on V_$ACTIVE_INSTANCES to

'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$ARCHIVED_LOG to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$ARCHIVE_DEST to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$ARCHIVE_DEST_STATUS to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$ARCHIVE_GAP to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$BGPROCESS to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$DATABASE to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$DATAFILE to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$DATAFILE_HEADER to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$INSTANCE to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOCK_TYPE to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOG to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOGFILE to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOGSTDBY_STATS to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOG_HISTORY to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$PARAMETER to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$RECOVERY_FILE_DEST to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$SPPARAMETER to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$STANDBY_LOG to
'||userName||common_grant(isCDB, userName);
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$TABLESPACE to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$TEMPFILE to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant select on V_$VERSION to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,

-- Grant create session to the user
execute immediate 'grant connect to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,
execute immediate 'grant create session to '||userName||common_grant(isCDB,

40 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

spool off
set echo off;

It should be executed in Oracle SQL Plus as user with DBA role. User ID should be provided as configured
in Oracle agent to grant privileges required for agent. Temporary directory is required to write output
to file krzagent.log.

@krzgrant.sql user_ID temporary_directory

3.4.9 Archival instruction for monitoring output of custom SQL queries

Oracle agent can be used to periodically monitor output of custom SQL queries.

Below instruction was created 26th May 2017 to monitor size of EMS databases on Oracle.

Define customize sql in file /opt/IBM/ITM/config/krzcussql.properties

Add following content
round(FREE_MB/1024) FREE_GB,

Output will be visible in Customized SQLs in TEP

41 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Create query. Open Query Editor by clicking on

Choose "Create another query" for "RDB Customized SQL Result by SQLID" from KRZ RDB

Set name to: "RDB Customized SQL Result By SQLID ASM"

Change column SQL ID from "$parmSQLID$" to "ASM" (the same name like SQL_ID in

Open "Customized SQLs" workspace and modify it according to your needs

Choose graph "Bar Chart" from the menu

42 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

And drop it over widget and agree for assigning query

Click on "Click here to assign a query"

43 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

From "Query editor" choose already prepared query

Go to filters and mark parameter to be shown on graph

44 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Go to Style, click on the bottom, go to "Category Axis" and set Attribute to "First String Value" and
Orientation to "Horizontal"

45 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Set legend labels (go to Style and set on the right of graph, and "Legend Label" tab)

Set widget name (go to properties, Style, and Title)

46 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Save created workspace. Go to File -> Save Workspace as

47 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

3.5 Broker agent (QI) and MQ agent (MQ) installation

3.5.1 Warning
Installation of MQ Configuration Agent (code MC) is not recommended. During first APM
implementation it was rejected as it is designed to change MQ Configuration remotely from APM. Only
standard MQ Monitoring Agent (code MQ) should be used.

3.5.2 Preparation
All agent installation packages are located on ems-apm1 server and can be mounted as follows:
mkdir -p /mnt/install_agents
mount /mnt/install_agents

3.5.3 Agent installation

Details of installation are documented here: Broker and MQ Agent Installation

Installation of MQ or Broker Agent on Linux/AIX:


Installation package for Windows:

/mnt/install_agents/Agent4BrokerAndMQ/ ITCAM_AGENTS_WS_MSG_7.3_WINDOWS.zip

3.5.4 Archival instruction for MQ agent installation Introduction
Below instruction was prepared for CBE in 2019 year. It covers installation of older agent version but
general steps are similar.

48 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

This manual covers installation of MQ agent.

Prepared while installing on following environment:
 hostname: dt24mq3
 OS user that runs MQ: mqm (group mqm)

Documentation that covers installation:

7.1/t_config_kmq_unix.html Monitored MQ architecture

On dt24mq3 there were 2 queue managers running:

However after installation and configuration of MQ agent only first instance of Queue Manager was
monitored (screen from Tivoli Enterprise Portal navigator for Physical view):

For each Queue Manager, dedicated instance of MQ agent is needed. However documentation
describes only adding another instance of agent by using graphical interface:

During installation we was not able to start graphical interface while executing command:
/opt/IBM/ITM/bin/itmcmd manage MQ agent Installation

MQ Agent installation package was extracted to /opt/IBM/ITCAM_FOR_MESSAGING_7.1.0_EN.

Current version of agent for Linux/AIX:


Installation as itmuser. Primary group of itmuser should be mqm:

Starting of agent installation:

Accepting default installation location:

Accepting default value by pressing Enter:

49 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Accepting default value by pressing Enter:

License acceptation:

Accepting default value by pressing Enter:

50 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Accepting default value by pressing Enter:

Accepting default value by pressing Enter:

We are ignoring prerequisites scanner results:

On the other terminal we can check prerequisite scanner results:

51 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Installation finished. We don't want to install additional products:

We are skipping to secure ITM installation: MQ agent configuration

Starting configuration

Agent is connecting to TEMS:

Accepting default value by pressing Enter:

52 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Accepting default value by pressing Enter:

Current primary TEMS Host Name:

Current secondary TEMS Host Name:

Updating autorun as root user

Starting agent as itmuser:

53 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

First Queue Manager was visible in TEP:

3.6 WAS agent (YN) installation

3.6.1 Preparation
All agent installation packages are located on ems-apm1 server and can be mounted as follows:
mkdir -p /mnt/install_agents
mount /mnt/install_agents

3.6.2 Agent and data collector installation

Details of installation are documented here: WAS Applications Agent Installation

Installation of WAS Agent on Linux:


Installation of WAS Agent on AIX:


54 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Installation package for Windows:


Installation of WAS Data Collector:

Extract /mnt/install_agents/Agent4WAS/ to

Configure Data Collector to retrieve data from each WAS instance on the server (prepare good
backup of WAS before):

3.6.3 Archival instruction for WebSphere agent installation Introduction
Below instruction was prepared for CBE in 2019 year. It covers installation of older agent version
(without current Interim Fix) but general steps are similar.

This manual covers installation of WAS agent with data collector.

Prepared while installing on test environment:
 hostname: mobtestserver
 OS user that runs WAS: root

WARNING: on production env please install all agents as the same user which runs WAS, for example
wassvc. It would be easiest option. On test env WAS was running as root, so we installed agents as
root user also.

Documentation that covers installation:

s_agent_install_guide_dist/chapter_unix_agent_install/installing_the_was_on_unix_and_linux.html WAS Agent installation

WAS agent installation package (ITCAM_AGT_WEBSP_APP_7.2_AIX_EN.tar) was uploaded via
WinSCP to /tmp

Currently we are using the same WAS agent version (7.2) but additional Interim Fix should also be
installed after base installation.

Then agent was extracted:

Accepted default installation directory by pressing enter

Accepted to use already existing directory by pressing enter (OS agent was installed earlier)

55 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Accepted to restart other agents while installing new agents by pressing enter

Accepted license:

56 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Press enter to accept default location

57 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

From this step you can check log of installation on second console:

We want to monitor 2 profiles:

1. Mobile
2. Mobile2

58 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

We are starting from the first profile:

We need to use WAS username and password. On test environment it was:

Username: Mtest
Password: ****

(password is not visible while entering)

59 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Current IP of ITCAM for Application Diagnosis Managing Server (MS) is

We accept default location by pressing Enter

We accept default value by pressing Enter

We accept default value by pressing Enter

We accept default value by pressing Enter

Current IP of Transaction Collector is

60 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

61 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

62 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction WAS agent (primary part) configuration

63 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Current primary TEMS Host Name:

Current secondary TEMS Host Name: Profile restart

Profile restart is needed to see any data from this profile

64 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction Configuring data collector for additional WAS profile

Documentation for this part:

Starting of second profile:

Username: Mtest
Password: ****

Checking username and password in WAS console:

65 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Exporting JAVA_HOME is needed before ./config.sh

Please specify the same Java which is used by WAS

66 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

67 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Current IP of ITCAM for Application Diagnosis Managing Server (MS) is

68 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Current IP of Transaction Collector is

69 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

70 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Restart of WAS profile is needed after configuration of data collector for this profile

Earlier only one profile was monitored

After restart of second profile we started receiving data for this profile in TEP

3.7 J2EE agent (YJ) installation (i.e. for Tomcat)

3.7.1 Preparation
Be sure that your firewalls allow all traffic mentioned below.

Source Destination Port/Protocol Description

Tomcat Server APM4 9118/TCP Managing Server Kernel RMI
Tomcat Server APM4 9120/TCP Managing Server Kernel Remote File Sharing
Tomcat Server APM4 9103/TCP Managing Server Publish Server 1

71 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

APM4 Tomcat 8200/TCP Data Collector RMI.

( Server By default range is configured: 8200-8299 but
it’s possible to choose port in Data Collector
Configuration. For each Data Collector
deployed on server, additional port from range
is required.
APM4 Tomcat 8300/TCP Data Collector RMI Controller.
( Server By default range is configured: 8300-8399 but
it’s possible to choose port in Data Collector
Configuration. For each Data Collector on
server, additional port from range is required.
Tomcat Server APM5 5455/TCP Transaction Collector Port

All agent installation packages are located on ems-apm1 server and can be mounted as follows:
mkdir -p /mnt/install_agents
mount /mnt/install_agents

3.7.2 Agent installation

Details of installation are documented here: J2EE Agent Installation

Installation of J2EE Agent on Linux:

/mnt /install_agents/Agent4J2EEieTomcat/

Installation of J2EE Agent on AIX:


Installation package for Windows:


Prerequisites: “32/64 Bit Agent Compatibility Package (x86-64)” must be installed before J2EE agent
installation. Compatibility Package is part of OS Agent, for example Windows OS agent as before.

72 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

3.7.3 Archival instruction for WebSphere agent installation Introduction
Below instruction was prepared for CBE at 14th June 2017 year while installing J2EE agent and Tomcat
Data Collector on Windows server named webspheresrv ( J2EE agent installation (base version)

Currently it is not needed to install base version of agent first and then Interim Fix. You can start
installation directly from provided Interim Fix.

Execute setup.exe as Administrator

73 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

74 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

75 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

A previous install has been detected and will be updated.

Install into Directory: C:\IBM\ITM
Add Program Folder: IBM Tivoli Monitoring

Available Disk Space: 5199 MB

Required Disk Space: 221 MB
Deploy Required Disk Space: 0 MB
TEMP Total Disk Space Required: 100 MB
Total Disk Space Required: 321 MB

Install the following features:

Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents - TEMA:

Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent Framework not installed - currently installed is later!
IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for J2EE

GSK component:
IBM GSKit Security Interface not installed - currently installed is later!

JVM component:
Embedded JVM not installed - currently installed is later!

Tivoli Command Line Interface:

Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface not installed - currently installed is later!

76 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

77 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Current primary TEMS Host Name:

Current secondary TEMS Host Name:

78 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Data collectors should connect to port 63336. Data collectors will be configured later.

79 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction J2EE agent Interim Fix installation

Currently you can start fresh J2EE agent installation directly by installing Interim Fix.

80 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Execute setup.exe as Administrator

81 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

82 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

A previous install has been detected and will be updated.

Install into Directory: C:\IBM\ITM
Add Program Folder: IBM Tivoli Monitoring

Available Disk Space: 5144 MB

Required Disk Space: 223 MB
Deploy Required Disk Space: 0 MB
TEMP Total Disk Space Required: 100 MB
Total Disk Space Required: 323 MB

Install the following features:

Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents - TEMA:

Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent Framework not installed - currently installed is later!
IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for J2EE

GSK component:
IBM GSKit Security Interface not installed - currently installed is later!

JVM component:
Embedded JVM not installed - currently installed is later!

Tivoli Command Line Interface:

Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface not installed - currently installed is later!

83 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

84 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Current primary TEMS Host Name:

Current secondary TEMS Host Name:

85 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Data collectors should connect to port 63336. Data collectors will be configured later.

86 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

87 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction Tomcat Data Collector configuration

Wizard allowing configuration and deconfiguration of Data Collector is displayed each time while
configuring agent. Agent configuration can be started as context menu option (Configure or
Reconfigure) of “ITCAM Agent for J2EE” on “Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services”.

88 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

89 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Current IP of ITCAM for Application Diagnosis Managing Server (MS) is

90 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Data Collector Host mentioned below is local host IP address, which was in this particular

Current IP of Transaction Collector is

91 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

If Tomcat is executed as Windows service then before configuration create empty file
C:\IBM\catalina.bat and provide path to this file during below configuration step.

92 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

93 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

94 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction Additional Tomcat Data Collector configuration steps needed in Tomcat is executed as
Windows service
If Tomcat is executed as Windows service then before Data Collector configuration create empty file
C:\IBM\catalina.bat and provide path to this file during configuration.

Data Collector will add content to provided empty catalina.bat file.

After finished Data Collector configuration use content of catalina.bat file to configure:
 PATH system environment,
 Tomcat properties.

PATH system environment configuration

For example if default value of PATH system environment was

then add PATH from catalina.bat file at the beginning of PATH environment variable

Tomcat properties configuration

Use JAVA_OPTIONS from catalina.bat to extend existing Java Options in Tomcat7 Properties.

Workaround for dc.java.properties

Below fix was required for J2EE agent version 7.1.1 IF4. Currently available version is 7.1.1 IF10. To be
tested if fix is required still.

95 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

After each configuration or reconfiguration of J2EE agent add below line to file”
# required to monitor Tomcat started as Windows service (PMR 10097,007,698)

3.8 T24 agent (K24) installation

3.8.1 Preparation
All agent installation packages are located on ems-apm1 server and can be mounted as follows:
mkdir -p /mnt/install_agents
mount /mnt/install_agents

# Perl is required
# example command to install perl on Linxu:
yum install perl

3.8.2 Agent installation

WARNING: OS agent installation is required before T24 agent installation.

Installation of T24 Agent on Linux/AIX:

cp -pr /mnt/install_agents/Agent4T24/t24 /opt/IBM/
chmod +x /opt/IBM/t24/*.sh
cd /mnt/install_agents/Agent4T24/K24/
./installIraAgent.sh /opt/IBM/ITM

Output from test agent installation on ems-apm5:

[root@ems-apm5 ~]# cp -pr /mnt/install_agents/Agent4T24/t24 /opt/IBM/
[root@ems-apm5 ~]# chmod +x /opt/IBM/t24/*.sh
[root@ems-apm5 ~]# cd /mnt/install_agents/Agent4T24/K24/
[root@ems-apm5 K24]# ./installIraAgent.sh /opt/IBM/ITM
Installing k24 .....
copying agent config files now....
Install of K24 Agent successful.
To start the agent, run:
/opt/IBM/ITM/bin/itmcmd agent start 24
To stop the agent, run:
/opt/IBM/ITM/bin/itmcmd agent stop 24

3.8.3 Agent configuration

/opt/IBM/ITM/bin/itmcmd config -A 24

Output from test agent configuration on ems-apm5:

[root@ems-apm5 ~]# /opt/IBM/ITM/bin/itmcmd config -A 24
Agent configuration started...

Will this agent connect to a TEMS? [1=YES, 2=NO] (Default is: 1):

Network Protocol [ip, sna, ip.pipe, ip.spipe, ip6, ip6.pipe or ip6.spipe] (Default is: ip.pipe):

Now choose the next protocol from one of these:

- ip
- sna
- ip.spipe
- ip6

96 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

- ip6.pipe
- ip6.spipe
- 0 for none
Network Protocol 2 (Default is: 0): ip.spipe

Now choose the next protocol from one of these:

- ip
- sna
- ip6
- ip6.pipe
- ip6.spipe
- 0 for none
Network Protocol 3 (Default is: 0):
TEMS Host Name for IPv4 (Default is: ems-apm5.cbe.com.et):
IP.PIPE Port Number (Default is: 1918):
Enter name of KDC_PARTITION (Default is: null):
IP.SPIPE Port Number (Default is: 3660):

Configure connection for a secondary TEMS? [1=YES, 2=NO] (Default is: 2): 1

Secondary TEMS protocol [ip, sna, ip.pipe, ip.spipe, ip6, ip6.pipe or ip6.spipe] (Default is: ip.pipe):

Now choose the next protocol from one of these:

- ip
- sna
- ip.spipe
- ip6
- ip6.pipe
- ip6.spipe
- 0 for none
Secondary TEMS Protocol 2 (Default is: 0): ip.spipe

Now choose the next protocol from one of these:

- ip
- sna
- ip6
- ip6.pipe
- ip6.spipe
- 0 for none
Secondary TEMS Protocol 3 (Default is: 0):
Secondary TEMS Host Name for IPv4 (Default is: none):
Secondary TEMS IP.PIPE Port Number (Default is: 1918):
Secondary TEMS IP.SPIPE Port Number (Default is: 3660):
Enter Optional Primary Network Name or 0 for "none" (Default is: 0):
Disable HTTP? [1=YES, 2=NO] (Default is: 2):
Agent configuration completed...

3.8.4 Starting agent

/opt/IBM/ITM/bin/itmcmd agent start 24

Output from test agent startup on ems-apm5:

[root@ems-apm5 ~]# /opt/IBM/ITM/bin/itmcmd agent start 24
Processing. Please wait...
systemctl start ITMAgents1.24.service RC: 0
Starting Monitoring Agent for T24 ...
Monitoring Agent for T24 started
[root@ems-apm5 ~]# /opt/IBM/ITM/bin/cinfo -R

*********** Mon Nov 6 01:30:05 EAT 2023 ******************

User: root Groups: root

97 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Host name : ems-apm5 Installer Lvl: (Service Pack 14)

CandleHome: /opt/IBM/ITM
Host Prod PID Owner Start ID ..Status
ems-apm5 lz 950117 root Oct26 None ...running
ems-apm5 24 991238 root 01:28 None ...running

3.8.5 Checking agent activity in logs

tail -f /opt/IBM/ITM/logs/$(hostname -s)_24_1*.log

example log file: /opt/IBM/ITM/logs/ems-apm5_24_1699223336.log

4 User procedures
4.1 Launching Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Install IBM Java 8. It can be downloaded from ems-apm3 ( as below:

 IBM Java 8 32-bit for Windows:

 IBM Java 8 64-bit for Windows:

Create batch file (for example tep.bat) including following content to start TEP.

If you installed IBM Java 8 32-bit in default location:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Java80\jre\bin\javaws.exe" http://ems-


If you installed IBM Java 8 64-bit in default location:

"C:\Program Files\IBM\Java80\jre\bin\javaws.exe" http://ems-apm3.cbe.com.et:15200/tep.jnlp

Double click on created batch file to launch Tivoli Enterprise Portal, which is APM GUI.

Name ems-apm3.cbe.com.et must resolve to and must be added to exception. For
example for 32-bit Java execute C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Java80\jre\bin\javacpl.exe and configure
as follows.

98 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

4.2 Changing password used to access TEP

Procedure for password changing:

1. Login via SSH (using for example putty) to ems-apm1 (

2. Passwd will be automatically launched asking for the current password and then twice for
new password.
3. Repeat procedure for ems-apm2 (

99 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

5 Troubleshooting
5.1 Cannot start TEP client because of a weak signature algorithm MD5withRSA
5.1.1 Symptom
Can not start TEP client. Following error is displayed:

After clicking Details:

5.1.2 Resolution
Reason of issue is weak signature algorithm used to sign T24 agent libraries.

Used algorithm must be allowed in local Java settings.

For 32-bit IBM Java v8 following file must be modified:

C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Java80\jre\lib\security\java.security

Below part:
jdk.jar.disabledAlgorithms=MD2, MD5, RSA keySize < 1024, \
DSA keySize < 1024, include jdk.disabled.namedCurves

100 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

Must be changed to:

jdk.jar.disabledAlgorithms=MD2, RSA keySize < 1024, \
DSA keySize < 1024, include jdk.disabled.namedCurves

(MD5 must be removed from disabled algorithms)

5.2 Cannot install agent because of missing Compatibility Package

5.2.1 Symptom
During agent installation following error can be displayed:

Above error was reported while installing J2EE agent.

5.2.2 Resolution
Install “32/64 Bit Agent Compatibility Package (x86-64)” available as additional option while installing
OS Agent. Example for Windows OS agent installation below.

101 / 102
APM Agents Installation and Configuration Instruction

102 / 102

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