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Topic 2

Arguments can be presented as:



Letter to editor


-Key Structional elemenys of argumentative texts

Statement of position


restatement of argument





Introduce the topic: provude a strong opening sentence that provokes your readers interest or
capture you readers attention

State you position: to write and overview of your thesis(or argument) on the topic and on the
poings you will make


Make a number of poings:

-Begin each paragraph with a key statement or general statement

-then provide supporting reasons in the rest of the paragraph


Sum uo the argument

make a statement about what you see as a solution to the problem

make a statement about what might happen if the situation is not resolved

call the action

-The language features of argumentative texts



evaluative language


declarative statement

rhetorical questions

passive constructions

-The modal verbs:

Vebrs that express necessity or possibility

The use of modal verbs like should and must to express suggestion and obligation, respevtively
contributes to the achievement of sengences that provide support to the main argument

-The adverbs

Help indicate the mood or attitude of the writer

Ex. always, usually, never, probably, actually, apparently, certainly, definitely,essentially

-The evaluative language:

express feelings opinions and judgements

Ex. appalling, awful, disgusting, dreadful, incredible, revolting

-The instructional devices

maintain the smooth flow of ideas

Ex. because, therefore, on the other hand, as a result, in summary, similarly, in contrast,
consequently, meanwhile, furthermore

-The declarative statement:

A thesis statement is a declarative statement

Thesis statement is so important because it states what you want your readers to know, believe
or understand after having read your essay

-The rhetorical question:

A statement formed a question

Can be manipulative because they are designed to appear objective and open ended but may
actually lead the reader to a foregine comclusion

1. it may answer itslef and require no response

2. it may be used to provoke thoughts

3. it may be used to state the obvious may have no possible answer

-The passive choice

not active voice

writters choose passive voice to highlight the action and what is acted upon rather than the
agent performing the action

-The argumentatibe essay:

is a kind of writing that aims to make the reader agree with the writers opinion about a
controversial or a debatable issue
Steps in writing an argumentative essay

1.Formulate your claim or thesis statement on the issue

2. look for evidence to support your claim

3. Write your argumentative essay following the I+MID+C formula

-Agree evidences

Prior knoedge : refers to what a learner already knows before learning new information

Experts opinion: a belief or judgement about something given by an expert on the subject

books/articles: credible source are written by authors respected in their fields of study

Claim and evidences: if you already have claim and evidences, then start your essay

Parts of argumentative essay:


Introduce the issue

give backroud information

state your claim/thesis statement


present your evidences( reason+supportinv deyails)

note: each paragraph must contain one reason and its supporting details

supporting details may include examples,statistics, personal experiences or quotation


Can be a:
general statement that supports your calim or thesis statement

a question or call to action

Counterclaim: claim made to contradict a previous claim

rebut: to prove that the opponents evidences is false

Topic 3
Opinions or assertion


-a persons statement based on his belief, feelings or thoughts

-a statement that involves the persons feelings and emotion

-Cannot be proven

-Contains signal words

-keep in mind that statement of opinion usually starts with signal phrases such as, i think, i
believe and have words like best, worst, beautiful outstanding or should

has to do with ones preference or emotions

-Expressing a personal opinion

In my opinion, i feel that, i would say that, it seems to me that, i am of the opinion of that


-A statement which people assume to be true but cant be proven

ex. an apple a day keeps the doctor away

-a statement that is somewhat true and somewhat false

-a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief

-A statement of assertion does not start with a phrase i think or i believe

-is considered as declaration as if it were true even though it may not be

Fact: an information that can be proven true or not

Topic 4
Claims of fact, policy and value


a clear assertion of persons ideas, opinions or propositions

may serve the purpose of convincing or persuading readers or a specific audience to agree with
a specific stand or rationale on an issue

Clajms of fact

Claims of valje

Claims of policy

Claims of fact:

Can be proven or disproved with the help of factual evidence

debatable yet verifable

Clam of value:

Presents an assertion as to whether something is good or bad

is one concept or idea better than the other?

emphasiszes and weighs the benefits of the subject matter

expresses that one thing is more value than the other

Claim of policy

Supports that an action should or should not be done to adress a cartain case or policy

further indicates that an action should be carried out either support or in opposition of a
particular argument
Topic 5

Informative writing

Informative essay: it is a text that offers data, definitions, and descriptions of phenomena or
details about the fact. it develops evidences with relevant facts, definitions, concrete details,
quotations, examples and references. it uses appropriate linking ideas within and across
paragraphs to smoothly and purposely connect tge main idea to evidenxe

Types of writting techniques





-explains a certain issue or a topic

-provides information and explanation in a straightforward manner

-the writer is like a reporter in a newspaper. only there to state the facts not to offer sort of

comparison and contrast

structures of informative essay

Description: explain a topic in a detail

Comparison and contrast: describe similarities or difgerences between two subjects

problem and solution: present a problem amd propose a possible solution

cause and effect: explain and analyze why something happend or how something occured

sequence: describe a series of events or a process in soms sort of order

Topic 6

Extemporaneous and impromptu speech

Stage fright: is a type of anxiety that describes feeling anxious when

speaking or performing in front of a group of people. it isnt just limited to
literal stages. in general, stage fright is a colloquial term used to describe
performance anxiety, presentation anxiety or the fear of public speaking

Causes of stage fright

1. having an unrealistic assesment of what is expected from you

2. understimating your own abilities

3. giving too much attention to the opinion of others

4. overstamating the idea of rejection

5. stress and anxiety before performing in front of the audience

6. fear of embarassment

symptoms of stage fright

1.pulse racing

2. rapid breathing

dry mouth

tight throat

changing vision

hyperalert and mood swings

Overcoming stage fright

practice your act and be prepared

focus on the audience enjoying your aact rather than yourself and your fear

shift your vision to what could go wrong to what could go wmright. visuize

avoid thought of self doubt

practice relaxation technique

try connecting with your audience by making ey contact or calling them on


Public spesking: also called oratory or oration is the process or act of

performing a soeech to a live audience, public speaking is commonly
understood as formal, face to face, speaking of a single speaker to a grouo
of listeners

Four methods of speech delivery

Impromptu: presentation of a short message without advance preparation

ex. self introduction in grouo settings

manuscript speaking: is the word for word literation of a written message

ex. a statement of an organazation legal responsibilities

extemporaneous speaking: the delivery of a carefully planned and

rehearsed speech in a controversial manner using brief notss
memorized speaking: is the rote of recitation of a written message that the
soeaker has commited to a memory

ex. actor reciting from a script

techniques in public speaking

1.know your purpose:

being sure on the purpose of you speech is synonymous to knowing where

to focus your discussion

-it may be as basic to inform, persuade or inspire

2. be familiar with your topic

best way to do this is to research

when youbare sure of every piece of info you are presenting, you will be
more confident

3.know your audience:

it is essential to know what kind of people you are speaking to

will help you plan the appropriate content, language and techniques to use

4.plan ahead of time

cramming will reflect in the way you speak and behave in front of audience

5 use non verbal cues

the right amount of gestures at the right time are key elements of public
speaking as these movements help comvey ideas more clearly

esatblish eye contact

6.remain calm

dont show signs of nervousness

maintainnyour composure


through constant practice, one may be able to identify areas that can be
improved your words

one must be careful enough to use words that might put his or her
reliability and reputation into jeopardy

9.speak with clarity

one sjould observe proper pronounciation, stress, intonation, juncture,

duction, tone, and oacing when delivering a speech

10.know the esssntial etiquettes

as a public speaker, one should know the dos and donts when speaking
before an audience

11. use visuals with necessary:

when possible and appropriate, visuals like ppt can help support the
speech being delivered

12. dressed comfortably but appropriately

dress in a way tge exudes respect and formality

13. be open to questions and comments

always hear in mind that you cannot please everbody

it is essential to be open to questions, comments and even criticism

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