How To Talk Toxins in Your 5, 14, or 28-Day Detox or Cleanse Program - SM

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How To

Talk Toxins
In Your 5, 14, or 28-Day Detox
or Cleanse Program
Most Detox Programs
Miss The Point

Diet based detox & cleanse programs are hugely popular and can be powerful tools to help
clients and patients quickly re-set healthy eating habits and start feeling relief from their
symptoms in a short amount of time.

AND, these programs are also great ways to create an influx of new clients, patients, or
customers into your practice.

However, most of these programs fail to address the chronic exposure to environmental
chemicals that are the underlying reason we need to “detox” in the first place!

Failing to address toxins means that you’re missing an enormous opportunity to not only
offer a greater transformation for your clients but to help your program stand out from the
thousands of others out there.

This guide will help you address this oversight, and give you the tools to transform your diet-
based detox or cleanse program into an offering that:

Helps your clients quickly reduce exposures to some of the most pervasive chemicals
Gives just the right amount of education and action steps without overwhelming your
Makes your follow-up invitation to work with you a no-brainer

Weaving in education and action steps around environmental toxin exposures, along with
recommendations for ways to boost natural detoxification, will make your detox or cleanse
program more comprehensive, and effective!

© Lara Adler, LLC |

Let’s Talk About The
Term ‘DETOX’

de·tox·i·fy | \ (ˌ)dē-ˈtäk-sə-ˌfī \
Definition of detoxify
transitive verb
1. a: to remove a harmful substance (such as a poison or toxin) or the effect of such from
b: to render (a harmful substance) harmless

The term “detox” is thrown around everywhere these days; from charcoal-infused lemonade
to teas, footbaths, supplements, and more. But when it comes to addressing environmental
toxin exposures or actually detoxifying anything - we know a much deeper process is needed
than just a few fancy products.

One of the facets of our work is educating people so they can avoid the confusion of
greenwashing and buzzword marketing and be confident that they're making the right

Marketplace confusion means that as a health professional, you will likely need to re-define
this term and concept for your audience, so they know exactly what you mean (and what
you don’t mean).

This alone can help elevate your offering above the noise of detox teas and expensive, but
often ineffective products.

© Lara Adler, LLC |

Include In Your Detox
or Cleanse Program

Practitioners often get stumped as to how much information on toxins they should include 5,
14, or 28-day detoxes or cleanses. While your inclination might be to tell them all.the.things,
that usually leaves clients massively overwhelmed and stuck!

The purpose of these short programs is to serve as a jumpstart that provides your client
easily digestible information and meaningful steps towards improving their health. The secret
to success is delivering results and avoiding overwhelm

Obviously, during the duration of a detox or cleanse you’re not going to be able to get clients
to make EVERY change necessary to address all the toxins in their home. But you will be able
to set up the idea that toxins are something that they need to address and get them to make
small but important changes in the amount of time you have.

I’ve outlined below some general rules along with specific strategic suggestions for what you
can include in your programs - depending on the scope and depth of your offering you can
share more or less information - that’s up to you!

Rule #1: Always Contextualize

Instead of just sharing facts about toxins, open the discussion by contextualizing WHY we
need to detox.

It's even better if you can frame this topic with the core issues your audience struggles with.
For example, if your audience has hormonal issues, talk about environmental chemicals
through the lens of their ability to mess with normal hormonal function.

If your audience is dealing with skin issues, you can highlight the problems with harmful
chemicals in personal care products and make up, and focus your recommendations there.

© Lara Adler, LLC |

No matter how long your program is, the following points can be useful to add some bigger-
picture context:

There are currently over 84,000 chemicals registered for use in the US, the majority of
which have never been tested for safety.

The Centers For Disease Control tests for chemicals found in the US population and to
date as found more than 300 of them. Some of these chemicals are found in 98% of the

Many of these chemicals are linked to health conditions we’re all trying to avoid: cancer,
diabetes, insulin resistance, weight gain, resistant weight loss, thyroid disease, hormonal
imbalance, infertility, and more.

We are exposed to these chemicals by doing normal, every day activities like eating,
washing our hair, putting on make up, cleaning, playing outside, etc.

While many exposures are unavoidable, there are many others that we can easily address,
especially in the home by moving to less toxic, or non-toxic versions.

The program isn’t going to rid you of all the toxins in the body, but it can help reduce the
burden they place on your body. Additionally it will introduce you to some of the ways
you can reduce your exposure to toxins in the home.

Rule #2: Don't Overload or Overwhelm

It's easy to overshare, especially when you're passionate!

But sharing too much information will only lead to overwhelm and shutdown. Remember, the
goal here is to guide them through some of the simplest ways they can begin to reduce their
exposures to harmful chemicals in their daily lives.

Less is more. You will have the opportunity to go deeper with them in your post-detox follow
up program (more on that later!)

Rule #3: Start With What's Free & Easy

Keep your initial recommendations easy and low-cost or free - this helps people take action
and make progress without feeling like they're breaking the bank to get well!

© Lara Adler, LLC |

For a 5 day program

A 5 day program is likely to be almost 100% focused on cleaning up the diet, so the primary
information will cover how to reduce toxic exposures found in food.

#1. Stress the importance of a 100% ORGANIC diet, when possible, during the detox:

Many pesticides are able to be metabolized by the body very quickly, and are excreted via
urine. However, chronic exposure (i.e., daily intake of pesticide covered foods) means that we
are always have levels of these pesticides in our bodies. The easiest way to reduce
circulating levels is to avoid conventionally grown foods and buy organic.

Studies have shown that eating a mostly organic diet can reduce the amount of circulating
1, 2, 3
pesticides in the body by nearly 90% in just 3-5 days!

While not a perfect reference, you can share the EWG Dirty Dozen Guide with your clients
or patients as a start to help them budget their organic food spending.

#2. Avoid canned foods and storing foods in plastic during the detox.

Both canned foods, as well as many types of plastics leach endocrine disrupting chemicals -
specifically BPA, BPS, & BPF in canned foods + polycarbonate plastic, and phthalates in many
types of food storage containers.

Storing leftover foods, heating foods in plastic, or consuming canned foods can increase the
levels of these chemicals in the urine within hours.

If your program includes recipes; encourage clients to use glass storage containers for their

1. Lu, Chensheng, et al. "Organic diets significantly lower children's dietary exposure to organophosphorus pesticides." Environmental health perspectives (2006): 260-263.
2. Oates, Liza, et al. "Reduction in urinary organophosphate pesticide metabolites in adults after a week-long organic diet." Environmental research 132 (2014): 105-111.
3. Hyland, Carly, et al. "Organic diet intervention significantly reduces urinary pesticide levels in US children and adults." Environmental research 171 (2019): 568-575

© Lara Adler, LLC |

You can share the following pieces of information within a short, 5-day program:

BPA (or replacement chemicals) in canned foods and polycarbonate plastic can leach easily
into the foods that come in contact with them.

BPA is an endocrine disrupting chemical that can block or mimic natural estrogen in the
body. Exposure to this chemical is linked to:
heart disease
insulin resistance
weight gain
breast cancer

BPA doesn’t build up in the body; like many pesticides, it’s able to clear from the body
within 2-3 days. Chronic, daily exposure leads to 93% of the US population having
measurable levels in their blood.

While not all plastics have BPA, nearly all plastics leach chemical that are capable of
interfering with the hormones in our body.

Do not store foods in plastic food containers. And never heat foods in stored in plastic in
the microwave.

Avoid single use plastic water bottles, as these can be a source of exposures to phthalate
and other endocrine disrupting chemicals.

© Lara Adler, LLC |

For a 14 day program

With a slightly longer program, you have the ability to add a bit more information in, but
remember, you are teasing this concept, not dumping information on them! A deeper dive
into this topic will be done inside your post-detox follow up program.

If you have a full 2 weeks, you can share everything already mentioned, plus the following:

#3 Avoid perfumes and fragranced items

Fragrances often contain phthalates, a chemical which, like BPA, can be disruptive to the
delicate hormonal system, and can have many similar health impacts.

Fragrances can also trigger headaches, asthma, and allergies.

Encourage clients to start with obvious things like perfume and scented candles. Tell them
not to worry about other sources of fragrances for now (remember, we start with what's
free and easy!)

#4 Suggest sauna therapy 2-3x per week + daily skin brushing to increase detoxification

Sweating has been shown to release many types of chemicals, including some heavy
metals. Regular sauna therapy can help to increase the effectiveness of their detox

Sauna can also increase lipolysis - the break down and burning of fat in the body

Encourage clients to practice dry brushing, which is excellent for helping to increase
lymphatic drainage. The lymph system is one the mechanisms our body uses to detoxify.

© Lara Adler, LLC |

For a 28 day program

If you have a full month with your clients in your detox or cleanse program, you can add in
discussion of quality protein sources, and better beauty and personal care products.

#5 Encourage the consumption of organic, pastured, grass-fed, and primarily wild-caught


Animal foods are primary sources of exposures to persistent organic pollutants or POP's -
toxic chemicals that are much harder for our body to detoxify.

These persistent chemicals are fat soluble, and therefore are found in higher quantities in
high fat animal foods.

Conventionally raised meats and farm raised seafoods often contain pesticide and
antibiotic residues. Higher on the food chain seafoods can also be contaminated with
heavy metals like methylmercury.

Choosing organic, pastured, and wild-caught, low on the food chain seafood can reduce our
exposures to these chemicals.

#6 Start cleaning up personal care products.

Personal care products, including deodorants, soaps, lotions, hair-care products, and makeup
are a primary exposure source to a long list of toxic chemicals, including phthalates, parabens,
ethoxylated compounds, SLS, SLES, and many others.

Our skin is our largest organ, and while it cannot absorb everything, many chemicals used
in personal care products DO get absorbed through the skin and make their way into our

Chemicals in personal care products are linked to hormonal changes leading to early onset
puberty, breast cancer, weight gain, thyroid disorders, allergies, skin irritation, and more.
© Lara Adler, LLC |

Running a detox or cleanse program quarterly or once a year can provide value to your
community, attract more clients, and position you as a leader in this space. If you're able to
provide the right value, transformation, and experience in your 5, 14, or 28-day program, you
will create a thriving practice full of clients that rave about you.

But toxins must be part of the conversation.

Toxic exposures are linked to every single chronic health issue that you'll see in your practice.
This is a topic that every health professional should be prioritizing when working with clients
or patients on health transformation.

Knowing how to confidently “talk toxins” with your clients allows you to easily provide them
with the education and resources to identify and eliminate overlooked environmental toxins
that are affecting their health.

If you're ready to supercharge your clients results, I want to invite you to join me inside my
online course TALKING TOXINS

You can check out all the details here >>>

I can't wait to have you in class, and help you up-level your ability to support your clients and


© Lara Adler, LLC |

About me

Hi, my name is Lara Adler.

I'm an Environmental Toxins Expert & Educator and Certified Holistic Health Coach.

I teach health coaches, nutritionists, nurses, MDs, DOs, DCs, NDs and other holistic health
practitioners how to eliminate the #1 thing holding their clients back from the results they
are seeking - the unaddressed link between chemicals and chronic health problems.

I train practitioners to become experts in everyday toxic exposures so they can improve
client outcomes without spending hundreds of hours researching on their own (because
you’ve got a practice to run!).I merge the most current research in environmental health with
practical, no-nonsense approaches so you can implement powerful new tools to reduce toxic
exposures for your clients.

Combining environmental health education and business consulting, I’ve helped thousands of
students in over 25 countries around the world elevate their skillset, get better results for
their clients, and become sought out leaders in the growing environmental health &
detoxification field.

Talking Toxins is my flagship foundations-level course for health professionals that covers the
NON-NEGOTIABLES: the toxic exposures that every health professional should be
addressing with their clients or patients.

Join the thousands of health professionals who've already been through this program by
heading here:


© Lara Adler, LLC |

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